Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 132 Chapter 131 Tourist Attractions

Obadiah was helpless. Regardless of whether Li Feng could hang him up on a street lamp to dry, he couldn't resist even with the way Li Feng controlled him.

There was no other way, so Obadiah could only tell Li Feng his bank account number and home safe password in front of everyone. As for Li Feng, he asked Jarvis to help record it and then waved Obadiah back to hell.

Obadiah returned to hell with a sad face, preparing to complain to the hell boss Mephisto: According to most legends, after recharging and renewing, you can be resurrected and continue to enjoy the feasting life of the world. How come he can only go to hell after recharging and renewing? Well, it's a one-way ticket, the kind where you can go but not come back. It's so dishonest to do business with Austin.

On the rooftop, Stark looked at Li Feng, who was smiling like a fool, with twitching lips, and asked Coulson speechlessly: "Mr. Agent, you have to pay taxes when accepting other people's inheritance, right?" After a pause, Stark rolled his eyes and lay down. Obadiah, who was motionless on the ground, asked uncertainly: "Is this considered a legacy?"

For a while, there was the fountain of eternal life, and then it took ten minutes to restore the building. Now he saw with his own eyes that the mage could drag the dead back to the world and rob people of their property. Coulson felt that his head was hurting and he was about to get sick. He just wanted to give Take a big vacation by yourself and have a good rest.

When hearing Stark's question, Coulson looked confused. He didn't know if this was considered an inheritance.

What if the tax bureau comes to ask Li Feng to pay taxes and Li Feng turns around and resurrects Obadiah? Inheritance tax? Although Obadiah's body was rotten, he was able to crawl out of the graveyard and dance a tango in front of the tax collector. Do you think Obadiah is dead or alive?

Talk about property transfer between living persons? Li Feng just waved his hand and asked Obadiah to lie back in the coffin to continue to rot, as if he could shoo away the flies with a wave of his hand, or just cover himself with the coffin board.

Before Coulson could think of returning like this, Stark's face turned pale. If Potts hadn't quickly helped Stark with his quick eyesight, Stark might have collapsed on the ground.

The function of the eternal spring water is only to provide vitality, and Stark's state is more like a leaking bucket. Even with strong vitality, he can't stand the endless and rapid passage. Now Stark's transformation into a 'little pretty face' is obviously the effect of the eternal spring water. Can't keep up with the passing vitality.

"Austin," Potts said anxiously, "is feeding a drop of eternal life water to give Tony time to rush back to the laboratory."

Li Feng glanced at Coulson cryptically: The fountain of eternal life and the fake resurrection spell were enough to attract SHIELD's attention. Giving Stark a drop would be wasted.

After thinking about it, Li Feng pointed one end of the sickle at Stark to release a healing spell to reduce Stark's pain. Then he took out a healing potion from his shoulder bag and handed it to Stark, saying: "The efficacy of the eternal spring water." It’s still there, and I just cast a spell to reduce your pain, so you won’t die for a while.”

After saying that, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal to Stark's house and said, "You'd better make a big lamp while you have the strength."

On the side, Coulson glanced at Stark, squinted his eyes and thought for a while before carefully walking to Li Feng. While everyone's attention was on the portal, he said in a low voice that Li Feng could hear clearly: "Dead." It doesn’t matter, as long as you resurrect Stark, right?”

Li Feng glanced at Coulson, smiled mysteriously, and then helped Stark cross the portal.

As the portal closed, Coulson, who was left alone on the rooftop of Stark Company, glanced around, looked up at the night sky and said, "Sir, did you see how they left?"

As soon as Coulson finished speaking, a Quinjet fighter that was invisible and hiding not far above Stark Company gradually revealed its figure and slowly landed on the rooftop.

Coulson glanced at the dark night sky and stared blankly at the fighter plane door that opened for no reason.

Fury's skin was dark enough when he stepped off the fighter plane. In addition, he was wearing a black windbreaker and a black eye patch at night. Under the cover of the night, he was almost invisible.

If the shiny bald head hadn't occasionally reflected a little light, Coulson would have thought that the fighter pilot just now was a buddy who could become invisible.

"That's a spell called a portal," Fury, who was carrying some kind of detector, explained casually, opened the instrument, scanned the rooftop floor, and said, "Colson, do you think the fountain of eternal life really exists? ? If it does, can we get it?"

Colson thought for a while and said: "Sir, humans know too little about the earth. Not to mention what is in the depths of the ocean, even on land, we still have not completed exploration. There are too many unknown areas, too many Unknown novel items, although I haven’t seen too many weird things, but I don’t think it’s strange that there is something hidden somewhere in the earth that has survived for 4.6 billion years that can increase the vitality of living things.”

After a pause, Colson said with a bit of bitterness that his outlook was ruined: "As for finding the fountain of eternal life, we know from Austin that there are mage organizations on the earth, but apart from the 'Temple Mage' Apart from the name, we have been searching for so long and still have no clues. I guess either Austin is lying and there are no mages on earth, or this group of mages has the ability to avoid our sight. "

Colson struggled for a while, and after confirming that the mage did exist, he sighed and said: "We don't even know where the magic world is, how can we find the fountain of eternal life? And Austin's words hinted that this thing even exists in The mages have scarce supplies, let alone us who know nothing about the magical world.”

Fury nodded slightly, indicating that he understood what Coulson meant: You don't know where the gate to the magical world is, and you still want to get the fountain of eternal life? Save it, it's a waste of money

After a while, Fury stared at the detector screen and asked, "Are you sure there were only the four of you standing on the rooftop before?"

"With Obadiah, there are five people," Coulson said, making a joke. He curiously looked at the detector screen, only to see large and small footprints displayed on the screen.

Coulson looked at the four pairs of adult footprints blankly: Why do I, Stark, Austin and Potts all have four pairs of footprints?

What's going on with these child-sized footprints? No matter how you look at it, this doesn’t belong to Obadiah, right?

Colson touched his Mediterranean hairstyle. Although he was a little older, he was not so old that he had Alzheimer's disease or was so dazzled that he couldn't even see children.

"Kreacher," Fury muttered softly and seemed to think of something. He narrowed his one eye and said to Coulson: "Not many people know that Austin is a mage. And you are my trusted agent. I will give you a mission." , try to find out how many kinds of spells Austin knows, especially the invisibility spells, and how many of his subordinates can become invisible."

Coulson's eyes twitched. The skills or abilities of superpowers are relatively simple. Research can tell you how much the other party can do, but which mage only knows one or two skills? And whether it's in novels or movies, mages can learn new skills.

I just learned that Austin knows several spells. What should I do if he turns around and learns new spells? Also, find out how many invisibility spells Austin knows? And how many of his subordinates are able to become invisible? What does this mean?

Coulson looked at Fury in confusion.

Fury rubbed his forehead and asked: "Why do you think Austin revealed in front of you that he has the fountain of eternal life and the spell that can resurrect people?"

After speaking, Fury put away his instruments and turned around to climb onto the Quinjet, leaving Coulson with a question mark on his forehead.

On the other side, although Stark does not have a spare reactor at home, there is still no problem in recharging the reactor he currently carries.

With the help of the potion, Stark directly put the reactor aside to replenish energy, touched his belly and said to Potts: "Your boss has been busy most of the night, can you give me a midnight snack?"

Potts was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Stark's face. Seeing that his face had returned to normal with the help of the potion, he nodded and said, "I'm going to order a midnight snack now. What do you two want to eat?" "

"Burger, and some fries."

"Half a dozen beers and a roast or fried chicken."

Needless to say, burgers belong to Stark, and beer belongs to Stark. Who else here besides Li Feng likes to drink beer?

As soon as Potts left, Li Feng looked at Stark with a smile, and asked, "What do you want to ask by deliberately pushing Potts away?"

"Two questions," Stark raised a finger and asked, "First question, where have you been during this time?"

Li Feng: "Desert."

Stark shook his head slightly: "It's impossible. Jarvis has mobilized all the satellites he can mobilize to find your traces, so even if you go to the Antarctic to look for penguins, it's impossible not to find any clues."

I didn’t say we were playing in the desert of the Marvel world, so let alone a few satellites, what if we turned the earth upside down? It's weird that you can find me

Li Feng shrugged and said casually: "I'm looking for mummies to play with in the pyramid."

Stark was stunned, and when he squinted his eyes and thought about something, he heard Li Feng say with a faint smile: "Don't think about it, the spring of eternal life is not in the pyramid. I went to the pyramid to find the scarab."

Stark, who has a wide range of knowledge, asked curiously: "Scarab? Does this thing really exist? What about the Sun God?"

Li Feng spread his hands and said: "When I find the scarab, I will tell you whether this thing is real. Also, don't try to trick me. I can't tell you anything about the magical world."

Seeing that Li Feng saw through what he was saying, Stark didn't blush or breathed. He stretched out two fingers and asked: "Second question, do you have something to do with SHIELD? Don't tell me you really care about Obadiah." Inheritance, as far as I know, although you don’t have much money, you have a lot of valuable things, let alone the space equipment disguised as a shoulder bag on your back, even a fool knows that this thing is valuable.”

"So you were deliberately trying to show off your ability to raise the dead in front of Coulson, right?"

Li Feng scratched his eyebrows and said half-truthfully, "SHIELD is famous. It would be a waste of your youth not to visit such a good tourist attraction."

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