Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 135 Chapter 134 The Wraiths Appear

New York, not far from Stark Company.

The energetic Li Feng was carrying a shoulder bag, wearing a large hooded coat, holding two bottles of beer in one hand and a paper bag full of hot dogs in the other. He searched around for street cameras and sat down on a bench.

While opening a bottle of beer, Li Feng waved at the camera in the distance, as if he was greeting Fury through the camera. Then, Li Feng drank the beer in his hand, burped, took out the hot dog from the paper bag and started eating.

After a while, Coulson drove a black SUV and stopped in front of Li Feng. He looked at Li Feng with a twitching eye, taking a mouthful of beer and a mouthful of hot dog, and his eyes were still looking for beautiful women on the street.

Coulson, sitting in the driver's seat, opened the passenger window with a faint smile and called out, "Mr. Austin, Fury asked me to pick you up."

"Colson? Long time no see." Li Feng glanced at Coulson, then turned his gaze back to a beautiful woman in a professional suit at the entrance of Stark Company, and said, "Do you want to come down and look at the beauty? According to relevant studies, it is good for men to look at beautiful women more often, and it can last for many years."

Colson followed Li Feng's gaze, his eyes twitched, and he secretly felt unlucky, "Why did Austin meet Natasha and go to Stark Company?" He shook his head slightly and said, "I am very satisfied with my current girlfriend and don't want to cause any misunderstandings, so I can't afford to provoke her and don't want to provoke her."

While speaking, Coulson opened the passenger door and said, "Mr. Austin, I have to remind you that you didn't leave a good impression on Natasha. She is still angry and wants to vent to you."

The cello player in your family is not in New York, so what's the problem with looking at a few beautiful women?

Li Feng walked towards the car door and shrugged indifferently Shrugging his shoulders, he grinned and said, "What kind of anger is this? Fetal anger? Then I have to have a good talk with Fury. Work is work, but you can't let someone get pregnant and go out on field missions, right?"

Sitting in the passenger seat, Li Feng looked like he wasn't afraid of Natasha looking for trouble with him later, and joked, "By the way, who is Natasha's husband? He dared to make Black Widow pregnant. I admire his courage. I want to give this man a song now. Do you think I should sing 'Dying under the peony flowers, being a ghost is also romantic' or 'Dead is also romantic' ?

Li Feng turned his head and thought for a moment with a playful smile, and then added: "How about a song called 'Liangliang'?"

Coulson gave a fake smile. He didn't want to discuss any topics about Natasha with Li Feng in the car, especially since the car still had a communication device on. Who knew what Fury would do on the other side of the communicator? He would never be in a bad mood, so he would record what he said today and let Natasha listen to it, and then ask Natasha to find him as a fighting partner. Fury also used the scene of himself being beaten to cure his depression. Mood.

Coulson, who pretended not to hear Li Feng's joke, saw Li Feng closing the car door and subconsciously turned to look at the back seat of the car.

The car Coulson drove today was full of gold. The seat cushions were made of real leather and covered with latex. They were as soft as they could be. Not to mention adults could sink into the seat cushions, and even the weight of cats and dogs could fit into them. Sink into the seat cushion.

That's not all. There are all kinds of expensive equipment installed under the cushion. As long as someone sits on the cushion, these devices will start to collect all kinds of information. No matter the height, weight or DNA of the person on the cushion, it can be collected quietly, and the other party will not notice anything when collecting.

It can be said that the reason why Coulson drove this car to pick up Li Feng was for these equipment.

Li Feng followed Coulson's gaze and looked at the back seat, wondering: "What's wrong? Can't I see ghosts sitting in the back seat?"

Coulson smiled and asked: "Where is your invisible servant?"

"Kreacher?" Li Feng scratched his head and said: "He is busy at home. I guess he can't get out of the RV recently. What do you want to do with him?"

"Nothing, I just heard Fury say that Kreacher looks different from us humans, so I am very curious," Coulson shook his head slightly, but he was depressed and complained in his heart: Kreacher didn't come? How can I collect DNA and complete the tasks assigned to me by Fury? Why do I feel that none of the tasks related to Austin are simple? You are my mission nemesis, right?

As the car started, Coulson focused on the road ahead and stepped on the accelerator.

Seeing that Coulson didn't want to pay attention to him, Li Feng curled his lips in boredom.

There was still a long way from Stark Company to the Triskelion, and he didn't want to lean on the window to look at the scenery alone. After thinking about it, Li Feng said knowingly, "Why does Natasha go to Stark Company? Does she think you don't pay her enough and come out to work part-time? What kind of job does Natasha plan to find at Stark Company? Security captain?"

Coulson smiled falsely and said, "This is confidential, no comment."

Li Feng looked at Coulson with contempt, and whispered in a voice that Coulson could just hear clearly, "Are you worried that Stark will show off one day and fly around in his battle suit, snatching your mission to maintain world peace, or are you worried that he will die one day and the battle suit will fall into the hands of others?"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Coulson looked at Li Feng blankly. Just when he was about to ask what "Stark died" meant, the communicator in his cochlea sent Fury's order for him to concentrate on driving.

Needless to say, Coulson, who obeyed the order, ignored Li Feng's chattering, suppressed his curiosity and concentrated on driving all the way to the Triskelion Building of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Colson had just parked the car. Sitting in the passenger seat, Li Feng, who was talking to himself until his mouth was dry, suddenly said, holding his stomach and saying: "Corvo, where is your toilet? The beer I drank before may have expired. My stomach is a little upset."

Corvo? Colson subconsciously touched his hair when he got out of the car, pressed the elevator button silently, and said, "Most people don't build bathrooms in garages, right? You'd better be patient and wait until we get upstairs to deal with you. belly."

If Li Feng hadn't had good eyesight and could clearly see a bathroom in the distance, he would have truly believed Coulson's lies.

Li Feng, who didn't understand what Coulson was doing, shrugged indifferently and walked straight into the elevator.

After a while, Li Feng walked out of the elevator and trotted into the bathroom under Colson's guidance.

When Li Feng walked into the bathroom and saw no one around, he covered his nose with one hand and fanned the tip of his nose with the other to drive away the non-existent stink.

As the small door of the compartment was closed, Li Feng took out a gourd as black as ink from his shoulder bag, opened the gourd with his Dharma Eyes, and commanded several resentful spirits who ran out of the gourd in the language of the dead: "Search all the people in the building. Living corpse, if you have a chance after you find it, you will possess the other person's body and completely take over the body after becoming familiar with all the behaviors and habits of the host. "

After thinking about it, Li Feng added: "If there is no chance of possession, then give up. As long as SHIELD doesn't discover my plan, sooner or later I will find the opportunity."

Several resentful spirits nodded slightly and floated directly through the wall and out of the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom, Colson leaned against the wall and glanced at the heavily armed special service team member hiding in the far corner. He lowered his voice and said, "Sir, do you think Austin will open a portal in the bathroom and send him to the bathroom?" His invisible men into the building?"

Sitting at his desk, Fury stared expressionlessly at the surveillance system of the Tri-Wing Building. Whenever the system detected energy fluctuations near Li Feng, he would immediately order the arrest of Li Feng.

After hearing Coulson's inquiry, Fury rubbed his forehead. To be honest, he didn't know the specific thoughts in his heart at the moment.

He hopes that Li Feng really just has a simple stomachache, so hello, hello, hello to everyone.

At the same time, he hoped that Li Feng would open the portal and let his invisible men enter the Tri-Curve Wing. In this way, he would have a legitimate reason to arrest Li Feng, even if Stark wanted to lure people from S.H.I.E.L.D. for a while.

The reason for the two contradictory thoughts is simple. In the past, Fury had been thinking about capturing Li Feng for many years, and now it has almost become his obsession. Not arresting Li Feng is not enough to calm his inner frustration.

However, Li Feng was too slippery before and didn't give him a chance at all.

Now, Li Feng is automatically delivering goods to his territory, which gives Fury the illusion that his wish has come true, as if Li Feng has put his hands in front of him, waiting to be handcuffed so that he can take out the leather that he has treasured for a long time. Whip the tiger stool pepper water, as if Li Feng's brain was hollowed out and examined carefully.

But damn, the Li Feng back then was completely different from what he is now. He was no longer a little person that he could catch whenever he wanted.

Let’s not talk about whether Fury can capture Li Feng’s current strength, but let’s talk about how he should deal with a lot of troubles after capturing Li Feng?

Even though Li Feng is still living alone, Li Feng suddenly developed a relationship with Stark, and the relationship seemed to be pretty good, otherwise Stark would not have purchased No Man's Land and lent it to Li Feng to live in.

What makes Fury even more unlucky is that half of Stark's life is controlled by Li Feng, the potion supplier. Therefore, there is no sufficient reason for Fury to easily detain Li Feng. This may easily lead to one corpse and two lives. Drag Stark's life into the death vortex.

Fury, who felt a headache, took a deep breath and lamented that when Li Feng was weak, there would be no trouble in arresting him. Even if he killed Li Feng, it wouldn't be a big deal. At most, he would claim that he was accidentally killed because of an itchy hand. At worst, he would be in front of Li Feng's tombstone afterwards. Put some apology on your face, bow and apologize, and the matter will be over.

It's better now. It's a mess whether he is caught or not. Even if Li Feng wants to hang out in Sanquyi, he has to build a high-tech bathroom specifically for him to prevent Li Feng from doing something secretly.

It's a pity that Fury couldn't guess that Li Feng led a group of resentful spirits into the tri-curved wing from the beginning. When it came to making trouble, Li Feng also chose to do it quietly without any shooting.

Until Li Feng whistled and walked out of the bathroom, looking at the unresponsive detection system, Fury breathed a sigh of relief and ordered Coulson to bring Li Feng to him as soon as possible.

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