Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 140 Chapter 139 Are there any mages who have defected to SHIELD?

In the end, after intense discussions, Fury and Li Feng decided to take away three drops of eternal life spring water, as well as Li Feng's other bargaining chip, the Resurrection Technique.

Regarding the resurrection technique, Fury initially thought of letting Li Feng be on call, but Li Feng stood up and was about to leave: I'm not your servant, why should I listen to you? Believe it or not, I resurrected your father and left him in the middle of the night. educate you

Although my resurrection technique is a fake and shoddy product, the effect is not inferior to the eternal spring water. It is used well and the effect is even stronger than the eternal spring water.

It's like a mission to capture someone alive or a mission to kill someone directly. Which mission causes greater sacrifice?

For example, the agents were originally preparing to carry out the task of capturing someone alive. However, when they saw that there were a large number of security guards around the other party, it was impossible to complete the task easily.

There is world peace on one side and sacrifice on the other. What can the agents do? Of course, they choose to ignore the sacrifice and complete the mission with faith.

And it's good to be able to complete the mission. If you are unlucky and get run away by the other party, or simply burp, the agents' sacrifices will be in vain, and SHIELD will have to spend a large sum of money to comfort these sacrificed people. This is all green money!

Now that there is resurrection, it's different. When the agents see that the opponent has a large number of people, they simply change the task of capturing alive to preserving the body more completely. Then they can directly use Gatling to kill the opponent's group. Tutu', anyway, after troubleshooting Li Feng and letting him cast a resurrection spell, SHIELD can still get the answer it wants from the resurrected opponent.

For this reason, Fury, who did not want to give up the resurrection spell and the fountain of eternal life, discussed with Li Feng again, and finally got Li Feng Chengruo to help SHIELD perform 10 resurrection spells for free.

Although Fury was a little dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do about it. Who made Li Feng bite the bottom line?

But Li Feng, who had put in all this hard work, only had 6 days to understand the laws of space.

After discussing the deal, Li Feng waved to Fury and swatted away flies, asking him to quickly prepare a container for storing eternal life spring water. He kept mumbling: "A drop of eternal life spring water is equal to two days' rent. This is just like your face. It's really special." "So dark"

Fury showed a smile that was as fake as he wanted. He stood up and walked towards the office door and said, "Don't act like a good boy just to get an advantage. The spring water of eternal life is just a foreign object. It's just a very effective healing potion for you, and the laws of comprehension are I feel like I’m at a loss if I can improve my own strength. How about we talk about it?”

"Go away~" Li Feng spread his hands and said with a distressed look on his face: "The problem is that I don't know if I can understand it."

Who can believe what you say? Judging from the past information, I know clearly how much you cherish your life. Would you try something that you are not sure enough about?

Fury rolled his eyes and left Li Feng with a "Haha."

Outside the office, Coulson, who had been monitoring the conversation between Li Feng and Fury, was waiting outside the door early with a group of scientific researchers holding various instruments.

Seeing Fury opening the office door, Colson walked up to Li Feng carrying what looked like a freezer and smiled gently: "Mr. Austin, please open the gourd."

Li Feng picked up the green leather gourd, glanced at the box in Colson's hand, and reminded him thoughtfully: "As mentioned in advance, the eternal life spring water is delicate, and freezing it will not only be ineffective, but will destroy its specialness. So you'd better do your research while it's hot. If you delay for a while and find that the eternal spring water cannot provide vitality, don't blame me for not warning you."

Coulson was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Fury, who had his eyebrows knitted together, his eyes full of 'Sir, please get the charter'.

Fury glanced at the green-skinned gourd engraved with 'rune' characters, thought for a while, and said, "What is the most appropriate way to preserve it?"

Li Feng looked at Fury with a half-smile, narrowed his eyes and said, "If possible, you'd better find a mage who is proficient in time magic."

"Time?" Colson stared at his eyes that were about to bulge out of their sockets, and said subconsciously: "You mages can still"

Before Coulson finished speaking, Fury coughed dryly and glared at Coulson sharply, indicating that Coulson should be careful what he said, as there were other people in the office.

Seeing several scientific researchers around him looking at Li Feng with retarded eyes, Coulson understood that he had almost committed the crime of leaking secrets. He smiled and said: "Mr. Austin, this joke is not funny at all. Let's talk about a practical method." Bar."

Li Feng shrugged indifferently. He didn't care if anyone knew he was a mage. After all, the future he planned was to hang out with the Avengers, and this group of superheroes were highly exposed. After wearing uniforms, they could go anywhere. It's a spotlight, so Li Feng's identity as a mage will be known to the public sooner or later.

In addition, Li Feng felt that he had the strength to protect himself now, and he was not afraid of trouble at all. He said with a smile: "It's not impossible for ordinary mages, it just requires them to spend a lot of mana to maintain the effect of the eternal spring water."

Seeing Li Feng's attitude of "You're trying to persuade you, I'm just a bastard chanting sutras", Fury with a dark face motioned to Coulson to take out a weird glass tube, turned to Li Feng and said: "I want a drop for research first. , I will contact you for the remaining two drops when needed."

A drop? Could Fury have already guessed what I was trying to test? Or was it that SHIELD didn't actually find the mage? Fury said before that the gourd had the 'rune' text on it, and he was just lucky enough to guess it? But there is no reason. Fury is a black man in every aspect. He is a non-chief.

Li Feng, who couldn't guess the truth, joked: "I am not a bank, there is no interest, so you deposit as you please, but don't ask me to pay you back 2 and a half drops by then. In addition, you'd better find a way to save eternal life as soon as possible." How to use spring water, otherwise if I accidentally drink these two drops of your water, don’t make me cry. "

As he spoke, Li Feng glanced back and forth at the faces of Fury and Coulson.

Li Feng has made it very clear. If you want to preserve the spring of eternal life, you must have the help of a mage. If there is a mage in SHIELD, then there will definitely be some slight changes in the expressions of the two people. Li Feng can also use this to judge whether there is a mage in S.H.I.E.L.D. If there is a mage, for example, if there is a mage, then the expressions of the two people must be one of happiness and relief. If not, then naturally they will be frowning or disappointed.

It's a pity that Li Feng underestimated the agent's control over his expression. Coulson still had a gentle smile, while Fury nodded expressionlessly, indicating that he understood. This made Li Feng a little helpless: He didn't look at anything. Can't come out

Forget it, it doesn’t matter if he has a mage who has been ordered to stay by SHIELD, the worst thing I can do is let the resentful spirits be careful. I can even give up the resentful spirits if necessary. It’s amazing that I’m making some

After consoling himself in his heart, Li Feng opened the green-skinned gourd stopper and floated a drop of eternal spring water into the strange glass tube under the control of magic. He asked: "Colson, what kind of virtue is this glass tube of yours? It was like this when you gave birth." It’s abnormal, is it possible that SHIELD is so short of money that it only sells defective products instead of genuine products?”

Colson smiled and said as he put the test tube into the box: "This is a test tube that can maintain a vacuum state at all times. This will not cause any harm to the eternal life spring water."

Li Feng turned his head and thought for a while, looked at everyone present in a cryptic manner, spread his hands and said: "I don't know much about technology, so I can't answer your question. I only know that the best way to preserve it is to rely on magic."

Li Feng mentioned spells several times. If Fury hadn't discovered Li Feng's intention, he might as well have moved his butt from the director's chair to the cat's nest and continued playing with the cat.

Fury looked around and found that several people in the office were believers who worshiped the Church of Scientology, and he was secretly relieved.

Fury, who was afraid that Li Feng would cause trouble again, said with a straight face: "When the matter is done, I will ask Coulson to send you away."

Knowing that Fury had seen through his little intention and was on guard against him, Li Feng curled his lips disdainfully and glanced at Coulson who made a 'please get out' gesture towards him. Li Feng said playfully: "Do you want to know what it means? Go home in the blink of an eye?”

This is Li Feng trying to make some noise in front of a few scientific believers, and by the way, he darkened Fury’s face: It will definitely be exciting.

Just when Li Feng was hesitating whether to perform a portal on the spot to open their eyes, or to use phantom to turn into black mist and leave, shattering the outlook of these scientific researchers, Fury, who seemed to have a cramp in the corner of his eye, glared with a warning look. He glanced at Li Feng, speechless and helpless, took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a credit card and handed it to Colson, ready to spend money to ward off the disaster: "Take Mr. Austin to find a higher-end restaurant, and I'll treat you."

Li Feng scratched his head: This is a braised egg treat, don’t miss it if you’re passing by.

After thinking about it, Li Feng glanced at the dim sky outside the window, grinned and walked towards the office door. Regardless of whether Fury answered or not, he directly said to Fury behind him: "I want a one-stop service for food, drinks and entertainment tonight, and the bill is all paid." Remember it on your head.”

After saying that, Li Feng, carrying a shoulder bag, walked out of the office with cheerful steps.

Coulson looked at Fury who was being blackmailed speechlessly, and gave Li Feng a thumbs up in his heart: Talent, if you are brave enough, aren't you afraid that Fury will put on your shoes?

Seeing his parents nodding slightly, Coulson followed Li Feng with a stiff smile.

After a long time, Colson drove directly to Manhattan with Li Feng.

Since Li Feng named him as someone who wanted to use Fury's money to corrupt people, the first thing Coulson thought of was Broadway, the important place for American dramas and musicals, especially the center of 42nd Street near Times Square. But there are dozens of theaters gathered together.

I think Li Feng will be satisfied if he can watch an opera after enjoying the delicious food here.

It's a pity that Colson, a good old man, has no idea what Li Feng wants. For a layman like Li Feng, watching an opera is worse than sitting on the street looking at beauties. What he wants is popcorn or potato chips, plus a A big bottle of happy fat house water, happily go to the theater to watch blockbusters.

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