Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 165 Chapter 164 Selling Body Contract

Li Feng looked at the three researchers surrounded by the special service team, turned to Coulson and joked: "Why do I feel that these three are not scientific researchers, but like prisoners, or prisoners under armed escort?" After thinking for a moment, he added in a low voice: "It would be more like if the three people were shackled and the protective masks on their faces were replaced by black hoods."

Coulson smiled silently at Li Feng and whispered: "Their brains are SHIELD's treasures, and we are not willing to make fun of them."

Li Feng understood that Coulson's "joking" was not only saying that he had to respect them, but also that SHIELD didn't want any accidents to happen to the three of them.

Just when Li Feng said disdainfully that the SWAT team could not protect these three researchers, Coulson asked: "Do you have anything that can prevent the devil from getting close? For example, an amulet or something like that?"

Co-author asked me to find a way to protect these three people.

Li Feng scratched his head and thought for a while, then gently snapped his fingers to summon Kreacher, and whispered to the invisible Kreacher: "Kreacher, prepare amulets for these three precious little brains."

After finishing speaking, Li Feng turned slightly and said in Coulson's ear: "After the mission is over, remember to return the amulet to me and write down a favor to me in SHIELD's account book."

At this time, Coulson stared blankly at the footprints left by Kreacher's steps on the grass. His mind was busy wondering whether Kreacher's invisibility was optical invisibility. After hearing Li Feng's words, he subconsciously replied: "You can open it." We will pay for it at a certain price.”

"Why do I need money?" Li Feng curled his lips and said disdainfully: "That thing can't buy magic materials."

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also a large organization in the world. How can we set a precedent of owing a favor and the debt is still a mage? It may be a bit troublesome to pay it off.

Coulson was a little helpless. In fact, he really wanted to say, 'How about you tell us the address of the Temple Master? Maybe they will allow us to use money or certain materials for the sake of SHIELD to protect the earth. In exchange for magic materials? ’.

Unfortunately, Coulson, who had already experienced how strict Li Feng was, knew that what he said was in vain.

And now we are about to face the devil. The main force is still the unreliable mage in front of us. Some things should be discussed after the mission is completed. At least we can't let there be disagreements within the team during the mission.

Coulson: "I don't have that much power, so don't embarrass me. You should communicate directly with the director yourself. I guess the chance of Fury agreeing is quite high."

Of course Fury would agree to this kind of benefit without paying for it, but

Li Feng pursed his lips: What the hell, do you know if I get a headache when I see your braised eggs? Damn it, you sacrifice half of your brain cells just once

At this time, walking at the front of the SWAT team, the guy who seemed to be the captain said to Coulson in a female voice: "I heard you need thugs."

"Mei?" Colson was stunned for a moment, and said with a little surprise: "Aren't you going to go out to work?"

Melinda shrugged, took off her helmet and visor, and said with an expressionless face: "First of all, Fury told me that this mission is related to someone with a very high top-secret level, and he doesn't want too many outsiders to know. Some people, and I happen to be an agent who knows some people. Secondly," Melinda waved her fists, showing the excitement of a berserker about to enter the battlefield. "This time the opponent has no humans, and there is no need to leave anyone alive. "

On the side, Li Feng heard Melinda implying that everyone on the mission knew him, which made him a little confused. After all, he thought he only knew a few SHIELD agents. Where did such a person come from? How many people know him?

After thinking for a while, Li Feng raised his right hand and brushed his eyes, opening his magic eye to see who were the so-called acquaintances among these special service teams who were wearing helmets, black stockings and masks.

As a result, Li Feng realized after checking the spirits of these people that he had misunderstood Melinda's words. Melinda's so-called knowledge of herself was actually simply knowing that she existed.

For example, the guy carrying a sniper rifle in the distance, Li Feng remembered that when he went to Tri-Curve Wing to spread the grudges, this guy pointed the gun at him in Fury's office.

So I don't know these people, these people know me

Li Feng, who thought he could meet someone who really knew him, such as Black Widow, curled his lips, rolled his eyes in disappointment and said to Melinda: "You want to beat Abigail? Do you need my help? I can provide you with a beating. Beagle’s props can make you punch hard even if the opponent turns into wind.”

At this time, Melinda only knew that Abigail was a devil, but did not know that Abigail had the ability to turn into wind, so she ignored the props in Li Feng's mouth.

"Should I call you Austin?" Melinda asked with a poker face and through gritted teeth in fluent Mandarin: "Or should I call you Li Feng?"

For some reason, Li Feng always felt that something was wrong with the way Melinda looked at him, as if he owed her millions.

Li Feng touched the tip of his nose and shrugged at Melinda, indicating that she could call her whatever she wanted. It was okay to call her "broken throat", it was just a title.

Then, Li Feng looked at Colson in confusion and asked with his eyes: "Have I ever offended her?"

Coulson instantly understood Li Feng's eyes, but he couldn't afford to offend Melinda, especially since she was now full of violence. He didn't want to cause any unnecessary disaster. It wasn't until Melinda turned around to instruct the team members to move equipment that he whispered in Li Feng's ear. Bian said: "Melinda has been able to perfectly solve every field mission since she joined S.H.I.E.L.D., until she met you. That was the first time she stamped 'failure' on the file."

After saying that, Colson gave Li Feng a look that was asking for blessings. After all, it is not a good thing to be noticed by Melinda who likes to talk with her fists. Maybe Melinda will beat her up when she finds the opportunity. Even if Li Feng Even if there is a shield, Melinda is agile and good at hiding, and is fully capable of sneak attack before Li Feng activates the shield.

narrow-minded woman

Li Feng, who felt that he had suffered another unlucky disaster today, scratched his head speechlessly: What day is today? Do I want to buy some grapefruit leaves to do a ritual to remove bad luck?

Coulson, who still remembered Li Feng's mention of the props, looked around and asked curiously: "What are the props that can beat the devil? Can you lend it to me? I also want to experience what it feels like to punch the devil to the flesh."

Li Feng glanced sideways at Colson, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Really want to know?"

Coulson nodded.

Li Feng said with a smile: "I will show you my collection later, and you will know what good things it is. But before that, you need to sign a contract. You cannot publicize what you see or hear when you enter the collection room." go out."

"I understand," Colson nodded slightly and said, "As an agent, I am very good at keeping secrets, so you can trust me." After a pause, Colson looked at Melinda and whispered to Li Feng said: "Can I take Mei to visit your collection?"

"That's easy to say. Don't turn around and tell Fury what you saw and heard. I can tell you that what you want to sign is a magic contract." After a few words of warning, Li Feng changed his tone and shrugged with a relaxed expression. Said: "As for letting Melinda visit my treasure, she only needs to sign a magic contract, and it will be the same for anyone who enters the collection room."

Watching the SWAT team move all the equipment off the Quinjet, Coulson smiled and said, "I can't wait to visit your RV and collection room."

Li Feng politely stretched out his hand to greet Colson, then applied levitation to let the device float behind him, and led everyone into the RV. At the same time, he thought to himself with joy: I can't wait to let you, too. Entered my collection room

At first, Coulson, who knew that the RV could both fly and become invisible, thought he knew enough about the RV, but when he entered the RV, he realized that he still knew too little.

Colson stared at the large interior space of the car, then turned around and looked at the normal-sized car outside. He rubbed his temples and said, "Maybe I called too few people. I would have known about the interior space of your RV." It’s so big, I’ll call in more people from the special service team.”

Li Feng shrugged and said with a smile: "How does it compare to your Laura?"

Coulson raised his eyebrows and was thinking about how to refute Li Feng when he heard Li Feng say to the special service team member behind him: "The amulet is on the dining table. Although it looks different, its function is still the same."

After speaking, Li Feng whispered to Colson: "Let's go and open your eyes. I have a lot of good things."

Colson smiled, turned to a special service team member and said: "Grant Ward, please help distribute the amulet," and then said to Melinda: "May, come with me."

Grant Ward, who was trying to figure out how to regain his perspective, glanced at Coulson curiously, saluted and replied, "Yes, sir."

Grant Ward? Li Feng squinted at the other party: This guy is also a good prospect. Why don't I give him up too? I'd better make Colson and Melinda mine first.

Thinking of this, Li Feng took Colson and Melinda to the locker, took out the parchment and quill, and asked in a low voice: "This is a magic contract. Once it is violated, the consequences will be serious. It's still too late to regret it." ”

Melinda, who still didn't know what was going on, turned to the parchment out of curiosity. After looking down at it for a few times, she said, "Is this a confidentiality agreement? Why should we keep it secret?"

Colson took the quill with a smile, silently read the words on the parchment word by word, and said while writing his name: "Austin asked me to visit his magic collection. This is kept secret for the sake of his collection." Agreement." After a pause, Coulson turned his head and added: "It's still a magic agreement."

"If you want to see the collection of the Wizarding World, you have to sign this contract." At this time, Coulson turned to look at Melinda, handed the quill to Melinda and asked: "Do you want to see it?" ?"

Melinda glanced at Li Feng, and while taking the quill pen and signing her name on the parchment, she cursed: "Why do I suddenly feel like I'm signing a contract of betrayal?"

Li Feng: Should I say it’s a woman’s intuition? This is really a contract of betrayal

If you want to blame it, blame Coulson. He was my only target in the beginning. He was the one who dragged you into this.

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