Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 168 Chapter 167 Saint Vanganza

After a while, Coulson hurried back to the RV and asked impatiently: "Austin, do you know why Bob came here?"

Li Feng, who was sitting on the sofa drinking beer, looked at Coulson with an anxious face, nodded in confusion, and asked: "What's wrong? Bob caused trouble in the town?"

Behind Coulson, Melinda put one hand on her waist and the other hand on the mask, and said with a twitch of her mouth like crazy: "He is not Bob, he is Abigail, a devil."

Li Feng scratched his head, and heard Coulson sigh and said: "Abigail killed and dismembered people in the town with cruel means, including an innocent child under the age of 8."

"Murder?" Li Feng curled his lips, put the wine glass on the coffee table, looked at Coulson speechlessly and said: "Isn't it normal for the devil to kill people? Why are you making such a fuss? Do you still want to expect the devil to do good things? You say God will laugh to death if you say that."

Coulson looked at Li Feng with a straight face, his face full of "your joke is not funny at all", and said: "Tell me what you know."

Li Feng shrugged, stood up and walked to the computer, asked Ward to find the news about the burning skull, and said: "This is actually the news about the Ghost Rider."

Coulson, who was reading the news carefully, turned his head in surprise and asked after hearing Li Feng's words: "Are you sure the Ghost Rider is not an urban legend?"

"The devil has come to the world to stroll, and there is me." Li Feng pointed at himself and said: "The legendary wizard is standing in front of you. Now you know that there is a Ghost Rider who likes to kill devils here. Is there anything strange?"

It seems that there is really nothing strange, but SHIELD has not looked for the traces of the Ghost Rider since they knew the existence of the wizard, but they have not found any evidence of the Ghost Rider's existence after digging three feet underground.

Now, Abigail's problem has not even been solved, but Ghost Rider has been looking for her in his dreams for thousands of times, and suddenly appeared behind him. This made Coulson feel a dull pain in his temple. After rubbing it, he asked, "What does this have to do with Bob?" After a pause, Coulson looked at Melinda, who was satisfied and full of murderous intent, and quickly changed his words: "What does this have to do with Abigail?"

Li Feng scratched his eyebrows and recalled the plot of Ghost Rider while saying true and false: "Although Ghost Rider belongs to the side of hell, he is addicted to hunting down demons and criminals. He feels uncomfortable if he doesn't kill them for a day." After thinking about it, Li Feng explained casually: "The criminals in the eyes of Ghost Rider are not the same as the criminals in your eyes. He does not use the laws on earth as the basis for who is guilty or innocent. You can understand that this guy uses the laws of hell to determine who is a criminal."

"The Ghost Rider's main job is to complete Mephisto's commissions, and judging whether others go to hell is a side job. However, Mephisto is a big boss after all, and ordinary trivial matters are not worth his attention, so the tasks assigned by Mephisto himself are basically unrelated to the little devil."

"Since the previous generation of Ghost Rider has not appeared for hundreds of years, this means that there have been no big devils in hell who have come to the human world in the past hundred years, or you can also understand that Mephisto accepted the resignation letter submitted by the previous generation of Ghost Rider, and let the previous generation of Ghost Rider go into seclusion from then on, allowing him to enjoy the remaining free time."

"Here comes the point," Li Feng emphasized it again and said slowly: "Now, this Ghost Rider who just appeared is obviously new to the office, and Mephisto, the miser, will not activate the Ghost Rider for no reason, so there must be one A powerful devil came to the human world, and Mephisto needed the Ghost Rider to help deal with this devil, so as to avoid losses to his interests in the human world. "

"The key point is the devil who came to the human world," Li Feng touched his chin, pretending to be a great detective and said: "Keep up with the times, you know? The devil also knows that the development in the human world is too fast, and it will not be able to achieve great things alone, so this devil will definitely summon the devils who stayed in the human world to help. "

Coulson rubbed his increasingly painful temples, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "You mean Abigail is one of the recruits of that devil?"

Seeing Li Feng nod in agreement, Melinda narrowed her eyes and asked: "Since Abigail needs to obey the other party's orders, does it mean that your devil who sneaked into the human world is more powerful than Abigail? "

"It is obvious that low-level devils obey high-level devils. "Things," Li Feng nodded, as if thinking of something good, and said: "Maybe we can ask the previous generation of Ghost Rider? See if he has received any news from hell?" "The previous generation of Ghost Rider?" Coulson stared and asked in astonishment: "Do you know who the previous generation of Ghost Rider is?" I talked to you for a long time, the purpose is to ask you to help me find the previous generation of Ghost Rider, so that I can get the St. Van Gogh. There are so many ghosts in it that I am jealous. And it is just an opportunity to let these SHIELD agents know that I have the ability to predict the future, and they will not doubt me because I accidentally revealed the plot. But I still have to pretend. After all, they are all agents. God knows what flaws they will find. Thinking of this, Li Feng spread his hands and said: "I don't know, but I can try divination. "

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the car stared at Li Feng with bulging eyes, especially Coulson, who circled around Li Feng, as if he wanted to see through Li Feng.

Just when Li Feng was feeling uncomfortable being stared at, Coulson narrowed his eyes and said: "Although I am not a wizard, I have talked to several psychics. The knowledge involved in divination is simply not something that a wild wizard like you can learn. Or do you actually have a mentor to teach you?"

"Kreacher, bring me the crystal ball," after shouting, Li Feng rolled his eyes at Coulson and said, "What's wrong with me knowing how to divination? Although I am self-taught, I have a smart mind."

"As for whether it's accurate or not," Li Feng took the crystal ball from the invisible Kreacher's hand and said with a slightly shy expression: "Well, I'm not very proficient in learning. If I'm lucky, I can find something. clue."

Colson nodded and squatted next to Li Feng with interest until the inside of the crystal ball became smoke and confusion under Li Feng's spell. Colson couldn't help but asked curiously: "What did you see? Or is the previous generation of Ghost Rider now living in a foggy and confused city? "

I can see a ghost, I just use a crystal ball to hide it

Li Feng rolled his eyes, pretending to be tired because he had consumed too much mana, and said: "My crystal ball shows that he is within Mexico, and I saw a remote cemetery, which probably means that the previous generation of Ghost Rider is now a Cemetery guard." After a pause, Li Feng, who couldn't remember the name of the previous Ghost Rider, scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "That's all I saw."

On the side, Ward immediately sat in front of the computer, displayed all the cemeteries in Mexico on the computer, turned around and asked: "Have you seen the specific characteristics of the previous generation of Ghost Rider?"

Li Feng pretended to continue looking at the crystal ball, thought for a while and said: "The picture is blurry, it seems to be an old man in his sixties or seventies, guarding the cemetery alone." At this time, Li Feng suddenly remembered something and said: "That's right. , see if any of the caretakers keep horses, I remember that the previous Ghost Rider rode a horse, maybe the horse is still with him, you can try to find it. "

Melinda curled her lips and said jokingly: "You said that the previous generation of knights has disappeared for a hundred years. What kind of horse can live for a hundred years? And it is no longer popular to ride horses. Maybe he is a decent person now and has changed to riding a bicycle. ”

"Haha," Li Feng raised his hands and said, "It won't matter if you try. Maybe you can really find the other party by relying on a horse? Now, you seem to underestimate the power of the Ghost Rider. Don't forget, the previous generation of Ghost Rider has arrived. He still looks like he is sixty or seventy years old, and that horse is not ordinary at all, he can be on fire without smelling like barbecue."

After a while, Ward, who was busy at the keyboard, looked up at Li Feng and said, "We found the cemetery. There really was a cemetery guard who raised a horse." At the same time, Ward turned the screen to Colson. Said: "I also found a piece of news within the police. Last night, the buddy whose head was on fire was found by the police."

Coulson glanced at the computer screen and said: "Johnny Blazer? I remember this guy is a motorcycle stuntman, nicknamed Johnny Blaze." After a pause, Coulson seemed to have thought of something and said: "No wonder he didn't die no matter how much he fell during the stunt. So he is the current Ghost Rider?!"

"What should we do now?" Melinda looked at Coulson with an expression of 'You are the commander, you have the final say' and asked: "Should we follow the Ghost Rider to find Abigail, or should we go to the tomb first?" Yuan asked the previous Ghost Rider which devil escaped from hell? "

"Compared to Abigail and the devil that ran out of hell, that devil seems to be more capable of causing disasters," After saying that, Coulson turned to look at Li Feng with a questioning expression of 'what do you think'.

"What are you looking at me doing?" Li Feng pointed at himself. He was still annoyed. Didn't he hear that the police already knew that Johnny Blaze was the Ghost Rider? It shows that Johnny Blaze has already killed the devil in front of the world before he will be traced by the police.

You must know that although Johnny Blaze is good at killing devils, he is more interested in sending the opponent back to hell than actually turning the devil into ashes. If Johnny Blaze sends Abigail back to hell, then It’s a lot of fun.

Li Feng blinked blankly at first, and then prayed in his heart that Abigail was not dead, and said: "I know that the previous generation of Ghost Riders had a scroll in their hands. That thing is naturally attractive to devils, so no matter what comes to the world, No matter who the devil is, he will try to ask for the scroll from the previous generation of Ghost Riders.”

Melinda said as she walked towards the driver's seat: "Then let's go find the cemetery caretaker first."

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