Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 174 Chapter 173 Saint Vanganza

In the RV, Melinda was probably the one who had the most fun among the agents, because she could operate an airplane controlled by a steering wheel and gears in the sky in the wilderness, and even air traffic control couldn't detect it. The stealth aircraft arrived.

However, this was a hardship for Li Feng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, especially when Melinda drove the RV out of the 'S'-shaped snakeskin position. Li Feng said that he couldn't bear it, and the beer in the wine glass spilled out. Did you know that? This is top quality home brewed beer, what a waste.

However, Melinda used Li Feng's previous request for him to check the condition of the car as an excuse, so she forced the RV to drive in the style of a fighter jet, including roll maneuvers and roll maneuvers.

These are still good. When Melinda looked excited and wanted to perform a perfect "Cobra Maneuver", a car full of agents became restless.

The Cobra maneuver is a way to get rid of an enemy aircraft that is at the same height and is following behind at close range. There is a posture in which the kinetic energy of the aircraft is converted into potential energy, which means that the aircraft suddenly loses power and hovers stationary in the air. 2-3 seconds, then let the nose of the aircraft drop sharply, and then restore the power of the aircraft to re-acquire the target.

Now, this group of agents have been made motion sickness by Melinda. It seems that now is the time to talk about air sickness.

They didn't know what would happen to the mage Li Feng when the RV suddenly stopped and fell to the ground, but the dinner they had just eaten would definitely be wasted under the action of inertia.

And this is an RV. Who knows if the front of the car will fall or the rear of the car will fall. What if the RV is damaged by Melinda and cannot be restarted?

Will a carload of people go directly to hell to destroy the devil? Or should we all go to hell to feed the devil?

Unfortunately, although the objections from the carload of agents were loud, their fists could not reach Melinda. They could only cover their mouths and let Melinda perform all the flight tactics she knew. In this regard, Li Feng had no choice but to It can cast spells to protect the contents of the RV to prevent damage when the RV rolls over.

On the ground, Johnny Blaze, who was riding a motorcycle wildly, watched the flying RV move coquettishly. He was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help but let go of the motorcycle handle and clapped his hands: This performance is much better than my motorcycle stunts. Yeah, no wonder so many people like to fly airplanes. It’s so exciting.

Fortunately, the portal shortened the flight time a lot, and before Melinda had enough fun, the small town of Santa Fangansa, which had been abandoned for who knows how many years, appeared in front of everyone.

Melinda curled her lips and slowly landed the RV on the ground some distance away from the small town of San Francisco.

When the RV came to a complete stop, Melinda said with a slightly excited tone: "Austin, if you have the chance, let me take your RV for a spin."

Li Feng looked at the empty beer glass in his hand with twitching eyes, and then turned to look at the three scientific researchers who were collapsed on the ground and vomiting: You still want to drive my RV, in the next life, no, don’t even think about it in the next life, you It’s better to give up this heart

Rolling his eyes at Melinda, Li Feng said speechlessly: "Come on, now that you have obtained the flight data of the RV, it's better not to mess with my RV." After thinking about it, Li Feng turned his head and said: "What if If you can get the magic materials, I can help you transform a motorcycle that can fly."

"Are you sure?" Melinda was overjoyed at first, and then sighed and said: "I know you as a mage. Where can I find magic materials? And even if the top magic materials are placed in front of me, I will accept it." No, how about I pay for it and you help me buy a flying motorcycle?”

Li Feng squinted his eyes and considered Melinda's words for a while: Did the joy on your face before mean that SHIELD could obtain magic materials? But what did you mean by what you said later? Can you tell me whether SHIELD has hooked up with other mages?

Behind him, Colson, who had calmed down, pushed open the door of the RV with a grimace, interrupted Li Feng's thoughts and said: "Everyone checks the equipment and amulets, and enters silent mode for the rest of the journey. Austin, please fly to high altitude." Investigate whether there is any trace of the witch-hearted demon in the town of St. Fangansa."

"Me?" Li Feng stared at Colson with wide eyes and said with a slight twitch in the corners of his eyes: "The Witch Heart Demon is a pretty boy, but I didn't say that all he has in his mind is white and tender tofu. I have magic power when I cast a spell. Fluctuating, why should the Witch Heart Demon pretend not to see me? "

Coulson frowned, turned to look at Ward and said, "Since magic can't detect it, did you bring any detection equipment?"

Ward turned around and took out a drone from a box and waved it at Coulson.

Coulson smiled and said, "Okay, let's use the drone for reconnaissance." After saying that, Coulson didn't know whether he wanted to stimulate Li Feng or simply wanted to show off SHIELD's equipment. He turned to look Li Feng said: "It seems that sometimes technology is better than magic. At least the drone has no energy fluctuations and is not easy for the opponent to detect."

I don't know if he was stimulated by Colson's words or if Li Feng saw something. He twitched the corners of his mouth, pointed at a firelight in the distance towards the small town of St. Fangansa, and said: "Reconnaissance is nothing, just look at them and tell them directly." Your motorcycle's brakes are broken." After a pause, Li Feng joked with a smile and said: "Do you think Johnny Blaze is thinking about killing the Witch Heart Demon, or is he planning to use the Witch Heart Demon to slow down? ?”

Melinda on the side held her forehead with one hand, shook the Loki mask in her hand with the other, and said, "Maybe we should take advantage of Johnny Blaze's commotion and take the opportunity to rescue Rosie."

Coulson glanced at the SWAT team that was preparing to go out with some helplessness, shrugged and said, "Well, most of the plans we made before are in vain."

"Talk about a plan with the insane Ghost Rider? To be honest, Coulson, I admire your brainstorming," Li Feng twisted his waist and went through the warm-up exercise of killing Abigail, and said, "I have thought about it before. As I said, Ghost Rider doesn’t have a partner at all, because he can’t tell when a nerve in his brain will go crazy and he will kill his partner first. Now, just believe me.”

After the activity, Li Feng didn't wait for Colson to reply, leaving behind the sentence "I'll kill Abigail first", then turned into a black mist and quickly flew towards the small town of St. Fangansa.

Seeing this, Melinda also wanted to put on the Loki mask and rush to the battlefield as soon as possible in order to vent her inner temper that she could barely contain.

On the side, Colson was a little worried that Melinda wouldn't be able to bear the side effects of the mask. He took Melinda's hand and said, "Mei, it's not time yet. Let's try our best to get as close to the town of Santa Fangansa as we can. ," Coulson glanced at the mask in Melinda's hand, hesitated, and said, "If possible, just don't use this thing if you can. Maybe Johnny Blaze and Austin can solve everything. "

Melinda was silent for a while, then put the mask on her lower back, showed Colson as fake a smile as she wanted, and nodded slightly to show that she understood.

On the other side, Li Feng, who had already caught up with Johnny Blaze, put on his invisibility cloak and followed him silently. He believed that Johnny Blaze's swagger was enough to attract the water demon and Abigail.

Sure enough, when Johnny Blaze passed by a small pond, Li Feng had already sensed faint energy fluctuations in the water, and he could sense Abigail's presence in the surrounding wind from time to time.

But Li Feng was a little puzzled. The opponent had obviously discovered Johnny Blaze, so why could they only track him but not kill him? There is no need to worry about damaging the scroll of St. Vincent in the battle.

After a while, Li Feng squinted his eyes and thought: Since I can detect the opponent's mana fluctuations, the opponent can also sense my presence. Perhaps this is the reason why Abigail, who turned into the wind, never dares to approach me.

Thinking of this, Li Feng immediately flew to high altitude. After confirming that Abigail was not following him, he immediately opened his shoulder bag, released all 365 dementors, and ordered: "Wangcai, can you feel the soul below?"

Wangcai sniffed the air gently, nodded and said, "Master, I sensed 4 souls."

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he realized: The pretty boy has no soul.

"Can you feel that soul floating around?"

Seeing Wangcai nodding, Li Feng glanced at Johnny Blaze, who had been dragged into the pond by the water demon, and said with a grin: "The water demon has taken action, and it's almost time for Abigail to take action. Now you all disperse first." , descend along Abigail's encirclement, and I will hide among you later, using your mana fluctuations to cover up mine, so that Abigail cannot determine my specific location, and wait until I imprison him. After the mirror space, we beat him, and his soul is your food."

Sensing the high quality of Abigail's soul and the abundant wealth, he nodded excitedly, spoke very quickly and conveyed Li Feng's order to every dementor, howling and rushing to represent Abigail. mana fluctuations.

In the water, the Water Demon thought that the Ghost Rider had just taken over and was still unaware of how overbearing his own Hellfire was. He thought that dragging the Ghost Rider into the water would weaken the opponent's strength.

But the water demon never expected that Johnny Blaze would learn to control the hellfire very quickly, complete the transformation directly under the water, and send him back to hell in one turn, which angered Abi who wanted to rescue the water demon. Geer was stunned subconsciously.

Taking advantage of Abigail's daze, the dementors quickly completed the encirclement. This also made Li Feng, who had been paying attention to Abigail, only think that this was an opportunity, and directly ordered the dementors to float past Abigail. , and absorb the other party's soul by the way.

Li Feng knew very well that Abigail, who was good at playing with souls, was naturally very resistant to the dementors' soul-absorbing methods.

But Abigail doesn't understand the attack methods of Dementors, so he will definitely be attacked when he faces Dementors for the first time. What Li Feng wants is the moment when Abigail is in a daze after his soul is absorbed.

With this moment of time, Li Feng was able to open the mirror space and capture the opponent into the mirror space.

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