Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 189 Chapter 188 The Hidden Boss

It has never been Thor's style to be secretive. Either don't say it, or say it clearly and clearly. So when Thor told Coulson the cause and process of his expulsion, the horizon had already begun. White.

Li Feng, who had spent a hard night with Colson, stretched out, breathed with one hand and touched his stomach with the other and said: "Colson, now you know almost everything about Prince Thor. Should Thor and I go back first?" Rest in the RV and get some food.”

At this point, Li Feng glanced at Thor's belly and whispered in Colson's ear: "Asgardians are all big eaters. Based on the energy that cattle can provide on the earth, one person An Asgardian can easily eat a cow in a day, even without the stomach and digestive tablets.”

Coulson glanced at Thor's flat belly and asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

Can't you hear this? Li Feng curled his lips and whispered: "Although I have a cattle farm, brother, I consume at least one cow a day. Do you think I have the financial support?"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Coulson already understood what Li Feng wanted to express: "Do you want SHIELD to reimburse you for your cattle, or simply ask SHIELD to buy some cattle and sheep and send them to your home?"

Li Feng nodded and said, "Let's buy some cattle and sheep and send them over."

To be honest, Li Feng knew that Thor could only stay on earth for a few days, and the cattle and sheep he could consume were actually very limited, but don't forget that the cattle and sheep Li Feng ate were all taken care of by Kreacher himself.

In order to allow Li Feng to eat reliable and high-quality meat, the loyal and hard-working Kreacher would occasionally feed some magic potions or magical herbs to the poultry and livestock.

This results in Li Feng's daily food containing mild energy. Not only is this energy easily absorbed by the human body, it can also strengthen his physical fitness. It is precious to Li Feng.

It was okay to let Thor enjoy one or two meals every now and then, but Li Feng said that he couldn't bear it, and the landlord's family didn't have that much surplus food.

So letting SHIELD bring in a group of cattle and sheep is actually the best plan.

And when Thor leaves, these cattle and sheep will take advantage of Li Feng.

Coulson thought for a moment, and realized that Thor had the orthodox blood of the Aesir in his body. Even though he had been expelled to the earth, he was still a royal member of the Aesir.

Coupled with Thor's status as a former great prince, he must still have some influence in Asgard.

If the Asgardians knew that their deposed prince was starving on earth, there might be some trouble, and it wouldn't be justified in terms of human dignity. It would be too shabby.

Moreover, there is such an alien on the earth whose technological civilization far exceeds that of the earth. As long as SHIELD has a relationship with the alien, it shouldn't be a big problem to get some of Asgard's outdated technology from the alien.

Thinking of this, Colson took out the walkie-talkie in front of Thor and ordered into the walkie-talkie: "Agent Sylvette, buy a car of cattle and sheep for our alien friends." After thinking about it, Colson turned to look Asked Thor: "Sir Thor, do you have any needs?"

Thor, who was a little confused about the future, shook his head blankly at first, and then felt thirsty and said, "Is there any wine? I want to drink."

"Wine?" Li Feng pouted and said with a smile: "I had forgotten that the Asgardians are famous for their drinking culture in the universe. It is said that they will feel uncomfortable if they don't drink for a day."

Famous in the universe? Colson looked at Li Feng thoughtfully.

Li Feng pointed to the exit of the base and motioned for Thor to follow him. He said, "I have home-brewed beer on my RV, and" Li Feng winked at Thor with his right eye and licked it as if he was savoring the beer. Lips said: "My beer is not ordinary. It is brewed with a lot of magic herbs and has a unique flavor."

If it were an invitation from someone else, even Thor, who had decided to put aside his arrogance, might still hesitate, but now that the invitation was coming from a mage, and besides, it was a invitation to drink, Thor didn't even hesitate and nodded directly in agreement.

But before leaving, Thor remembered that his new friends were still waiting for him. Although Coulson and Li Feng seemed like good people, Thor was still a little worried.

But before Thor could speak, Li Feng said first, "I almost forgot, Colson, let Dr. Eric Shavig go."

"Of course," Coulson, who felt a little weird, squinted at Li Feng, picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Let Dr. Shavig come over."

After a while, as the door was pushed open, Shavig, who had been interrogated all night, walked into the room with a tired look on his face. After glancing at Colson and Li Feng in the room, he pretended to be happy and opened his mouth. He walked towards Thor in his arms and said, "Donnie, Donnie, you are here, I will take you home."

On the side, Coulson raised his brows playfully. While studying Li Feng's eyes towards Shavig, he turned sideways and said in Li Feng's ear: "Is Thor just doing as the Romans do? He gave himself an Earth name not long after he arrived on Earth. ?”

Li Feng looked at Colson speechlessly, who was still in a joking mood, shrugged and whispered back: "I hope you can still laugh later."

Colson was stunned for a moment: What do you mean? I hear your words have a lot of meaning.

Li Feng ignored Colson, who was full of doubts. He would talk about some things later. Now he would settle Thor down first, and gain some of Thor's friendship by the way.

"You two," Li Feng stretched out his hand to signal Thor and Shavig to leave the base, and said, "After a hard night, you'd better go to my house and have a good rest."

After saying that, Li Feng turned around and walked out of the room.

Thor, who had both the bitterness of losing his father and the confusion about the future on his face, patted Xavier on the shoulder, looked at Li Feng and said, "This is Master Austin, let's go visit the master's home."

Xavier looked at Li Feng's back in confusion: Master? Which mental hospital did this patient escape from? The government is getting more and more unreliable now, even recruiting mentally ill people as employees? Wasting taxpayers' money

While complaining, Xavier and his men had already walked to the exit of the base.

Li Feng turned his head and glanced at Xavier, showing what he thought was the kindest smile, and shouted: "Kreacher~"

As soon as the voice fell, Kreacher instantly appeared in front of Li Feng, blinking his big watery eyes, and said respectfully: "Boss, Kreacher is at your service at any time."

"Fuck," Xavier was shocked by the sudden appearance of the big-eared Kreacher, and his eyes widened. He subconsciously stepped back a few steps, pointing at Kreacher and shouted: "This child has a genetic mutation?"

Child? Gene mutation?

Li Feng looked at Shavig with a frown on his face: Damn, normal people would think of aliens when they see Kreacher, but how come this guy thought of genetic mutation? Should I say that he is a scientific expert and explains everything with science?

Thor is an Asgardian after all, and he has seen many strange creatures. Kreacher's appearance is nothing in his eyes, or to Thor, Kreacher's big eyes are a bit cute.

Therefore, Thor, who was half squatting in front of Kreacher, just took a few glances, with pure curiosity in his eyes, turned his head to look at Li Feng and asked: "What kind of creature is this?"

"Kreacher is a house elf, a kind of elf," Li Feng explained casually and said to Kreacher: "Prepare food for the two guests."

After thinking for a while, Li Feng pointed at Thor and told Kreacher: "This guest needs a lot of nutrition, you kill a cow raised by your own family."

He pointed at Xavier: "This guest is an ordinary person, you try to cook some food that improves his physique."

Coulson squinted at Xavier, he knew what kind of character Li Feng was. If he said that for Thor's sake, he would prepare some exquisite food for Xavier, Coulson would not think too much.

And he and Li Feng have been together for several days, let alone eating food that improves physique, he has never even heard Li Feng mention it. Now, providing Xavier with food that improves his physique, is this a bit too much?

In addition, he had been concerned about Dr. Shavig several times before. His intention to get close to Dr. Shavig was too obvious, right?

But Coulson was a little puzzled. What was there for a doctor of astronomy to deliberately befriend Li Feng? Could it be that a wizard also had to learn astronomy?

Coulson touched his chin: It seems to be right. Divination usually involves stars, and aren't stars astronomy?

Li Feng was too lazy to explain Coulson's conjecture. Coulson could think whatever he wanted. Anyway, he would not tell Coulson that Dr. Shavig's understanding of space was beyond imagination and could help him understand space.

In the future New York battle, when Loki invaded the earth, he didn't look for anyone, but had to find Shavig to study the Cosmic Cube. What does this mean?

It means that Shavig is a great man. Even Loki, who came from outer space, knows the extent of Shavig's research on space.

In Thor 2, Shavig was controlled by Loki with the Mind Stone before, which led to his appearance in a mental hospital.

But this big guy is still doing research even in a mental hospital, and even gives lectures to mental patients. The most speechless big guy has verified all his theories one by one.

For example, after calculating the positions of the nine kingdoms, Dr. Shavig calculated that Midgard is in the middle of the world tree, and Asgard is at the top of the world tree.

In addition, Dr. Shavig seems to be low-key, but you can see how awesome this guy is by looking at his circle of friends.

In the original series, shortly after Dr. Eric Shavig and Jane Foster's equipment was confiscated by SHIELD, Eric told Jane, "I have a friend who studies gamma rays, and I haven't seen him since SHIELD appeared." This shows that he knows Banner.

This is not the end, and the next sentence is.

"I will contact one of my colleagues and send him an email to see if he can help."

The "colleague" he mentioned is actually the first generation Ant-Man - Dr. Hank Pym.

The key point is the title of "colleague". Pym is a big shot in the quantum field, so how much does Shavig, who is a colleague of Pym, know about the quantum field?

Perhaps Shavig cannot be on par with Hank Pym, but it should be no problem to teach Li Feng quantum science.

Such a great man, or a great man who can help him, and the other party came to his door in person from afar, it would be strange if Li Feng would give up the opportunity.

Of course, if there is a chance, Li Feng does not mind developing Shavig into his subordinate.

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