Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 201 Chapter 200 For Magic

Jafar's request was nothing to Li Feng. After all, Jafar was not Aladdin. He had a foundation in magic. Although he was still an apprentice at an old age, it would be much easier to teach magic. Li Feng did not even need to teach him personally. He could just give Jafar a spell book and let him learn by himself.

However, Li Feng was a little curious: "Don't you like wealth and power?" Touching his chin, Li Feng said as if he was recalling something: "I remember you seemed to want to marry the princess and ascend the throne to become a winner in life."

Li Feng asked in confusion: "Why? Now you suddenly give up your rights and are ready to return to the path of magic?"

In Aladdin's world, or in Agrabah, there is a magical law: the princess can only marry the prince

Li Feng did not know the existence of this law, but Aladdin, who had lived in Agrabah for most of his life, knew it. So when he heard Li Feng bluntly say that the national teacher actually wanted to marry the princess, a white, rich and beautiful woman, and reach the peak of his life, his first reaction was to look at Jafar with a look of "are you kidding me"

Jafar looked at Li Feng with embarrassment and horror: I just planned this in my mind, and I didn't tell anyone. How did you know? Is it mind reading?

Li Feng looked at the wonderful changes in the expressions of the two people, and inexplicably felt that he had said something wrong, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you?"

Aladdin glanced at Jafar, and when he found that the other party was also looking at him, he lowered his head silently without saying a word.

Aladdin knew very well that he was just a street thief, a small person at the bottom of society, and what about the two in front of him? One was a national teacher who was above everyone else, and a fart could kill him.

The other one looked ordinary, but looking at the national teacher's flattering posture, he knew that he still couldn't afford to offend.

In addition, Jafar's plan was related to the throne of the Sultan, so how could he have the courage to talk nonsense in front of the two big men? You know that he was killed if he said something wrong by accident.

At that time, his bones would be thrown into the depths of the desert, and no one would know what happened specifically. Do you think he was wronged?

Therefore, Aladdin could only pretend to be temporarily deaf, and acted like "My eyes and hearing were attracted by the sand under my feet, and I have no idea what you two are talking about."

Jafar expressed understanding and satisfaction with Aladdin's reaction. After all, he started as a thief at the bottom and gradually worked his way up to stealing the country. For such a matter of life and death, he would always go as far as he could without sufficient benefits.

However, Aladdin was silent, but how should he deal with Li Feng's attitude of breaking the casserole to get to the bottom of it?

There was no way. Facing Li Feng, the big man who held his life in his hands, Jafar could only twitch his mouth and say: "In Agrabah, princesses can only marry princes, so my chance of marrying Princess Jasmine is zero."

Li Feng was stunned. In his opinion, the king of Agrabah was looking for a son-in-law who was well-matched. Li Feng said that he could understand this. It was pitiful for parents in the world. No one wanted their daughter to be so poor in the future that they would worry about what to eat for three meals a day.

But this matter can be solved privately. What does it mean to write it in the law?

Laws are the moral bottom line that everyone must abide by, but the king of Agrabah made laws as if they were a joke.

What's wrong? Your laws control everything, including the air people breathe? He is so bored

But Li Feng is not in the mood to chat with the king of Agrabah. After all, the whole Agrabah belongs to him. He can make whatever laws he wants. What does it have to do with him?

Besides, if we really talk about this matter in detail, the king may still be the one who loses.

For example, Jafar is a wizard after all. If he really hooks up with Jasmine, and they have a child in the future, Jafar will definitely teach the child magic.

If there is a magic genius in the next generation, Agrabah may be upgraded to the "City of Wizards". By then, Agrabah will make a fortune.

But who the princess marries has nothing to do with Jafar's return to the path of magic? ...

As a wizard who has been promoted to the national master by understanding the king's heart, Jafar knows what Li Feng is thinking when he sees Li Feng's expression.

With a look of nostalgia, Jafar took a deep breath and explained slowly with a bitter face: "I want to get the right to rule Agrabah and conquer more countries. The ultimate goal is related to magic."

Li Feng blinked inexplicably. This made him feel a little fresh. He had never heard that the position of king had anything to do with magic.

Stretching out his hand, Li Feng motioned Jafar to continue explaining.

Magic may be mysterious and noble in the eyes of outsiders, but behind the scenes that outsiders don't know, magic is supported by a huge amount of resources.

Without resources, relying only on personal meditation and hard work, the speed of magic practice is as slow as a snail.

As for Jafar, he was a thief when he was young. He was lucky enough to steal a spell practice book, but as a person who relied on stealing to survive three meals a day, where did Jafar get the resources to practice magic?

Fortunately, he broke into the circle of power with a few simple magics, slowly accumulated the resources of the wizard with the power in his hands, and then climbed step by step to the position of the second in Agrabah.

But it is also true that Jafar knows that if he wants to go further on the path of magic, the position of the second is far from enough, because usually the first boss gets the good things handed over by the people, and he can only ask for resources that the first boss doesn't want or doesn't value.

The benefits are intercepted, where does he get the resources to practice magic?

This is also the reason why he wants to kick the Agrabah boss off the throne and become the boss himself.

In order to obtain more resources, he even planned how to attack neighboring countries after ascending the throne.

When the territory under his jurisdiction is large enough, more people will naturally help him collect resources when practicing magic, and won't his magic skills rise?

But now, if Li Feng, the senior wizard, can teach him how to practice magic, why would Jafar bother to steal the country? If he has that time, he might as well stay in the laboratory building and study the fascinating magic.

Besides, magic is not a good baby. It is dangerous. It is completely different to have Li Feng's guidance and to guess blindly.

After explaining that he has a heart dedicated to pursuing magic, Jafar looked at Li Feng pitifully.

Li Feng touched his chin. He was somewhat unconvinced by Jafar's explanation. He might want to be the boss because of collecting resources, but he definitely also has the factor of greed for power. After all, power is a thing, haha

It's just that all this has nothing to do with him. As long as Jafar provides convenience, Li Feng doesn't mind teaching some simple magic. Anyway, Jafar is just an apprentice. What advanced spells can he learn? Just teach a few tricks to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Li Feng nodded slightly and said, "I have my own research to do, and I don't have time to tie you to my side to teach magic."

Jafar was stunned, not understanding what Li Feng meant by nodding and agreeing, and then he heard Li Feng continue to say, "But I can lend you a spell book. You will write down the parts you don't understand, and then I will take the time to solve your doubts every once in a while."

As soon as the voice fell, Jafar prostrated himself in front of Li Feng with an excited face and said, "Thank you, my generous master."

Li Feng was somewhat unaccustomed to Jafar's kneeling etiquette of thanks. He gestured to Jafar to get up and waved to open the portal to Aladdin's house, saying, "Aladdin, take your treasure home."

On the side, Jafar glanced at Aladdin, looking like he had something to say.

Aladdin was also a shrewd person. As soon as he saw Jafar's appearance, he guessed that the other party might still want to kill him in order to keep the Cave of Wonders and the secret of planning the throne of Agrabah.

He was so scared that he picked up his bag full of gold and jewels and went into the portal.

Just as Aladdin passed through the portal, the magic carpet wanted to follow Aladdin out of nowhere.

Li Feng was unhappy on the spot.

If he hadn't flown all night last night, Li Feng might not care whether he had a magic carpet or not, after all, he could fly by himself, and he could fly faster and more agilely than the magic carpet.

But after relying on his own mana to the point of almost exhausting, some of Li Feng's concepts have changed.

If it were normal, Li Feng would turn into black mist and fly all over the sky, and he could afford this amount of mana, but if his mana suddenly ran out in battle, he was a bronze scum in close combat, haha, how should he surrender to save his handsome face?

Therefore, Li Feng naturally came up with the idea of ​​making a flying tool, but most flying tools require him to provide magic power, which is different from flying directly and still consuming mana?

It just so happens that the magic carpet can fly by itself without consuming extra mana, and it would be strange if Li Feng missed it.

Seeing that the magic carpet dared to leave without permission, Li Feng grabbed the magic carpet and threatened it fiercely: "Little thing, follow me from now on, or I will burn you with fire."

Aladdin, who had just returned home, heard Li Feng's threat to the magic carpet, and his face twitched. After hesitating for 0.1 seconds, he handed the bag to Li Feng with a depressed face, and said with his head down: "Respected Master, can I use these gold and jewels to buy the magic carpet?"

Li Feng looked at Aladdin in confusion, and before he could ask "why", he heard Aladdin explain: "I know these jewels are nothing to you, but the magic carpet saved my life in the cave, and I can't watch it burn. I am willing to use my only wealth in exchange for the freedom of the magic carpet."

Although Although this statement reflects your kindness, I always feel that you are brainless. Li Feng rolled his eyes and said unhappily: "If I really want to burn the magic carpet, why would I waste my words with it?"

Li Feng looked at the magic carpet in his hand, curled his lips with disgust, and said: "This thing looks like a picnic blanket. I am not interested in flying on it. I just want to study how this thing can fly without anyone providing mana, so that I can build my favorite flying tool in the future."

"If you don't believe it, you can play with the magic carpet at any time," Li Feng pointed at Jafar and said: "I will live in Agrabah recently, and I will let Jafar notify you where I am."

After that, Li Feng waved his hand to close the portal without caring whether Aladdin believed it or not.

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