Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 203 Chapter 202 Pretending to be Drunk

The elf looked at Li Feng in confusion. As far as he knew, there was more than one magic lamp, but he was definitely the only one nearby: Could it be that this wizard had other magic lamps in his hand?

As for Li Feng's question, the elf was also a little confused. Two powerful elves joined forces to realize a wish of "going home". It seemed that the chance of success was quite high, but he had never done this before. Who knows if it would work? What if it still didn't work?

How should I answer this? After thinking about it, the elf scratched his forehead and said, "Why don't you try it?"

Li Feng glanced at the wine glass in his hand, squinted at the portal, and smiled: "No hurry, the other elf hasn't come on stage yet, let's talk about something else first, such as" After thinking about it, Li Feng asked: "Can your magic be taught to others?"

The other elf didn't come on stage? The elf followed Li Feng's gaze to the portal: I have lived in the Cave of Wonders for a long time, and I didn't see other elves in the cave.

Frowning, I don't know why, the elf always felt that Li Feng was thinking about how to cheat people.

The elf tilted his head and shrugged, saying, "In theory, the magic of the elves can be taught to others, but the reality is that there are some spells that only the elves dare to use because the price is too high, and you wizards can't afford this price." The elf tapped the bracelet on his wrist and explained, "And the reason why the elves can afford the price is also because of this thing. Although it restricts my freedom, it is also protecting me."

Li Feng nodded, his eyes drifted towards Jafar in the portal, and he touched his chin and said, "Maybe my first wish has been thought of. How about you teach me magic?"

The elf smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay, but I advise you not to say that. Although the elves can fulfill any wish," halfway through, the elf suddenly remembered that Li Feng's wish to "go home" could not be fulfilled by himself, and this was not one of the three unfulfillable wishes. He awkwardly changed his words and said, "Well, the elves can fulfill it. Most wishes, but this is not the point,"

"The point is that when the elves fulfill wishes, there are usually a lot of gray areas. Generally, we use direct and rough methods to help the summoner fulfill his wishes," the elf pointed to Li Feng's forehead and said, "If you want my spells, the simplest and fastest way is for me to stuff the huge spell theory directly into your mind, and you"

The elf spread his hands and said, "I'm afraid your brain can't handle so much knowledge that suddenly pops up, and you will become a madman directly."

Li Feng scratched his eyebrows and took out a matchbox-sized magic book from his pocket. He enlarged the magic book that had not been used for a long time and handed it to the elf, saying, "Record your spells in detail in this book? How about this method?"

The elf took the magic book and found the magic of the magic book at a glance. Although the magic book is not very thick, it is more than enough to record his magic.

Nodding, the elf rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Very good book, very good way, are you sure this is your first wish?"

The elf couldn't help but be excited. Li Feng's third wish had been made in advance, and it was the kind that set him free, so as long as he fulfilled Li Feng's two wishes, he would be free from the elf's shackles

Now, seeing that Li Feng was about to make another wish, he was one step closer to the previous freedom. It would be strange if he was not excited.

On the other hand, Li Feng knew that knowledge is power. If the elf could not help him go home, then choosing knowledge was the best solution. After all, the road home requires power.

Thinking of this, Li Feng did not speak, but just wiped the magic lamp and made a wish for the elf to record all the magic knowledge in the magic book.

At the moment when Li Feng made a wish, the elf picked up the magic book and rushed into the sky with joy, singing and dancing again to vent his inner excitement.

It can be seen that this elf likes singing and dancing very much.

After a while, the elf flew back to Li Feng with a mouthful of white teeth, pointed at the magic book in his hand, and saw the pages of the magic book turning one by one, quickly recording the magic knowledge of the elf.

About 1 minute later, the magic book slowly closed.

The elf held the magic book in both hands and handed it to Li Feng, smiling: "Respected wizard, your wish has come true."

Li Feng took the magic book and buried his head in reading it, and said with a smile: "Thank you. By the way, I want to congratulate you in advance. As long as you and another elf join forces to send me home later, the third wish I made before will take effect immediately, and you will be free from now on."

Li Feng's words have clearly told the elf what his remaining wishes are, which also makes the elf understand that his freedom is within reach.

At this time, a trace of embarrassment suddenly appeared on the elf's face.

"Uh~ I haven't thanked you for giving me freedom." Obviously, the elf just remembered that he hadn't thanked Li Feng before, which made him, one of the most powerful in the universe, embarrassed?

After thinking about it, the elf felt that he could still make up for it by expressing his gratitude, and said in a flattering manner: "Is there anything I can help you with? For example..." As he spoke, the elf scratched his head and looked around, waved his hand to summon some delicious food and fruits on the magic carpet, and said: "How about some snacks?"

Li Feng touched his stomach. Don't say it, he had been following Jia Far all the way without drinking a drop of water, and he was already starving. Seeing delicious food and fruits, how could he be polite to the elf.

Li Feng grabbed the mutton chop and took a bite. He said in a slightly slurred voice filled with food: "Don't thank me too fast. If you join forces with another elf, you won't be able to send me home. The last one I hope you can wait, after all, I think I am not weak, and I can solve it by myself in most cases. "

After struggling to swallow the food in his mouth, Li Feng took a big gulp of wine and continued: "Perhaps by the time I make my last wish, you will already be tired of waiting."

The elf smiled. He had been waiting for freedom in the magic lamp alone for who knows how many years. To be more patient, he thought he was invincible.

"It's better to have hope than not having any hope before."

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, his eyes drifted to the portal again, and he muttered in a low voice: "Yes, it is better to have hope than to have no hope."

After taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Li Feng threw an apple to the elf and said with squinted eyes, "How did you become an elf in the first place?"

The elf who took the apple and took a bite was stunned for a moment, and slowly told his past with a complicated wry smile. Li Feng, on the other hand, used the elf's story to drink wine, pouring wine into his mouth in large gulps, and occasionally interrupting to discuss things with the elf. Express your opinion in a sentence.

By the time the elf finished telling his story, Li Feng had become friends with the elf.

Li Feng touched his bulging belly, glanced at the busy Jia Fang, and said to the elf with a strong drunkenness: "No, I drank a little too much. I have to take a nap. Do you want to go back to the magic lamp to rest, or do you want to go on your own?" walking around?"

"There is no freedom for elves. Unless it is to fulfill the summoner's wish, I can only stay in the magic lamp full of brass."

Just when the genie was about to return to the magic lamp, the genie glanced at Jafar and whispered in Li Feng's ear: "The rules of the magic lamp are whoever wipes the lamp, the genie will serve. You'd better be on guard when sleeping," The elf pointed at Jafar vaguely and said: "I see that he is not a good person. If the magic lamp is stolen by him and summons me, I can only help him realize his wish, even if he wants to become stronger than you. , I can only help him fulfill his wish."

The question is, I have to let Jafar steal the magic lamp, otherwise how will the second elf appear? Li Feng pointed at Kreacher pretending to be disdainful and said, "He is the only one who still wants to steal the magic lamp? I am not looking down on him, he can't even beat my servant, right?"

The elf looked sideways at Kreacher, compared the strengths of Jafar and Kreacher, then shrugged and smiled, "Pretend I didn't ask."

After saying that, the elf turned into blue smoke and got back into the magic lamp.

Li Feng glanced at the magic lamp beside him and turned to whisper in Kreacher's ear. Kreacher blinked his eyes and nodded without saying a word, indicating that he knew what to do.

After a while, Jafar in the Cave of Wonders was holding a pile of magic materials and placing them outside the portal. Just as he turned to return to the cave, he heard Li Feng, who was drunk on the magic carpet, unconsciously say: "Kreacher , water, help me find some water.”

Jafar paused and looked vaguely at Kreacher, who was floating in the air and preparing to go to the water source to get water.

When it was confirmed that Kreacher had left, Jafar looked greedily at the magic lamp at Li Feng's feet.

Chances are, as long as I get the magic lamp, I can let the elves help me get rid of control. Not only that, I can also become stronger than the other party and make this damn mage my servant.

Thinking of this, Jafar picked up a high-level magic material to prevent Li Feng from accidentally waking up, and he could still use the excuse of donating the material to get away from punishment.

You can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep, which describes Li Feng at this time. He was originally planning to let Jia Fang get the magic lamp, let alone Jia Fang tiptoeing towards him now.

Even if Jia Fang sets off firecrackers at this time, Li Feng, who is pretending to be drunk, can only blink his eyelashes to show that it is too noisy, cover his ears and continue to sleep. Anyway, Li Feng will never open his eyes unless Jia Fang gets the magic lamp.

As for Jia Fang, he had long been occupied by greedy desires, so he had no time to think about whether this was a trap deliberately set by Li Feng.

Soon, Jia Fang walked to Li Feng, quickly picked up the magic lamp, wiped the magic lamp as he turned around and ran, and summoned the genie.

The moment Jafar summoned the genie, Li Feng grinned and cast a spell at the magic lamp: "The magic lamp is coming."

Needless to say, the magic lamp naturally left Jia Fang's hand and flew towards Li Feng.

After a brief moment of panic, Jafar glanced at the tall elf beside him, which made him feel much safer.

Now that the elf has been summoned, and it was him who summoned the elf, he is no longer a little person crawling on Li Feng.

The only troublesome thing is the slave contract on his body, but it doesn't matter, as long as he makes a wish to be stronger than Li Feng before Li Feng punishes him.

On the other side, Li Feng shook the magic lamp in his hand and said with a half-smile: "Do you think being stronger than me is enough? The magic lamp is in my hand. As long as I make a wish to be stronger than you, or be stronger than the elves, If you still have a strong desire, you are still no match for me.”

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