Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 205 Chapter 204 Melancholy Bird

While Li Feng was casting a spell on the magic lamp, the elf on the side blinked his curious eyes and carefully observed the magic lamp wrapped in the water flow.

After a long time, the elf who saw the trick said in a positive tone: "It seems to us that Jafar in the magic lamp is indeed accelerating his learning speed, but based on the power of your time spell, it will not take more than a year and a half." "Yes, I'm afraid Jafar is still learning." After a pause, the elf added: "This is the result of your daily spells."

Hearing the elf's words, Li Feng waved his hands indifferently. Even if he stayed in the Aladdin world for two years, so what if the elf Jafar still failed to wake up? The magic lamp is a magic item. At worst, he will return to the Marvel world with Jafar and the genie to continue waiting.

Having said that, the elf is calculated based on his current spell power. Could it be that after spending two years practicing his spells, his spell power remains at the same level? This is too underestimated.

It wasn't until most of Li Feng's mana was consumed that he reluctantly ended the practice and accelerated the time. He waved his hand to open the portal and signaled the magic carpet to take him out of the Cave of Wonders.

After leaving the cave, the elf was forced to return to the magic lamp to rest because he was not in the time to fulfill other people's wishes.

As for Li Feng, while slowly recovering his mana, he took out his magic book and studied the magic recorded by the elves.

Just as he continued to study, Li Feng frowned from time to time.

Regarding the magic of elves, Li Feng became more and more surprised the more he read about it.

First of all, elves can rely on their magic power to summon food out of thin air, the kind of food that can really be digested by the human stomach.

Such a level of magic scares Li Feng a little, because not to mention that he can't summon real food out of thin air. Even Gu Yi, the boss who can beat gods into dogs, can't do it. Gu Yi can only do it at best. Get food from elsewhere, or simply use energy to make food that looks like food, but is actually energy.

The problem is that this kind of energy food does not satisfy hunger. If it is full, it will leave something to digest in the empty stomach. If you want to convert these energy foods into various nutrients needed by the human body, just dream.

Li Feng became more and more frightened as he watched: What is the difference between the magic of elves and real creation?

Elves can only make some food, gold jewelry, etc., so what's the next step?

If the magic of elves is thoroughly studied, apart from the inability to fabricate souls out of thin air, it seems that it will not be difficult to create physical bodies out of thin air in the future.

Wait, just make it up out of thin air?

Li Feng touched his chin. He didn't know why, but he always felt that the effects of the elves' spells seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

After a while, Li Feng slapped himself on the forehead: Damn it, isn’t this some effect of the weakened Reality Stone? That’s not right. When you make a wish to the elf, the elf itself seems to be infinitely close to the ability of the Reality Stone.

In front of the Reality Stone, all codes and rules become meaningless, because it can modify them at will, such as erasing objects.

The magic of elves can also do this. For example, elves can make the swords in the hands of guards disappear out of thin air, just like erasers completely erase the swords, or even directly eliminate the law of a certain day.

If it were just to make the sword disappear, Li Feng said that he could do it, but his magic was to teleport the sword away. The sword itself still existed, just in a different location.

As for erasing the law, haha, unless Li Feng is prepared to erase the memories of those who know the law one by one, but see if he can be exhausted.

Secondly, using the Reality Stone can create physical objects out of thin air.

This is also not difficult for elves. Elves can easily create anything to eat or wear.

Finally, the Reality Stone itself contains huge energy that is difficult to control. It is very scary to use it alone. It is correct to say that the Reality Stone cannot be used alone.

Anyway, as far as Li Feng knows so far, he can count the number of people in the universe who can hold the Reality Stone with his hands and use it directly, and among these people, Thanos is not included.

Only by letting the reality gem borrow the energy of other gems can it be used safely to a certain extent.

Regarding this point, Li Feng felt that it was similar to an elf making a wish and casting a spell.

The elf usually relies on his own magic power to perform some small magic, such as conjuring fruits and roasting chicken. To him, this is just a simple trick.

But it would be difficult for the elf to turn into a table full of men. Unless the summoner rubs the lamp and uses the wish, the elf can definitely borrow energy from somewhere to satisfy the summoner's wish.

The elves borrow energy to fulfill their wishes, and the reality gem borrows the energy of other gems to change reality. No matter how you look at it, they look very similar.

Li Feng scratched his head and said excitedly: "Does this mean that as long as I learn the magic of elves, I can simulate some characteristics of the real gem? The humanoid self-propelled real gem? Although it is only half of a gem, but This is a bit of a joke.”

Thinking of this, Li Feng felt like a pie was falling from the sky, and it was the kind that fell directly into his mouth. This made him immediately motivated to study elf magic.

It wasn't until the sunset a few days later that Li Feng, who was in the desert, had eyes swollen and felt sleepy. He had no choice but to put down the magic book in his hand, waved his hand to open the portal, picked up a few gold coins from the Cave of Wonders, and entered again. Open the portal to Agrabah and find a hotel as a temporary stop.

After sleeping for a full day and two nights, Li Feng appeared on the street in the early morning with his shoulder bag full of energy and searched for small shops selling tents and pots and pans. He looked prepared to stay in the wild for a long time. Posture.

It was just that Li Feng was not familiar with Agrabah, and he had to walk around until noon to barely buy all the daily necessities.

This made Li Feng regretful. If he had let Jafar arrange a place for him to live first, and then designed Jafar to become the genie of the magic lamp, wouldn't there be so many troubles now?

Unfortunately, regret was useless. Although Li Feng could use the time converter to go back to the past, what if he changed Jafar's fate of becoming a genie?

Compared to sleeping in the wilderness, he still worked hard and bought some pots and pans.

As for the remaining supplies... Li Feng said that he had an elf friend who had everything he wanted.

Back in the Cave of Wonders, the first thing Li Feng did was to practice time acceleration in front of the magic lamp where Jafar's genie lived, until his mana was nearly half consumed, and then he waved his hand to open the portal and return to the outside of the cave.

Then, while recovering his mana, Li Feng took out the magic book and studied the magic of the elves with relish.

In the afternoon, it was time to study hellfire.

A year and a half later, in the Cave of Wonders.

Li Feng skillfully applied time acceleration to the Jafar magic lamp. On the side, the genie pinched his mustache and turned around the magic lamp with interest.

Until the time acceleration spell ended, when Li Feng was about to leave the Cave of Wonders, the genie suddenly called Li Feng and said, "Austin, Jafar is awake."

"Awake?" Li Feng didn't care about maintaining the portal, so he let the portal dissipate and picked up the magic lamp to wipe it.

Jafar's appearance was very similar to that of the genie, with a swirling smoke coming out of the mouth of the lamp.

The only difference is that Jafar is red, while the genie is blue.

In addition, the newly appointed Jafar seems to be still not used to the lifestyle of the genie. He looks a little confused and at a loss after his appearance.

Li Feng gently poked the elf beside him, and while looking at the stupid Jafar, he whispered: "Is this guy okay? Why do I feel that he is unreliable?"

"Uh~" The elf held his arms with one hand, touched his mustache with the other hand, and shouted: "Elf" After a pause, the elf turned his head to look at Li Feng: "I am an elf, he is also an elf, I feel weird when I call him an elf."

After that, the elf raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Jafar, and shouted: "Am I calling you Jafar, or the red elf?"

Jafar, who came back to his senses after hearing the elf's call, looked at the summoner, but when he looked at Li Feng who summoned him, his face was inevitably angry.

This is normal, after all, he became an elf because of Li Feng's design, although he was also too greedy.

This is also the law that elves must abide by not harming humans, otherwise Jafar would wish to crush Li Feng to ashes with his own hands.

Due to the rules of the elves, Jafar took a deep breath and pretended not to talk to you. He gritted his teeth and said to Li Feng: "Say your wish."

"You know," Li Feng curled his lips and said with a smile: "I spent a lot of time to train you, and let you sleep for hundreds of years to just one and a half years now. As a result, you still look indifferent, which really makes me sad."

Jiafar was in no mood to chat with Li Feng. Seeing that Li Feng didn't say his wish, he looked at his magic lamp and said: "Don't disturb my rest if you don't have a wish."

After that, Jafar was about to get back into the magic lamp.

The petty Li Feng pursed his lips, feeling a little excited in his heart, but his tone was very calm, and said: "Jiafar, my wish is that you and the elves join forces to send me home, back to my real home."

Jafar looked at the elves blankly: Just for this broken wish, two elves have to join forces?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Jafar just wanted to complete Li Feng's wish and leave. He really couldn't keep a normal heart in front of Li Feng.

Besides, instead of chatting with Li Feng, it would be better to go back to the magic lamp, study the loopholes in the elf code, and then find an opportunity to kill Li Feng.

But after he and the elf worked together to sense where Li Feng's home was, he looked at Li Feng dumbfounded.

The elf was a little curious. At the beginning, Jafar's wish was to become a stronger existence than him, so theoretically Jafar was indeed stronger than him.

But now the two elves still can't find Li Feng's home, let alone send Li Feng home: What's going on?

Elf: "Austin, where is your home? We can't even sense where it is."

Li Feng smiled fakely, opened the portal silently, and left the strange cave with two magic lamps.

The elf looked at Li Feng's lost expression and followed Li Feng without saying a word, while Jafar laughed with his mouth wide open as if he had picked up a big bargain.

Jafar didn't care why Li Feng was lost, as long as he saw Li Feng was defeated, he would be happy.

On the sand dunes, Li Feng held the wine barrel with both hands and poured it into his mouth, looking into the distance with lifeless eyes.

After a long time, when the barrel of wine was finished, Li Feng stood up and smashed the barrel, then patted his butt and returned to the tent: Damn, what's the point of being sad? It's not like there's no hope of going home.

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