Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 212 Chapter 211 Be Serious

It is natural to work and get paid, but when it comes to Li Feng, why do you have to pay Lu Dan to work for Lu Dan?

This has not been true since ancient times. Therefore, Li Feng immediately stopped working: Why, did I owe SHIELD in my previous life?

Now that Shavig has joined S.H.I.E.L.D., he joins as a Rubik's Cube researcher, so he must have bodyguards around him.

Thinking of this, Li Feng turned around to look for passers-by who were acting suspiciously.

On the side, Shavig saw Li Feng looking around, guessed what Li Feng was thinking, and said, "Don't worry, SHIELD knows that I'm here to find you, so it didn't send any agents to protect me."

"Do you believe what I said about the braised egg?" Li Feng said angrily, pointing to a man in black who was sitting on a lounge chair reading a newspaper in the distance and said: "Would you like to bet that that guy is the bodyguard to protect you? one."

Shavig glanced at the man in black blankly, and said in confusion: "That's probably not the case. I saw him sitting there before I came to the small square."

"Haha," Li Feng rolled his eyes at Shavig, who had no idea what kind of urine Fury was, and said, "I wasn't sure about it before, but now that you say it, I think this guy is an agent."

"Have you ever seen an office worker who wears a black suit and reads a newspaper leisurely on a lounge chair for a long time during work? Or is it the kind who doesn't turn the pages?"

While talking, Li Feng pulled Shavig and walked straight to the man in black.

Li Feng put one foot on the rest chair and snatched the newspaper from the other party's hand. After looking at it, he shook the newspaper in his hand and said, "What are you looking at? There are beautiful women and rich people in it. Do you want to read it?" Are your eyes open? Be careful if I tell Lu Dan that you are absent from work and he will deduct your year-end bonus."

Man in black: ""I stared because I was frightened by your ruffian attitude.

The man in black said carefully: "Sir, do we know each other?"

Obviously, the man in black thought Li Feng was bluffing him and only regarded Li Feng's words as a test.

Li Feng pointed at the ear of the man in black and said with an impatient tone: "The one I'm looking for is your Director Fury. Ask him why he asks me for help and wants me to pay him a salary? What's the law? Where is the law? Believe it or not, I will sue him in court.”

When Li Feng pointed at the ear of the man in black, the man in black subconsciously touched the communicator in the ear, but when he raised his hand, his face froze: "Didn't I just bring it on myself?"

When he heard the nickname "Braised Egg" that Li Feng gave to the director, the man in black couldn't help but laugh. Although he immediately calmed down his expression, he knew that he was finished, because not only were his teammates in the communication channel, And Fury.

Now, the bonus is really gone from me

The man in black had a dark face and silently took off the communicator from his ear and handed it to Li Feng.

When Li Feng took the communicator, he blew the earwax on it in disgust, looked at the man in black with disdain, and said, "Can't you just get a new one?"

The man in black shrugged his shoulders and walked to Shaweig without saying a word, as if he would use his body to block the bullet later. Shaweig also had a dark look on his face: Madan, what are you doing? mean? Do I have 'Hit for a Prize' or 'Shots Welcome' written on my forehead, or do you want a passer-by to shoot me twice? How about you make a heroic sacrifice and let your family get the pension?

Li Feng gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and finally gave up and put the communicator covered in earwax into his ear. He really didn't have the courage.

With no choice, Li Feng could only cast a spell on the communicator while the man in black glared, turning it into the size of a basketball.

Li Feng patted the communicator and said, "Hey~ hello, is there anyone in there? If so, sing me a song."

On the other side of the communicator, Fury was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "Austin, you are not young anymore, can't you be more serious?"

"Are you serious?" Li Feng scratched his head and said in standard Mandarin: "I know Natasha is serious, but I don't know whether she is serious or not."

After a long time, the sound of a car starting came from the communication device, and Fury said in a rather helpless tone: "I understand Chinese and I will translate the original words and convey them to Natasha. In addition, you and Dr. Shavig are in the original place." Wait for me, I will pick you up."

Pick us up? Do I agree to join the research team? Li Feng turned and glanced at Shavig. Vaguely, he seemed to understand that Fury's real purpose in finding him was not to study the Rubik's Cube, but to seek something else.

First, he took advantage of my desire to study the Rubik's Cube, forcing me to make promises or benefits, and then use my promises or benefits to help him deal with difficult matters.

In this way, I not only helped to study the Rubik's Cube, but also solved a difficult problem.

Damn it, this is a white wolf, but this is the Fury in my impression.

After thinking about all this, Li Feng curled his lips and said disdainfully: "I say Fury, you are already a grown man, can you be more prudent in your work?"

"What do you mean?" Fury asked in confusion.

Li Feng licked his lips and said, "You have to have a begging attitude when asking for help. Believe it or not, I will pull Eric away from here immediately?"

Fury's face froze and he said harshly: "I don't understand what you said."

"Hey~ You can do it," Li Feng gave a thumbs up to the communicator, turned to Shavig and said, "Eric, let's go, forget about the braised eggs."

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Fury's helpless voice came from the communicator: "Wait, I do have something to ask you. I just don't want outsiders to know too much. If you don't believe me, you can ask Dr. Shavig. If he doesn't understand, he doesn't mind. I know some secrets, let me tell you now.”

"Don't," Shavig waved his hands hurriedly, saying, "Don't tell me any secrets. Thor's matter has made me lose my job. Although I am grateful to SHIELD for giving me a job, I don't want to be tied to SHIELD for my whole life just because I know something. I hope to do the research I like in the future."

After saying that, Shavig said "goodbye" to Li Feng and signaled the man in black to take him away quickly. He finally realized that he would only get himself into trouble if he stayed here.

And he also figured out why Fury agreed without thinking when he suggested to Fury that Li Feng join the research team. The reason was not that Li Feng had studied the Rubik's Cube at the time, but that Fury had other purposes for looking for Li Feng.

The so-called asking Li Feng for benefits before allowing Li Feng to join the team was completely Fury's principle of playing the first shot.

Not long after Shavig left, a black market SUV stopped beside Li Feng.

Fury rolled down the window, looked at Li Feng with a stern face, and said, "Get in the car."

Li Feng scratched his head, opened the passenger door and got in the car. He stared at Fury's one eye curiously and said, "Do you have a three-dimensional sense of seeing things with one eye?"

Fury turned his head with a poker face and glanced at Li Feng. He stepped on the accelerator and said, "Why, are you afraid that I can't see the front clearly while driving? Don't worry, I'm a good driver, and this is a car of SHIELD, and all its performance is trustworthy."

Li Feng looked at the environment inside the car, shrugged and said, "I just think the air conditioning effect is good." After a pause, Li Feng reclined the seat back to make himself more comfortable, and said, "Or tell me why you are looking for me, and where are we going?"

"Don't worry, I'm not willing to sell you for money," Fury looked at Li Feng, who was sitting awkwardly, with contempt, and asked faintly, "Remember when you fought with the Destroyer, you fought to save Thor. Open a portal to Antarctica? "

Li Feng tilted his head to think for a moment, and said uncertainly: "It seems to be the case? Why, the Destroyer melted Antarctica? Then you ask the Asgardians for compensation, or let Thor find a way to freeze the ice back. Anyway, my ability is weak and I can't restore the icebergs in Antarctica. "

Looking at Li Feng's attitude of killing and burying, Fury's mouth twitched, and he said unhappily: "Don't you mages care about the ecological environment of the earth when fighting? If it doesn't work, you can open the portal to the universe, but what's the matter with opening it on the earth? "

"Do you think I want to destroy the environment," Li Feng spread his hands and said with an innocent tone: "It's because the Destroyer is too difficult to deal with that my mirror space is directly scrapped and can't be used, otherwise I will imprison this piece of armor until the end of time. "

"Mirror space? What is that?" Fury asked with narrowed eyes.

Li Feng rubbed his forehead, sighed and said, "What do you care? We are talking about Antarctica. You are off topic, don't you know?"

"Okay, let's talk about Antarctica," Fury tilted his head and thought about it, then said, "During World War II, the US military organized a secret experiment. A young man who was originally weak and sick participated in the experiment. After being injected with a super soldier serum, he led a team to fight against the enemy on the battlefield."

"Captain America," Li Feng, who knew who Fury was introducing before he finished speaking, sat up straight and lowered his head and asked: "It is said that he was frozen in Antarctica. Did you find him?"

"It is said?" Fury looked at Li Feng and asked, "You knew where the captain was a long time ago? How did you know it? Who else knows about the legend you mentioned?"

Li Feng's mouth twitched obscurely: he let the cat out of the bag again

"I just heard about it from my friend's friend. He claimed that he had seen the captain when he was practicing in Antarctica. Although he knew that the captain was still alive, he was buried a little too deep. With his ability at the time, he could not dig out the captain without ensuring his life. My friend and I thought he was bragging, so we didn't take it seriously. "Go." Frey glanced at Li Feng with doubtful eyes, saying, "There are a lot of friends, there are pseudo -angels, who have seen the captain, and have been killed by the devil. Asked: "I still talk about the captain and me." He paused, Li Feng scratched his head embarrassed: "You won't want to tell me, the high temperature beam of the destroyer melted the captain?" Frey shook his head slightly, fortunately: The half of the body is wrapped in the ice cubes, the ice cubes of the lower body have not only melted, but the legs are also injured by high temperature beams. For these energy injuries, we have some waste time to treat them. "And, we detected that the captain's cells have begun to recover. Dangerous "

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