Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 216 Chapter 215 No one can fight

In the office, Li Feng casually opened a portal about the size of a computer screen and controlled it to move around.

After a while, Fury looked at a portal moving directly above him with a stern face, and another portal was outside the computer screen.

Fury looked at the portal on the desk with a twitch in his mouth, and then looked up at the computer screen in the air above, where the Aladdin cartoon was playing.

Watching Li Feng show off his space magic, Fury gritted his teeth and asked, "What is your bottom line about the magic lamp?"

"Are you still talking about the bottom line with me at this time?" Li Feng widened his eyes and sneered, "I told you before that the main function of the Rubik's Cube is space. Do you think anyone you know knows more about space than me? Without my participation, how much progress will your research project make?"

Li Feng pointed at himself proudly, "Now you should be asking me to join the research team, why do you want me to exchange the magic lamp?"

Fury glanced at Li Feng, his mouth slightly raised and said disdainfully, "You are a wizard, and the direction of your research is probably biased towards magic, and what I want is technology. Do you understand technology? Of course, if you can find a bunch of wizards, I don't mind letting you lead another research team to participate in the research of the Rubik's Cube, such as the 'Ancient One' wizard mentioned by you and Mephisto."

"Haha," Li Feng sneered a few times: Let me find Ancient One to study the space gem? Do you want to introduce you to the location of Kamar-Taj and the location of the three temples? Believe it or not, Gu Yi will turn against you and beat you and me into a big fat boy, or the kind with a face bigger than his belly

Li Feng rubbed his eyebrows, sighed and said: "Some things, can you not worry so much? You also asked Gu Yi to study, you thought of it. It's because she is busy maintaining the peace of the dimension and has no time to deal with you, a small person. Otherwise, just because you dare to catch her attention, believe it or not, she doesn't need to do it, her disciples will beat you so hard that your parents can't recognize you, and you will have to apologize afterwards."

"I don't mind apologizing,"

After silently adding in his heart, 'As long as I can get to know Gu Yi', Fury squinted and said: "Why do I feel that Gu Yi's disciples are quite domineering?"

Regarding the topic of Gu Yi, Li Feng really didn't want to say anything more to Fury. While opening and closing the portal, he said: "In a word, let me join the research team."

Fury shook his head and rejected Li Feng, waving at Li Feng with an impatient look, indicating that the other party should leave quickly and not delay his work.

From the beginning, Fury never thought of letting Li Feng join the research team. He didn't want to use the Rubik's Cube to develop a portal to squeeze out the world's major automobile or airplane manufacturers.

His purpose from the beginning was to extract the energy in the Rubik's Cube to make powerful and environmentally friendly weapons to deter evil forces that dared to reach out to the earth.

In this case, why did he want a wizard to join the research team? Besides, Li Feng can hypnotize. Who knows how many scientific researchers Li Feng has contacted became his subordinates afterwards?

The safety risks are too high, and the gains do not outweigh the losses.

As for the magic lamp, he learned from Peggy Carter that the magic lamp can only fulfill 3 wishes of the summoner. Now asking for the magic lamp is just to test how many wishes Li Feng has made with the magic lamp.

If Li Feng has not used 3 wishes, then Li Feng must be very fond of the magic lamp. If he has used 3 wishes, then the magic lamp is just a collection for Li Feng, and he may lend it to S.H.I.E.L.D. like the Night God mask.

But now, Li Feng also used the magic lamp to test his attitude, which made him a little confused for a while.

Did Austin use the magic lamp?

Li Feng saw Fury firmly reject him, curled his lips, waved his hand to open the portal: If you don't want to participate, then don't participate. At most, when Loki opens the portal, the space gem that is activated under close observation is in what state

But Fury knew that I never mentioned the matter of the wizard, why did he want to explore the magic world recently? Could it be that the recent devil's affairs made him anxious?

And Shavig, has there been a major breakthrough in the research of the Rubik's Cube? So it doesn't make sense that Fury doesn't need my help. Although Shavig is super intelligent, is the Rubik's Cube so easy to crack?

Back at home by the lake, Li Feng, who still couldn't figure it out, scratched his head, put the problem behind him, and lay on a lounge chair by the lake with a magic book in his hand, drinking beer leisurely while studying elf magic. He needs to transform knowledge into power as soon as possible, because the mind gem is coming.

Time flies. Li Feng, who was busy making a fake infinite gem, rarely put down the magic book in his hand and lay quietly on the grass alone, drinking beer while watching a "documentary" about mythological stories playing in the distance.

This can be regarded as Li Feng doing his homework. After all, he himself does not know when he will travel to the mythological story. If he encounters a mythological story with two eyes in the dark, how can he get the benefit?

Not far away, a child-sized figure was surrounding a bonfire, sprinkling some spices on the food on the fire from time to time.

That was the midnight snack prepared by Kreacher for Li Feng, a roasted leg of lamb with an attractive aroma.

Just as Kreacher took the leg of lamb from the fire, the phone in the RV suddenly rang.

Li Feng looked at the RV in confusion, hooked his finger at the leg of lamb in Kreacher's hand, and said as he let the leg of lamb float towards him: "Kreacher, look who called."

After a while, Kreacher took the phone and walked up to Li Feng: "Boss, it's Mr. Fury's call." After a moment of hesitation, Kreacher said timidly: "Mr. Fury's voice sounded anxious."

Fury? Why is this guy looking for me? Li Feng was stunned for a moment, then floated the leg of lamb in the air, took the phone and said with a smile: "Lu Dan, I heard that you are very anxious now? Tell me what happened and make me happy."

On the other side of the phone, Fury was in no mood to argue with Li Feng. He said bluntly: "Loki has come to Earth. He not only stole the Rubik's Cube, but also controlled my subordinates." After a pause, Fury thought that Li Feng might not He would care about the fate of his subordinates and added: "It was your friend Shavig who was also taken away by Loki."

Is it finally here? Just in time, my fake infinity stones have been successfully made. Li Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you need me to do?"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Fury's urgent voice came from the phone: "Come to my office immediately. Someone will give you a mobile phone. There will be a photo in the phone. After sending it there, someone will tell you what to do. ”

After putting down the phone, Li Feng stood up and twisted his waist. After he was able to move his body, he held a beer in one hand and a leg of lamb in the other, waved his hand and opened the portal to Fury's office.

Just as Li Feng stepped into the office, the door of the office suddenly opened. An agent wearing sunglasses at night quickly walked up to Li Feng. Seeing that Li Feng's hands were busy, he put his cell phone on his face with a vague twitch at the corner of his mouth. Turn around and leave after getting to the desk.

During this time, the guy wearing sunglasses didn’t say a single line.

Li Feng glanced at the cell phone displaying a photo in his office, drank the beer in his hand, and waved to open the portal.

When Li Feng came to an underground base that was similar to a ruin while chewing a leg of lamb, he heard a female voice coming from behind him.

"Hello, Mr. Master,"

Hearing the sound, Li Feng turned to look at the other party.

Seeing that the other party was wearing a SHIELD combat uniform, and it was a slightly torn combat uniform with white thighs exposed, Li Feng opened his eyes and asked, "Ha, we found a wild beauty. Today There will be wine, meat and girls in the evening. It seems that I am lucky. "

"Maria Hill, you can call me Agent Hill,"

The most famous person around Fury, Hill not only heard about Li Feng, but also knew that Li Feng had been single for many years.

Although she was confident about her figure and appearance, she was not confident enough to attract Li Feng when she first met him.

Hill, who understood that Li Feng was just joking with him, ignored Li Feng's words and said neatly: "Since you can come to the base, Fury must have told you what to do."

Li Feng shook his head, took a bite of the lamb leg and said inarticulately: "Fu Rui just said that someone will tell me what to do after this. Does the 'someone' in Fu Rui's mouth refer to you?"

Hill narrowed his eyes, nodded and said, "That's me." Hill pointed to the ruins around him and said, "Find all the injured as soon as possible, especially the scientific researchers here, and send them to the hospital as soon as possible."

Prioritize aid to scientific researchers? Perhaps this is the real reason why Fury asked me to come. It seems that Fury's research on the Rubik's Cube has indeed achieved considerable results. Li Feng turned his head and looked at the ruins. He brushed his eyes with his right hand and opened his Dharma Eyes to scan around: "Farry It's not as simple as opening a portal to take the injured to the hospital."

While talking, Li Feng cast a spell to turn stones, cement and other building materials in one place into a pile of fine sand. He then cast a spell on several injured people behind the sand to correct the misplaced bones. While casting a healing spell, he turned around and said: Hill said: "Your Fury is very smart in his calculations. Not only can I find and rescue these people in time, but I can also complete the treatment task at the same time. He will have a lot of medical expenses left."

Although Hill said that he had known about Li Feng's irregularity for a long time, it was not until he met Li Feng that he realized that this was not irregular at all. It was simply a brain disease: He couldn't even tell which was more important, scientific researchers or medical expenses.

In Hill's twitching eyes, the injured who were originally injured and unable to move walked out of the fine sand with confused faces, looking at Li Feng with big curious and greedy eyes.

This cannot be entirely blamed on the greed in the eyes of these scientific researchers. After all, one second they thought they were belching, and the next second the cement blocks and steel bars in the cement that were pressing them turned into fine sand in an instant, so It is a magical scene. Anyone who loves scientific research will have the desire to slice Li Feng into pieces and study it.

Li Feng just looked at each other with disdain at the looks of several scientific researchers, then turned around and continued to look for the next injured person: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. It's a pity that none of you can beat me."

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