Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 225 Chapter 224 Coulson's Death

The moment Li Feng put on the shield, the aerospace carrier suddenly shook violently, and then a huge flame burst out from the floor of the room with the explosion.

As the explosion ended, except for Li Feng who was standing there unharmed, the rest of the superheroes were lying on the ground.

Natasha, Banner and Thor were the worst, and were even blown out of the room. It was strange that except for Natasha, these two guys were the thickest at the scene, and they were the existences that could not be killed by any explosion. The question was why these two brothers were blown the farthest in the explosion? Is there any misunderstanding here?

Steve, who was lying on the ground, shook his dizzy head. The moment he regained his thinking ability, he instantly realized that he was attacked by the enemy. He hurriedly helped Stark, who was also lying on the ground, and shouted: "Put on the armor quickly."

"I know," Stark obviously didn't have Steve's experience. He was stunned for a while before realizing that someone attacked the aerospace carrier, and hurriedly ran to the warehouse where the suits were stored.

Fury was probably the one who felt the worst among the people present. The aerospace carrier had been flying in stealth mode, and no one on the ground knew the route of the aerospace carrier.

But the current attack clearly told him that the route of the aerospace carrier was known. As for how the other party knew it, as the king of agents, he instantly had several plans in his mind.

However, the biggest possibility of leaking the route was that either Loki had a positioning function or Loki's staff had a positioning function.

Therefore, the moment Loki and the staff boarded the aerospace carrier, the location of the aerospace carrier was exposed to the enemy.

The only thing to be thankful for was that as an uninvited visitor to the earth, Loki would not have too many soldiers under his command, so there would not be too many people attacking the aerospace carrier, and the original Hawkeye Barton was probably the leader of this attack.

If Barton returns to the aerospace carrier and lets him escape, I will resign as the director.

Thinking of this, Fury threw a communicator to Li Feng and shouted, "Austin, go find Barton and calibrate his consciousness."

After that, Fury pressed the communicator and asked Hill about the damage to the aerospace carrier.

Hill reported the bad news as soon as he opened his mouth.

"There was an explosion outside, and the No. 3 engine stopped working. If one engine stops working, we will fall directly from the sky. Someone must repair the engine."

Fury pressed the communication area and shouted, "Stark, do you hear me?"

"I'll go fix it right away," Stark obviously realized the seriousness of the situation and said bluntly as he ran towards the battle suit.

Li Feng, who was wearing the communicator, scratched his head. The Mind Gem was in hand. It didn't matter whether Barton was petrified or not. Besides, when it comes to repairs, who else in the world can be more skilled than "Restored to Original"?

"Fury, how about letting the flying Stark look for Barton, and notify me when he finds Barton," Li Feng pointed at himself and said, "And I'll go and repair the engine now."

Are the requirements for being a mage so high now? Can you even play with the engine of the aerospace carrier? Fury asked in a confused manner: "Can you repair the engine?"

Li Feng shook his head: "No."

In Fury's face, Li Feng explained: "But I know magic. Do you remember how I restored Stark Company in ten minutes?"

Fury narrowed his eyes. If the engine was just a minor problem, maybe Stark could find the fault point in minutes and immediately restore the engine to normal, but Li Feng, haha, just looking for the fault point would take years to calculate the time.

But Hill said it exploded, the engine was obviously not a small problem, maybe Stark's repair speed really couldn't compare to his magic.

If it was unlucky, the engine was too severely damaged, and Stark didn't have much materials, maybe he couldn't repair the engine.

Thinking of this, Fury pressed the communicator again and said, "Stark, let Austin repair it."

Before Fury finished speaking, the public channel rang with the sound of the suit taking off, and Stark shouted, "I heard it, I'm going to find Agent Barton now."

Hearing Stark's reply, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal.

Coming to the deck of the aerospace carrier, Li Feng saw that there was no one around, so he put his right hand in his mouth and blew. After a shrill whistle, the black somersault cloud that had been hiding in the corner floated in front of Li Feng.

After putting the black gourd on the black cloud back into the shoulder bag, Li Feng smiled silently. Yes, he had sent another batch of vengeful spirits into SHIELD.

There was no way. As Fury continued to upgrade the security system, a bunch of strange equipment such as energy detection and brain wave detection moved into SHIELD, making it increasingly difficult for vengeful spirits to sneak into SHIELD without being noticed.

Now, the aerospace mothership is full of alarms. Such a chaotic opportunity is too rare. If Li Feng doesn't take the opportunity to get some oil from SHIELD, wouldn't it be too sorry for the opportunity given by God.

In addition, Li Feng doesn't have many ghosts in his hands. Maybe this is the last batch of ghosts that sneak into SHIELD.

Riding the black cloud, Li Feng quickly floated to the engine. As the staff in his hand pointed at the engine, the previously broken engine began to recover.

During the engine recovery, Li Feng covered his face with a black face.

He forgot that the mothership was in the sky, and some fragments of the engine had already fallen to the ground, which made the engine recovery much slower than he originally expected.

Fortunately, I also know the magic of the genie of the genie

A few minutes later, Li Feng pressed the communicator and shouted in the public channel: "Fury, the engine has returned to normal now, but some of these places are created by me through magic. After a few hours, these places that create materials out of thin air will return to energy and dissipate, so you'd better fly the mothership to the repair factory within these few hours."

Fury: "It won't take a few hours. I will land on the sea after finding the sea, and then I can find a way to repair the aerospace mothership."

As soon as Fury finished speaking, Stark's voice sounded in the communicator: "Austin, we found Hawkboy, he just shut down the No. 1 engine. Qing, is running towards the closed area. "

"Understood, I'll be there soon," Li Feng paused, scratched his forehead and asked, "Where is that closed area?"

In the public channel: ""

Fury's stern face couldn't help but twitch, and said helplessly: "The lowest level of the deck is where Loki is."

"I understand," Li Feng complained as he drove the black cloud towards the closed area: "Why not just say that Barton is running towards Loki? What about the closed area? It's really boring."

In the public channel, there was silence again for a while: Except for you, the mentally retarded wizard and the stubborn Thor, who else doesn't know where the closed area is?

After a while, following the movement caused by Barton and Stark's battle, Li Feng successfully found Barton, and flew behind Barton in stealth, and quickly launched a petrification spell on Barton who was unaware.

Seeing Barton standing there inexplicably, Stark activated the scanning ability on his suit and asked, "Austin?"

"It's me," Li Feng showed up, one hand reached into his shoulder bag and held the nesting doll, but he didn't take the doll out of the shoulder bag. The other hand holding the staff gently tapped the staff on Barton's chest.

Feeling that Loki's spell to control Barton had been cracked, Li Feng untied the petrification spell.

When Barton regained his consciousness, he slumped on the ground, covering his forehead and shouting, "Go to Loki quickly, I'm just a bait, and another group of people are rescuing Loki."

As soon as Barton finished shouting, the staff in Li Feng's hand suddenly broke free from his control and floated in the air on its own.

Before Li Feng could take any action, the staff suddenly disappeared in front of the three people. Obviously, Li Feng guessed correctly that Loki could summon the staff back at any time.

Fortunately, the Mind Gem is already in hand. Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "It seems that Loki has escaped."

On the other side, when Loki, who escaped from the cage, got the staff, he suddenly felt that "this is not my original staff", but he could not find out what was wrong with the staff for a while.

But Loki was not panicked. With the Rubik's Cube in hand, he could open the portal. When he became the ruler of the earth, it would not be easy for him to build a more perfect staff.

Even at this moment, Loki thought of the materials for the new staff, and used the Destroyer armor stored in SHIELD: This is something from Asgard, and it is normal for me to use it now. The Destroyer seems to be quite big, maybe not only can I build the staff, but there will be surplus materials to build armor.

Just when Loki was happily planning his bright future, hurried footsteps suddenly came out in the corridor.

Loki guessed with his fingernails that the visitor who was about to appear was his dear brother.

Loki's mouth curled up slightly, and he created a phantom at the door of the cage. When Thor ran into the room, Loki immediately controlled the phantom to make a move to leave the cage.

Thor knew that Loki was not his opponent, but when it came to running away, Thor thought he was not as good as him, so he knew very well that once Loki left the cage, he would not be able to take Loki back to Asgard obediently.

Seeing that Loki was about to walk out of the cage, Thor, who was anxious, raised his hammer and prepared to knock Loki back into the cage.


Seeing Thor stupidly running into the cage through the phantom, and kissing the floor under the action of inertia, Loki closed the door and showed his figure, and sneered at Thor: "This trick really works for you every time."

Thor was immediately very angry, and swung the hammer and smashed it on the glass.

Unfortunately, the glass not only shattered a little, but more importantly, the mechanism that threw the cage from a high altitude was activated by this hammer.

Loki smiled, turned around and walked to the control console: "Earthlings think we are immortal gods, do you want to try to see if you will fall to death?"

While speaking, Loki fiddled with the switch on the control console, preparing to eject the cage and Thor from the aerospace mothership.

At this time, Coulson walked into the room with a high-tech energy gun, pointed the gun at Loki, and said, "Please make way."

Loki glanced at the weapon in Coulson's hand. Before he figured out what it was, he was not going to use his body to try the power of the weapon.

But not wanting to taste the weapon does not mean that Loki has no ability to resist.

Loki pretended to be afraid and took a few steps back, but secretly he had already completed the spell, so that Coulson only saw the phantom body that attracted attention.

At this time, the real Loki had come behind Coulson, and pierced Coulson's heart with the staff in his hand while Coulson was busy talking.

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