Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 247 Chapter 245 Sailboat

Marvel Universe, desert.

How long is 2 years? Just look at how Li Feng can easily hold up a ball of black flames, and you will know that in the 'Dark Book of Darkness' and God chatting with him from time to time, he has completed the combination of hell fire and severe fire. For this reason, Li Feng specially named the spell 'Spirit Fire Technique' ', meaning a fire spell that burns the soul.

Similarly, today, 2 years later, Li Feng’s first reaction was to support the tree and vomit his bitterness.

Denton gnaws steamed buns for strength, this is the fate he deserves.

Of course, there are many benefits gained from eating the steamed buns. For example, Li Feng's first reaction after returning from the world of 'fake gods' is not to restore quantum energy or contact the Pim family's mother-in-law. Instead, he will sit cross-legged on the sand and start Advance to the realm of refining the gods and returning to the void.

There is no way, the magic power contained in the God's Brand Wheat is too amazing, and the purity of his magic power has already met the promotion requirements.

If Li Feng hadn't been cautious and polished the purity of his magic power again and again in order to make it easier for him to become a demigod in the next step, he would have been a mage who could refine the gods and return to the void.

Most of a day later, Li Feng, who had completed the ordinary level, suddenly opened his bright eyes.

On the side, Kreacher stared blankly at Li Feng, rubbed his clothes and timidly said: "Boss, your eyes"

Eye? Li Feng blinked for no reason at first, and then smiled as if he understood something: "My eyes are weird? Hehe, this is a sign of a surge in mental power, and I can't perfectly control it. It's okay, it will be normal in a few days."

After speaking, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal.

Returning to his home by the lake, Li Feng took out a large bag of God brand wheat seeds from his shoulder bag and handed it to Kreacher. He walked to the lounge chair by the lake and said, "Keep half of the seeds for us to use when we 'travel', and the rest They are all planted in the medicine garden." After a pause, Li Feng turned to look at Kreacher, pointed at the RV vaguely, and whispered: "This is a sacred thing, you should take care of it yourself."

Knowing that Li Feng was worried that Hatred would cause trouble, Kreacher patted his chest and abdomen and assured: "Don't worry, boss, Kreacher promises to take good care of Wheat."

Li Feng smiled and nodded, indicating that he believed Kreacher could keep his word. After saying "Let's have a beer," he turned and walked towards the lake.

Li Feng, who was sitting on the recliner and looking at the lake in a daze, drank and drank beer: I'm a little bored, what should I do?

After a long time, Li Feng, who had itchy hands, suddenly shouted: "Kreacher, bring the phone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kreacher, covered in mud and water, instantly appeared in front of Li Feng with a satellite phone. He respectfully handed the phone to Li Feng and then returned to the RV to continue his task of planting wheat.

He only got the phone number, but Li Feng scratched his head and thought for a long time and couldn't remember Fury's phone number.

Looking at the phone in his hand, Li Feng covered his face and thought: What do I need from you?

How can I dial if I don’t know the number? Having no idea, Li Feng waved his hand and opened the portal to Fury's office.

Seeing Fury wearing a black windbreaker and a black eye patch, resting on the sofa with a shiny black head, Li Feng controlled the portal and quietly moved to the office. While opening the office door, he pressed it with his fingers. With his own throat, he turned on the 'loud voice' spell and shouted: "Oh no, Director Fury burped due to overwork. Contact the crematorium's finance department and buy two firecrackers to celebrate."

After shouting, Li Feng closed the portal in an instant, counting down the numbers silently in his heart, while holding the phone and waiting for Fury's call.

Before Li Feng could count down to five, the phone in his hand rang as expected.

Look, when I'm looking for someone to do something, I can also get others to contact me. How smart. I really admire myself more and more. Grinning, Li Feng deliberately kept the phone away from his ears, pressed the answer button and spoke slowly, pretending not to know anything. Asked: "Hello, this is"

On the other side of the phone, Fury, holding a pistol in one hand, glared at his bulging one eye and roared: "You bastard, do you know I'm going deaf!!"

"Oh, it's braised eggs," Li Feng, who refused to admit what he had done even to death, pretended to be confused and asked: "You are deaf, no problem. I have made rapid progress in my healing skills recently. I guarantee a spell." Just heal you.”

Listening to Li Feng's refusal to admit it, Fury glanced helplessly at the broken glass in his office.

In fact, not only did he understand, but the agents in the entire building who heard the voice understood that the mage who cursed the Director into entering the crematorium was the one who shouted it. Besides he could enter and leave Fury's office at will, who else could control the voice? The shout was so earth-shattering that it even shattered several pieces of glass?

But they have no evidence.

Fury rubbed his swollen forehead and said feebly: "Why are you looking for me?" After a pause, Fury added: "It's still some time before we make friends."

"I've been a little bored recently and want to build a 'Galen' battleship with an all-wooden structure," Li Feng said unceremoniously: "Help me buy wood and muzzle-loading artillery."

Fury's face stiffened and he said angrily: "Does SHIELD owe you anything? Buy it yourself."

Just when Fury was about to hang up the phone angrily, Li Feng's faint voice came to his ears: "Former S.H.I.E.L.D. director Alexander Pierce."

Fury's hands moved for a moment. He didn't understand what Li Feng meant when he mentioned Alexander inexplicably. Did he know that the person who ordered the launch of the nuclear bomb was Alexander, or did Li Feng imply that he was secretly investigating Alexander?

A few seconds later, Fury, whose thoughts had taken an unknown number of turns, narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I want to go," Li Feng said with a silent laugh: "I just want wood and artillery."

This is blackmail. Fury gritted his back teeth and said, "I can ask Coulson to send it over when the time comes."

"Colson? Aren't you going to give him a big vacation? He died for SHIELD after all. You are taking advantage of him." Before Li Feng could finish speaking, Fury had already hung up the phone, saying he didn't want to talk nonsense to Li Feng.

Listening to the busy signal from the phone, Li Feng rolled his eyes and put the phone aside, stroking his chin and thinking: Let Colson deliver wood? This is interesting

Who is Fury? People who would doubt whether a man is pregnant when he sees him vomiting would ask the newly resurrected Coulson to find Li Feng.

Aren't you afraid that Coulson will be controlled by Li Feng and become a spy planted next to him?

Or did Fury analyze my attitude towards S.H.I.E.L.D.? Li Feng, who felt a dull pain in his head, put the speculation behind him, shook the empty wine glass, and shouted: "Kreacher, have a glass of beer and tidy up the cabin. I guess a guest is coming to stay for a few days."

The next day, a trailer slowly drove to Li Feng's home.

The trailer parked steadily next to the RV. Coulson, dressed in a black suit and wearing sunglasses, jumped out of the driver's seat, walked to the RV, knocked on the door and called, "Austin, are you home?"

Li Feng, who had just woken up, walked out of the RV with a glass of beer and fried dough sticks in his mouth. He glanced at the wood on the trailer and said with a smile: "You are very efficient. I placed the order yesterday and delivered it to your door today. Are you prepared?" Will it crush the express delivery industry?”

Coulson raised his eyebrows, shrugged and said, "Fury owes a lot of favors for this batch of wood."

Li Feng curled his lips disdainfully: "Do you think I will believe it? As the saying goes, if you show courtesy for nothing, you will be raped or stolen. Let me send you wood early in the morning. Why did I ask you to do the braised eggs?"

Coulson smiled slightly awkwardly and said while walking towards the truck: "Fury feels that I have just been resurrected and need a professional 'doctor' to take care of me. I hope I can stay with you for a few days."

Seeing Coulson take out the suitcase from the truck, Li Feng rolled his eyes and pointed at the cabin and said, "I had guessed that you came here to avoid the limelight of faking your own death. I asked Kreacher to pack up the cabin yesterday."

Coulson held the suitcase with both hands and smiled gently: "Fury is helping me prepare an airbus so I won't disturb you for too long."

"It's up to you," Li Feng waved his hand indifferently, casting spells on the wood on the trailer, neatly stacking the wood aside, and said, "Are you interested in doing art work?"

Colson, who was about to take his luggage into the cabin, was stunned for a moment, turned to look at the wood, and said: "Build a sailing ship with you?" After hesitating, Colson asked curiously: "You don't cast a spell to build a sailing ship?" ?"

"Without magic, I plan to knock out a sail warship with my own hands." Pointing to the lake, Li Feng said with a longing smile: "Then the warship will be shrunk and put into the lake to experience the naval battle in the age of sail."

Colson looked at the lake speechlessly, and then at the wooden sailing warship. In his mind, he simulated Li Feng wearing an eye patch and a hook hand, driving a wooden sailing ship, and using antique cannons to drive away fish in the lake. A chaotic scene.

After a long time, Colson said to Li Feng with a twitching corner of his mouth: "You are really good at playing."

What do I mean? The ark God asked to build was fun. It was so exciting to drive. Li Feng stuffed the fried dough sticks in his hand into his mouth. He patted Colson on the shoulder with his greasy hands and said, "How do you like it? I want to participate." I’ll make you the first mate when the time comes.”

Colson innocently glanced at the grease on his shoulders, rolled his eyes and said, "I can help you occasionally. Just be the first mate. I don't have time to fry fish in the lake with you. I have to form my own team."

"It's your loss if you don't play," Li Feng shrugged and controlled the suitcase to float in the air. He put one hand on Colson's shoulder and held the wine glass in the other. As he walked towards the cabin, he asked in a low voice: "You are a small team. What's it for? Do you have any members? I'm pretty bored lately, how about joining your team for a few days?"

Coulson thought for a moment.

Li Feng was at the scene when Fury asked Coulson to fake his death and announced the main task of 'after death'.

In addition, except for two recruits who graduated from SHIELD students, the rest of the team list prepared by Coulson knew Li Feng.

Finally, Li Feng is also a very powerful mage. He is very good at fighting, treating, and even extracting information.

It's good for people like this to join the team temporarily.

Thinking of this, Coulson said bluntly: "Recently, Fury noticed that an organization had hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D. and stolen and sold some confidential files. My current task is to find this organization."

Li Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Colson would actually tell him this. He asked in confusion: "Are you really going to let me join your team for a few days?"

Colson smiled gently: "Why not? At least I can know your movements immediately."

Li Feng: Your sister co-authored it and you have the intention of spying on me?

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