Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 252 Chapter 250 Malibu Port

“Thank you for your valuable opinion”

Before Jarvis' magnetic voice finished speaking, Stark's voice came from the microphone: "Hey, Austin, what have you been busy with recently? Why did you remember to call me?"

"I heard about Happy, is he okay?" Li Feng asked with concern, "Do you need my help?"

"Happy is fine." On the other end of the phone, Stark was silent for a while and said, "I really have something to ask you. Come to my house and talk about it in detail. I'm at the Malibu Port, No. 10880 Ocean View Villa."

Li Feng nodded, picked up the phone and opened the portal. As he stepped through the portal to Stark's studio, he smiled at Stark who rolled his eyes and said, "Man, I heard that you are having a great time recently."

Stark, who thought Li Feng was alluding to his declaration of war with the Mandarin, touched the tip of his nose and shrugged, "I didn't provoke this, it was the 'Mandarin' who provoked me first."

"Uh~" Li Feng scratched his head and interrupted: "What I mean is that you are building a suit army at home, which has seriously stimulated Fury's fragile little heart." After a pause, Li Feng asked curiously: " I heard Jarvis, you built the suit for me? Why did I provoke you?"

Stark's face froze, he turned around and picked up the wine bottle, took out two more wine glasses and filled them with wine, shrugged and said, "Don't listen to Jarvis's nonsense."

Li Feng took the wine glass, drank it down in one gulp, poured himself a glass of wine, and said, "Man, compared to you and Jarvis, I believe what Jarvis said more."

Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Thank you for your trust."

"Look," Li Feng winked at Stark and said, "Jarvis can tell you are lying."

"Jarvis, you are my personal butler," Stark shouted angrily at the equipment in the corner of the room. He turned to look at Li Feng, pinched the tip of his nose and said, "Well, in fact, you used It scared me when the nuclear bomb threatened New York."

Stark stared at Li Feng and said with a serious expression: "Others can't see what you are thinking, but Jarvis analyzed that your chance of detonating a nuclear bomb was more than 90%. Tell me what you were thinking at the time. You really don't care." The life and death of New York citizens?”

Okay, so holding a nuke and blowing up the Chitauri gave you an anxiety attack, but then you got an anxiety attack from watching me blow up New York? Stark, you're hopeless.

Li Feng shook his head slightly and firmly denied: "It's impossible. Even if I cause trouble to the city, I don't dare to act recklessly in New York. There are big bosses here that I can't afford to offend."

"Ancient One," Stark sipped his wine and said with an attitude that I had already guessed: "Because Ancient One came out to stop you but Ancient One didn't show up? What will you do?"

"How to do it?" Li Feng slumped his shoulders in frustration: "What can I do? There is Gu Yi's dojo in New York. It would be weird if I dared to blow it up. Believe it or not, Gu Yi could hang me on the nuclear bomb one second before it exploded. Let it dry."

Seeing that Stark was still dubious, Li Feng showed a 'believe it or not' expression and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. How much do you know about the Mandarin? Do you need my help?"

Stark froze, took a deep breath to calm down his excitement, and said: "There are not many people who can be called my friends, and you are one of them."

Li Feng raised the wine glass in his hand and said, "This is my honor." Then Stark continued: "Happy is also my friend, but now this 'Mandarin' almost killed Happy. I will avenge this myself." ”

"This has nothing to do with politics or the Pentagon," Stark pointed at Li Feng and said, "It has nothing to do with you either. This is just old-fashioned revenge, a personal grudge between me and him."

Li Feng turned his head and thought for a while, shrugged and said, "Okay, you can handle it yourself. I'm not even watching the show, so why did you ask me for it?"

Stark pinched the tip of his nose in embarrassment and said Shanshan: "I have now declared war with the Mandarin. I am worried that Potts will be implicated, so I ask you to take care of me for a few days."

At this point, Stark explained: "If the other party uses explosives such as dynamite, I have many ways to stop the other party before they get close to Potts. But after Happy woke up, he told me that people are the source of the explosion unless I do not let anyone I don’t want anyone to get close to Potts, otherwise the Mandarin will most likely threaten me with Potts. I don’t want Potts to suffer any accident.”

Obviously, compared to Stark's stubborn insistence that he can protect Potts in the movie, Happy woke up early this time, allowing Stark to obtain more information.

He understood that Potts would only be in more danger if he followed him.

Regarding Stark's small request, Li Feng certainly had no reason to refuse, and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, just let Potts move to the cabin. You also know that I still have a group of soldiers helping to guard the door. There will definitely be no problem in terms of safety."

When Stark smiled and said 'thank you', Jarvis suddenly said: "Sir, there is a lady outside the door looking for you."

Stark quickly glanced at the surveillance screen, put on his suit and walked to the door without saying a word.

As for Li Feng, he picked up the bottle and took a sip, then followed Stark leisurely.

After a while, Stark walked to the door, let the lady who was knocking on the door enter, and asked Jarvis to scan the other party to see if he was carrying weapons and to check whether he was a suicide bomber.

In fact, before Jarvis had finished examining the other person, Stark had already recognized that the woman in front of him was actually the botanist he had a one-night relationship with more than ten years ago - Maya Hansen.

Just because of the current awkward atmosphere, Stark couldn't give the other party a warm hug. He casually found an excuse to resolve the embarrassment and said: "You are not the Mandarin."

Maya Hansen raised her eyebrows, and saw Stark opening the mask of his suit and affirmatively saying: "Probably not."

Maya Hansen thought that Stark really didn't remember her, so she used a smile to resolve the embarrassment and said: "I'm not surprised that you don't remember me."

"Don't take it personally," Stark interrupted, "I don't even remember what I had for breakfast."

At this time, the loyal Jarvis reminded: "Sir, what you are eating is waffles."

When Li Feng heard Jarvis exposing Stark's lies, he couldn't help but grinned at Jarvis's surveillance camera and praised, "Jarvis, good job. By the way, did Stark wear underwear today?" ?”

Jarvis did not answer immediately, but asked Stark: "Sir, do I need to keep your secret?"

Stark yelled angrily: "I'm telling you nonsense again, you are my personal butler, not the butler of this guy who likes to peek into people's underwear."

"Okay, sir," Jarvis said to Li Feng: "Sorry Mr. Austin, Mr. Stark forbids me from answering the question about underwear."

Can you not lift your underwear? Stark immediately put on the mask of his suit: I’m so damn shameless to see people.

Li Feng felt that he could no longer laugh. He leaned against the wall and rubbed his belly. He said hello to Maya Hansen: "Hello, beautiful."

Maya Hansen waved hello, turned to Stark and said, "I have something important to talk to you alone."

Stark said: "If it were before, I would not refuse, but now, I have an official girlfriend."

Before Stark could finish speaking, a duffel bag suddenly hit Stark's feet. Stark looked up at Potts and said, "That's her."

The Potts who heard someone talking to Stark in the hall had not yet come down from upstairs, but the voice had already floated to the hall.

"Tony, are there any guests at home?"

Stark said while taking off his suit: "Yes, Austin is here, and there is an old botanist friend, Ms. Maya Hansen."

While speaking, Stark approached Maya Hansen, glanced at the car in front of her house, and asked in a low voice: "Don't tell me there is a 12-year-old child I have never seen in the car."

Maya Hansen raised her eyebrows coquettishly: "Actually, she is 13 years old."

Seeing Stark's confused face, Maya Hansen hurriedly said: "Just kidding, I need your help."

Stark asked softly: "Help for what?"

Maya Hansen glanced at Potts who was going downstairs, and said a little worried for Stark: "I read the newspaper and knew about you and the Mandarin. Frankly speaking, you may not survive more than a week."

When Maya Hansen was talking to Stark, Li Feng waved at Potts and said with a smile: "Long time no see, beautiful lady."

"Hi, Austin," Potts walked up to Li Feng and said sheepishly, "Originally, Stark and I were supposed to entertain you, but recently Stark got into trouble with terrorists again." He glanced at the luggage on the ground. , Potts said apologetically: "Sorry"

Li Feng waved his hands indifferently and said with a smile: "In fact, I came to pick you up because I should be entertaining you."

Potts was stunned for a moment, thinking that Stark had listened to her advice and was preparing to find a place to hide from terrorist attacks.

There's no way, Stark is such a coquettish guy that he announced his home address to the whole world when he declared war on the 'Mandarins'.

Now who knows when terrorists will come looking for trouble.

Just when Potts breathed a sigh of relief, Li Feng suddenly turned his head and looked out the window, holding up a shield to protect several people in the room, and said, "Stark, do you want me to take action?"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, a missile passed through the glass and hit the shield. Immediately, the missile bounced off the shield and flew straight towards the helicopter outside the window.

Stark looked angrily at the floor-to-ceiling windows that were shattered to the ground, and while putting on his suit, he shouted: "Austin, don't take action. This is my personal grudge. Even if my house is blown up, don't take action. It won't matter what happens later." If I capture the Mandarin alive, I will let him build my house back bit by bit with his hands, using hammers and other tools.”

After shouting, Stark opened his palms and looked ready to fly to the helicopter and tear it apart with his hands.

It’s a pity that the flight mode is not loaded into the suit yet.

Stark maintained his posture in embarrassment, and Shanshan turned to Li Feng and said, "Man, can you please leave first? I'm afraid my cool movements will scare you."

Li Feng rolled his eyes, left a locating spell on Stark, waved his hand to open the portal, and took Potts and a confused-looking Maya Hansen back to his home by the lake.

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