Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 255 Chapter 253 A mummy that eats and breathes is not a good mummy

An armed helicopter requires a pilot and a weapon operator, as did the five helicopters that attacked Li Feng.

But when Li Feng looked at the 10 corpses on the ground, he felt a little depressed: What if there is not enough gauze for mummification at home?

After scratching his head and thinking for a while, Li Feng finally tore off the clothes of the 10 people and made them into shroud strips. Anyway, these 10 people will not need to wear clothes in the future. It would be a pity to throw away these clothes. It is better to use them as waste.

This is called environmental protection. It’s definitely not because Li Feng has no money in his pocket to buy gauze.

Now that I’ve said it, a mummy has to look like a mummy, and does that make sense when wearing clothes? Only when you go out wrapped in cloth can you show your mummy's high-end and classy taste.

After a while, Li Feng dragged 10 mummies wrapped in colorful rags out of the RV.

At the door of the RV, Potts, who was still in shock, felt relieved when he saw that Li Feng finally came out of the RV.

Although Potts knew that Kreacher would also protect her, she always felt that it would be safer for Li Feng to protect him personally. Who made Kreacher look so weak?

But when he saw a string of mummies following Li Feng, Potts didn't know whether he was scared to see a mummy that could move, or smelled the putrid smell on the mummies, and subconsciously covered his mouth and nose and took a few steps back.

Seeing this, Li Feng kicked the slowest mummy and signaled the mummies to stand in a military posture in a spacious area. He turned to look at Potts and comforted: "Don't worry, these bastards are my workers." After a pause, Li Feng showed off As if saying: "I still don't pay wages, don't give holidays, don't work or work slowly and let me beat them but don't dare to resist."

At the end of the sentence, Li Feng winked at Potts and asked, "Well, you won't go to the workers' association to report my labor abuse, will you?"

Li Feng's joking words and the fact that Li Feng himself was nearby made Potts feel much safer. He relaxed and rolled his eyes and said, "I think you missed one sentence," and pointed at the mummies standing in a row. Potts joked: "You even saved their meal money."

After a pause, Potts turned to look at Li Feng and said uncertainly: "Mummies don't eat, right?"

Li Feng touched his chin, pretending to be thoughtful, and said, "How about I instill in them the idea that a mummy that can eat and breathe is not a good mummy?"

"Indoctrination? You are really free." Potts glanced at Li Feng speechlessly, and while looking at the mummy curiously, he asked: "Who are they? Why did they attack you?"

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said with a curl of his lips: "Who else? There are soldiers guarding my door. The one who can let the helicopter fly into my place only has so much power."

Potts turned his head and thought for a moment, then analyzed: "One of the groups was the one who launched the nuclear bomb towards New York, right? Since they have the authority to launch nuclear bombs, they naturally have the ability to avoid the military's sight."

"As for the other group of forces?" Potts suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart and said very quickly: "The other group is Killian?"

Seeing Potts' nervous look on his face, Li Feng activated Stark's magic, looked at it and said, "Okay, your family's trouble is getting better."

As he spoke, Li Feng put his right hand on Potts' shoulder and transmitted the scene of Stark hiding in a speedboat remotely operating the suit to Potts' mind.

But when Potts saw Stark's nose and face were bruised and swollen, and there was even blood on the bridge of his nose and the corners of his eyes, he suddenly said worriedly: "Austin, can you help treat Tony?"

"It's a bit difficult." Li Feng scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Stark is not in a forbidden environment, but on a fast-moving speedboat. Unless I concentrate on controlling the portal and the speedboat to move simultaneously, but that also means It's hard for me to focus on healing Stark unless Stark stops the ship and lets me cast the spell."

After thinking about it, Li Feng waved the phone into his hand and said sheepishly: "Poots, I'm not very familiar with the spell of transmitting pictures to your mind, so that's it for today." As he spoke, Li Feng put the phone in his hand. He handed it to Potts and said, "How about you contact Stark for a chat?"

"Thanks," Potts forced a smile, took the phone and dialed Stark's number.

After the call was connected, Potts pulled his hair frantically, walked back and forth and said with a bit of crying: "Tony, can you ask Austin to help rescue Happy? I want to end it as soon as possible. A life of fear”

On the other side, Stark, who was hiding in the speedboat, remotely controlled the suit to rescue 13 unlucky people who were forced to jump out of Air Force One without an parachute, while listening to Potts's heartbreaking voice, with a look on his face. He asked helplessly: "Dear, what's wrong? Did something happen again?"

"I'm fine here, I'm fine." Potts wiped the corners of his eyes and said distressedly: "Look at how you look now, you need treatment."

Stark, who guessed that Li Feng was probably peeping at him again, subconsciously touched the bruises at the corners of his eyes, and said in a suspenseful tone: "It's just a minor injury, nothing serious. Maybe you should take a look at the guys I beat. None of them can stand." stand up."

After a moment of silence, Stark said with a hint of apology: "I now know Killian's plan and where he is hiding. I will dare to come back and spend Christmas with you as soon as possible."

After saying that, Stark hung up the phone in a hurry. Now, he also wanted to rescue Happy as soon as possible, return to Potts, and enjoy a peaceful life.

Potts helplessly held the phone that had a busy signal, silently praying in his heart that Stark would come back safely.

After praying, when Potts was about to return the phone to Li Feng, he saw that the other party had found a tree branch as thick as a thigh bone from nowhere, put it on his shoulder and lectured in front of 10 mummies with an angry look on his face.

"If you eat my food, you must spit it out. If you take my food, you must return it. If you destroy my sailboat, you must destroy it." Li Feng pointed at the mummy with a wooden stick: "You must build it back for me, otherwise..."

"Hehe," Li Feng sneered a few times, and said in a gloomy tone: "I heard that mummies ground into powder can nourish yin and strengthen yang. Believe it or not, I will hang you on the flagpole to dry, and scrape the powder from you every day. Don't worry, when you only have your heads left, I will cast a spell to restore your body, so that I can continue to scrape the powder."

Seeing a row of mummies shivering like quails, Li Feng nodded with satisfaction, pointed at the mummies in front of him with a wooden stick, and asked: "Tell me who you were in your life, and why did you blow up my boat."

The mummy pointed at by the wooden stick is still a little confused. He is just an unknown person who flies a helicopter. Although he liked to watch some magic movies in his life and fantasized about becoming a spellcaster one day, he never thought that there are wizards in the real world.

He never expected that a seemingly ordinary mission would turn him into a mummy. Where could he go to seek justice?

Even if he went to hell after death, it would be better than having his soul played with by others.

With hatred and malice, the mummy pointed to another mummy and said in the dead language: "Master Mage, I am just a small person and I don't know anything. He was our captain when he was alive. We just obeyed his orders. Please let me go."

As he spoke, the mummy was about to kneel on the ground and beg Li Feng.

Li Feng curled his lips and kicked the other party aside. When he turned his head to look at the captain, he saw that the other party lowered his head humbly and quickly told the cause of the incident.

Speaking of which, the attack was caused by Li Feng's lack of caution at the beginning, or underestimated the means of technology.

At the beginning, after Maya Hansen was sent back to New York by Li Feng, Killian found her in a minute and inquired about Potts' whereabouts openly and secretly, but Maya Hansen had been cast a spell by Li Feng, so she naturally didn't know anything, even if Killian tortured her severely.

At first, Killian had no idea what to do with Maya Hansen who had lost her memory, and he was curious about what happened to Maya Hansen.

His men clearly saw Maya Hansen's car appear near Stark's house when they attacked Stark, and then Maya Hansen appeared on the streets of New York when she appeared again.

Potts, who should have appeared in the villa, has not been found yet.

Killian was a little puzzled, where was Potts? And what happened to Maya Hansen that caused her memory to disappear between arriving at Stark's house and appearing inexplicably on the streets of New York?

Out of curiosity, Killian conducted a comprehensive and detailed examination of Maya Hansen, and even took the mud on Maya Hansen's shoes for environmental comparison.

Maya Hansen had been to Li Feng's house, and the mud on her shoes was naturally from Li Feng's place.

Needless to say, Killian, who had guessed where Potts was, would not miss the opportunity to use Potts to threaten Stark, and naturally sent a helicopter.

It's just that Killian's bad luck is that he is too arrogant. He thinks he can regenerate limbs and spit fire, so he is invincible. He dares to make trouble without asking who Li Feng is.

For a long time, Li Feng looked at the mummy with his eyes twitching. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He swung a wooden stick and smashed it on the mummy, cursing as he smashed it: "My poor sailboat, it was blown up by you when it was about to be played? You can just arrest people, why do you have to use missiles? What if Potts is killed?"

The mummy, who was beaten and lying on the ground with his head in his arms, said aggrievedly: "We have a first aid kit and desperate virus. As long as Ms. Potts is still breathing, we can ensure that she will see Killian alive."

On the side, Potts, who couldn't understand the dead language, only knew that Li Feng was getting more and more excited, asked in wonder: "Austin, what did they say?"

"What else can I say?" Li Feng, who felt more and more wronged for the sailboat, broke the wooden stick abruptly, turned around and exaggerated the cause of the incident and relayed it to Potts.

The key point is to let Potts understand that Killian's target is her, and the bombing of his house is a pure disaster.

After listening to Li Feng's retelling, Potts turned his head and looked at the messy lakeside, and said apologetically: "Austin, I'm sorry that this is the trouble caused by Tony. Afterwards, I asked Tony to help you rebuild your home by the lake."

After that, Potts gritted his teeth and smiled bitterly like a discouragement: "I didn't expect that I would become Tony's weakness. It's a pity that I can't drive the battle suit, otherwise I must teach Killian a lesson. He dared to threaten Tony with me."

Li Feng saw Potts' expression of wanting to take revenge personally but blaming himself for not having the strength. He glanced at the setting sun and said: "I will take you to find Killian later. Then I will lend you a mask so that you can protect yourself."

Licking the corner of his mouth, Li Feng said in a cold tone: "As for Killian, that's mine. I want him to build the sailboat himself, and then hang him on the bow as a decoration."

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