Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 267 Chapter 265 Holy Grail

Sitting in front of a table covered with floral cloth, Clary looked at the familiar tarot cards on the table and said blankly: "My mother drew these."

"Yes, this is a gift she gave me," Rosia, who just wanted to live a stable life, explained casually and then urged: "Let's see which card will be chosen."

Clary, who heard that Rosia didn't want to get involved in the Valenlai incident, stretched out her right hand and slowly brushed it from the tarot cards.

On the side, Li Feng crossed his arms and watched with interest as a tarot card floated inexplicably and stuck to Clary's palm.

As Clary opened the tarot cards, a deck depicting the Holy Grail appeared in front of everyone.

Rosia looked at the card in Clary's hand and said, "Holy Grail card."

Lance glanced at the card and added, "That's the Holy Grail of Angels."

"So?" Clary, who had no idea what Rosia and Lance were talking about, wondered: "What does this card mean?"

Rosia glanced at the talkative Lance angrily. As a neighbor and a neighbor who had a good relationship with Clary's family, Rosia actually didn't want Clary to get involved in dangerous incidents.

Rosia thought for a while and decided to let Clary return to normal life before the danger came.

Maybe staying away from Shadowhunters will keep you away from danger? Thinking of this, Rosia looked at Lance repellingly and said to Clary: "Ignore him."

Before Rosia could finish her words, Lance interrupted: "That is the Angel Sacred Artifact. What does Clary's mother, one of our tribe's three sacred artifacts, have to do with it?"

Lance's words had clearly told Clary, 'Your mother is related to the Holy Grail of Angels.' This made Clary, who had encountered strange events one after another, curiously ask: "What is the connection between the Holy Grail of Angels and the disappearance of my mother?"

Realizing that Lance's words had successfully aroused Clary's curiosity, Rosia glanced at Lance angrily, sighed inwardly and said calmly: "Your mother was a shadow hunter" and pointed to Lance: "With him The same hunter."

What does it mean? Are my mother and this yellow-haired boy from the same clan? Clary was a little confused. After being stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but retort: ​​"No, my mother is just a painter."

"She has never talked to you about this?" Rosia asked in confusion.

"I only know that my mother is missing," Clary said helplessly, "and I don't know where to start looking for my mother."

Rosia seemed to understand something and roughly guessed that Clary's memory had been sealed by her mother.

It's just that this will make Clary completely unaware of the danger.

Rosia lamented that Clary's mother was too inconsiderate. She could have made Clary prepared for danger, but it turned out to be a good thing and just sealed the matter.

If Clary encounters danger unprepared, wouldn't it be doomed? Rosia thought for a moment and felt that letting Clary know what kind of danger she was about to face might help Clary prepare for it. Said: "Let me read your mind"

Just when Rosia was reading Clary's mind, Li Feng picked up the tarot card depicting the Holy Grail and carefully felt the seal on the tarot card.

If he just wanted to get the Holy Grail, Li Feng had many ways, such as putting the Tarot cards directly in his pocket and not daring to say anything even if he measured Rosia.

So what if Rosia reminds Clary that the Holy Grail is in the tarot cards, Li Feng has a lot of brainwashing spells.

As for how to take out the Holy Grail from the tarot cards, this is not a problem for Li Feng. He doesn't know too many sealing techniques, such as matryoshka seals, mirror seals, etc.

As long as Li Feng carefully ponders the tarot cards, he can put the Holy Grail into his shoulder bag in minutes.


Li Feng wanted more than just a so-called collection. He not only wanted to collect the Holy Grail, but also wanted to understand the function of the Holy Grail.

This made Li Feng hesitate.

If Lance's force, or Mr. Hodge, the dean of the college, knew the function of the Holy Grail, then everything would be easy.

If not, Li Feng would have to be blind if he took the Holy Grail now.

After hesitating for a while, Li Feng finally decided to follow the plot, because at the end of the movie, the villain Mr. Valenlai, who knew about the Holy Grail and used it to conduct various experiments, would appear in the academy.

At that time, Li Feng only needs to capture Valenlai to know everything about the Holy Grail from his mind.

Thinking of this, Li Feng casually put the tarot cards back on the floral table.

On the other side, Rosia, who read Clary's memory, finished casting the spell and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, something has sealed your memory."

While talking, Rosia opened the door, indicating that Li Feng and the other two could leave smoothly, and said to Clary: "I guess your mother specially found someone with powerful magic power to help seal you in order to protect you. I can't help you."

"Protect me from what?" Clary asked in confusion.

Rosia guessed: "Maybe it's your memory."

"Why?" Clary couldn't understand her mother's behavior and said blankly: "Do I have any memories that my mother doesn't want me to remember?"

Rosia shrugged, indicating that she was unclear.

Just when Clary felt like her brain was turning to mush, she suddenly heard footsteps coming upstairs.

Thinking that the robbers who kidnapped her mother were returning to the scene, Clary was stunned for a moment, subconsciously looked up at the ceiling, picked up a fire extinguisher and rushed back to her house, preparing to use the fire extinguisher to teach these daring robbers a lesson.

Watching Clary and Lance hurried back upstairs, Li Feng leaned against the door of Rosia's room and asked with a smile: "How much do you know about the Holy Grail?"

Rosia subconsciously glanced at the tarot cards on the floral table, shook her head, and said in a calm tone: "That is the sacred object of the shadow hunter, and I am just a witch, and my understanding of it is limited to what is known to the public. legend."

Li Feng followed Rosia's gaze and glanced at the tarot cards, scratched his head, took out an amulet from his shoulder bag and handed it to Rosia, with an expression of 'I can see through you', and said: "If it were before, I will directly extract your memory and tell you everything you know before I change my mind. This thing is yours."

Rosia's heart was in turmoil, but she looked at the amulet calmly on the outside. She could see that Li Feng was much stronger than her, and the amulet in front of her was very attractive to her.

She has never seen such a high-level amulet

After a moment of silence, Rosia resisted the urge to take the amulet and said slowly: "Legend has it that the Crusaders summoned an angel, Rachel. Rachel poured her own angel's blood into the cup, and the soldiers After drinking the blood of angels, he became half angel and half human being."

"When using the Holy Grail, you need to first pour your own blood into the cup, allowing your own blood to be contaminated with the angel's power, and then take the blood that originally belonged to you but is now contaminated with a small amount of the angel's power."

After a pause, Rosia slowly reached for the amulet and whispered: "The blood of angels itself contains powerful power. If humans drink angel blood directly, even if they can withstand the impact of powerful power, their souls will be contaminated by the angel's breath. And crazy."

Rosia held the amulet in her hand and said with a slightly excited tone: "According to rumors, the reason why those warriors can gain great strength and maintain self-awareness after drinking blood is because the Holy Grail separated Rachel's will. Retain the original power.”

"It is rumored that the function of the Holy Grail is to separate Rachel's consciousness." Looking at the amulet in hand, Rosia slowly closed the door and looked around cautiously, in case Lance suddenly appeared, and warned: "But this is just Rumors, I’m not sure whether they’re true or not.”

At this time, Rosia quickly closed the door after seeing Clary hurriedly downstairs with Lance and another boy.

Li Feng scratched his head, turned to look at Lance, and asked, "What are you doing? Are there demons upstairs?"

Lance glanced at Li Feng, without stopping, and said very quickly: "She said she wanted to find Luke."

Seeing Li Feng join the team after him, Lance hesitated and explained: "Maybe Luke knows the reason for her mother's disappearance or maybe Luke has clues to the Holy Grail."

The latter is the reason why you followed Clary, right? Li Feng glanced at Lance, and after turning invisible, he lay leisurely on the black clouds and asked the new little boy: "Little guy, what is your name?"

The little boy who watched Li Feng become invisible said with a confused face: "My name is Simon and yours is?"

"Austin is a mage." Li Feng introduced himself.

Mage? Simon looked at Lance blankly: He was a demon hunter before, and now a mage appears. What happened to this world?

Luke lived a bit far away, and until Li Feng became familiar with Simon, the group finally arrived at Luke's house at night despite the pouring rain.

Clary looked at the locked door, and then at Luke's car parked on the roadside, and immediately concluded that Luke must be at home. She waved and led everyone to enter Luke's house through the back door.

The phone was not answered, the car was in front of the house, and with the bad weather, Lance had a premonition that Luke's house was in danger. For safety reasons, he stretched out his hand to stop Simon and said, "You stay here."

Simon was a little unhappy and was about to say something when Li Feng grabbed Simon and cast a spell to dry the wet Simon. He touched his dry belly and said, "I'm hungry. Have you brought any money?"

Simon, who was drowned one second and completely dry the next, was stunned for a moment. Only when he came back to his senses did he realize that Clary and Lance had entered Luke's home.

Feeling his empty stomach, Simon touched his pocket, nodded helplessly and said, "I still have some change, so I'll buy some food for everyone."

As he spoke, Simon turned to look around, put his hands on his head, and ran towards a convenience store in the rain.

Just as Simon ran towards the convenience store, a police car suddenly stopped in front of Li Feng.

Smell of the Devil Li Feng frowned, propped up his shield and whistled at the policeman who got off the police car, and asked with a smile: "Little one, do you know where your Valenlai is?"

I don’t know whether the police couldn’t see Li Feng, or the demon possessing the police was mentally retarded, so they ignored Li Feng and looked towards Luke’s home.

Li Feng curled his lips, ignited a thin layer of hellfire in his palms, grabbed the demon's neck, and asked viciously: "I'm asking you, where is Valenlai?"

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