Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 27 Chapter 27 Spells and Knife Grip (Thanks to Tokisaki Kuanglang for his support)

Li Feng was not stupid. He could hear what the devil was alluding to, but he also knew more about Gu Yi's attitude towards using dark energy. As for Mo Du's thoughts: Who cares, do you have the guts to question Gu Yi?

Li Feng said bluntly: "You want to teach me the devil's magic?"

"If you want to learn," the devil pretended to be generous and said with a shrug, "I don't mind being a mentor to a human mage. Of course, some spells are the devil's talents and I can't teach them. With your magic power, that's all. , there are only a few dark spells you can learn."

Li Feng rolled his eyes inwardly: Can he really only teach so many? I'm afraid you are afraid that after teaching me many kinds of spells, I will use these spells to threaten you.

But it would be nice to learn a few more dark spells.

After taking out the Burning Hand and a few simple spells from the devil's mouth, Li Feng reached out and snapped his fingers with a half-smile. There was a sound of glass breaking and an orange-yellow light door passed through him. The devil's pupils A contraction.

Although it seemed that Beiman and the others were still sitting around the campfire not far away, which was no different from the scene he had seen before, the devil knew that he still underestimated Li Feng.

Just now, he unknowingly fell into the alien space spell set by the other party. Even if he was naturally insensitive to space spells, he should not have fallen into the other party's territory so easily.

Li Feng's spellcasting method made the devil a little scared: If this guy locked me in the different space just now, I would have to work hard to escape. What if the demon hunter over there takes the opportunity to ambush outside the different space? Me, my life is in danger

As one person and one devil exited the mirror space, Li Feng said quietly: "For the sake of you continuing to teach me spells in the future, I will not imprison you in the mirror space. Remember, we are partners now."

After saying that, Li Feng stopped talking to the devil and went straight back to Mo Du who was opening the teleport gate to cover him. After all, the movement in the teleport gate was still a bit loud. Without Mo Du's cover, Li Feng didn't think that the movement in the teleport gate could avoid a few people. For the time being, Li Feng and Modu didn't want Beiman and others to know that they knew magic, especially when the identities of the people around them were more or less related to the Holy See.

Li Feng, who had his back turned to the devil, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Negotiating a deal with the devil was not easy, and he could be killed by the devil accidentally.

It turned out that Li Feng just wanted to lock the devil in the mirror space and let him show his prototype. Then he exited the mirror space and prepared the portal to escape at any time while watching Modu fight the devil, but he did not expect that there would be unexpected gains.

You must know that due to his familiarity with natural mana, he knows only a few dark spells except for communicating with the undead. Barstow and Gu Yi will not teach him dark spells. Now that there is a devil willing to teach him spells, he Why are you so polite? Of course, Li Feng will not learn these spells before Gu Yi examines them. Who knows if the spells taught by the devil have fatal traps.

Returning to Modu, Modu glanced at Anna in the prison car and whispered: "What did you talk about after entering the mirror space?"

Li Feng threw a piece of firewood into the fire, rubbed his hands and said, "Nothing, just talking about how the other party ended up on the road of no return as a witch."

Not to mention that Mo Du didn't believe this, no one who was warming up to the cold believed it. They all rolled their eyes at Li Feng, and at the same time they were also wondering: Mirror space? what is that?

Li Feng said with an expression that would make you believe it or not: "Who will keep watch at night?"

Mo Du's mouth twitched: "They have just discussed this issue. Originally, I wanted to keep a vigil, but they obviously don't trust us. Let alone letting me keep a vigil, why don't they tie us up and hang us from a tree to prevent accidents? Not bad.”

Li Feng looked at the priest with evil eyes: "Hang him up? This idea was suggested by your blind priest, right?"

"Heretic." Li Feng's name made the priest jump up angrily and roared at Li Feng and Modu: "You still say that you are not a heretic. A nigger and a yellow-skinned monkey dare to call a clergyman that way. It's simply It’s the greatest insult to God.”

Li Feng didn't care whether the priest was so angry that he jumped. He pulled out a long knife and pointed it at the priest. He bared his teeth and said, "You are talking about a yellow-skinned monkey. Try it. I will cut off your head and use it as a urinal. Do you believe it or not?"

Modu touched the magic weapon with the same unkind eyes. As long as Beiman and others dared to do harm to the two of them, he would immediately let these ordinary people know what the dignity of a mage is.

Beiman glanced at Li Feng, who looked like a gangster stabbing someone with a knife, and immediately judged that Li Feng was a young bird who had never killed anyone with a knife. As for Modu, although the weapon was a short stick, his aura was stronger than anything else. Li Feng, holding a long knife in his hand, is even more threatening.

It's just that Modu just touched the short stick and didn't take any further action. In addition, Beiman knew that the priest had tortured Anna in the small town, so he had a bad impression of the priest. As long as Li Feng didn't really kill the priest, Beiman didn't care about Li Feng. How to threaten and intimidate the priest.

Fosen looked at Li Feng, who had no murderous eyes, turned around and lay down on the floor he had made, and said: "If you want to make a noise far away, don't disturb me. I'm already very tired."

Kai, the priest, could not tell that Li Feng was just threatening the priest, so he stood up and stood in front of Li Feng and said, "Mr. Austin, threatening the priest will lead to hell. Please apologize to Father Deborczak."

Li Feng: ""Didn't you hear that it was this guy who made the rude remarks first?

Li Feng turned to look at Mo Du. Although Mo Du was dissatisfied with the priest's words, he didn't want to meddle in Li Feng and Kai's business. He ignored Li Feng's eyes and only used his eyes to warn the priest, "There will be no next time, otherwise I will make you look good." '.

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Feng put down his long sword and said to Kai: "You want me to apologize to this blind man? Unless you teach me swordsmanship, I will apologize to this blind man one day when I can defeat Beiman with swordsmanship."

Beiman glanced at Li Feng speechlessly: "What does this have to do with me? It's impossible for a guy like you to defeat me in this life. If you don't want to apologize, just say it. You are using the banner of defeating me to do it."

Kai knew that Li Feng had joined the team under the guise of learning swordsmanship. Seeing that Li Feng was still thinking about learning swordsmanship, he hesitated and said, "You apologize first, and I will teach you basic swordsmanship. And even if you are not afraid of going to hell after death, , aren’t you also afraid that the Vatican will want you for threatening the clergy?”

Li Feng glanced at the priest with a smile but not a smile: "It's impossible to apologize. At worst, I won't learn swordsmanship. You are not the only one in the world who can teach me swordsmanship. As for the wanted man of the Vatican, he is so blind that he can't even see clearly. What do I look like, even if you can see clearly? He is a heretic who opens his mouth and shuts his mouth. I am afraid that he is a heretic lurking in the Holy See. Maybe he is also a heretic possessed by the devil. I am afraid that the Holy See will issue a warrant before he wants me. A medal for me to expose a devil lurking in the Holy See."

The priest was so angry by Li Feng that he wanted to curse again, but now he could see that Beiman and Ferson, the most powerful people on the scene, did not like him. The remaining knight Ai Kehai obviously did not want to participate in this meaningless exchange. I stood up and walked to the prison car, as if I was going to watch the night.

Glancing at Li Feng with sharp eyes, the priest said to Kai: "Thank you for your hard work tonight and keep a close eye on these two people of unknown origin. Don't let them let the dark witch escape."

After saying that, the priest sat back on the ground, closing his eyes and recuperating, looking like he was going to watch the night after recuperating his energy.

Mo Du glanced at Li Feng in confusion. He had many questions that he wanted answers to, but seeing Kai's appearance of obeying the priest and sticking to Li Feng's side, he felt that now was not the time to answer his questions. While alert to the surroundings, he crossed his legs and entered shallow meditation. Refresh your energy.

Seeing that everyone was resting, Li Feng flicked the fire with his lips curled up, and said to Kai beside him: "Little guy, how about teaching me swordsmanship? I don't need you to teach you any secret skills, just basic swordsmanship."

Kai didn't understand why Li Feng was so obsessed with swordsmanship. He glanced at Modu subconsciously and said, "Why don't you learn from Mr. Modu? I can feel that Mr. Modu is very strong."

That guy is strong, but he is better at sticks and whips. Although he is also good at swordsmanship,

Li Feng touched his cheek, recalling the scene of being run over by a baseball and jumping up and down like a monkey, and muttered: But I don’t want to face baseball anymore. Let him teach me knife skills. I can think of this guy will definitely do it. Hit a baseball at me and let me split it with a knife

"You just preach and don't teach," Li Feng, who felt a little cold, tightened his collar and rubbed his hands to keep warm. "Be more straightforward. Don't be like a woman and give a pleasant word like a man."

Madan, everyone else was wearing long sleeves and cloaks, but I was the only one wearing a thin sleeveless shirt. It was okay if they didn’t give me any clothes during the day. At least I could keep warm when I moved my hands and feet, but they didn’t give me a blanket or anything like that at night. , do you really want to freeze me to death?

Or do you think that because Mo Du is not cold, you think I am not afraid of the cold either? The problem is that I don’t have the magic power of Mordo to resist the cold.

Kai thought for a moment, picked up two branches from the ground, handed one to Li Feng, and said, "Okay, I'll teach you the most basic sword skills, starting with holding the sword."

After listening for a long time, Li Feng, who was a little confused, finally realized that there are so many things to pay attention to when holding a sword. What is the difference between holding a sword with one hand and two hands? How to prevent the sword from falling out of your hand or hurting yourself when holding the sword with one hand, and how to hold the sword so that it can be used. More flexible, etc., he had never thought about or understood these.

It wasn't until the middle of the night when the priest got up and prepared to change shifts with Ai Kehai that Kai breathed out and said that he had to take a rest after teaching so far today.

Just as Kai closed his eyes and snored slightly, Modu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the prison car. He turned to Li Feng and said, "Everyone is fast asleep now. They are far away and can't hear our conversation. Tell me honestly that you and I were talking before." What did that weird girl say?"

Li Feng glanced at Kai: Just close your eyes and fall asleep? Are you still watching over us like this?

Turning his head and looking at Anna, Li Feng made sure that the other party could not see him. Then he gently snapped his fingers and wrapped Modu and himself into the mirror space.

"The little girl is indeed the devil, but the devil did not kill the little girl's soul, but shared the same body with the little girl."

Modu was stunned for a moment, and said with sudden realization: "The devil is using the little girl's soul as a garment to wrap itself up, so I think the little girl's spirit body is a little weird."

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