Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 272 269 Opening a Store

Half a year after the academy was attacked by Valenlai and demons, the world of the ‘Holy Grail Artifact’ quietly changed.

First of all, the Shadow Hunters. Originally, this group of people believed more in the weapons in their hands. When they encountered demons or people possessed by demons, their first reaction was to swing their knives in close combat. No matter whether they were people or demons, they would be hacked to death.

But I don’t know when it started, the Shadow Hunters’ style changed. When they encountered people possessed by demons, they no longer swung their knives and hacked them, but cast spells to expel the demons from the host, and then either hacked them to death or cast spells to purify the demons.

The underground world of Brooklyn was in an uproar. The Shadow Hunters originally established a certain voice in the underground world with only the ‘Rune’ runes and skills.

Now, this group of people actually mastered spells, which were spells left by an angel.

Will it let other colleagues who make a living by destroying demons?

But they couldn’t say anything. After all, everyone knew that the Shadow Hunters had angel blood, and it was normal for them to use angel spells.

In the end, those who envied the Shadow Hunters for being able to cast spells could only secretly drool and envy the Shadow Hunters' changes.

Who made them not have angel blood?

The only thing they didn't understand was that the Shadow Hunters seemed to have a fight with a mage named 'Austin', looking for this Chinese mage all day long, and even issued a high bounty to find the whereabouts of 'Austin', causing the entire American underground world to boil.

There was no way, the bounty was too generous. The secular rewards such as money were easy to say, just a blank check filled in at will.

But the extraordinary materials provided were a bit exaggerated, and even these materials were enough to turn a low-qualified extraordinary person into a second-rate strongman.

The temptation here was so great that even after Li Feng knew the amount of the bounty issued by Hodge, the first thought in his mind was whether to sell himself for materials.

It was also in this game of mobilizing all names to find 'Austin' that a buddy in the extraordinary world was bored and went out in the middle of the night to find clues about 'Austin' and accidentally encountered a demon.

Originally, this buddy secretly sighed that it was unlucky tonight. Demons always come to the world naked, and at most they only bring their own weapons. When they die, they turn into ashes and return to hell, neither taking anything with them nor leaving a cloud behind.

Killing demons is a thankless job. After all, you can't get any benefits, and if you are not careful, you may be killed by the demons.

Therefore, except for the shadow hunters who hunt demons, no one will fight with demons for no reason. Generally, extraordinary people always avoid demons when they meet them.

But today, the demon that this extraordinary person met may be too high on drugs, and he insisted on putting on a posture that if you don't kill me, I will destroy you, forcing the extraordinary person to use all his strength to send the demon back to hell.

Originally, the extraordinary person killed the demon, and the matter ended there. After everyone dispersed, they went back to their homes and looked for their mothers.

But today, after the extraordinary person killed the demon, he found that something was wrong.

Everyone knows that demons will turn into ashes when they die, but what's the matter with this demon leaving a metal bracelet in the ashes today?

This isn't a game, how can you kill a demon and still get equipment?

Out of curiosity, the extraordinary person picked up the bracelet and asked an expert who had studied demons.

This question was a big deal. The expert concluded that this was a magic item that could increase the user's strength by 10%. The most important thing was that this item could be used by all creatures.

Now, the whole underground world was in an uproar again. The demon went from being a useless item to a hot item in the eyes of all extraordinary people.

This was a small monster that could get equipment. How could it not be good?

Even if the demon's explosion rate was a bit low, it would take only a few hundred to get an item, and it was worth it for everyone to form a gang or kill the demon with a trap. After all, this was a rare magic equipment on the market.

After that, as people continued to get various equipment that increased strength, speed, and agility by 10% from demons, this game of killing monsters by all the people became more and more intense.

At this time, Li Feng, the initiator of the demon's equipment explosion, officially opened a business in a remote alley in Brooklyn under the guise of One-Eyed Fury, selling various equipment that exploded from demons.

Of course, Li Feng's disguised identity at this time was a skilled alchemist. In addition to selling equipment that increased the data of demons by 10%, he also sold some imitations that claimed to be inspired by demon equipment.

Although imitations cannot increase data such as strength by 10%, they can at least increase the data of the user by 3%.

Moreover, Li Feng also stated that it was not because of his poor craftsmanship, but because he had not found the right materials. Once he found the right materials, he could not only create equipment that increased by 10%, but also create equipment that increased by 20%.

At first, everyone did not believe in Li Feng's craftsmanship. After all, no one had ever seen Li Feng, the one-eyed black man, before. It was impossible for everyone to believe Li Feng's words just by touching his upper and lower lips.

It was not until Li Feng put a piece of equipment that increased strength by 15% on the counter for sale that everyone believed Li Feng's words.

In this way, the name of "Alchemist Fury" officially gained a foothold in Brooklyn, and there was an endless stream of people who took the initiative to deliver materials to his door every day to ask for equipment to be made.

As for Li Feng, in order to accumulate a reputation, he accepted everyone who came, collected cash and asked customers to come the next day to pick up the equipment.

It’s just that Li Feng’s craftsmanship is so good that the extraordinary people in Brooklyn are unwilling to go out naked to fight monsters. They all ask Li Feng to customize various equipment before going out.

Later, Li Feng, whose business was booming, simply put up a sign to tell everyone who paid with magic materials would come back the next day to get the equipment.

As for those who still pay in cash, just wait in line slowly. When the goods will be delivered depends on when Li Feng is in the mood to forge equipment.

The extraordinary person who had tasted the benefits of various equipment immediately gave up.

Those who are prepared can destroy the demons more easily and obtain the equipment dropped by the demons more safely. Why can they only risk their lives to fight monsters?

Especially since the explosion rate of demons has been getting lower and lower recently, when they get the equipment, the demons will probably return to their original status as useless.

As a result, no one paid in cash anymore, and they all came to Li Feng with various magic materials in exchange for magic equipment.

Even if Li Feng stopped secretly building equipment for demons, the extraordinary beings in the underground world would not abandon their equipment.

After all, equipping this thing allows many weak extraordinary beings to fight back against beings that are stronger than themselves.

In this way, the extraordinary people in the underground world could only rely on their talents to fight in the past, and gradually moved towards the path where whoever has money becomes stronger.

The biggest winner in the 'Devil's Equipment Explosion' incident is naturally Li Feng, who pocketed a large amount of precious magic materials, and mixed low-quality materials with a few precious materials to create equipment for sale.

The reason why Li Feng mixes in good materials is because doing business requires integrity. Li Feng is not a profiteer who completely uses inferior materials to fool people.

In fact, no one is a fool. These days, there are many devices that test the specific components of equipment. If Li Feng is stingy enough to not use any precious materials, who will exchange precious materials for equipment?

As the equipment business got better and better, Li Feng started to pay attention to various magic medicines. In addition to the equipment, various auxiliary potions provided by a friend who had no reason to exist quietly appeared on the counter.

The rules for purchasing or customizing potions are the same as for equipment. As long as the medicinal materials are provided, Li Feng will help the other party make various potions.

There are all kinds of 'polyjuice potion', 'truth serum', 'blood replenishing potion', and even a magical potion 'love potion' that can make others fall in love with you. It can be said that there are no potions that Li Feng can't make except those he can't imagine.

This makes the extraordinary people in the underground world go crazy again, especially those who have no money or backing after being injured, and can only rely on their physical strength to resist. Every time they see the healing potions on the counter, they go crazy searching for magic medicines. Come and redeem.

As for robbing Li Feng's store, you can see the consequences of doing so just by looking at the guy with three feet of grass on his grave in the suburbs and the various big shots who work as waiters in small stores.

During Li Feng's aggressive acquisition of various magic materials, Hodge and others had suspected that Fury, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, was Austin who had stolen the Holy Grail, but they had no evidence.

The closest thing to insinuating that Li Feng was a thief was when Lance broke into Li Feng's house at night and found a Holy Grail without angel blood.

But apart from the fact that the Holy Grail could prove that Fury had seen the genuine Holy Grail before and was able to imitate such a realistic one, Lance said that he had no evidence to prove that Fury was the thief who stole the Holy Grail.

In fact, the Holy Grail that Lance saw was actually the real Holy Grail, just the angel's blood in the cup.

Sorry, Li Feng is a guy who can even borrow and extract dimensional energy. Extracting the angel's blood from the cup is just a trivial matter to him.

Therefore, the angel's blood had long been put into a test tube by Li Feng and lay there to eat dust in the shoulder bag, and the shoulder bag was on Kreacher, who was in an enhanced invisibility state all day long.

How could a weakling like Lance discover Kreacher? That's weird.

In the world of 'Holy Grail Artifact', Li Feng stayed there for four years.

At the beginning, Li Feng was a little cautious. After all, he could only stay in another world for two years before. This long standby time made him think that he would never be able to return to the Marvel world.

If it weren't for the fact that the quantum energy in his body was still there, which made him feel at ease, Li Feng would have tried to return to the Marvel world after staying for two years.

But don't mention it, Li Feng was really reluctant to leave the world of 'Holy Grail Artifact' so soon.

After all, the world is too vast. Magic materials are like leeks. You can’t cut them all. Li Feng’s backpack can hardly contain them.

Even the 'Magic Amplitude Potion' that had not been made for a long time and was used to increase magic power, Li Feng almost felt nauseated after drinking it.

There was no way, he was too strong, and the formula for the 'Magic Amplitude Potion' in his hand was too primitive and weak. As a result, the magic amplitude brought by Li Feng's drinking of one bottle of potion every day was also very limited.

Until today, four years later, Li Feng once again sensed that the quantum energy in his body began to dissipate. He understood that how long he could stay in another world depended on how much power he had, and he also understood that it was time to say goodbye to the world of the 'Holy Grail Artifact'.

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