Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 277 Chapter 274 The beginning of the intersection of the nine realms

At night, there are no tourists near Stonehenge.

Li Feng sat cross-legged on the grass near Stonehenge, holding a wine glass in his right hand, supporting his knee on the knuckle of his left hand, and supporting his chin with his palm, looking speechlessly at Natasha who was eating and drinking.

Those are my meat skewers and beer. Li Feng touched his round belly. If he hadn't really been unable to eat, he really wanted to snatch the meat skewers back from Natasha's hand.

After drinking and eating, Natasha lay facelessly next to Li Feng, looked up at the stars and asked, "I'm curious, what kind of person are you."

Li Feng glanced at the graceful and juicy Natasha, with delicate and shiny skin. He drank down the beer in one gulp, lay in a row with Natasha and looked at the stars, and said with a smile: "I am a man."

"Tch~" Natasha glanced at Li Feng with disdain. In other aspects, she couldn't guarantee what kind of person Li Feng was, but on the topic of whether Li Feng was a man, Natasha felt that she could provide a bunch of evidence to prove it. , Li Feng has been abstinent for many years.

You must know that Li Feng mainly lives in the United States.

Although it is not true that there are no singles in the United States, those who are able to achieve complete abstinence like Li Feng are not only sick in their bodies but also in their brains, or both in their bodies and brains.

Is Li Feng sick? The identity of a mage who is good at healing has already shown that the other party is definitely not sick physically.

As for Natasha, she was not blind in her heart. She saw that Li Feng's action of drinking before lying down was to cover up his swallowing. In addition, the other party's tone was not pretentious when speaking, which not only showed that Li Feng had desires in his heart, but also proved that her charm was still there.

So the question is, why does Li Feng abstain from sex? If it weren't for the fact that Li Feng ate a lot of meat and fish every day and drank beer like boiling water, Natasha would have suspected that Li Feng was not actually a mage, but a monk. The so-called abstinence was just a way of practice, just like a silent chant. Just like talking.

Is Austin a fair-weather monk? Thinking of this, Natasha deliberately looked at Li Feng with blurry eyes, not only wanting to tease Li Feng's desire, but also trying to find evidence of the monk from him.

On the side, Li Feng felt that Natasha's eyes were a bit charming and unnatural, and he subconsciously glanced at his clothes: There's nothing wrong with it.

Scratching his head, Li Feng guessed that Natasha had drunk too much and was going to find someone to do something shameful with the sky as the bed and the earth as the bed. After all, this was the United States, and some cultures were still very open.

It's a pity, I'm really not interested in you. Li Feng curled his lips and deliberately changed the subject to avoid Natasha getting angry. He said, "Fury left only when he knew he couldn't get information from me. What about you? Why did you stay?" You want to get information from me through seduction? I'm warning you, I'm not that kind of person."

As he spoke, Li Feng tightened his collar, looking like a scared boy.

Your monk knows a lot about this. Natasha silently glanced at Li Feng, who was like a ball of grievance. She returned her gaze to the bright starry sky and said, "You're a big-headed ghost. I think seduction requires you to be moved. And from the information, Look, I don’t think a woman can seduce you, maybe a man can?”

Li Feng's mouth twitched: "You are the only one who likes men."

"What's wrong with me liking men?" Natasha retorted generously: "It's not normal that I like women."

Li Feng's whole body froze, and all he could think about was 'Why do I like men?'

Damn it, Li Feng silently turned his back to Natasha: What you said makes sense, I am completely speechless.

Seeing Li Feng's shocked look, Natasha smiled silently and said, "I have analyzed your character before, but you can be shrewd at one moment, retarded at other times, laughing and joking and not caring about anything, and greedy and fearful at other times. Looks like a dead rat"

Before Natasha could finish speaking, Li Feng interrupted dissatisfiedly: "And handsome, young and rich? Why don't you talk about these."

Natasha smiled silently. As an agent, she heard that Li Feng deliberately interrupted the rhythm of her conversation. As for why Li Feng did this

Because Li Feng heard that Natasha had the intention to test his inner thoughts.

Li Feng, who didn't want to talk too much with Natasha, stood up and patted the weeds on his body, and said, "Shaweig will come here tomorrow. You'd better ask him yourself about the Nine Realms. I guess Shaweig has already collected it." Few clues, it might be useful to you.”

After saying that, Li Feng flew to the boulder and lay down, resting his hands on the back of his head, crossing his legs, and slowly fell into a dream.

The next day, a ray of sunlight shined through the clouds on Li Feng's cheek. Li Feng, who was supposed to wake up at three o'clock in the morning, rubbed his sleepy eyes and shouted: "Kreacher, have a glass of beer to wake up."

"Okay, boss," Kreacher, who had long understood the virtues of his boss, teleported to Li Feng with a large glass of beer, a toothbrush, a towel and other items. He first handed the wine glass to Li Feng and rinsed his mouth, and said: " Boss, Dr. Shavig and Ms. Jane have arrived. Seeing that you are still sleeping, I didn’t wake you up.”

"Oh, it's early enough," Li Feng drank and looked at Shavig and Jane, who were holding some kind of javelin-like equipment and spinning around the boulder. He then looked at a dilapidated RV in the distance and the square in front of the RV. Natasha preparing breakfast?

What the hell is this bitch doing? Does she know the wise saying that if you want to seduce a man, you must first seduce his stomach?

So, Natasha is going to seduce Wiig with the Love Breakfast color? Are you eating Shavig?

While thinking wildly, Li Feng finished a glass of beer. Feeling that his brain was already switched on, he handed the glass to Kreacher, washed himself hastily, jumped off the boulder, and walked quickly towards Shavig.

Seeing Li Feng walking towards him, Shavig waved to greet Li Feng and handed the instrument in his hand to Jane. He opened his arms to face Li Feng and said with a smile: "Austin, your reminder to the Nine Realms is so timely."

Li Feng paused, narrowed his eyes and asked, "You mean, the nine realms have overlapped now?"

"That's not true." Shavig shook his head, took out a device for collecting gravity changes and space changes from his pocket, pointed at the data on the screen and said, "This is an abnormal value that I only read when I arrived at Stonehenge. "

While speaking, Shavig glanced at Natasha in the distance, and whispered as if Natasha was eavesdropping: "You asked me many questions back then, and I know that you don't know everything about certain things. As a layperson, you can understand what these data represent.”

Li Feng glanced at the numerical value on the device, nodded slightly and whispered: "It means that the overlap of the nine realms has just begun."

"Yes," Shavig led Li Feng towards Jane and said, "Jane has designed a small device that can more accurately locate the point where abnormal values ​​occur."

It wasn't until the two were some distance away from Natasha that Shavig asked in confusion: "I remember she is a member of the Avengers. What is she doing here?" After a pause, Shavig's face He said unnaturally: "You also asked me a lot about the Nine Realms, I"

"Natasha is here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Li Feng saw that Shavig was hesitant and understood what the other person was worried about. He explained casually and said nonchalantly: "Just tell her what she wants to know. I have a hunch. We need powerful firepower when the nine realms intersect.”

Shavig's face froze, and he asked with a smile that was uglier than crying: "Don't tell me that aliens will come to cause trouble again."

"Who knows," Li Feng patted Shavig on the shoulder and consoled him: "After all, this is a wonder of the universe that can only be encountered once in thousands of years. Who knows what will happen then."

Shavig looked at the equipment in his hand, and then at the back of Li Feng who was walking towards Jane. He felt like crying but said without tears: I am just an ordinary astronomer. I just want to study something quietly. Why should I be so unlucky?

"Hi, Jane, long time no see," Li Feng walked up to Jane, casually cast a spell to help insert the javelin-like device in the opponent's hand into the soil, and said, "Has that guy Thor been looking for you quietly?"

Jian, who was quite happy to see Li Feng at first, immediately calmed down her expression, snorted coldly and turned around to continue collecting abnormal data.

"Uh~" Li Feng scratched his head, turned to look at Shavig behind him, and asked with his eyes, 'What's wrong?'

Shavig spread his hands and explained in a low voice: "Thor has never returned to Earth to meet Jane, so I suggested that Jane find a boyfriend. After all, Thor is still young."

When talking about Thor's youth, Shavig couldn't help but show worry on his face. There was nothing he could do about it. Calculated in terms of lifespan, Thor was really too young and could live for thousands of years.

And what about Jane? He is just an ordinary person, and even if he dies, his lifespan will only be a few years?

If something unexpected happened, such as being hit by a car when going out, Jian Zhi might just get over it on the spot.

Li Feng could tell that Shavig did not support Jane and Thor's interstellar long-distance relationship.

But how should Li Feng persuade him? Thor and Shavig are both his friends, and now that Thor is dating Shavig's daughter, it won't be good for Li Feng to go to either side.

So, let Thor and Jane have their own fun.

After a while, Natasha in the distance signaled to Li Feng and the others to start dinner. Jane immediately put aside the resentment caused by missing Thor and happily ran to the RV holding a pile of data.

Li Feng and Shaweig looked at each other: Your daughter is really good. One second she was full of resentment, but the next second she threw all her resentment against the male vote out of her head? This is too much advice.

Shavig shrugged his shoulders and walked towards Natasha. At the same time, he was thinking about how to tell Natasha about the intersection of the nine realms. After all, Li Feng had said that this matter might involve aliens. As an Earthling, Man, he also wants to contribute to protecting the earth.

I just hope that no group of intelligence agencies come to my house to block the door afterwards.

Over the next few days, Shavig and Jane were busy collecting data.

Due to her mission, Natasha would ask Shavig some questions every time she was free.

Li Feng, on the other hand, pretended to know nothing about science, and acted like an incompetent bodyguard, hiding in the tent all day long and tinkering with bottles of potions.

Until one noon, Jane's assistant Daisy drove to the vicinity of Stonehenge with her assistant.

Daisy hurried to Jane's side, glanced at Natasha and said nothing. She just silently took out some kind of instrument from her pocket and handed it to Jane.

Jane took the instrument and took a look at it. She pointed in the direction of London in surprise and shouted: "Eric, there is another place where the gravity is chaotic and the space is being squeezed."

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