Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 294 Chapter 291 Dragon

What can a 400,000 bounty do? Li Feng didn't know. Anyway, the money in his pocket was given by Thor, which was about the same as the wind.

If he could find the Cosmic Spirit Sphere, Li Feng wouldn't mind giving up a few magic items.

After all, it was the Power Stone. Talking about money in front of the Infinity Stone was crazy.

The two security guards who didn't know what the Cosmic Spirit Sphere was were different. Their faces turned red and green. I don't know if they were scared by the bounty of 400,000, or if they were thinking about whether to kill Li Feng and rob him of the small money in his pocket.

The two security guards looked at each other silently, and one of them said, "Sir, please leave your contact information."

Li Feng smiled and nodded, and immediately raised the communicator on his wrist to call the security guard.

The security guard looked down at the number on his communicator, signaled his companion to look at Li Feng, and went into the bar himself.

After a while, the security guard brought a middle-aged man with a thin face and watermelon-shaped haircut, and introduced him to Li Feng: "This is our boss. You can talk to the boss if you have anything."

"Broker, my friends call me that," the boss introduced himself and asked, "What's your name, sir?"

Li Feng lifted his cloak, revealing his pink skin, and said, "Fury."

The broker nodded slightly, pointed to a 24-hour restaurant in the distance, and said, "Mr. Fury, how about we find a place to talk in detail?"

Why talk about it? Isn't it better to just post the reward? Don't you know how much I look forward to getting the power gem? Li Feng shook his head slightly, pointed to an empty corner, and said, "Sorry, I have something else to do later, so just tell me how to post my task."

This guy doesn't know anything about underground transactions? Isn't he still a rookie? The broker raised his eyebrows, walked aside first, and said: "Since Mr. Fury is in a hurry, I will make it short. According to the rules, if you post the task here, I need to charge you an agency fee and half of your bounty in advance."

After a pause, the broker put on a friendly smile and said: "You can tell from my name that I just introduce transactions for others and earn commissions from it, so this agency fee does go into my pocket, but the bounty collected in advance will not go into my pocket, and even"

The broker put on a slightly embarrassed face and said: "To put it bluntly, you are here What if I regret it later? It's fine if no one completes the task, but what if someone completes the task? I have to pay the full bounty for my reputation. "

Spreading his hands, the broker said aggrievedly: "The ball you want will indeed be in my hands, but I will have no use for it and will lose money. I am just a businessman. My goal is to make money, not to collect balls."

Before Li Feng could say anything, the broker pressed his hand to signal Li Feng to calm down, put on a professional smile, and said: "Of course, this is because you are the first to post the task and I don't know you, so I need to collect a reward in advance. Half the bounty. If we trade more in the future, I can not collect your bounty in advance."

I almost believed what he said. Li Feng looked at the broker with a smile, patted his shoulder, activated the mind gem to tamper with his memory, and said: "I understand, you just want to stop the loss and pay half the bounty in advance, no problem."

While speaking, Li Feng made sure that the broker looked dull, pretended to pick up a few pieces of gravel from the ground and handed them to him, and said in a magical voice: "This is the 200,000 bounty and your agency fee. What you have to do is to issue it immediately after returning. Reward, if there is any news about the cosmic spirit ball, call me immediately. "

The broker put the gravel into his pocket in a dull manner, and gradually returned to his original profiteer appearance and smiled: "Don't worry, Mr. Fury, as long as you have money, let alone finding the cosmic spirit ball, even if you want to buy a planet, I will help you find a seller. "

"Hehe," Li Feng rolled his eyes: I buy a planet, I don't have the heart to run for the captain of the ball.

When Li Feng was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and turned around and ordered: "By the way, if anyone is also looking for the cosmic spirit ball, remember to notify me."

Who would compete with you for a broken ball? The broker waved his hand disapprovingly, and said with a smile: "Okay, but this requires extra money, after all, I have to spend money to buy information."

Li Feng's mouth twitched, leaving a sentence "I'll give it to you later", and turned to leave.

Back at the repair shop, Li Feng's mind was full of where the power gem was, and he didn't want to sleep at all.

After thinking about it, Li Feng simply took out the book given by Frigga, turned over and climbed onto the roof. While studying in the moonlight, he tried to improve his physical fitness according to the records in the book.

Later, Li Feng learned from Hank that the broker had been stolen 200,000 yuan, and he was so angry that he almost offered a reward to find the thief all over the city.

In addition, he learned that all the mercenaries on the black market were looking for the cosmic spirit ball.

In response, Li Feng just smiled: It’s none of my business.

What he has to do every day now is either waiting for the broker’s call or using magic power to slowly polish his body.

Or when he feels that he is about to get bored, he will go to the city to stroll around, such as buying some goods that make Fury covetous, or tasting the food of Xandar.

Except that he didn’t practice magic.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but Li Feng doesn’t dare.

Just after carving the ‘Merlin Magic Ring’, a few seconds later, several Nova fighters flew over and patrolled back and forth near Li Feng.

Originally, a few fighters were not a problem for Li Feng, but what about after shooting down the fighters? Believe it or not, the other side’s fighter planes will swarm in. Will Li Feng run away then?

What's the matter? Isn't it just to find a wasteland to practice magic? Why do we need to mobilize so many people?

Afterwards, Li Feng got some information from Hank and realized that it was not impossible to practice magic, but he had to practice at an official designated place.

This is just like some gun-banning countries on Earth also provide special shooting ranges for gun lovers to practice.

But Li Feng didn't want outsiders to know that he was good at dark magic, and Xandar was a good camp anyway, who knows how they would treat dark wizards.

There was no other way, Li Feng thought he should go to another world to practice magic, and by the way, find a way to melt the eternal flame into the spiritual fire from the "Dark God Book".

The only problem was that Li Feng was still waiting for news about the cosmic spirit ball. What if the broker called within a few days of his trip to another world?

If he missed the power gem in vain, Li Feng would cry to death.

On one hand, he practiced magic to improve his strength, and on the other hand, he had the cosmic spirit ball.

Finally, Li Feng thought he should take a trip alone. As for Kreacher, he should pretend to be him and wait for the broker's call.

After making up his mind, Li Feng cast a spell to turn Kreacher into the appearance he had when he met the broker, while he put on a shoulder bag and opened the portal.


At the moment of descending into the other world, Li Feng heard a heart-wrenching roar.

What is so loud? Li Feng looked up at the sky following the sound, and saw a Western dragon quickly passing by in the distance.

"Fuck, big lizard?!" With a grin, Li Feng immediately jumped onto the black cloud and caught up with the dragon after becoming invisible. At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: I have traveled through so many worlds, except for the horse-sized dragon I saw in Asgard, I have never seen a real 'giant' dragon

And I feel that this dragon is not as strong as me

I heard that dragon blood is very nourishing, hehe

After a while, Li Feng caught up with the dragon on the black cloud and looked at the dragon in front of him curiously.

The dragon is a typical Western dragon, that is, a lizard with wings. In addition, there are two rows of bone spurs on the back of the other party, which adds a bit of ferocity.

Especially the tail, Li Feng saw the tip of the tail flashing with metallic luster.

But Li Feng was a little puzzled. He found that the dragon with a huge scar on its face seemed to be afraid of something, and its flying action was panic-stricken.

Li Feng turned his head and looked down. He could not see anything except a middle-aged man riding a horse with a bow in the distance.

Scratching his head, Li Feng exited the invisible state, and asked the dragon, regardless of whether he could understand or not, "Big lizard, are you being chased by the knight below?"

Hearing the question from the side, the dragon stupidly stopped flapping its wings and turned to look at Li Feng with a silly face.

Seeing a human suddenly appear next to the voice, the dragon was frightened and screamed "Wow" while flapping its wings randomly.

After a few seconds, the dragon resumed its flying posture, panting tiredly, and asked with fear in its tone: "Who are you? Are you here to kill me too?"

These female lizards can talk? And they have a British accent? Li Feng was stunned for a moment, shrugged and said: "I just heard that dragon blood is very nutritious, so I want to buy some blood from you. I want to keep it steady. If you agree to sell me some blood every now and then, I won't kill you. What if you don't sell it?"

At this point, Li Feng showed a bloodthirsty expression and sneered.

As for what Li Feng wanted to express, let the dragon think about it. Anyway, Li Feng would not say the idea of ​​"knock you unconscious and draw blood".

If you don't sell it, you will kill me? The dragon twitched its mouth, opened its mouth and sprayed a ball of flames at Li Feng, and then accelerated the rhythm of flapping its wings without caring whether Li Feng was dead or not.

Li Feng, who held up the shield, carefully sensed the power of the dragon's 'dragon breath', frowned and muttered: "What kind of dragon is this? Although the dragon's breath can explode, how can the power be just ordinary flames? This is too weak."

Wondering, Li Feng caught up with the dragon again and asked: "Big lizard, are you really a dragon?"

"I'm not a lizard," the dragon roared, and opened its mouth again to spit fire.

Li Feng pouted, and when the flames approached him, he snapped his fingers and gathered the flames in his palms.

Li Feng held the flame in the air and observed it for a while, then extinguished it with his backhand and asked, "You are so weak, are you a sub-dragon or a bird that looks like a dragon?"

The giant dragon saw that its own flame not only failed to hurt Li Feng, but was extinguished by the opponent's backhand, and was frightened and asked, "Who are you? Why are you killing dragons?"

"Me? Can't you see that I'm a mage?" Li Feng pointed at himself, shrugged and said, "As for killing you, didn't I say that I just want to buy some blood from you? Don't worry, I won't buy too much each time, just..." Li Feng tilted his head and thought for a while, then gestured, "About 400cc."

I understand 400, but what the hell is CC? The giant dragon said weakly, "Mr. Mage, I think you misunderstood something. Dragon blood is not as extraordinary as you think. It is not much different from ordinary blood, and may not be as precious as your blood."

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