Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 302 Chapter 299 Desert Teaching

Stark's house, studio.

Stark put down the tools in his hand, twisted his waist seductively, and then rubbed his hands, walking towards his own oversized bathtub like a reincarnated pervert.

There, Potts had prepared everything, waiting for him to arrive at the battlefield.

Just as Stark stripped himself clean and picked up Potts, a deafening voice rang out in the room.

"Stark, get up and turn on the water~"

Then, Jarvis' voice rang out in the room: "Sir, Mr. Austin is sitting at the bar drinking your wine."

Stark's face froze, and he looked at the bath water in the bathtub with ripples, and then looked at Potts who was rolling his eyes in his arms.

"I know." Stark said weakly.

In fact, Jarvis didn't need to remind him, he also knew that Li Feng came to his house as a "guest". After all, as far as his top-level soundproofing equipment was concerned, even a loud voice could not cause ripples in the water in the bathtub.

In addition to magic

Stark put down Potts, hurriedly put on his pants and ran to the wine cabinet, pointing at Li Feng's nose and scolding: "You are invading private territory"

Before Stark finished speaking, Li Feng picked up the bottle and drank it, while opening the suitcase and pushing the suitcase in front of Stark.

Stark looked at the technological products of Xandar Star, and his tone immediately changed: "Welcome to my house. Why didn't you tell me before you came? I can prepare some midnight snacks for you."

Before Li Feng said anything, Scar, who was also holding a bottle of wine and drinking, turned his head to look at Stark, staring at him with blinding eyes and asked: "Midnight snack? Is there meat?"

Stark, who had just picked up the suspected flying skateboard from the suitcase to check, heard Scar's voice, was stunned for a while, and asked: "Isn't this bird a special parrot that you dyed black?"

"Parrot?" Scar tilted his head and thought about it. After making sure that he hadn't heard it, he raised his head with a proud face, sprayed two balls of flames from the tip of his nose, and said: "I am a dragon, a giant dragon, do you know? You just Is it still true that you said you were going to prepare supper?"

Li Feng shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Stark, you are in trouble. You are actually talking about food in front of a hungry dragon?" Li Feng jumped off the bar, patted Stark on the shoulder, and said, "You can find a way to feed her yourself."

"Her? Dragon?" Stark approached Scar, who was holding a bottle of wine, curiously and asked, "Is this what a dragon looks like? It's so ugly, and it likes to drink."

It's okay to say that I drink, but you dare to say that I'm ugly. Don't you know that I was the most beautiful girl in the dragon clan? Scar immediately refused to accept it and shouted, "Boss, your cute Scar has been bullied. Hurry up and untie my magic. I want to roast this piece of meat."

Cute? With your face, what is cute about it? Li Feng rolled his eyes and reminded: "Stark has a lot of money in his pocket. He can buy a farm with tens of thousands of cattle and sheep with just one phone call."

"Delicious!" Scar hesitated for a while, drooling and threatening: "Little mustache, hurry up and send the roasted whole lamb, otherwise I will burn your house down."

Well, this dragon is very greedy and looks easy to coax. Stark asked Jarvis to notify the kitchen to send some midnight snacks in front of Scar, and then closed the suitcase and asked: "Why are you looking for me so late?"

Li Feng scratched his head: "I said I came to kidnap you, do you believe it?"

At this time, Potts, who was wearing a pajamas, just walked into the living room. Hearing that Li Feng was now doing the kidnapping business, he said with a confused face: "Who wants to kidnap Tony?"

Stark was also puzzled. He didn't believe that Li Feng would hurt him, but kidnapping didn't count as harm, so he believed that Li Feng really came to kidnap him.

It's just that there are so many people who want to kidnap him, but Stark can't analyze who the employer behind the scenes is for a while to invite Li Feng.

"Master Gu Yi," Li Feng explained casually: Although Gu Yi didn't say that she kidnapped you, she didn't deny my kidnapping plan, so let Gu Yi take the blame for this matter. Potts didn't know who Gu Yi was, and his face was blank. Stark, who knew Gu Yi, frowned and wondered: "I don't seem to have anything to do with her, what does she want to see me for?" "It's not that Master Gu Yi wants to see you for something, but she wants you and your treatment equipment to disappear for a few days." While speaking, Li Feng looked at Potts and explained: "Something big is about to happen in the magic world. This is related to Stark's treatment equipment. I took him to hide from the limelight and taught him magic. You help him pack his luggage now, and then smash the broken treatment machine gun." Stark thought about it. It didn't matter if the machine was smashed. Anyway, he was not a wizard when he designed the treatment machine. Now he is also an apprentice of a wizard and has a new understanding of treatment. The original machine has long been outdated. And he can also learn magic...

Thinking of this, Stark glanced at Li Feng, who looked like he would kidnap him if he didn't do it, and nodded to Potts, indicating that he would do it.

After Potts left to pack his luggage, Stark touched his chin and asked curiously: "What will happen in the next few days?"

"Stephen Strange had a car accident tonight."

Stark looked at Li Feng in surprise. When he was about to ask about the details, he heard Li Feng say: "Strange should still be rescued now, but he is too seriously injured. He will ask you for help in the end."

"You and that broken healing machine are his only hope for recovery. Although the injury cannot be completely recovered, Strange will at least have no problem with his daily life after the treatment." Li Feng shrugged and said: "But Master Gu Yi saw his talent and decided to train Strange to be the successor to the Supreme Sorcerer. I don't want him to be cured, and I don't even want him to see hope."

While Li Feng was talking, Stark took out his cell phone and operated it until he found the news about Strange's car accident. After confirming that Li Feng was not lying, he was silent for a while and said: "Stephen is my friend, and I don't want you to operate his phone." Destiny, let him choose whether to become a mage or not."

"Haha," Li Feng sneered a few times and shook the empty wine bottle in his hand. Just when Stark thought Li Feng was getting a bottle of wine, Li Feng suddenly struck Stark with a sword and knocked him unconscious.

"You want to control your own destiny if you don't have the strength? That's nonsense."

Li Feng picked up Stark, who was wearing big pants, and thought about it.

Kama Taj can't go, after all, Gu Yi has been blamed by Li Feng. Who knows if Gu Yi will get angry at Li Feng and hang him up and give him a good beating before leaving the show to take a break.

You can also go to the lake, after all, there are many people, and kidnapping must look like kidnapping. What's the point of taking meat tickets home?

After thinking for a long time, Li Feng opened the portal and carried Stark to the desert.

Looking at the yellow sand in the sky and the scorching sun above his head, Li Feng threw Stark to the ground and let Stark wake up from the yellow sand.

Scar really enjoys the desert climate. After all, she is a fire dragon and likes dry and hot places like the desert.

Apart from being a little uncomfortable with the size of the crow, there is no other way. The dragon has four limbs, but the crow only has two small thin legs.

In response, Scar saw that there was not even a ghost figure nearby, so she yelled at Li Feng to restore her appearance. She wanted to fly around in this place where birds do not lay eggs to stretch her muscles and bones.

Li Feng gently snapped his fingers, turning Scar back into a dragon, and warned: "Don't fly too far, and always pay attention to whether there are humans nearby. After all, a weak scum like you who can even cut with a sword, facing humans The gun is really weak."

"I know, you are the most verbose," as he spoke, Scar flapped his wings vigorously and flew freely over Li Feng.

A few seconds later, Stark jumped up from the yellow sand with a confused look on his face. While rubbing his burned arm, he pointed at Li Feng's nose and cursed: "Damn it, Austin, you can't do this to me. Are you doing this?" crime."

Li Feng shrugged and said, "Then you call the police to arrest me. Don't worry, I'll be here waiting for the police to come."

Stark looked down at himself, who was wearing big pants all over his body, rolled his eyes and said, "Then please lend me a mobile phone first."

"I don't have a mobile phone," Li Feng took out a set of clothes from his shoulder bag and threw it to Stark, and said, "You'd better put on your clothes first, lest" Li Feng pointed to the top of his head and said, "lest she would notice." "

Stark raised his head and glanced at Scar tumbling in the air. After mentally calculating Scar's size, he swallowed, blinked and said, "Brother, I think good things need to be shared with you and the whereabouts of the dragon." ? Dragon eggs are fine too, I don’t mind being the dragon mother hatching them herself.”

If there were dragon eggs, I would have brought them for fried rice. It wouldn’t be your turn to hatch the eggs.

Li Feng coughed dryly, motioned for Stark to get dressed quickly, and said, "I said before, this is not only a kidnapping, but also a special magic training for you, so if you have time to daydream, you might as well think about your practice. problems encountered.”

Isn't it just a giant dragon? Although it was very cool to sit there, Stark cursed a few words in his heart. He quickly put on his clothes and complained: "It's too hot. This environment seriously hinders my thinking. Can I get out in a swimming pool?" "

"How about taking advantage of Potts's absence to conjure up some bikini ladies for you to enjoy?" While teasing, Li Feng cast a spell to conjure up several sun loungers and umbrellas, then took out a green leather gourd and threw it to Stark, saying: "Pool No, but there is beer.”

Stark raised his eyebrows. He knew that Li Feng only had magic beer in his hand, so he was not polite and drank a few sips after taking it.

As for not accepting what the man handed you, in front of the magic beer, let it go to hell.

In the air, Scar, who was enjoying himself, keenly noticed that the two people below him were drinking without calling her. He immediately swooped back to Li Feng, stared at the gourd in Stark's hand fiercely, then looked at Li Feng aggrievedly, and said with tears in his eyes: "I want to drink too."

Madan, the cute dragon? ! Stark twitched his lips: Greedy and good at wine, it goes without saying that Austin was abducted with Kreacher's cooking skills.

Li Feng rolled his eyes, drank a few sips of beer, threw the gourd to Scar, and said, "I'm going to class. If you're interested, just listen. Don't just eat all day long. You should also gain some strength." Otherwise you will be a piece of meat on someone else’s table sooner or later.”

Scar flat-mouthed, lying on the sand, drinking beer and listening to Li Feng's explanation of magic knowledge.

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