Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 306 Chapter 303 Have a nice journey, remember to come back and play when you have time

Li Feng said that he was quite familiar with the teahouse of Ancient One. After all, he used to go there whenever he had something to do. He not only asked Ancient One for advice on magic, but also wanted to have a few meals in Kamar-Taj.

Unfortunately, since the energy characteristics in his body became more and more obvious, Li Feng did not dare to come to Kamar-Taj to have a meal easily.

As for the future, Li Feng estimated that he would not come to Kamar-Taj again. After all, Ancient One was about to retire, and among the remaining mages, except for Mordo, who had a good relationship, everyone who knew him treated him as a stranger.

As for the reason, Li Feng was not stupid and could guess it naturally.

Looking at the familiar teahouse, Li Feng recalled it and motioned Stark to sit aside. He took out tea leaves from the bookshelf and put them on his nose to smell them. He sighed "good tea" and boiled water to wash the teacup.

Just when the tea was boiled, a portal suddenly appeared in the teahouse.

Li Feng quickly put down the teacup, stood up and saluted, saying, "Master."

Stark followed Li Feng and stood up and saluted, rolling his eyes at Li Feng, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: Just now, when I saw you holding the tea leaves and teacup, I thought you were the owner of this tea room. Why are you acting like a good baby when Gu Yi comes? You coward

Li Feng understood Stark's rolling eyes and raised his eyebrows: What do you know? Gu Yi's tea is all good stuff. Don't you know that if you have a thick skin, you can eat a piece of meat, but if you have a thin skin, you can't eat it? If I'm polite, I won't drink this tea

Gu Yi ignored the two people who were flirting with each other, nodded to them with a stiff smile, walked to the tea table, poured water to wash the tea, and then poured tea for Li Feng and Stark, and said softly: "Just now, Strange told Mordo about me."

Does it mean that Mordo knows that you always use dark energy? Li Feng picked up the teacup, narrowed his mouth slightly, and guessed: "Mordo is not surprised."

"Yes," Ancient One nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you for straightening out the stubborn Mordo."

This is ambiguous, as if I have some interest in it. Although he was complaining in his heart, Li Feng bowed slightly on the surface and said modestly: "This is what I should do."

Ancient One smiled, poured tea for the two, and suddenly said: "I don't have much time."

Stark, who took the teacup, was stunned for a moment, looked at the ruddy Ancient One blankly, and looked at Li Feng puzzledly, hoping that Li Feng could explain to him what "time is running out" means. Did Ancient One have a terminal illness? Or was the opponent he met in the near future very tough, and Ancient One was not sure to deal with it?

Li Feng ignored Stark's inquiring eyes. He knew some things, but he didn't dare to explain them rashly before he was sure of Ancient One's true thoughts.

But it should be fine if I explain it in a vague way. If Stark doesn't understand the meaning, it's none of my business.

Li Feng silently picked up the teacup in front of him, toasted Ancient One with it as if it were a wine cup, and said with a smile: "Master, I wish you a good journey and remember to come back to play when you have time."

Stark was a little confused: What does it mean? Does "good journey" mean that Ancient One is going to die? But what does it mean that you will come back to play later? Hell was opened by Ancient One, so you can come and go as you please? Where is Mephisto's face, was it rubbed by Ancient One?

Ancient One picked up the teacup and rolled his eyes obscurely: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

After drinking a sip of tea, Ancient One stood up, opened the window, looked up at the starry sky and said: "After I left, Kamar-Taj relied on Strange to support it. Although Mordo and Wang are both good, their personalities..."

After a long time, Ancient One shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "Let's not talk about them" Ancient One turned his head to look at Li Feng and said: "You should help Strange more in the future."

It's as if you can't come back. Li Feng scratched his eyebrows: "With the help of the Eye of Agamotto, Strange will grow rapidly in a few days. By then I'm afraid I'm no match for him, so it's better for him to help me."

"Using the Eye of Agamotto can indeed help you grow quickly," Ancient One sat back at the tea table, poured himself some tea, and said slowly: "But traveling through time multiple times is always bad for the soul, and traveling through time during a battle can easily destroy his foundation."

When Stark heard about traveling through time, he lowered his head and thought, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: I remember when I first met Austin, he told me that he would need my help in the future, and it was also related to time. Now Strange can also travel through time, should I take this opportunity to ask about the spell related to time?

Just when Stark was thinking about how to ask, he saw Li Feng take out the wheat seeds and some medicinal seeds that he coveted from his shoulder bag and put them on the tea table, saying: "Why don't you expand the planting area of ​​wheat and magical medicinal herbs? Let Strange have a strong body."

Pointing at the seeds, Li Feng said: "These are my gifts to the future Supreme Sorcerer."

Gu Yi glanced at the seeds, said "I thank you on behalf of Strange", pointed to the door, and smiled gently: "You leave first, I have something to tell Mr. Stark alone."

Oh, Stark, have you been spotted by Gu Yi? Li Feng blinked, slowly reached out and picked up the teapot while laughing, and said: "Well, you always tell me to drink more tea, I'll go to the door to drink tea."

After that, Li Feng carried the teapot and teacup, left the tea room under Gu Yi's rolling eyes, sat cross-legged on the training ground, drank tea and watched the magician's battle training.

After a long time, Stark walked out of the tea room carrying a pack of paper bags and walked behind Li Feng with a smile on his face. He looked at the hard-working mage apprentice without saying a word and sighed: "I'm a little lucky that I studied in the lineage of Merlin." Spells, if you need to borrow energy to pay interest like they do, maybe what I am thinking about now is how to strengthen my body so that I can borrow more energy during battle."

Li Feng turned to look at Stark: "But in terms of combat effectiveness during the apprenticeship, Kama Taj's mage is better. Don't you feel sorry?"

Stark shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "But I have the protection of the steel suit, and I don't care about the weak power during my apprenticeship. I prefer the power I have, and I believe that with my wisdom, the future path is only They will go further than these Kama Taj wizards.”

"Having ambitions," Li Feng shrugged. He did not deny Stark's future. After all, his plug-ins were a bit evil. He might one day be so imaginative that he could use scientific principles to figure out a black hole or an antimatter cannon. Spells.

Then ask which mage can resist the antimatter spell.

Merlin's magic, which complements technology, is really suitable for Stark who is engaged in scientific research, but I also have some credit for it.

Li Feng stood up and asked, "What did Gu Yi talk to you about?"

Stark handed the paper bag to Li Feng and said, "This is the tea that Gu Yi gave you. She didn't say anything, she just gave me some guidance on my magic practice." After hesitating for a moment, Stark said in confusion: "I feel that Master Gu Yi is here." Just like explaining what happened after his death, he seemed to want me to take care of Kama Taj. What happened to Master Gu Yi? "

Didn't you explain the fake death thing? Li Feng thought for a while and explained: "Be confident, she just wants you to take care of Kama Taj. Master Gu Yi, it can be said that she has broken her heart for Kama Taj."

"I know what you are thinking, but I can only tell you that she is retiring. As for where she will go and what she will do after retirement, I dare not tell you."

After saying that, Li Feng put the tea leaves into his shoulder bag, waved his hand to open the portal, pulled Stark across the portal, and said: "Now that it's over, let's get out of here quickly. Staying in Kama Taj makes me feel uncomfortable. ”

After crossing the portal and returning to the desert, Stark looked at Li Feng with a half-smile: "Are you worried that Kama Taj's mage will destroy you, a dark mage? Don't worry, they already know your background."

"I know, even though I usually wear a mask when I cast spells, everyone who should know me actually knows it," Li Feng said while transforming Scar back into the dragon form and motioning Scar to find a training ground, "If it weren't for Master Gu Yi is standing in the way, and those ancient-eating mages have long since come to trouble me."

Stark curled his lips and laughed silently: "But their strength is too weak, a single mage can't do anything to you, and you don't dare to kill them because you are worried about Ancient One? Now, Ancient One is about to 'retire', Have you thought about how you will face this group of mages in the future? Do you want to kill a few blind mages to scare the monkeys?"

Li Feng scratched his head and sighed: "What can I do? Just stay hidden, just in case Gu Yi gets angry." Halfway through, Li Feng suddenly thought about it: Stark was trying to find out about Gu Yi's whereabouts in a roundabout way.

Squinting his eyes, Li Feng looked at Stark with a half-smile.

Stark rolled his eyes and listened to Li Feng say: "It's good to know some things in your heart. After all, there is pressure to have motivation. Only when those mages who are idle all day know that their biggest supporter has fallen will they work hard. Improve your strength, instead of hiding under Gu Yi’s wings all day long and being a novice for thousands of years.”

Therefore, the Ancient One really just faked his death. Stark nodded slightly to indicate that he knew, touched his chin and said: "Now that Strange has embarked on the path of magic, can we go home? I miss me so much now." big bed."

"And Potts?" Li Feng added with a wink.

Stark didn't deny it. He was not a monk. What was wrong with missing Potts? This is nothing to be ashamed of.

Li Feng pointed at the hanging ring, grinned and said, "It's not impossible to go back to New York, but you have to rely on your own strength to get home."

After saying that, Li Feng patted Scar on the back. Scar immediately understood what Li Feng meant. He turned over and threw the unsteady Stark from the sky. Then, Li Feng turned into a crow and stood on Li Feng's shoulder, tilting his head to look. Stark was cursing while trying to cast the portal.

After a while, Stark landed safely on the sand. Just when he was about to point at Li Feng and scold him, he saw Li Feng waving his hand to open the portal, leaving a few bottles of potions and saying "I'll wait for you at your house" before disappearing in front of him. .

Stark picked up the potion and saw the words 'Magic Amplitude Potion' on the label. The corner of his eye twitched: Madan, are you asking me to open the portal all the way home? With my little magic power, I'll probably get home just in time to eat turkey.

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