Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 321 Chapter 318 Treatment is to beat you up

After crossing the portal, everyone quickly met Fury under the leadership of Hill.

Li Feng saw Fury lying on the hospital bed looking weak and belching at any time. He smiled and greeted: "Stark asked me to send a greeting. By the way, where is the ideal cemetery in your mind? Don't worry, Stark He said, he will give it to you for free for a hundred years.”

"As for a hundred years from now," Li Feng spread his hands and said, "Maybe your ashes will be dug up and scattered into space, so that you can go and have a blast in space."

"Thank you Stark for my kindness," Fury twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Steve and Natasha, and complained plaintively: "You have suffered spinal injuries, broken sternums, shattered collarbones, and perforated livers. My head still hurts terribly.”

On the sidelines, Fury's attending doctor added: "Don't forget there is also a ruptured lung."

"Oh, don't forget this," Fury raised his eyebrows and said, "Other than these, the rest is pretty good."

Natasha was convinced that she had witnessed Fury's surgery and death, and recalled the incident in which Sylvester was a cyborg. This made her wonder whether Fury was also a cyborg and asked: "I saw it with my own eyes." You were disemboweled and your heart stopped beating.”

Before Natasha could finish speaking, Fury understood what Natasha was suspecting and interrupted: "It's tetrodotoxin B. This thing can reduce the pulse to one beat per minute. Banner wanted to rely on this thing to relax, but it's a pity for him." It didn’t work, so we reused it.”

Steve, who was still carrying Bucky, was silent for a while and said: "It seems that Austin and Stark guessed it right. You are really not dead, but I am very surprised. Why are you keeping it so secret, even from us?" Hiding it?”

"The reason you kept it a secret in order to make it seem like the director was really murdered is because you're not good at lying," Hill explained.

Is this a compliment for my honesty, or a scolding for my lack of acting skills? Steve thought helplessly.

Fury explained casually: "People who die can't die again, and I don't know who I can trust."

Natasha and Steve looked at each other, their eyes full of bitterness. Compared to the tip of the iceberg that Fury had detected, they had personally heard Dr. Zola introduce how Hydra cannibalized S.H.I.E.L.D. Transform the good S.H.I.E.L.D. into Snake Shield.

Seeing that everyone was silent for a while, Li Feng scratched his head and walked to Fury's side. While casting a spell to treat Fury, he said: "Lu Dan, I want to discuss with you, 'You can't kill a dead person.' By the way, Pierce showed up at SHIELD safe and sound."

Feeling that his body suddenly felt better, Fury pulled off the sheets, jumped out of bed, carefully expanded his chest, gave Li Feng a thumbs up and said, "I feel like my internal organs have been healed, thank you."

Li Feng smiled and waved his hands. Just when everyone thought Li Feng wanted to say 'you're welcome', Li Feng suddenly changed his face and kicked Fury away. Then, while casting a spell to treat Fury whose spine was broken by the kick, he said with a ferocious smile: "No. You're welcome, I just don't think it's fun to bully a dying person, and treating you will only make you more resistant to beatings."

While speaking, Li Feng jumped up to Fury who was healed again, grabbed the other person's neck and threw him away. While casting a spell to treat the other person, he said: "I asked you to hand over the person who launched the nuclear bomb. What about you? Just follow me. I'm so stupid that I believed your lies."

"Now~" Li Feng clenched his fist, grabbed Fury's collar and threw him vigorously over his shoulder.

Steve was dumbfounded as he looked at Fury, who was vomiting blood and then full of energy. He quickly put down Bucky and was about to break up the fight, when he saw Li Feng lifting up the dizzy Fury, squeezing his shoulder after a few treatments, and saying coldly He said word by word with a straight face: "Take me to see Pierce, I want to kill him with my own hands."

Fury shook his dizzy head and said expressionlessly: "No problem, I just want to settle a score with him."

"Haha," Li Feng turned around and walked aside, leaning against the wall, clasping his hands and saying, "Considering that you used a cyborg to do business before, this time, I want the real Pierce," pointing to the silent Xi Sylvette, Li Feng sneered: "If the Pierce I saw is a fake like Sylvester, I want to know everything about Pierce, including the information that is sealed in the paper database, just in case you do it again Lie to me, I have to go to the paper database to find the information myself.”

Fury didn't think much about it, simply thinking that Li Feng was just mad at Pierce. After all, he was beaten up just for deceiving Li Feng about Pierce, which shows how much Li Feng hates Pierce now.

The other party wanted to determine where Pierce might be hiding by searching for early information, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Fury has often done this kind of thing before, just like Zola said, "The digital book of the 21st century." Only by knowing a person's past can it be easier to deduce someone's whereabouts.

But Fury blinked his innocent little eyes and explained: "I didn't know Pierce was a cyborg when I handed him over."

"I don't care if you know it or not, I just want Pierce." Li Feng rolled his eyes and said.

Fury nodded slightly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, half-crouched in front of Sylvester and looked at the petrified Bucky, and asked: "Captain, what are you going to do with the Winter Soldier? Although he was Hydra commits crimes when it is controlled, but most victims don’t think about whether they are controlled.”

Steve glanced at Bucky tangledly, and after a moment of silence he said, "This is my trusted brother, and I will repay the debt with Bucky."

After speaking, Steve looked at Li Feng.

Li Feng instantly understood the meaning in Steve's eyes, secretly summoned the Mind Stone, stretched out his right index finger and pointed at Bucky's chest.

A few seconds later, Li Feng gasped and lifted Bucky's petrification, and said: "I lifted the control of Hydra and sorted out his memory a little. As for completely restoring Bucky's memory, he needs to find it himself."

"Thank you, I owe you two favors," Steve thanked him and stood in front of Bucky, whose eyes were blank, and asked softly: "Hey, Bucky, do you still remember me?"

Bucky was silent for a while: "Can you stop asking this question? You've asked me this question a hundred times, Steve."

Hearing Bucky call him 'Steve', Steve smiled and patted Bucky on the shoulder: "Welcome back."

Fury glanced at Li Feng. He didn't know why, but he always felt that Li Feng's spell-casting process was very similar to when Loki controlled Shavig and Barton. He cast spells at the heart position.

The only difference between the two is that Loki relies on a cane inlaid with energy gems, while Li Feng uses his fingers.

But Fury didn't want to ask anymore questions now. He had just been beaten to death by Li Feng, and Fury didn't want to try that feeling again.

Secondly, let’s finish the ‘Insight Project’ that massacred millions of people now.

Thinking of this, Fury put on his beloved black windbreaker, pushed open the ward door, clapped his hands, and signaled everyone to turn their attention from Bucky to him, and said, "Guys, we don't have much time."

After Hill handed Sylvette and Bucky to another agent, he led everyone into the small conference room.

Fury, who was sitting on a chair, took out an early photo of Pierce and sighed: "This man refused to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. He said that peace is not an achievement, but a responsibility."

Fury threw the photo on the table, gritted his back teeth and said, "Look, it's this kind of person that makes me unable to trust anyone."

Li Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly and cursed in a low voice: "Damn, you asked for this. Why didn't Pierce kill you on the spot?"

Brother, stop discussing who is right and who is wrong at this time. Natasha covered her forehead and interrupted: "We have to prevent the space carrier from taking off."

"Do you think the Council will still answer my call?" Fury laughed at himself, took out a small box from behind and opened it.

Steve glanced at the three chips in the box and asked, "What are these."

Hill explained: "When the space carrier flies up to 3,000 feet, they will form a triangle with the InSight satellite, and then the space carrier will be weaponized."

Fury said: "We have to break into the space carrier and replace the positioning chip with our own."

"It's useless to change one or two chips. We have to connect all three space carriers." After a pause, Hill explained: "Because even if there is only one space carrier left in normal operation, there will still be a lot of people. Killed."

Furillo said with helplessness: "We can't be sure who is Hydra and who is one of our own." At this point, Furillo glanced at Li Feng and said, "This prevents our mage from performing his soul-stirring function." Because of the role of the army, we have to assume that the people on the space carrier are full of Hydra, and we have to go through them to insert the chip into the space carrier. "

Fury looked around and added: "Maybe, I mean maybe we can save something."

Before Fury finished speaking, Steve interrupted: "We won't rescue him."

Fury looked at Steve with wide eyes: Man, can you say it again? Do you know how much money it takes to build a space carrier? You have never embezzled this money, don't you know how distressed it is?

Steve ignored Fury's cute look and said, "We want to destroy the Helicarrier and SHIELD?"

What does it mean? Fury was a little confused. He couldn't understand Steve's brain circuit and asked blankly: "SHIELD has nothing to do with this."

Steve shook his head slightly. He had been dealing with Hydra all his life and knew exactly what the presence of Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. meant.

Instead of destroying SHIELD, how about watching Hydra continue to parasitize SHIELD and then watch it slowly grow?

Steve said with a bit of anger: "You give the task back to me, and I will do it."

Fury's face froze: I don't have many subordinates. If I don't give the task to you, who else can I give it to? Do you want me to outsource it to Stark or Austin?

Fury glanced at Hill and Natasha, hoping that his two right-hand men could persuade Steve not to destroy SHIELD at every turn.

Steve, who was getting more and more angry as he thought about it, said very quickly without waiting for persuasion: "SHIELD has changed, or you said it yourself that Hydra is growing under your nose, but you don't know anything."

Fury retorted: "If I didn't find Hydra, why would I be hiding here to meet you?"

"Before you identified the members of Hydra, how many people died for this?" Steve announced domineeringly: "SHIELD, Hydra, leave no one behind."

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