Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 331 Chapter 328 Deal with Poseidon

It is understandable that Li Feng wants benefits. After all, you have to give gifts when you ask for help. Now Bruna is asking Li Feng to risk his life as a bodyguard.

Who would work for no reason without some benefits?

Bruna had expected that Li Feng would ask for benefits. He took Li Feng to the lake and howled into the lake: "Your Majesty Poseidon~"

Poseidon gives benefits? This operation is possible. Li Feng looked at the lake calmly, only to see the lake water surging, and then an adult-sized water man rose.

When the water man approached the lake, he turned into a handsome middle-aged man.

Bruna saluted the middle-aged man and said: "Your Majesty Poseidon, please excuse me."

Li Feng glanced at Poseidon, imitated Bruna's salute and said: "Uh~ Hello, respected Majesty Poseidon."

Poseidon smiled and nodded at Bruna, indicating Bruna to pay attention to his baby son.

When Bruna's figure completely disappeared, Poseidon frowned and said, "Are you a dark wizard? No, your energy is very strange, and it seems to have the breath of an angel? Are you suppressing your own dark energy?"

It can only be said that the other party is worthy of being a true god, and he can see Li Feng's situation at a glance.

Since using the Loki mask, Li Feng has tried not to use spells for troubles that can be solved with fists, except for venting a spell on Vormir because of his irritability.

The purpose is to prevent the sequelae of Loki's mask from occurring. Li Feng does not want to be corroded inexplicably, and he still wants to live a few more years.

Li Feng took out the bald pseudo-Seraphim feather from his arms and said, "Your Majesty, the angel breath you sense belongs to it."

Poseidon, a dark wizard who knows how to restrain himself, made a simple judgment and said, "What is the price of protecting Percy to go to Olympus?"

Li Feng pinched his nose. He didn't even know what good things Poseidon had, so how could he quote?

Be honest in business, my god brother

After thinking for a while, Li Feng asked carefully: "I wonder what your majesty can give me?"

Poseidon was silent for a while, and said: "What do you want? Power, status, wealth or power?"

"Power and knowledge." Li Feng answered without thinking.

Percy is the son of Poseidon, and a father who loves his child deeply is willing to pay what level of power and knowledge to ensure the safety of his child?

Li Feng is looking forward to Poseidon's answer.

On the other side, Poseidon took Li Feng's choice for granted, nodded and said: "You need to exercise your own strength, I can only give you knowledge, but my knowledge is too precious for mortals, even if you are a wizard who is about to become a demigod, it is still extremely precious."

I know how to do business, you are just bargaining. Li Feng smiled in his heart, but he did not dare to show any sneer or ridicule on the surface. He just took out the Holy Grail and the evil god's blood from the single room bag calmly, handed it to Poseidon for inspection, and said: "I can give some of the purified Titan blood to your son for use."

Poseidon took the evil god's blood expressionlessly, looked at it carefully for a few times, shook his head disappointedly and said: "There is the breath of 'Tifei' in the blood, but the breath is too thin. I estimate that the owner of the blood is at most the great-grandson of 'Tifei', and at most he is a sub-god of hell, not much stronger than a demigod."

Tifei? The devil god, the father of demons, and the enemy of the gods, Tifei? Li Feng's face lit up. Poseidon was a god of great wealth and power. He didn't even look down on a 'small character' like Typhon, let alone a descendant of Typhon who had been there for generations.

But Li Feng did look down on him. He knew that Typhon was the son of Gaia, the goddess of the earth, and Tartarus, the god of the underworld, and belonged to the Titans in Greek mythology.

It's just that Typhon looked a bit disappointing to the audience. He had a hundred snake heads, feathers all over his body and a pair of wings. His tongue was forked like a snake core, and he could even spit fire from his eyes when he stared.

And although Typhon looked strong and as tall as a mountain, his DNA was extremely unstable, which led to the fact that none of the children he had with his wife Echidna, whose upper body was a beautiful woman and whose lower body was a snake body, looked like him. They were all scary beasts.

The more famous children included the hellhound 'Cerberus', the nine-headed snake 'Hydra', the harpy 'Harpy', the lion-headed goat monster 'Chimera', etc.

Of course, it is also possible that it is not a problem with Tifei's DNA. Li Feng did not dare to ask Tifei for the specific details, because this guy had broken Zeus's tendons, which shows how powerful this demon god is.

Unfortunately, the blood in my hand is not Tifei's

Li Feng thought: No, I should be glad that I didn't meet Tifei. If I met Tifei face to face

Li Feng's mind flashed that he would be cold in a minute, and he trembled with fear. He smiled and prepared to take the evil god's blood back from Poseidon.


Poseidon, who disliked the poor quality of the evil god's blood, seemed to have other plans. He did not return the blood to Li Feng, but carefully observed the Holy Grail.

After a long time, Poseidon nodded slightly and said in a flat tone: "The 'Rune' on your cup is very interesting. It can strip the consciousness in the blood of the gods and purify the blood. Unfortunately, it is useless to our 12 main gods. Our blood is too strong."

You should just say 'but' directly. Li Feng complained in his heart, but his face showed a humble look of seeking advice.

"However," Poseidon looked at the Holy Grail, then at the blood of the evil god, and said, "The combination of the two, with some suitable medicinal materials, can indeed greatly improve Percy's physical fitness, and even lay the foundation for Percy to become a demigod. There is no chance that Percy will become a god in the future. I made this deal."

Improve physical fitness? The stronger the physical fitness, the stronger the resistance to dark energy, and it can also lay the foundation for becoming a god. I will order this formula. Li Feng opened his eyes wide and blinded Poseidon, and said ecstatically: "I Ways to improve physical fitness.”

"You~" Poseidon looked at Li Feng with a slightly contemptuous look, shook his head and said, "My method is not suitable for you."

"Why?" Li Feng asked subconsciously. Seeing Poseidon's face showing some impatience, Li Feng immediately lowered his posture and asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, please explain to me that during this period, I will protect Mr. Percy to the death. safety.”

Is this to be respectful to me or is it asking Percy to threaten me? Poseidon's eyes twitched slightly, and he glared at the back of Li Feng's head angrily.

There is no other way, Li Feng is bowing to express his respect.

Poseidon, who felt a little helpless for Percy's sake, asked, "Do you know Sigurd, Siegfried, or Sigurd?"

Li Feng nodded. In order to travel through time, he was familiar with various myths and legends, and the three names in Poseidon's mouth were actually the same person.

It's just that Sigurd is a dragon-slaying hero in Nordic mythology, but now he asked Li Feng from the Greek god of the sea why he sounded so weird.

Seeing Li Feng nod, Poseidon continued: "According to legend, Sigurd slayed an evil dragon as a mortal and became invulnerable after bathing in the dragon's blood. You are a mage. You should know what happens to mortals who bathe in the dragon's blood."

Li Feng nodded and said: "The mortal body cannot absorb too much energy, and will only be suffocated by dragon blood." After a pause, Li Feng said quietly: "But according to legend, Sigurd is the descendant of Odin's son in the world, and he has Odin’s thin blood shouldn’t be considered a mortal, which is why Sigurd benefited from bathing in dragon blood.”

"Yes," Poseidon said with a smile, "but the bloodline he possesses is too thin, so thin that he can ignore the power of the bloodline and become a pure being like mortals, who will grow old, sick and die."

At this point, Poseidon's tone suddenly changed: "However, thin blood is also the blood of gods, and my method is similar to Sigurd's bathing in dragon blood."

Li Feng was silent for a while and said: "Sigurd can withstand dragon blood because he has Odin's bloodline, and Percy has half of your majesty's bloodline and can naturally use your method. But I am only a mortal, so your majesty's method is not suitable for me? "

After a pause, Li Feng suddenly raised his head and asked, "What if I break through the limits of mortals?"

Breaking through the limits of mortals? You have such lofty ambitions... Poseidon looked at Li Feng in shock.

Based on the principle that proud gods are unwilling to lie to mortals, Poseidon hesitated for a while and then nodded and said: "You can use it when you become a demigod."

As long as it works... Li Feng said nothing and bowed deeply towards Poseidon.

Seeing Li Feng insisting on asking for the formula, Poseidon wondered where Li Feng had the confidence to break through the limits of mortals, but he didn't ask any more questions.

"Are you sure you want to exchange for the formula to improve your physique?"

Li Feng nodded affirmatively. He was backed by many men from other worlds, and his strength was close to the peak of mortals. He was confident of becoming a demigod.

Seeing this, Poseidon said nothing and waved to the water. Soon, a water column holding a scroll moved in front of Li Feng.

When Li Feng couldn't wait to open the scroll and check it, he heard Poseidon say proudly: "Boy, you have made a lot of money, do you know what a demigod is?"

Li Feng shook his head in confusion. He practiced Eastern Kung Fu, but unfortunately the content was only below that of a demigod. How to become a demigod can only be understood by oneself.

But Li Feng had some idea. What he wanted from the beginning was to ask Thor for help. Now, since Poseidon has introduced what demigods mean, of course Li Feng is interested.

Seeing Li Feng's humbly asking for advice, Poseidon raised the corner of his mouth slightly and explained: "Demigods are usually divided into two types. One is a mortal with the power to kill gods. Of course, they can only kill demigods. Such gods with low power or not good at fighting, but their life span is still the same as that of mortals, which is only a hundred years. In our eyes, they are just more powerful ants. "

"The other kind of demigods may not have great power, but they have gained extraordinary lifespans. Some demigods' lifespans can even rival those of gods. What does the long lifespan mean?"

Before Li Feng could answer, Poseidon continued: "It means he has enough time to gain strength."

Poseidon pointed at the scroll: "The formula on the scroll is exactly the method that allows you to gain a god-like lifespan from the blood of the gods. Once you use it, your lifespan will be at least a thousand years."

A thousand years? At least Li Feng couldn't help but grin and show his molar teeth.

Although it is still far behind the lifespan of the Asa Protoss, it is still a thousand years, and what if this demigod becomes a true god?

This deal is worth it

"And the difference between gods and demigods..."

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