Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 346 Chapter 344 The whereabouts of the cosmic spirit ball

After reaching a deal with Li Feng, Bruna held his chest in distress and dismissed the nearby mixed-race people.

Seeing that only Bruna and Mr. Dai were left present, Li Feng was no longer hiding, and he happily covered the golden fleece on the Taliya tree.

As soon as the Golden Fleece was draped on the Tree of Taliyah, several golden lines slowly appeared and climbed up the trunk. Immediately afterwards, the venom on the Tree of Taliyah quickly evaporated into gas and dissipated, and the leaves that fell due to withering floated in the air. Back to the branch.

After a while, the golden lines on the golden fleece faded, and a barrier rose again on the edge of the camp.

The raising of the barrier also represents the return of the Tree of Taliyah to health.

Li Feng showed a philistine expression, put the Golden Fleece into his pocket, rubbed his hands and asked, "Congratulations, the Taliyah Tree has returned to its original state, and Camp Half-Blood has regained its former peace. Should you take me to the warehouse now?"

Mr. Dai twitched the corner of his mouth and turned his head to look into the distance. He was afraid that he would be beaten if he saw Li Feng's face.

While looking into the distance, Mr. Dai waved his hand to Bruna in frustration, signaling Bruna to quickly take Li Feng to the warehouse, and asked Li Feng to quickly get the rewarded rolling ball, while he continued to guard the Taliya Tree. to prevent the barrier from being breached again.

Depressed Bruna glanced at Mr. Dai: Are you asking me to watch Austin take away the treasures of the camp for many years?

My heart goes cold when I think of the treasures that I have treasured for so many years leaving me.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have broken up with Austin. After all, who hasn't revealed their little secrets these days? Why explore other people's privacy? It's all over if you know that the other person has no ill intentions.

It's good now. Borrowing the Golden Fleece once will cause the camp to bleed for a while. Next time I encounter someone asking for help from Austin, I guess the camp will take his surname.

Sighing, with mixed emotions such as regret and annoyance in his heart, Bruna said feebly: "Come with me."

"Hehe," Li Feng rubbed his hands and followed Bruna briskly.

How many treasures are there in the warehouse at Camp Half-Blood? Li Feng didn't know, nor did he need to know. He only knew that part of it would soon become his sacred and inalienable private property.

Yes, part of it.

Li Feng didn't dare to empty the warehouse openly. There were still strong men like Mr. Dai in the camp. If he continued to offend Hades and then continue to offend Camp Half-Blood, Li Feng felt that he would just go back to the Marvel world.

This world is immovable

Of course, if a thief breaks into the warehouse in the middle of the night or something, it has nothing to do with me.

Thinking of this, Li Feng silently recited in his heart, "Mine, mine, all mine." With red eyes, he greedily checked all the materials or props in the warehouse one by one and wrote down the location of the materials.

In the end, Li Feng managed to calm down his excitement by taking deep breaths, and selected a batch of materials and props that suited him in the warehouse.

Bruna was angry and happy when he saw that the collection Li Feng took was lower than what he expected.

Needless to say, I'm happy. Li Feng has taken less. Isn't it worth being happy?

And angry

Are you looking down on the camp collection? Bruna looked at Li Feng with resentment, and cursed in his heart: If the villain succeeds, just wait. A scourge like you will one day cry.

Under Bruna's curse, Li Feng grinned with his molar teeth exposed. He happily stuffed the materials and props into his shoulder bag one by one, and then left the warehouse with three turns.

After Li Feng opened the portal in front of Bruna and left Camp Half-Blood, Mr. Dai appeared out of nowhere and said, "Bruner, do you think Austin's portal can be opened directly into the warehouse?"

Bruna's expression froze, he turned to look at the warehouse and said firmly: "It's definitely possible."

Mr. Dai rubbed his forehead: "Okay, let's move the warehouse as soon as possible. Anyway, I don't believe that guy is an honest man. I guess the warehouse will be broken into every night."

What you said makes sense. I don't believe that Austin is a law-abiding person. Bruna looked up at the sky at 45 degrees and complained helplessly: "What happened recently? First, Zeus's 'Lightning Fire' was stolen, and then the Golden Fleece was born. , then Taliyah was resurrected, the camp barrier was destroyed again, and the warehouse was robbed by Austin. I really hope I can interpret the stars and tell me what happened recently. "

"I have a feeling that Camp Half-Blood will become more and more lively in the future," Mr. Dai added, imitating Bruner and looking up at the air conditioner.

On the other side, Li Feng, who had left the camp, was wandering around with a few bottles of beer. Until the early morning hours when humans are most sleepy, he found a secluded place and quietly opened the portal connecting to the warehouse of Camp Half-Blood.

Just looking at the empty warehouse where mice could starve to death, Li Feng was a little dumbfounded: What's going on? Bruna figured I'd come and steal? Is my character so untrustworthy? Bruna, I misjudged you.

After scratching his head, Li Feng scolded Bruna and others for being too stingy, while opening the portal to the underworld.

To be honest, if the environment like the underworld hadn't been so helpful in improving his strength, Li Feng wouldn't have come to this ghost place even to death. Every time he practiced, it was so exciting that his little heart couldn't bear it.

First of all, this underworld is really not a place for living people. Not to mention the lava that spews out from time to time, what are the ghosts that are wailing and wandering around? This thing is more disturbing than someone doing a square dance downstairs in the middle of the night.

The most annoying thing is that these ghosts can maintain high energy 24 hours a day without sleeping, making Li Feng so noisy that he can't even find a quiet place to practice.

Finally, it is also the most helpless thing.

The underworld belongs to Hades, and there are too many spies. Li Feng is Hades's top wanted target, so Li Feng has to play hide-and-seek with Hades every time he sneaks into the underworld.

If Hades finds him, there is nothing to say. Li Feng, who can't beat Hades, will turn around and run back to the human world.

Hades, who is chasing Li Feng, is not having a good time either, especially after watching Li Feng slip away from his hands several times. He was so angry that he just patrolled the territory all day.

Those who know what Hades is doing laugh in their hearts, and those who don't know why Hades patrols all day think that he is smearing shit on the wall and preparing to run for the best model worker of the year.

Fortunately, Li Feng is not stupid. After being chased by Hades several times, he is familiar with the environment of the underworld and has gained some experience in avoiding being chased.

For example, today, three years later, Li Feng sneaked into a relatively quiet area of ​​the underworld with ease.

After looking around to make sure Hades was not nearby, Li Feng immediately released the Dementors and ordered: "As usual, you wander around and eat the ghosts in the area to prevent Hades's spies from sneaking into these ghosts. In addition, notify me as soon as you find anything unusual."

Wangcai has long been accustomed to Li Feng's orders. After all, he performs this kind of task almost every day, and he has been doing it for several years. As a result, Wangcai subconsciously touches his belly as soon as he finds himself in the underworld.

Eating ghosts every day, this little life is so happy

After Wangcai took the order and left, Li Feng quickly set up the magic gathering circle, Merlin magic ring, etc., and then sat cross-legged in the center of the circle. After the spirit left the body, he tried his best to improve his strength.

As for the danger of being corroded by dark energy due to the rapid improvement of strength, Li Feng is no longer afraid of his mind being corroded. He has studied Dionysius's method of controlling the inner demon or another personality.

Without any worries, Li Feng can naturally gather energy and work hard to improve his strength.

As usual, after practicing for a while, Li Feng received news that Hades was nearby.

Unlike usual, Li Feng did not return to the human world immediately after opening the portal today, but crossed the portal and quietly waited for Hades to arrive.

After a while, Hades, with horns on his head and wings spread behind him, flew to Li Feng and said fiercely: "Boy, why don't you run away today?"

My quantum energy began to dissipate, so there was no need to run. Li Feng waved his hand and smiled: "Hades, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Hades frowned. If you want to say who he hated the most in recent years, there is no need to ask, it must be Li Feng. This guy made him lose all his dignity, and the name of "Hades" was almost equal to a joke.

But if you want to say who Hades wanted to kill the most

Hades was reluctant to kill Li Feng. After all, playing hide-and-seek with Li Feng every day in recent years was quite fun for him.

It's better to have someone to play with him than to stay in the castle and waste time every day.

Of course, it would be best if he could play with me for a lifetime. Hades was silent for a while, and approached Li Feng carefully, and asked: "Are you going back to the original world?"

"Did Mr. Big Mouth Dai tell you about the other world?" Li Feng said with a roll of his eyes.

"Big Mouth?" Hades tilted his head and thought about it, while calculating the distance between himself and Li Feng, he smiled and said: "I really hope Dionysius can hear your evaluation of him."

Seeing Hades constantly approaching him, Li Feng would not understand what the other party was thinking. With a turn of his eyes, he quickly shrunk the portal to the size of a thumb when Hades rushed forward, and laughed wildly: "Old Ha, do you see this dog hole? Do you want to drill it and have fun?"

Hades, who stopped in front of the portal, twitched his mouth, and when he was about to curse, he saw Li Feng quickly close the portal, causing the dirty words he was about to spit out to be stuck in his throat.

Damn, this troublemaker Hades rubbed his forehead, turned around and went back to the castle, and suddenly laughed: "You actually called me Old Ha, you are really brave. I suddenly look forward to your coming back to make trouble after your strength has greatly increased."

Back on the spaceship in the Marvel world, Li Feng just sat down in the driver's seat, and heard the artificial intelligence of the spaceship report: "Sir, you have 20 missed calls."

Li Feng blinked blankly and asked: "Called me? Who?"

"All 20 calls are from Mr. Kreacher." The artificial intelligence replied.

Kreacher is looking for me? And 20 calls in a row? Li Feng was stunned, and then he thought of it and hurriedly ordered the artificial intelligence to call Kreacher.

When Kreacher's projection was displayed on the communicator device, Li Feng asked hurriedly: "Is there any news about the cosmic spirit ball?"

Kreacher nodded quickly and said: "Boss, Kreacher knows that the cosmic spirit ball is in the hands of a man named Peter Jason Quill, nicknamed 'Star Lord'."

After a pause, Kreacher said dejectedly: "But now Mr. Star Lord is imprisoned in Klin Prison by the Nova Corps."

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