Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 364 Chapter 362 Only death can bring resurrection

The resurrection armor of the Golden Fleece has a special feature: it will not work as long as the person is alive.

But think about it, resurrection armor, how can one reflect ‘resurrection’ when he’s not dead? It's just that this makes Coulson miserable, even if he wants to die neatly.

Earlier, Coulson used Kree blood to activate his body, which resulted in the presence of Kree genes in his body. In a sense, he was no longer a pure earthling.

The genes of the Kree are stronger in some aspects than those of Earthlings, which results in Coulson's corrosion resistance far exceeding that of Earthlings.

Secondly, Kerrigan, as a new devil, is already weak in strength, and his talent for corruption is naturally not much stronger.

In addition, he just tapped Colson's back with his finger, and the corrosive force was already weakened when it penetrated the clothes and touched Colson's back.

Combining the above reasons, by the time Li Feng killed Kerrigan, Coulson's back and spine had just withered, and his internal organs were still alive and kicking.

Seeing Coulson looking like he was in pain and wanting to die but couldn't, Li Feng waved to Hunter who was on guard, breathing heavily and said, "Brother, shoot your boss in the head."

"What the hell?" Hunter looked at Li Feng with a confused look on his face, and then looked at Colson who was still lying on the ground covered with sheepskin and was still dying. He took out his ears and asked, "Man, what did you just say?" ? I didn’t hear it clearly.”

"I say, shoot Colson in the head," Li Feng repeated his request.

"Uh~" Hunter, who heard Li Feng's request clearly this time, was silent for a while, and said: "Even if your props can't save Colson, I don't want Colson to suffer pain when he dies, but I can't do it anyway, Barbie will Hate me forever."

Can't you make a move? Are you afraid that Barbie won't have sex with you from now on? Colson looked at Hunter resentfully, which means he didn't even have the strength to speak now, otherwise he would have jumped up and pointed at Hunter's nose and cursed: "You're so blind." , I didn’t see how I was covering the national flag, bah, I didn’t see any reaction to the sheepskin props on my body, and Austin said before that my death-seeking skills were not at full level.

This means that in order for the item to work, I must die first.

Hunter ignored Colson's resentful look, pointed at the unable to fly fighter, and said, "How about we contact the base and ask them to bring medical staff over quickly. Maybe Colson can be saved."

"Should we open the portal and send Coulson directly to the emergency room?" Li Feng glared at Hunter weakly, rolled his eyes and said, "There's so much nonsense, just shoot if you are told to, you will die early and be reincarnated, you know?" Know."

At this time, Melinda, who had switched from the Air Force to the Army due to the destruction of the fighter plane, walked up to Hunter, pulled out a pistol from Hunter, pointed it at Colson's head, stared at Li Feng with sharp eyes, and said, "You better Be sure to resurrect Coulson, otherwise I will never be done with you."

With that said, Melinda pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With the sound of a gunshot, Coulson, whose brain was blooming, officially entered death, and the Golden Fleece officially began to work.

Li Feng pointed at the golden fleece with golden lines and signaled Melinda to pay attention to whether Colson would be resurrected. He put his hand on his hips and covered his forehead with the other. He shook his head and sighed: "These days, people who save people are threatened, so I won't say anything next time." If we don’t save you, you can die however you want.”

At this time, Melinda was in no mood to talk to Li Feng. She was turbulent in her heart but had a poker face on the outside. She pretended to be calm and watched as the bullet in Colson's head was slowly pulled out by the golden light and turned into powder.

When the bullet hole in Colson's forehead was repaired by the golden light, the Golden Fleece gradually returned to calm.

A few seconds later, Coulson, who had been completely dead, suddenly sat up. While breathing heavily as if he was lacking oxygen, he curiously looked at the golden fleece on his body and asked, "What is this?"

Seeing that the Resurrection Armor had completed its work, Li Feng stuffed the Golden Fleece back into his pocket and explained, "Can't you see it? It's the Golden Fleece."

"The golden fleece in Greek mythology that could heal everything?" Coulson asked.

Hunter, who was helping Colson up, saw Li Feng nodding in recognition. He sighed and said with envy: "I don't know what the golden fleece does. I only know that Colson was reincarnated quickly enough, and it was accurately cast into the part of his original body. If the seed is planted correctly, is this considered a corpse scam?”

After a pause, the whimsical Hunter suddenly flashed his eyes and said, "Man, can you mass-produce this thing? It's much better than a bulletproof vest. Put it on, and my mother won't worry about me dying on the battlefield." On."

"Haha," Li Feng didn't even bother to talk to Hunter, who was in a daze: If I could mass-produce the Golden Fleece, I could also plan a yarn when snatching the time and space gems, and let the Dementors wear the Golden Fleece and push them all the way.

At this time, Natasha's voice suddenly sounded in the everyone's communicator.

"Guys, get ready, there's a lot of disgusting things hanging behind me."

As soon as Natasha finished speaking, everyone looked at Li Feng.

"Look what I'm doing, why don't you take off the weapon and kill the devil." Li Feng said angrily.

Melinda glanced at the fighter plane behind her and said expressionlessly: "Weapons to deal with the devil require powerful energy. Originally, the engine on the fighter plane could provide stable energy, but now Fitz and Mike need time to repair the engine."

The implication is that the only one who can deal with the devil at the scene is Li Feng.

But the problem is that something went wrong in the fight between Li Feng and Mephisto's clones.

Originally, Li Feng believed that he and Mephisto were both demigods, and no one was inferior to the other. In addition, the mirror space blocked hell, thus weakening the opponent's strength, and he immediately filled the mirror space with spiritual fire, causing the opponent to need Always allocate part of your strength to resist the corrosion of spiritual fire.

This made Li Feng, who was full of confidence, feel that he was sure to beat the opponent until he called him daddy.

As a result, the two of them really fought to find out which one is ginger or old and spicy.

Even though Mephisto was limited for a limited time and could only use his demigod strength, and was repeatedly weakened by Li Feng, the energy he used was higher than Li Feng's, especially at the level of divine power.

In addition, who Mephisto is, he is one of the Lords of Hell, and his combat experience is far beyond Li Feng's.

If Li Feng's demigod strength hadn't been mixed up, he might have beaten whom and called him daddy.

In the end, Mephisto forgot to renew when he went online, causing the clone to go offline. Only then did Li Feng, who was about to run out of mana, withdraw from the battle with a 'tie' attitude.

If Mephisto hangs on for a while, haha

It was precisely because of the insufficient mana balance that Li Feng took out the Golden Fleece when he saw Colson was injured. Otherwise, he would have used healing and purification techniques to treat Colson.

Li Feng really took out the Golden Fleece to show off that he had the Resurrection Armor. Even if he was stupid, he knew that he couldn't show off to SHIELD even if he wanted to show off. Once he was targeted by Fury and others, he would probably wait for a job as a full-time firefighter in his next life. .

The more he recalled, the more frustrated and angry Li Feng felt. He sighed and thought to himself: After dividing Skye's soul, should I find a place to practice well? Otherwise, the throne of the second oldest child on earth will be unstable.

As for where to practice?

Forget it, let's deal with the devil first. If you consider the other world, you should practice in Marvel. Li Feng took out an item wrapped in a cloak from his portable space and said, "Natasha, please close your eyes when I ask you to do so." Eyes, otherwise you’ll die, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

With that said, Li Feng carefully opened his cloak and said to the people around him: "You are the same, either close your eyes or stand behind me."

Colson nodded and motioned for everyone to stand behind Li Feng. He looked at the cloak and asked curiously: "What is that."

While questioning, Coulson saw a human female head with fair skin and oversized sunglasses on the bridge of her nose exposed from the cloak.

Colson frowned, staring at the Asan-style turban on his head, and asked, "I seem to hear the hissing sound of snakes."

"It doesn't sound like it, it's the sound of a snake." Li Feng pointed the eyes of his head in the direction of Natasha. He half-crouched behind the head, and while taking off the headscarf, he explained: "This thing is a big killer. The legendary Meidu Sha's head."

After taking off the headscarf, Li Feng was holding the head in one hand and holding his sunglasses in the other when he heard Hunter behind him whispering: "It is said that women are immune to Medusa's eyes. How is the effect of the head in your hand?"

Li Feng turned to look at Hunter and said: "I don't know if other Medusas are effective on women, but this one in my hand is a type that kills both men and women. If you don't believe it, you can try it and see if you will be killed." petrified.”

Hunter smiled and said in a low voice: "I'm a man. No matter what I try, I will be petrified." Hunter tugged on Melinda's clothes and said, "How about you try?"

Your sister Melinda glared at Hunter angrily and said, "Now that technology is so advanced, the success rate of gender reassignment surgery is very high. I think you can turn yourself into a woman and try Medusa's petrification ability. ”

"What a good idea," Li Feng praised and said with a smile: "Hunter, it doesn't matter if you are afraid of pain. I have a magic potion. Let alone make you constantly change between male and female, even if it makes you neither male nor female or It doesn’t matter if it’s a hermaphrodite. By the way, if you place an order today, I’ll give you a 10% discount.”

Hunter shrank his neck, stood silently behind Colson, pointed forward with his chin, and said, "Here we come."

What's coming? Li Feng looked back and saw Natasha in tight clothes not far away, with a tense face and striding towards him. Behind her, there were dozens of slobbering devils chasing after her. .

Seeing that Natasha was about to be overtaken by the devil, Li Feng felt a little strange. While wondering how the devil dared to chase Natasha, he shouted "close your eyes" into the communicator.

Seeing Natasha running with her eyes closed, Li Feng quickly took off Medusa's sunglasses, raised his head high to face Natasha, and shouted: "Baby, look who's head is in my hand."

When the devil heard the shouting, he subconsciously looked at the heads in Li Feng's hands. Needless to say, all of them turned into stone statues.

Seeing this, Li Feng smiled playfully, put on sunglasses for Medusa, wrapped the head again and put it into the portable space, and said: "Natasha, you can open your eyes now."

Natasha opened her eyes, glanced at the demon stone statues around her, and said calmly: "I found Johnny, but he can't transform now."

With that said, Natasha pulled Li Feng towards the church and said, "We need allies. The Ghost Rider who lives by hunting devils is the best ally. Please help him."

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