Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 37 Chapter 37 The Devil and the Stone Winged Beast Monastery

Li Feng was a little confused. Didn't he introduce himself before? Why did you suddenly fall out? Modu on the side guessed the reason, smiled and whispered: "Think about the priesthood of the Stonewing Beast? I'm thinking about your mana."

Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and swore with twitching lips: Madan, I am born with magic power. What can I do about you, Ophir? Even though you have an honest plaster face, you are quite insidious at heart. I guess you can't beat Modu, so you invited me to your base camp. You want to win by quantity, right? Unfortunately, I think you are a fool. In your eyes, I am the one who sent you to your door automatically.

Glancing at the humanoid stone-winged beasts surrounding him, Li Feng thought for a while and felt that in this world that could lead to the Archangel Michael's territory, it would be better for him to make it clear to Leonor, who could contact Michael. Then a lot of trouble suddenly appeared.

Li Feng took a deep breath, and while demonstrating Kama Taj's shield to show his identity as a mage, he said calmly: "We are mage from another world. We come to your world through magic to increase our knowledge. As for my mana problem," Li Feng said calmly. He spread his hands and said helplessly: "This is a natural energy attribute, and there is nothing I can do about it."

Leonor knew that this world connected hell and heaven, and also knew that there were many worlds connecting hell and heaven, so she understood the word 'travel'. The only thing she didn't expect was that one day she would encounter travelers from another world, or... Two humans.

In her impression, except for angels and devils who would travel to other worlds from time to time to show the power of gods or demons, weak creatures like humans had little to do with time travel. Even powerful mages could not break the space crystal wall.

And no matter how you look at it, Li Feng and Mo Du are not the kind of mages who are powerful enough to break through crystal walls.

Either the two of them are lying, or maybe they rely on some treasure to travel through time

Considering that different worlds have different rules, Leonor cannot be sure that Li Feng, who uses dark energy, is the enemy.

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Leonor looked at Li Feng's eyes seriously. After a while, he motioned the stone-winged beast to put down the weapon in his hand and said: "Energy attribute does not equal character. I see humanity in your eyes. I believe you are not an evil mage, but for safety reasons, I asked Ophir to stay with you during your stay in our world."

Li Feng nodded to express his understanding. He didn't care whether Ophir was monitoring or protecting him. He never wanted to cause trouble from the beginning. He quietly waited for the plot to develop, and then returned to the Marvel world after getting Frankenstein's experimental notes. ,It's that simple.

As for Modo, he came here to gain knowledge, and the most powerful way in the world for Modo to gain knowledge and change the attitude of people with the dark side was to be imprisoned in the monastery.

Believing in a 'stitch monster' who was born with a dark side but with humanity, and finally Adam produced a soul and joined the team of sacred stone-winged beasts to fight against the devil, Mordo's expression must be very exciting, which is in line with Ancient One's desire for Mordo to change someone some extreme ideas.

Let’s see how you say that the dark side is evil.

Thinking of this, Li Feng took out the 'Key of Solomon' from his pocket and handed it to Leonor, saying: "While you are in the monastery, can you help me explain the magic principles of this spell book?"

The contents of 'Solomon's Key' are all related to fighting against the devil. Leonor felt that Li Feng's learning of such spells would only threaten the devil more, and their stone-winged beasts could also learn some methods to restrain the devil while helping Li Feng explain these spells. , this is a win-win situation.

Leonor handed the 'Key of Solomon' to Ophir and said: "Ophir can help you explain some simple spells. After you learn these simple spells and have a certain understanding of angel spells, I will explain them to you. Advanced angelic magic."

Li Feng looked at the expressionless Ophir: ""What did you say before? I don’t understand the magic recorded by ‘Solomon’. I remember believing that it is recorded in the Bible that people cannot lie, so this ability to tell lies with open eyes was taught to you by Michael? Do you want to drag Michael to hell? ,relative

Ophir ignored Li Feng's eyes and stretched out his hand to signal Li Feng to go to the lounge.

As for Modu, his gentle magic power already showed that he was different from Li Feng, so rather than Li Feng, Leonore wanted to chat with the friendly Modu and inquire about Li Feng's character from the side.

But before Li Feng could go far, a stone-winged beast hurriedly ran to Leonor and said: "Queen, the devil was found near the church."

Leonor frowned and asked: "How many devils are there."

"At least 50 devils."

The monastery has been erected here for who knows how many years. The devil has long known the location of the monastery, but the devil has dared to attack the monastery only a handful of times.

Leonore instantly realized that the devil attacked the monastery for Adam, but she didn't understand why the devil prince Nabilis was so interested in Adam that he wanted to get Adam at the expense of his men.

But now is not the time to solve the puzzle. Leonor turned to the stone-winged beast and said: "Protect Adam, and the remaining people are ready to kill the devil and protect Adam."

Li Feng curled his lips. He knew the reason why Nabilis attacked the monastery, but what did he say?

It is said that Nabilis secretly collects human corpses around the world, hoping that his army of hell will possess these dead people and then occupy the earth.

Just because the body of the dead is not suitable for possession by the devil, Nabilis wants to know the secret of why Adam's body is full of activity but has no soul, so that he can resurrect the human corpses he collected as props for the devil's possession, and because of the resurrected body Without a soul, these possessed demons can exert 100% of their power on earth.

Nabilis has been looking for Adam's whereabouts over the years, until today when Ophir brought Adam back to the monastery, he was seen by a devil and informed Nabilis, so the devil attacked the monastery.

It is estimated that as soon as Li Feng said these words, Leonor first tied up Li Feng and asked him how he knew this and whether he was with Nabilis.

Li Feng glanced at Leonor's back and said silently in his heart: It is true that Nabilis's purpose was to capture Adam, but the devils used a strategy of making false claims in the east and attacking in the west. They captured you and used it to threaten Shiyi to get rid of them. want

It is said that the devil has not been in the world for so many years. When did he read Sun Tzu's art of war and other military books and learn to use strategies? Why is he playing tricks of attacking in the east and in the west?

When Modu learned about the devil's attack, he had already drawn his weapon and was preparing to join the army to destroy the devil. However, Li Feng could not gain the trust of the stone-winged beast due to mana issues. In addition, Li Feng's rookie strength had limited effect in the battle, so Ophir As he drew his weapon, he said to Li Feng: "I'll take you to a safe place first, and then I'll go out and kill the devil."

Is this being looked down upon? While Li Feng obediently followed Ophir and ran to a safe place, he cursed: It's not just 50 devils who are attacking the monastery this time. Their number is far beyond your imagination. The most important thing is whether you underestimate me too much. Already? I have the 'Solomon' book of spells to restrain the devil

Li Feng, led by Ophir, killed the devils who broke into the monastery. At this time, Ophir had noticed that the number of devils attacking the monastery was far beyond imagination. Otherwise, the monastery gate guarded by many companions would not have allowed so many devils. Break into the monastery.

Entering the so-called safe place, Li Feng pointed at Adam who was locked in a chair and could not move, and said, "Is this the safe place you said?"

Doesn’t Madan know that the devil’s ultimate goal is to get Adam? With him, I'm not as safe as hell.

Looking at the pillars of light soaring into the sky outside the window, Adam knew that this was a sign that the stone-winged beast would return to heaven after being killed. He also guessed that the number of devils coming to the monastery would not be small this time. At the same time, he understood that the stone-winged beast that was guarding him could not resist it. Devils in numbers.

Adam glanced at Li Feng and shouted loudly: "Ophir, give me the weapon, I want to protect myself."

Considering that there are too many devils, it is always good to have one more power to kill them. Ophiliso split the chains that imprisoned Adam and gave Adam a weapon.

Adam broke free from the chains and got the weapon, and he immediately took the weapon and killed the devil.

Li Feng took out his playing cards and shot several devils who bared their teeth at him. He looked at Adam with a thoughtful look. He knew that Adam learned about the devil's plot in the subsequent battle and obtained Frankstein's experimental notes: It seems like it’s easier for me to get experimental notes if I follow Adam.

Li Feng looked at Ophir again, who was fighting the devil, and thought: How about I get rid of Ophir and follow Adam to take advantage?

On the other side, Nabilis's general, Julier, led several elite devils to sneak around the Stone-Winged Beast, broke into Leonor, and successfully kidnapped the Queen of the Stone-Winged Beast.

Several stone-winged beasts who discovered that Julier had kidnapped their queen roared in anger, but with their queen in Julier's hands, they could do nothing but express their anger.

Soon, the stone-winged beast spread the news to Ophir's ears that the queen was kidnapped. At the same time, Li Feng, who was beside Ophir, also knew the news.

Li Feng's mouth was slightly raised, thinking: It's time to express his goodwill. I believe that in order to express his gratitude, the stone-winged beast will concentrate on helping me explain the principles of the magic on the 'Key of Solomon'.

Thinking of this, Li Feng handed the 'Solomon' spell book to Ophir and said, "I've given this book to you. I think this spell book can have the desired effect in your hands."

Does Li Feng care about the original ‘Solomon’ spell book? Neither care nor care, because Li Feng had already copied all the spells in the magic book, and all he needed was to find someone to analyze the spells.

Ophir glanced at Li Feng. He knew how precious this spell book was to the stone-winged beast. It was simply a nuclear weapon against the devil.

After receiving the 'Key of Solomon' and saying "thank you", Ophir returned to the posture of a gray-white stone-winged beast, flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

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