Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 371 Chapter 369 Demigod Reception

If possible, Li Feng actually doesn't want to fight Mephisto because he has tried it before and failed to win.

Now that he encountered the demigod-level Mephisto clone again on the way, any fool knew that the other party must be prepared.

The Cerberus lying quietly aside at this moment is just a helper on the surface. As for how many backhands there are secretly, Li Feng doesn't know, but there will definitely be no less. After all, he is a devil, and Twitch will fight you fairly and justly. .

Li Feng had a hunch that even if he summoned Hydra and Cyclops to contain the Cerberus, his life would still be in danger of being lost.

This battle is not going to be easy, Li Feng thought.

On the other side, why does Mephisto want to confront Li Feng again?

His current body is not a coat of the Abomination card that can carry a lot of hell's power, but a fairly strong mortal body.

Although he can still exert his demigod power at this moment, the time he can maintain it is far inferior to that of the abominable body. To say it is an exaggeration, it is not an exaggeration to say that he will finish his last life with a stopwatch.

Once Li Feng passed the time limit for the battle clone to be online, Mephisto believed that the remaining devils were just a bunch of scum in front of the opponent. Li Feng was destined to be the final winner by then, which was in line with his desire to have a perfect clone. Doesn’t match.

In order to get the perfect container, Mephisto's countermeasure at this time is to hold back Li Feng. The two of them eat and drink here, talk about romance, and watch the battle between mortals and devils. After the dust settles on Danny's incident, Everyone went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Mephisto picked up two wine glasses and filled them with wine. He motioned for Li Feng to sit down and at the same time glanced at Stark with a disdainful tone and said: "Iron Mage, I'm sorry, I only have two drinking utensils." ”

The implication is that Stark, this little rookie, can play ball, and don’t blindly participate in the outdoor drinking party among demigods.

Stark looked at Li Feng and saw Li Feng calmly nodding to signal him to leave. Stark was silent for a while, said "be careful" and then turned and left.

On the way back to the fighter plane, Stark said in the communicator: "Colson, Austin was dragged down by Mephisto's clone. Are you sure you want Natasha to rescue Danny with the scimitar?"

Hearing Stark's message, Coulson was relieved in his heart and said: "Only a demigod-level clone can hold back Austin. Although this will cause us to lose our strongest combat power, Murphy There are also no demigods on Stowe's side, which is beneficial to our rescue plan."

After a pause, Coulson turned to look at Natasha, who was familiarizing herself with the scimitar, and said, "Slightly changing the original plan, Johnny and Moru still attract the attention of the devils and assist Natasha in sneaking into the castle to rescue Danny. Melinda and others operated fighter planes to spray beer and at the same time used fighter planes to eliminate the surrounding demons. As for me"

Colson took a deep breath and said slowly: "I'm going to talk to Mephisto."

"What, you still want to negotiate with Mephisto?" As he spoke, Stark sent Li Feng's coordinates to Coulson and said: "What about SHIELD's uncompromising spirit? Or is it that SHIELD has transferred to Coulson?" Are some principles lost after going underground?”

"Hey~" Colson sighed resentfully, and said in a rather helpless tone: "It depends on who the other party is. The one we are dealing with now is the Lord of Hell. Unless SHIELD can break into hell and eliminate the devil, other methods will be adopted. Negotiation is the best solution.”

After a pause, Colson seemed to be talking to himself, then tried to explain, "For the sake of peace on earth, there is nothing wrong with negotiating."

What he said was better than what he sang, and the core of it was not to bully the weak and fear the strong. Stark complained inwardly and asked: "What about me? Watching you fight from the sky? Do you need me to mobilize the satellite to take pictures of your heroic battle?"

You are a mage, or a mage who can open portals. How could I waste such a precious resource like yours? Colson ignored Stark's nonsense and said: "Danny, as the perfect container for Mephisto, must have a lot of people around him." "Combatant guard, you take Austin's place and wait for Natasha to find Danny and teleport them to a safe area in time."

If I can open the teleportation door, I will become the doorman who opens the door? Although he felt a little unhappy, Stark did not refute Coulson's plan. After all, saving Danny meant that Mephisto's plan to get the perfect container was ruined.

The only thing that worries Stark is Li Feng's safety. Now Li Feng seems to be having a friendly drink and chat with Mephisto, but once Mephisto knows that the plan goes bankrupt,

Who knows if the other party will be so angry that he will kill Austin Stark at all costs, silently praying in his heart: Man, don't die. I still want to study the secrets of the demigod's body.

Just as everyone was following the plan and Coulson ran towards Mephisto with his short legs, Li Feng sat opposite Mephisto with a piece of weed in his mouth, picked up his home-produced beer and drank heavily.

As for the seemingly delicious drinks, steaks, French fries and other food in front of him, Li Feng didn't even look at it: This is the devil's food. Who knows if it is poisonous or not, but he must have the intention to guard against others.

Mephisto sniffed the air and raised his glass to salute the ruffian Li Feng.

Li Feng raised the gourd filled with beer like a gangster and said, "Fuck, you finish it, I'll do whatever you want."

Hearing Li Feng's "Heavenly boss, my second brother" tone, Mephisto was not annoyed. He said "Cheers" with a smile, took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: "I have Seraph feathers in my pocket, carry them with me. Drinking beer-flavored holy water, I'm afraid these are not all your methods."

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said in a relaxed tone: "Of course, you are an immortal being. You have seen all kinds of methods and the market. If you don't prepare more back-up plans, I can easily die with my 180-pound body."

Mephisto raised his eyebrows and smiled approvingly: "Thank you for thinking so highly of me."

"Why do I sound like you are bragging about your strength? You are so thick-skinned, worthy of being a ten-thousand-year-old ghost." While speaking, Li Feng turned his head and looked at the sunglasses brothers around him, took out the cloak wrapped around Medusa's head from the portable space, and said: "What about you? Knowing that a clone can't last too long, you prepared a bunch of useless people for me to entertain?"

As he said, Li Feng opened the cloak. Peng pointed Medusa's eyes at Mephisto and said with a smile: "This thing is a bit difficult to deal with you, but it is a rare weapon to deal with losers." "Medusa's head?" Mephisto, who recognized the function of Medusa's head at a glance, was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "The devil that was petrified near the church before was its masterpiece." Without waiting for Li Feng to answer, Mephisto pointed at the brothers in sunglasses, shook his head slightly and said: "They are not toys prepared for you, but waiters who serve me." As he said, Mephisto raised his hand, and a brother in sunglasses immediately ran to the table to add wine for Mephisto, and stood behind Mephisto respectfully holding the bottle of wine. "See?" Mephisto sighed sadly while cutting the sizzling steak with a knife and fork, saying, "Don't be fooled by my high status and the title of monarch in hell. In fact, all these fancy things are fake. In hell, I always do things myself."

Mephisto forked the steak that seemed to be mature into his mouth, closed his eyes and chewed slowly. After swallowing the steak, he looked into the distance and said helplessly, "It's not that I like to do it myself, but I have no choice."

Li Feng followed Mephisto's gaze and looked into the distance, only to see Coulson running towards him in a hurry. When he wondered in his heart, 'What is Coulson doing here?', he casually asked, "You are the boss of hell, how can you not have a choice."

Mephisto He shook his head slightly and complained: "How can you who live on Earth understand what kind of hell my hell is like? That's where the devils gather, and what kind of character do the devils have?"

"Greedy, bloodthirsty, insidious, irritable and other words are not enough to describe the devil. If you have a servant with such a character, would you dare to use him?" Mephisto asked himself and answered: "Anyway, I dare not use him."

Mephisto picked up the steak and said: "Take food for example, I have to cook whatever I want to eat in hell. Do you want the servants to serve it to me? Haha, I'm afraid that if I want to eat fresh beef, I can only get the bones in front of me, or the kind that has even the blood licked clean."

"Then kill him to set an example," Li Feng said casually.

"It's easy for you to say. If I really killed the servants for such a small matter," Mephisto said helplessly with his hands spread: "Believe it or not, the whole hell will spread the rumor that 'Mephisto is a stingy person' the next day. I am a monarch after all, don't you want to save face?"

At this time, Coulson, who happened to run in front of the two, heard Mephisto's complaint, his eyes rolled, and he asked breathlessly: "Isn't it said that humans will go to hell after death? Why don't you recruit human souls as servants? Especially those who were originally employed in the service industry?"

Mephisto looked at Coulson with a smile and said: "I know who you are, Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I refuse to answer your questions because..."

Mephisto wiped the corners of his mouth and smiled: "I know you can analyze the state of human souls in hell from my answer, and you will even persevere in asking questions such as where the souls of Hydra agents are. Am I right?"

As expected of a devil, his mind is full of science Coulson showed a gentle smile, shook his head and denied: "You think too much, I'm just curious about the environment of hell."

"I can answer this question," Mephisto gestured to Coulson to sit down, and said: "There is no sun in hell, resulting in no light under the dim sky. There are either yellow sands or strange rocks under your feet, and occasionally you can see magma flowing on the surface."

"It is a world where food is so scarce that demons prey on demons, and even when sleeping, you have to keep one eye open to guard your family. In order to survive, you have to fight continuously. This is why demons know that the earth has powerful guardians, but for thousands of years, there are still demons who want to come to the earth to take a breath and rest."

"There are demons who like to fight, but in most cases they are forced out by the environment of hell."

Mephisto pointed to himself and said: "Like me, I don't like fighting, I prefer trading."

"That's great, I just want to make a deal with you." Coulson said.

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