Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 373 Chapter 371 The Crazy Angel

Seeing that Johnny was about to transform into the devil's natural enemy, Hulk was angry and anxious.

However, the good-for-nothing's subordinates were not strong enough and did not dare to easily interrupt the deal between Danny and Johnny. The helpless Hulk could only bite his teeth and stamp his feet. Regardless of the limit of his body that was about to collapse, he jumped up and kicked Danny away. Ni.

It's a pity that although Danny was kicked to death by this kick, Johnny had already broken the church's seal on the Ghost Rider, and was holding a black skull with billowing smoke, shaking like he was on drugs. Shake up.

It's obvious that Johnny is getting used to Ghost Rider's powers again.

Hulk, with age spots on his face and skin that looked like dehydration, understood that what he had done was too late.


Unwilling to be reconciled, Hulk had a hideous face, roared angrily, picked up Danny, and ran towards the parking lot.

He has no choice but to run. Hulk knows very well that the act of pushing Danny away just now has accelerated the aging of his body. At this time, let alone the strength to face the Ghost Rider, even a stronger girl can easily ride on him and run wild.

The only option now is to take Danny away and find a quiet place. While Danny's body is still warm, he can quickly transfer his will to the other person. Otherwise, once the earth visa expires, he will wait to be deported back to hell. Repatriation is still non-negotiable.

Natasha, who had been waiting aside for a long time, saw Hulk trying to escape, and immediately quit: Do you really think that I worked so hard to sneak into the castle just to take pictures?

Soon enough, just as the Hulk carrying Danny passed by, Natasha jumped out of the hiding place with a machete. While cutting down the Hulk's guards, she took out the water gun and pointed it at the Hulk. Just a crazy meal.

Hulk glared angrily and thought to himself, 'I was careless'.

Normally, given his vigilance, he would easily detect even if there was melamine in the air, let alone a fly hiding nearby.

However, there is not much strength left now, and he can neither find Natasha in time nor face the beer-flavored holy water.

Having no choice, Hulk, who didn't want to expend extra energy to resist the beer, rolled his eyes and immediately raised Danny as a shield to block the attack of the scimitar and water gun.

Seeing Hulk shamelessly using Danny as a human shield, Natasha was so angry that she cursed in her heart, 'Shameless old thief'.

Fortunately, Natasha had rich combat experience, and she immediately ignored the soldiers with guns around her and the devils who kept popping up from the corners, wielding scimitars and fighting closely with the Hulk.

Soldiers, look at me and I look at you. Although the weapons in their hands are already aimed at Natasha, no one dares to shoot.

It would be okay if Natasha was killed with one shot, and then she would wait to be promoted to a higher rank and enjoy wealth and wealth.

But what if the Hulk is killed with one shot? This is his own boss's boss, and he is a big boss who will be dug out of the ground by the other party to settle accounts even if he dies.

If Danny is hurt by any chance, what's the difference between this and ruining the big boss's future? I'm afraid they won't get any good fruit whether they live or die.

The soldiers were a little confused. They could decide whether the future would be heaven or hell with one shot. Who could afford to bet?

Likewise, Natasha and Hulk's strategy of close combat left the devils helpless, and they had more concerns than the soldiers.

They were not Mephisto. They either had human shields in their hands that made Natasha wary, or they were rough-skinned and thick-skinned. A little beer would make them look like they were fine.

The consequences of being exposed to holy water are the same as jumping into a pool of sulfuric acid. Even if they don't die, they will shed their skin.

The most important point is that Johnny has changed from a smoking skeleton to a skeleton with hellfire all over his body. This also means that the devil's natural enemy has officially broken free from the seal.

The Ghost Rider, who was sealed for no apparent reason and had been holding back his anger for a long time, appeared on the stage. He swayed excitedly, grabbed a devil by the neck, looked around and said with a "hehe" smile: " You are guilty."

After saying that, Ghost Rider ignited the devil in his hand, and then waved the chain to clean up the nearby devils.

In the process of cleaning up the mobs, Ghost Rider still looked at the Hulk with a leering look, and occasionally beat him with the iron chain.

There is no way, whoever makes Hulk the clone of Mephisto will be the most attractive to Ghost Rider at the scene. If Ghost Rider doesn't hit him, who will hit him.

Hulk's lungs were about to explode with anger. He was an old man on the verge of death. Facing Natasha's fight already gave him a headache. Now he had to beware of the Ghost Rider who coveted him.

This is a mixed doubles match between men and women.

In fact, Natasha's mood was not much better.

In the eyes of the Ghost Rider, her soul, who has been doing Fury's dirty work all year round, is no worse than the devil. This leads to the fact that the Ghost Rider does not worry about whether Natasha will be injured when he occasionally attacks the Hulk.

Perhaps for Ghost Rider, hurting Natasha is enough. He is an immortal existence, and he is afraid that SHIELD will not retaliate afterwards.

In fact, if Johnny's will had not suppressed the idea of ​​killing Danny, Ghost Rider would have started a group attack mode. None of the hot chicks at the scene, including Danny, would have thought of leaving the castle. , all prisoners waiting for him to be tried one by one.

After dodging the chain attack again, Natasha glanced resentfully at the Ghost Rider who was beating her up, and cursed in her heart: Coulson made a rescue plan, damn it, just kill Danny, and then snatch the opponent's body back. Isn’t it the end of the world when it comes to research materials?

Maybe I can complete the mission with a big sniper, and now I am happily shopping in New York. Unlike now, Hulk uses Danny as a shield, which makes me afraid, but I still have to guard against the Ghost Rider. Attack, where can I explain?

Natasha, who was convulsing and looking increasingly ugly, pressed the communicator and shouted: "Stark, I need support."

"Dear little Natasha, wait for me~"

As soon as he finished speaking, a portal appeared in front of everyone.

The slutty Stark stepped through the portal wearing a steel suit and rewarded each devil with a palm cannon with a raised hand.

Natasha's eyes widened when she saw the devil whose head had either been blown to bits or a big hole had been blown out of his chest.

Natasha had never seen what the original palm cannon looked like, but she had never seen the current palm cannon with flashing arcs and huge impact.

"A product of magic and technology?" Natasha guessed.

"Hehe, it's pretty powerful, right?" As he spoke, Stark pointed one palm at the devils and continued to name them one by one. He pointed the other at Natasha, indicating to the other party to check the palm with the rune engraved on it, and explained: "This is The introductory magic of Merlin's lineage, plasma."

"Originally, it takes some time to prepare to cast a plasma spell, and it can only fire one shot at a time, but with the improvement of my genius, it is now a machine gun-style plasma that can be continuously fired as long as there is mana provided, and it is very powerful. It’s also improved exponentially.”

After speaking, Stark lifted his mask and winked at Natasha.

Natasha ignored Stark's "Come and praise me" expression, stared at Hulk and said, "The child in his hands is the target."

"This is a half-human, half-demon little brat. There's nothing special about it." Stark put on his mask, exposed the small missiles on his shoulders, and pointed the palm cannon at Hulk with both hands, saying arrogantly: "Dehydrated old man, Put down the little brat."

Hulk glanced at the mini missile on Stark's shoulder, took a step back and said firmly: "Missile filled with holy water?"

To be precise, Beer Stark nodded and said: "I know that you are Mephisto's clone. No matter how advanced the holy water is, it can't kill you, but the corrosion caused by the holy water will bring you pain." Banished back to hell.”

The agent who can kill himself, Iron Man who knows magic, and the Ghost Rider Hulk who is about to clean up the demons have stiff expressions. In his current state, he will lose against any one of them, let alone three of them.

Hulk glanced at Danny in his arms: It's not a big deal to go back to hell. I couldn't transfer consciousness this time, and I can still look for another opportunity.

But the premise is that the other party can save Danny. After all, a half-human, half-demon container is too rare.

Thinking of this, Hulk put down Danny, straightened his collar, and was about to face 'death' when he saw an iron chain suddenly wrapped around his waist.

Is this Ghost Rider's chain? Hulk was stunned and turned to look at Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider waited for Hulk to put down Danny and wait for the flowers to wither. How could he still be in the mood to listen to Hulk's nonsense? He directly retracted the chain, held Hulk's head and activated the Judgment skill.

After sending Hulk back to hell, Ghost Rider turned to look at Natasha and Stark.

At this time, Stark was using rough healing techniques on Danny, while Natasha was squatting in front of Danny, feeling for his pulse with one hand, and opening Danny's eyelids with the other to check.

"Although Danny's heartbeat has stopped, there is still hope of saving him," Natasha said, picking up Danny and saying, "Stark, open the portal to Austin. He has a way to save Danny." ”

Stark frowned and said, "But there are stronger enemies beside Austin, aren't you afraid that they will steal Danny?"

"What do you think we should do? Do you want me to watch this child die?" Natasha asked with a hint of anger.

"I have a way." On the side, Johnny, who heard that Danny could still be saved, instantly suppressed the consciousness of Ghost Rider, took back control of his body and showed his human appearance, and said with a smile, holding his stomach like a cramp: " Hehe, Moru said haha, Ghost Rider is actually a crazy angel."

Johnny pointed at himself and said: "Hey, I can feel his presence, goose~goose~, I can feel the consciousness of the crazy angel."

As he spoke, Johnny stretched out his palm and showed a blue flame-lit skeleton palm in front of everyone.

Natasha glanced at the flesh-and-blood Johnny, then at the skeleton palm, turned and looked at Stark: What's going on? Co-author Ghost Rider likes to fight against the devil. Is it actually the instinct of a skeleton angel that is causing trouble?

By the way, which angel looks like a skeleton? Never heard of it. Natasha squinted her eyes, wondering when she would find a chance to ask Mo Lu or Li Feng.

When the blue flame touched Danny's cheek, Danny opened his hazy eyes and looked at Johnny as if he had just woken up from sleep, and asked: "We won?"

Johnny held Danny in his arms and said, "Yes, we won, you are safe."

Seeing that Johnny could really 'resurrection the dead', Natasha thought, 'There's another buddy on earth who knows how to resurrect'. She pressed the communicator and asked: "Colson, I'm done here, what about you?" How's it going."

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