Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 376 Chapter 374 Strange's Reward

It's not that Johnny has never thought about dealing with the Ghost Rider, but he knows nothing about the magic world or the Ghost Rider, and he has no idea about his future situation.

He only knows that after being possessed by the Ghost Rider, his mind and body are becoming more and more painful, while the other party's will is getting stronger and stronger with the number of transformations.

Now, the will of the Ghost Rider is so strong that it is difficult to suppress, causing him to unconsciously acquire some of the habits of the Ghost Rider, such as hiding in the dark during the day.

For this reason, Johnny dare not stay in human gathering areas, for fear that someone will pass by and fail to suppress the will of the Ghost Rider, and release the other party to kill.

For example, he needs to drink a lot of water on weekdays to relieve the heat in his heart.

If he didn't have an iron bladder, who could stand the days of drinking water 24 hours a day?

Now, although Li Feng has given a solution, Johnny is still in a low mood. He smiled bitterly and said, "Your method may be good, but how can I split the will of Ghost Rider?"

I am familiar with the skill of cutting souls. Li Feng pointed at himself and said, "I can teach you how to do it."

Before Li Feng finished speaking, Fitz stopped him and said, "I disagree."

Fitz pointed to the communicator on his ear and said innocently, "Sorry, Coulson asked me to convey it. He said that once the will of Ghost Rider spreads, the earth is in danger of becoming a playground for Ghost Rider, which is something SHIELD does not want to see."

Play on the side, SHIELD has become a terrorist force, and still wants to control everything and Johnny's breathing? I'm saying this, this is Johnny's solution to Ghost Rider's overly strong will in the original plot

Li Feng shrugged, ignored Fitz, took out the magic book, turned to the page of soul division and handed it to Johnny, saying: "If you understand your own endurance limit, you only need to divide it once because you will not be able to withstand the partial cutting. You can rely on the angel fire to gradually suppress the opponent's chaotic will, and even suppress Ghost Rider in turn, making him a tool for outputting power."

Johnny was silent for a while, took the magic book and looked at it, as if talking to himself, and seemed to explain something to Fitz, and said: "If I don't make Ghost Rider's consciousness Separate a part, in the near future, SHIELD will have to face the Ghost Rider in the guise of Johnny Blaze. "

After a pause, Johnny emphasized: "Whether it is day or night, it is the Ghost Rider who is confused, only knows how to kill and judge humans. "

"Hehe~" Johnny pointed at himself, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, and said: "And there is no Johnny Blaze in my world anymore."

Either I die, or let there be another Ghost Rider in the world, there are only two choices, does SHIELD dare to force me to choose death? Johnny glanced at Fitz with lifeless eyes.

Fitz trembled in his heart, even if he was not a psychologist, he could see that Johnny was on the verge of collapse at this time: once Johnny was stimulated by SHIELD, who knows what bad things the Ghost Rider would do

As Johnny's voice fell, no one in the cabin refuted anything for a while.

Even Coulson did not dare to easily stop Johnny's choice. After all, robbing someone's money is equivalent to killing their parents, not to mention directly taking someone's life.

Coulson was also afraid that if he pushed Johnny too far, he would offend Johnny and eventually cause unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, compared to an out-of-control Ghost Rider, Coulson felt that SHIELD could accept a weak Ghost Rider in the world.

First of all, Johnny controlled the angel flame that restrained the Ghost Rider. Even if he transformed, he was a Ghost Rider based on his will. In Coulson's opinion, the newly born Ghost Rider would not be stronger than Johnny. There was no reason why Johnny could not suppress him.

Secondly, there were Li Feng and wizards such as Stark and Strange.

Even if these three people were not available for a while, the wizards of Kamar-Taj or the ancient church of Moru could help.

To achieve this, Coulson stopped instructing Fitz to talk nonsense and let Johnny learn how to split the consciousness of the Ghost Rider.

After getting the angel flame, Li Feng turned his attention back to Danny, took out the amulet with hidden positioning spell from his shoulder bag with a smile and handed it to Danny, saying: "Little guy, uncle will give you an amulet."

Danny did not take the amulet, looked at Li Feng with indifference, and said: "The skill of exploring the true thoughts of human beings is the talent of the devil. Although I am not a devil, I am also a half-devil. I can use the power of the devil in a rough way."

Danny looked at the amulet in Li Feng's hand and said in a cold tone: "I sense that you have bad intentions towards me."

You know too much Li Feng silently complained in his heart, put the amulet back into the shoulder bag, shrugged his shoulders, and explained: "I really don't like you, because you are the container that Mephisto has taken a fancy to. Mephisto will not let go of the perfect container easily. He will come to the earth to find you sooner or later. In this case, what attitude do you think I should use towards you?"

Danny looked up and down at Li Feng and asked: "Do you want to kill me to eliminate future troubles?"

If possible, Li Feng thought.

Just as Li Feng was about to make up a lie to deceive the child, he suddenly sensed a familiar fluctuation of space energy.

Li Feng frowned, turned his head and looked in front of the Quinjet, wondering: What is Strange doing here? Is he trying to stop me from killing Danny?

A portal suddenly appeared in front of the Quinjet, and then Strange, wearing a magic floating cloak, stepped through the portal and floated in the air.

Stark, who also sensed the fluctuation of space, saw the show-off Strange, and said sourly in his heart: "What are you so proud of? I can fly too."

With that said, Stark put on his mask, opened the cabin and flew towards Strange.

Li Feng scratched his head, flew toward Strange on black clouds, glanced at Strange's chest, which had not yet worn the Eye of Agamothar, and asked, "Are you here because of Danny, or do you want to pay me? "

"Master Austin," Strange saluted Li Feng respectfully and said, "I'm here for Danny. The little guy has activated the devil's blood. Mephisto can find him at any time. Just in case, Kamathaj is willing to Take him in, I believe Mephisto wouldn’t dare offend Kama Taj just for a clone.”

"Didn't I say that Kamathaj would not participate in Mephisto's mess? Why do you want to participate again now?" Li Feng wondered.

Strange smiled and said: "Even though Danny was half human and half devil before, to be honest, he was just an ordinary kid. Now, he has awakened part of the devil's power and is a part of the magical world. Kamathaj has the obligation to teach Danny How to use dark energy."

After a pause, Strange saluted Li Feng again and said, "Just like when Master Ancient One taught you how to use dark energy."

Li Feng curled his lips disdainfully. Gu Yi was indeed very kind to Li Feng. He did everything that should be taught, warned, and stopped. But that was Gu Yi's personal behavior and had nothing to do with Kama Taj's group of old-fashioned mages. .

If I hadn't deliberately avoided Kama Taj when I was young, the grass on my grave would have been 3 meters high. Now Kama Taj doesn't dare to attack me. It's just because he's afraid of my strength.

After all, this is a world where fists speak. Li Feng held his arms in his arms, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and asked in a disdainful tone: "Do you know what the masters of Kama Taj think of dark wizards like us? You just Aren’t you afraid of those self-righteous guys teaching Danny with whips every day? Aren’t you afraid that Danny will destroy Kama Taj after he fully masters the power of the devil?”

"No," Strange shook his head and said, "Modo will teach Danny well, and I" Strange pointed at himself and said, "I will act as a psychiatrist."

Mordo is the stick and you are the carrot? Not bad, you’ve learned how to use tactics against a 13-year-old kid

I'm confused, why do a bunch of white mage forces cultivate half-devils who use dark energy? Are you feeling too busy and planning to raise a little monster for yourself to relieve your boredom?

When Li Feng rolled his eyes and complained, Strange continued: "Master Austin, let's talk about compensation."

When Li Feng heard about the reward, he instantly felt energetic. He immediately forgot about Danny, rubbed his hands and asked, "Look what you said, what kind of reward can we talk about for such a trivial matter? What reward have you prepared?"

This train of thought made me overturn. Strange twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Promise not to interfere with Danny's affairs in the future, and I will let you visit the treasure of Kama Taj."

The premise of lending me the Time Stone is to give up killing Danny? Li Feng was a little confused. He didn't think Danny was worth the price. However, Li Feng didn't want to miss the opportunity, so he nodded immediately and said, "Okay, when are you going to let me visit?"

Strange shrugged his shoulders and said, "Any time."

After a pause, Strange added: "But this is only one chance."

On the side, Stark, who was confused as he listened, asked: "You two, can you explain a little more clearly? What is Kama Taj's treasure?"

"What do you mean by reward? Is it related to Danny's matter?" Stark pointed at himself and said: "I have also contributed, why no one mentioned to me about reward."

Li Feng, who was excited about being able to comprehend the time stone, was too lazy to talk to Stark. He was thinking about how to maximize his benefits.

Just one chance to understand time? According to the timeline of the Marvel world, it would only take a few days to survive, but if converted to another world with the strength of a demigod, it would be at least a few years. I don’t believe that you can’t realize the power of time in a few years.

Thinking of this, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal and said, "I will go home and prepare some things, and then go directly to Kama Taj."

With that said, Li Feng walked through the portal and shouted: "Kreacher, prepare your luggage~"

"Okay boss," Kreacher replied.

More than half an hour later, Kreacher reluctantly watched Li Feng carry his luggage and cross the portal connecting the Kama Taj Library.

Kreacher actually wanted to follow Li Feng to another world, because now he had the training skills, and only by following Li Feng could he ask his boss for advice at any time.

Unfortunately, there were more important things for him to take care of in the RV. In addition to training Skye, he also had to secretly take care of Skye's soul fragment.

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