Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 379 Chapter 377 Little Jumping Bean

In the eyes of outsiders, the Troll Market is just a large and chaotic market, but Nuala knows that there is a map hidden here that indicates where the Golden Army is sleeping.

Originally, after Nuala and Li Feng separated, they just wanted to get the map as soon as possible and destroy it. By then, even if Nuada collected all three pieces of the crown fragments, what would happen?

Without the guidance of the map, Nuada would be lucky to find the shadow of the Golden Army, let alone summon the Golden Army.

However, before getting the map, Nuala first needs to disguise herself, after all, she is a noble princess of the elves.

Needless to say, those who know her will greet her warmly even if they don’t kneel down to salute, and those who don’t know her will be attracted by her stunning appearance or graceful figure.

In short, with her status, appearing in the Troll Market will only cause unnecessary chaos, such as fans asking for autographs and taking photos.

What if Nuada has a spy hidden in the Troll Market and passes the news of her appearance in the market to her eldest brother, how can she destroy the map?

Compared to meeting fans, Nuala wanted to stop her brother from releasing the Golden Army, which would lead to the genocide.

It was only when Nuala wrapped herself tightly that she realized that her soft figure was hidden, but her temperament cultivated since childhood was too noble, and it was so brilliant that it could not be hidden anyway.

This situation where she could become the focus with only a pair of eyes made Nuala sigh in her heart, and said sadly: There is no way, I am so elegant, it is really hard to give up my natural beauty.

At this time, Nuala had not yet discovered that Nuada's spy hidden in the crowd had passed her news to Nuada's younger brother Vic, and a mermaid brother with a toilet lid-type ventilator noticed that she was wearing a bracelet with a royal emblem on her wrist.

Nuala, who knew nothing about this, came to the store where the map was hidden, and when she successfully got the map, she finally found the mermaid who had followed her all the way.

Through a conversation, Nuala learned that the mermaid's name was 'Abraham Sepien', and those who knew him called him 'Abel'. He belonged to the 'Supernatural Research and Defense Department' of humans and came to investigate her brother Nuada.

After understanding Abel's intention, Nuala breathed a sigh of relief. When she was about to say something, Vic's figure suddenly entered her sight.

Needless to say, Abel showed his chivalry and volunteered to say that he could slap Vic to death with one slap, and at the same time motioned Nuala to the side to applaud him.

Unfortunately, reality slapped Abel hard, and he was beaten to the ground by Vic. If Hellboy, who was wandering around, had not appeared in time and saved Abel, he would have become sashimi in Vic's mouth.

Afterwards, the fight between Hellboy and Vic affected Li Feng, who had turned into an elf.

Nuala, who was hiding on the side, was confused when she saw Li Feng subdued Vic casually.

As the elves with low fertility, the birth of a newborn is a great joy for them. As a princess, Nuala will send her blessings at the first time. This allows her to remember the names of each tribe member accurately, but it should be no problem to get familiar with each other.

But Nuala is very sure: I have never seen this strange tribe member in front of me. Where did this guy come from?

Just when Hellboy asked seriously, "Who are you?", Nuala couldn't help but step forward, looking at Li Feng carefully, and wondering: "Hello, my tribe member, who are you?"

During the questioning, Nuala suddenly widened her eyes and said, "My perception tells me that you are less than a hundred years old?! How is this possible???"

As she said, Nuala turned her head and looked at Vic.

Nuala didn't know much about Vic, the younger brother of her brother. The only thing she could be sure of was that his magic resistance and strength were not low.

Now a little guy who is still in the "infant" stage according to the life span of the elves can beat Vic? What if the other party grows up to "mature"? Although he didn't know who was stronger than his father who hadn't been buried yet, with the elves under their protection, the nonsense of running out of luck could be thrown into the trash can, Nuala thought excitedly.

On the other side, seeing Nuala standing in front of him and affectionately calling him "tribe member", Li Feng scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and after showing his human appearance, he joked: "Princess, although noble people tend to forget things, we were still playing together for half an hour, how could you suddenly forget me? You are so mean."

As he said, Li Feng covered his chest and said: "My heart was seriously traumatized, you have to compensate me for my mental damages."

Do you want to compensate you for a chicken feather? You made me happy for nothing. Nuala, who was sulking in his heart but showing an embarrassed smile on the surface, greeted: "Hello, Master Austin."

After greeting, Nuala, who didn't want to pay attention to Li Feng, pointed to Vic and faced Abel, and said very quickly: "He He is my brother's confidant. Since he appeared in the Troll Market, it means that my brother is also nearby. We must leave as soon as possible. "

Abel did not think about it. He stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, motioning Nuala to walk to the market exit while pressing the communication area, and said: "Professor Klaus, where are you? We found Princess Nuala and are about to leave the market. "

"Behind you," Klaus, who was wearing a diving suit and a transparent hood full of smoke, carried Vic to Nuala and said: "You take this guy away first. I have something to discuss with Mr. Austin in detail. "

As he said, Klaus threw Vic to Hellboy, turned around and shook hands with Li Feng, and said: "Hello, human mage, I am Klaus, a psychic expert. "

"It just so happens that I have something to chat with you." Li Feng took back his hand and pointed at the big hole in his tent and said, "Since Hellboy is crying for poverty and you are his commander, please compensate me for my losses."

How much is a tent worth? As long as you join the Supernatural Research and Defense Department, you will be given a nice car and a mansion. Klaus waved his hand proudly and said: "No problem, Mr. Austin, can you tell us about your experience? For example, where did you learn magic."

Are you trying to find out my background? Do you want to recruit me because I'm too handsome? Li Feng turned his head and thought for a while, then walked to the tent and opened the curtain to reveal his huge tent. He smiled half-heartedly and said, "You want my files? No problem, but before that, should we discuss the issue of compensation? After all, Not my tent”

Before he finished speaking, Li Feng suddenly saw Nuala running towards the market exit in the distance.

Vic was his younger brother, and it was only natural that the younger brother should pay for the trouble he caused. Thinking of this, Li Feng left Klaus, who was looking at the tent in a daze, and chased after Nuada.

It was just that the crowd in the Troll Market was already crowded, and the chaos caused by the previous fight between Hellboy and Vic had not yet subsided, which made Li Feng run to the entrance and exit of the market to catch up with Nuada.

Before Li Feng could ask for compensation, he saw Nuada throwing a small green jumping bean towards Hellboy and others, and then turned around and ran away.

Li Feng didn't talk to Nuada, but looked at Jumping Bean with interest. He was more interested in Jumping Bean than looking for trouble for Nuada.

Jumping Bean, belonging to the Tree God Clan, is called the 'Son of Nature' by the elves, also known as the 'God of the Forest'. When this thing comes into contact with water, it quickly grows into a tall and powerful plant giant. It is a kind of energy. Strange species that breed and destroy life

By the way, what is the relationship between the tree gods and the tree man Groot? Are they sons or grandsons?

Just when Li Feng was thinking about whether to take in the "Hellboy", the last member of the Tree God Clan in the world, to compensate Nuada, the little jumping bean jumped into the sewer.

Following a sudden collapse of the earth, the Tree God Clan, whose appearance had changed greatly after eating, burped and stood in front of everyone.

Looking at the members of the Tree God Clan in front of him who were almost more than 20 meters high, Li Feng scratched his head and thought: If I plant this thing by the lake, wouldn't I have a mobile tree house that can run and jump? The most important thing is that this thing is much easier to feed than Scar, a foodie, as long as there is water.

Thinking of this, Li Feng no longer hesitated. He clenched the Eye of Agamodha with his right hand and pointed the palm of his left hand at the Tree God Clan.

Although the power of the Time Stone will drop by several levels after leaving the Marvel world, Li Feng said he doesn't care.

First of all, Li Feng didn't dare to carelessly use the fully powered Time Gem, which could kill someone if he was not careful. Now the Gem with greatly reduced power allowed him to study and use it unscrupulously.

Secondly, Li Feng is not Dabai who doesn't understand time spells. The purpose of the time gem is nothing more than to provide him with energy so that he can better cast time spells.

Just as Li Feng was casting the spell and reading the note, Klaus, who had hurried over, stared blankly at the circular green mysterious rune that appeared in front of the palm of Li Feng's left hand.

What is this? Before Klaus could ask, Li Feng slowly turned his palm counterclockwise, and the tree gods in the distance also shrank in size as the palm turned.

Eventually, the giant tree turns back into a little jumping bean.

This is when Klaus, whose brain was shut down, said in horror: "Time reversal?"

Nuala, who also recognized Li Feng's time spell, and Nuada, who was hiding in the distance, looked at the little jumping bean suspended in the air with a look of shock.

"Hehe," Li Feng, who had everyone's expressions on his face, laughed a few times, snapped his fingers and picked up the little jumping bean, looked up at Nuada who was hiding on the roof, and shouted: "Prince Nuada, your best friend deliberately damaged my home."

Li Feng shook the little jumping bean in his hand and said, "This thing should be used as compensation for my losses."

After saying that, Li Feng, who was in a happy mood, put away the little jumping beans, ignored the angry Nuada, whistled and put his hands behind his back, and returned to the Troll Market with a swaying and arrogant pace.

Is this guy really human? Nuada said that he could not accept the reality that a human could kill Vic in an instant and then clean up the tree gods in minutes, even if the opponent was obviously assisted by treasures when casting time spells.

In the future he imagined, the magical race swept the world with the help of the tireless Golden Army, which even nuclear bombs could not destroy. But now, since someone can turn back time, does it mean that the other party can also turn back the time when the Golden Army fought?

Once they lose the Golden Army, how will the magical race face human aircraft and artillery?

I won't be able to sleep or eat well until I find out your true identity! Nuada roared at Li Feng's back: "Who are you?"

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