Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 391 Chapter 390 Hot Girl

A secret underground base somewhere of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Melinda, who was beating up her subordinates for physical training, suddenly received a call from an agent.

After a while, Melinda put down the phone and hurried to Coulson and asked: "The agent stationed in Portugal called. A hot girl appeared on the Faroe Sea and asked if you are interested in getting to know her better."

"Hot girl? How spicy? Is it mild, extra spicy, or anal?" Colson asked jokingly.

Ju Kai counted the ball and Melinda raised her eyebrows and said: "The reporter said that his friend received a slap from Hot Girl and was sent flying dozens of meters."

"Huh? So hot! Isn't she at blooming level of hotness?" Out of professionalism, Coulson said on the spot that he was interested in hot girls, he was interested in the incident of stacking people dozens of meters away, and ordered : "Prepare the plane, we have taken over this mission."

As the order was issued, Fitz, Mike, Hunter and others brought all the field equipment and boarded a "private plane" flying to Faro, Portugal.

Before the plane arrived at its destination, Coulson poured himself a cup of espresso with a refreshing effect, rubbed his forehead to relieve fatigue, and looked through the mission information.

According to available information, the incident of pushing a person tens of meters away occurred on a dark and windy night. There were three people involved, including a male and female couple and a pitiful single dog.

The cause of the incident was that after eating and drinking, the three of them decided to go camping at the beach.

While the three of them were drinking and chatting around the bonfire while blowing the sea breeze, a beautiful woman wearing a leather jacket and trousers and holding a sharp sword suddenly appeared from the ocean.

Originally, whether you saw a beautiful woman without a bikini emerging from the sea in the middle of the night, or you saw someone wandering around the street holding a sword in the middle of the night, the most correct thing to do is to call and shake them.

For example, call the police, or ask the mental hospital to come over and arrest the absconding patients.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s because I was drunk as a single person or because I was fed dog food for a night by a doggy man and woman, which caused my hormones to soar and burned my brain. I suddenly felt that I met a heroic girl in a quiet place where no one was shitting in the middle of the night. God took pity on him and sent him a fire weapon.

Unfortunately, it was only when he stepped forward to tease her with a lewd expression that he realized that the fire-bringing horse was just an overthinking series.

At the same time, singles also realize the truth - women are made of water.

For example, the one in front of me was made from a huge flood, and he is extremely strong.

The other party easily knocked him over dozens of meters and asked him to perform what it means to be eaten by a hungry dog ​​in public.

Just when the single guy was looking like "Who am I, where am I, what have I done?", the guy and girl who were originally going to watch the hot girl joke found that their friend's face and brain were shattered to pieces, and they were so frightened that they quickly called an ambulance for rescue. At the same time, he cleverly called the police.

For unknown reasons, Hot Girl neither cried nor made a fuss nor hung herself when the police asked her. Instead, she followed the police and left obediently.

Needless to say what happened next, the SHIELD agent felt that the hot girl was too hot for the people on earth to handle, so he quickly uploaded the news to Coulson.

After reading the information and roughly understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Colson curiously took out the hot girl photo and looked at it.

With just one glance, Coulson's eyes widened in fright, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch twice. He silently made a 'cross' in his heart: Isn't this the female warrior of Asgard, Miss Sif?

In an instant, Coulson felt sympathy and admiration for the single in his heart: She is such a blooming hot girl. She is obviously hotter than a volcanic eruption. Damn, the single can still survive after messing with Sif. , this guy can’t really be someone favored by God, right?

Strange, why did Sif come to Earth? And why are you wearing leather clothes instead of armor? Could it be that Sif came to Earth for vacation? I haven't heard from Thor that working in Asgard provides benefits such as annual leave.

Or maybe there's an alien Yakuza coming to cause trouble on the earth, and Sif is ordered to take Yakuza's life? Or perhaps some idiot shoe cult on Earth has provoked Asgard. Sif wore leather clothes to disguise herself as an Earthling so that she could sneak into the shoe cult for secret visits.

The more Colson thought about it, the more confused his thoughts became, and his head felt like it was exploding.

For a long time, Colson felt that he might end up in a brain hospital if he continued to think wildly, so he could only choose to give up thinking temporarily and empty his mind.

No matter what questions he had, it was enough to ask him face to face after seeing Sif. Coulson silently persuaded himself.

It's a pity that the gap between reality and ideals made Coulson completely dumbfounded when he saw Sif. He never thought that the extremely powerful Asgardian female warrior would also suffer from amnesia one day!

What kind of magic operation is this? Colson blinked his innocent little eyes and asked, "You really don't remember me?"

Coulson pointed at himself and said: "I am the son of Cole, and I have worked with you before." As he spoke, Coulson took out his tablet and asked Sif to look at the photos of the two of them.

Sif flipped through the photos, but she really didn't remember who Coulson was. She apologized: "Sorry, I still didn't remember you."

"Okay, what do you remember? For example, the purpose of coming to Earth?" Colson asked with a bit of expectation and resentment, and at the same time prayed in his heart: Don't tell me that you came to Earth to capture alien terrorists. Molecular, the Earth is too fragile to cause trouble from aliens

Sif turned her head and thought for a moment, then said with a little embarrassment: "I only have memories from my childhood. For example, I knew I was an Asgardian. I'm sorry but I can't remember the rest."

Don't you know why Mao came to Earth? You can really cause trouble for me! Colson rubbed his temples, his thoughts whirled, and then he divided the team into two teams.

Among them, the team led by Mike stayed in Portugal, while searching for Sif's amnesia and the reason for coming to Earth, while searching for possible aliens.

On the other team, he and Melinda took Sif to the lake, hoping that Li Feng would use magical magic to help Sif restore her memory so that they could figure out Sif's purpose of coming to Earth as soon as possible.

A little while later, a Quinjet appeared over the lake.

In the fighter plane, Coulson and Melinda looked down at the tree canopy that nearly covered the entire lake, with confusion on their faces.

Colson rubbed his eyes and said uncertainly: "Two ladies, can anyone tell me whether it's my eyesight or whether there really is a towering tree in Austin's house."

"I'm pretty sure this is a towering tree," Melinda pointed to the grass, frowned and said, "The grass under the tree has no sunlight to nourish it, giving me an eerie feeling."

Colson looked over and touched his chin and speculated: "Do you think this is Austin's illusion? At least I have never seen or heard that trees on Earth can grow like this. What the hell? It has become the tree of life for the elves.”

The Tree of Life is not that ugly. As the number one female warrior of Asgard, Sif can still detect the life breath of the little guy from the Divine Tree Tribe even if she loses her memory, and said: "It is alive."

Of course a tree is alive. A dead tree is called wood. Colson rolled his eyes cryptically. When he was about to say something, Sif continued: "It has its own thoughts."

A thoughtful tree? ! Could it be that the tree turned into a spirit? Melinda felt an inexplicable chill down her spine, and characters such as Dryad Granny, Nie Xiaoqian, and Ning Caichen came to mind.

"Look there," Sif said, pointing somewhere in the canopy.

Melinda and Colson looked in the direction Sif pointed, and saw the dense leaves on the tree crown being pushed aside by an invisible hand, revealing thick, flat branches that looked like a tarmac.

"Austin discovered us," Melinda said as she controlled the Quinjet to land and glanced at Coulson, who was frowning. "It seems that in addition to why Ms. Sif came to Earth, your report also needs to write Where did Austin get the fertilizer to feed this behemoth?”

Austin is a mage, not a druid. He has no fertilizer. If Austin really has such powerful fertilizer, what should the corn in my field look like? Is it the size of a truck? Or eat a stick of corn for half a year?

While Coulson was thinking wildly, Melinda had stopped the Quinjet.

The three of them got off the plane, glanced at the tree knobs that looked like dining tables and dining chairs, then looked at Li Feng who was rolling up roast duck in dough at the dining table, and finally focused on the monkey-like figure who was jumping up and down while using his powers. Skye bombards skeletons in the distance.

Seeing the skeleton calmly dodging Skye's attack, Coulson's pupils shrank, he turned to look at Li Feng, and said in shock: "Is he Abomination, or Mephisto."

Mephisto? Don't make trouble, he is Carter Sorey now. Although Carter Sorey's IQ is often not online after his soul is rebuilt, he is still the Ghost Rider who was tortured by hunger all the time.

Believe it or not, Mephisto was killed by the Ghost Rider as soon as he got on Carter Sorey's body. Li Feng rolled his eyes, ignored Coulson's inquiry, looked at Sif, and said: "Ms. Sif, how are you doing recently? "

As he said that, Li Feng stuffed the roast duck into his mouth and asked vaguely: "Would you like a drink? Roast duck and beer."

Xif's eyes stared straight at the beer on the table: "It's like taking a sip. It's a pity that I don't remember you. I only remember that my mother taught me not to drink with strangers since I was a child, especially boys."

Sif swallowed and turned to look at Coulson.

Coulson immediately understood the intention expressed in Sif's eyes, looked at Li Feng and asked: "Do you have the magic to help people restore their memories?"

Li Feng nodded blankly, indicating that he had the magic to restore his memory.

Suddenly, Li Feng thought of something, looked at Xif in surprise, and said suddenly: "How can you refuse the temptation of a drink? You have lost your emotional memory."

After saying that, Li Feng walked up to Sif, tapped her forehead with his right hand, then walked to Coulson, said "It's done", folded his arms, and looked at Sif quietly with her eyes closed.

"Kree!" Sif, who had recovered her memory, opened her eyes and spoke very quickly: "Colson, I came to Earth because Heimdall saw a Kree spacecraft landing on Earth. Father God was worried. The Kree came to Earth to cause trouble, and I was ordered to arrest the Kree."

After saying that, Sif turned to look at Skye with an evil look in her eyes and said, "She is an alienated person from the Kree. For the safety of the earth, I want to take her back to Asgard."

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