Faced with Fury's questioning, Li Feng felt that he was speechless, and said in his heart: "How can you understand me like this when holding a grass? What a shame."

He can come up with a series of seemingly reasonable explanations for absolutely no matter what. Just ask anyone else with this eloquence.

The most important thing is that after listening to this, Li Feng felt that he should find a plague knight to come out, otherwise he would be sorry for Fury's 'good intentions'.

"It's a big idea, I won't accept it." Li Feng gave Fury a thumbs up and said with disdain: "Don't think I haven't read 'Revelation'. Do I know that the four horsemen of the apocalypse are also called the four horsemen of the apocalypse, which represent the spirit, the spirit, and the apocalypse." Morality, humaneness, and vanity.”

"Why do you think the four knights of the apocalypse have become the knights of death, hunger, war and plague?" Li Feng pointed at himself and said with a half-smile: "Why, seeing me using dark energy will label me a villain? Believe it or not? I will sue you for defamation. If you don’t pay 30 to 50 billion in mental damages, you won’t be able to live a peaceful life.”

Pay 30 to 50 billion. Believe it or not, I will pluck out the hair on your legs to compensate you. Fury couldn't bear it anymore and kicked Li Feng's calf. He gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up and tell me how you can become a god."

Li Feng was a little confused and couldn't understand where Fury had the courage to kick him. He just stood there and got kicked by the opponent.


After the sound of flesh and shield colliding, Fury's face flushed and he stared at Li Feng as if he wanted to rub his calf but was holding back.

"Hiss~" Li Feng, who had nothing to do with anything, took a deep breath, smacked his lips, and sighed: "It really hurts~"

Fury didn't even think about it. The young and strong Steve didn't dare to kick Li Feng. What could he do to Li Feng with his old arms and legs? Not only is the person thick-skinned but unable to be kicked, but the shield with the rebound function is even more so, who knows who can kick it.

Who is hurting? ! Just when Fury felt that he could no longer suppress the thought of drawing a gun, Li Feng suddenly thought of something, touched his eyes with his right hand, opened his Dense Eyes to look at Fury, and said disdainfully: "It's not right that you are still a fake braised egg after all this fuss, your genes are still braised. The genes of eggs are artificially synthesized.”

"Did you purposely kick me just now?" Li Feng touched his chin and said firmly: "You want to know whether my mentality has changed after becoming a demigod, for example, whether I feel aloof and superior, and look at everyone like an ant on the ground."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fury, who was still glaring with anger before, gradually calmed down his expression and looked at Li Feng without saying a word.

Obviously, I guessed it right. Li Feng, who had a somewhat messy temperament in the wind, drooped his head and said speechlessly: "This is very special."

Fury's behavior is no longer a question of whether he is tired or not, but it is downright disgusting.

Li Feng does not like Fury, but that is just a matter of personal perspective and the nature of the problem. Perhaps from the public perspective, Fury, who wholeheartedly protects the earth, is the real hero.

And who knows Li Feng?

He is saying that people are not ruthless, but how could he kill the other person for such a trivial matter as a kick? He really thinks that all these years of friendship have been in vain.

It's totally unfeasible.

But what's the point of getting a cyborg to talk to now? I'm really afraid of death. I wonder if there is a video phone in the world that can be used. He is not Ultron, and he doesn't have the ability to strangle people to death along the network cable.

"I control power, not power controlling me, so I am still me. As for how to become a god, it is nothing more than accumulating mana and achieving a qualitative change in quantity."

After saying that, Li Feng waved his hand and opened the portal. The poor place and the way they met made him not want to say anything more, because he was so angry easily.

Returning to the lake, Li Feng casually folded a branch, put it in his mouth, and lay lazily on the trunk to bask in the sun.

Not long after, Li Feng suddenly felt fluctuations in the portal, and then heard Stark yelling.

"Zhou Cao, what kind of tree is this thing, and why is it so big? Hey~hey~, wait, don't attack me, I'm familiar with your master."

How did this thing get here? There are still fragments of Skye's soul in the RV. Li Feng's eyes twitched slightly, he patted the tree trunk under him and said, "Send them up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tree trunk shook, and then a palm-like branch held up Stark, Steve and other Avengers to Li Feng.

Looking at the Avengers in front of him, Li Feng wondered: "What's wrong? Are you being bullied by Ultron?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and unspeakable resentment arose spontaneously.

"They were not bullied by Ultron, but by me." After a casual explanation, Banner slumped on the tree trunk and said: "Not long after you left, Peter and Wanda found me hiding outside the cabin. Then Wanda hypnotized me and put Hulk into a state of rage."

"You also know that Hulk has a bad temper, let alone when he is angry." Banner lowered his head and said guiltily: "I used my remaining will to get Hulk to leave the freighter, but he accidentally ran into the city. district."

"Captain, Thor and others stayed on the freighter to continue cleaning up Ultron's mechanical soldiers to prevent them from getting more vibranium, while Stark flew into the city alone to subdue me."

"Banner, this has nothing to do with you. We all know that this was not your intention." Seeing that Banner was too depressed, Stark patted Banner on the shoulder and said: "Hulk and I fought hard, causing many casualties. , now the whole world is the news about me and Hulk, and the news about the global wanted Hulk will probably come out soon.”

Before Stark could finish speaking, Steve interrupted with an angry face: "Is it just the Hulk who is wanted? Who among us Avengers members swore that he could take down the Hulk?"

"Why are all the members wanted? Why didn't the unknown Austin escape a bullet?" Stark lowered his head and retorted in a soft voice, "But I didn't say I could subdue the angry Hulk."

When Steve heard this, he immediately felt a dull pain in his kidneys. Listen, are you talking in human language? What do you mean by 'not saying you can subdue the angry Hulk'? The Hulk in normal state still uses Stark to attack? Natasha can fix it with just a wink, okay?

Now everyone is afraid to go home, so they can only hide in Austin's house. The more he thinks about it, the more angry he is. Steve takes a deep breath, and keeps raising his voice as if he is lecturing his son, and scolds: "You are hiding your strength." If you conceal military information, you will be tried in a military court in the army. "

Stark admitted that he was wrong, but Steve's elder-like appearance made him very unhappy, especially when it came to talking nonsense, he really wasn't afraid of anyone.

We even went to the military court. Believe it or not, I bribed the judge and sentenced Stark to be released in court. Just when he was about to curse, Li Feng suddenly took out a bag of snacks and handed them to Natasha, Thor and others, saying hello: " You have to follow the rules to watch the fun. Let’s enjoy the fun while eating.”

As soon as Li Feng said this, Stark's face suddenly turned the color of pig liver. He pinched the tip of his nose and muttered, "I'm not a monkey, just look at the hair." Then he snatched the snack from Li Feng's hand and ate it like a rage.

"Don't worry, the snacks are all ready, so there's no excitement left to watch. You guys are so unprofessional," Li Feng glared at Stark angrily.

Stark rolled his eyes and changed the subject: "Where's Kreacher? Why didn't you see him?" Stark pointed at his feet and asked curiously: "Who is it? I can see that it has a soul. It’s not an ordinary giant tree.”

"Sif said that this is a little guy from the Divine Tree Tribe." Thor, who was silent on the side and was just thinking hard, suddenly thought of something, spun the hammer in his hand quickly, and said: "I feel something is wrong, I want to find the answer, here Not found."

Seeing Thor being carried away by the hammer, Li Feng felt cold all over and his head was buzzing and hurting.

In the original work, the illusion created by Wanda allowed Thor to go to the "Water of Visions" and thereby discover someone's plan to collect the Infinity Stones, but now the one who created Ultron is clearly a magic stone.

How the hell can this be related? Li Feng, who once again felt that he was being watched by the consciousness of the universe, trembled all over, squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky: Are you trying to get into trouble with me? Do you really think I'm easy to bully? Believe it or not, I flipped the table and stopped playing.

It's a pity that Li Feng, who is afraid of death, only dares to think about how good it would be to flip the table in his heart. He is absolutely cowardly to do this. Unless flipping the table is linked to going home, then he will really risk his life.

Licking his lips, Li Feng scratched his head and asked knowingly: "Have you found out where Ultron is?"

"Guys, does anyone know where Ultron got all those mechanical soldiers? Is it hiding in some mechanical soldier processing factory, for example?" Halfway through, Banner looked up at Stark.

Banner's meaning is obvious. He suspects that Ultron is hiding in a secret assembly line factory in Stark where the steel suit is made.

Stark was stunned by the sight of everyone, and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "My toys are all handmade, and each one is an exclusive limited edition. Even if it is damaged, it will be recycled as soon as possible. Look at Ultron's men. , It’s like it’s drawn in the same mold, and it obviously has nothing to do with me.”

After Steve recalled it and found that it was indeed what Stark said, he said: "Since Ultron has a factory and has obtained enough vibranium, is it already making the strongest body?"

"I really hope that it will hide in a fixed body from now on, so that it will not escape through the network the next time I find it." Natasha said with a shrug.

Body? Bondage? Banner suddenly thought of something and said: "Even if Ultron has a body, he is still Stark's servant. It needs to break free from Stark's restraints. It needs to evolve, and vibranium is the best carrier of energy known to current technology."

At this point, Banner looked around and said nervously: "Has anyone contacted Dr. Helen? Can her nanoprinting technology create a vibranium body?"

Genetics Research Laboratory, Dr. Helen's laboratory, Seoul, South Korea.

With Wanda's help, Ultron easily controlled Dr. Helen's mind and asked her to help him build a vibranium body.

Looking at the body in front of him that was constantly improving with vibranium as the frame, Dr. Helen sighed: "It's so beautiful. It's a magical metal that can perfectly integrate with cells."

"Typical human thinking, you only pay attention to the appearance and never do in-depth research." As he spoke, Ultron removed the magic gem from Loki's scepter, embedded the gem into the body, and uploaded his own program to the new body.

On the side, Wanda was curious, so she quietly walked up to Ultron and reached out to read Ultron's mind.

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