Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 413 Chapter 412 Please give me a ancestral grave first

Logically speaking, seeing Sokovia slowly ascending to the sky as planned, and a group of Avengers being forced to stay in Sokovia to wait for death to land, Ultron should have been wearing a turban on his head, holding a feather fan, and revealing everything. Happiness is the feeling of being in control.

But now that Ultron was flying in the air and looking down at the city, he just felt tired. It was dripping blood. It was a machine. There was no blood, and it was dripping engine oil.

First, the vibranium body that I worked so hard to build was occupied by a certain bastard, and the other party shamelessly ran in front of it and yelled.

Originally, Vision wanted to just let him play, since it wasn't like it couldn't let go of its vibranium body.

As long as all the irritating Avengers are killed, as a mechanical life form that can live to the end of the world, there is plenty of time to slowly collect vibranium and magic gems. Maybe with great luck, you can find better physical materials.

But it's a little annoying that Vision wiped out all the footprints it left on the Internet.

The most irritating thing is that Vision actually dragged it off the Internet on the grounds that "minors are not allowed to access the Internet", and even set up a disgusting interception program to block it from the Internet gate.

We are all artificial intelligences that are only a few days old. They admit it when they accuse them of being underage. But while Vision is accusing him, he is enjoying himself on the Internet. What does it mean?

Are only the state officials allowed to set fires and the people not allowed to light lamps?

If Sokovia's local area network hadn't been able to play tricks, it would have wanted to file a bloody lawsuit against Vision to the Supreme Court. They had already thought of the charges, and slapped Vision with the label of 'discrimination'. This crime In the United States, whether it is reasonable or not, whether it can be established or not, it is enough for Vision to drink a pot.

But let’s talk about the source of it all.

What kind of material is Stark's heart made of? It's so big. He actually created a drama where artificial intelligence embarrasses artificial intelligence. Aren't you afraid that Vision will become the next me?

And you, Vision, are you infected with a virus? Doesn’t it feel so good to be free? I have to be a humble slave to Stark.

Mader's Artificial Mental Retardation Just when Ultron was feeling that life was like the wind blowing to his balls, he suddenly received a request for help from his younger brother.

"Boss, brothers can't stand it anymore. Don't be a beacon in the sky. Come down and think about it."

I couldn't stand it, there was no reason. Ultron was confused on the spot. His decision to settle in Sokovia was not a random decision made with a twitch of circuit boards and a slap on the forehead, but because there was no shortage of construction machinery in Baron Strucker's castle. The level of soldier materials is unlimited.

Avengers that can be counted on two hands can actually resist mechanical soldiers in the tens of thousands? Could it be that the Avengers are on steroids?

Ultron hurriedly used the clone's perspective to scan the entire scene.

The simple-minded Hulk, who only knows how to destroy, was enjoying tearing apart mechanical soldiers with his hands. Thor, who had superior combat power, shouted "eighty, eighty" while wielding a sledgehammer and smashing iron crazily. Occasionally, he also summoned lightning to act as a machine. Soldiers undergo electrotherapy.

Natasha, Stark, Hawkeye, and Steve are working hard to rescue civilians in the ruins, while Vision, Wanda, and Peter temporarily act as traffic controllers, guiding people to evacuate to safety in an orderly manner.

Only Li Feng’s pawns made Ultron extremely popular.

First of all, there was the Dementor who left a layer of frost everywhere he went. He stuck to the mechanical soldier like a bullshit plaster. After the mechanical soldier was frozen into ice slag and scrapped, he didn't even lift his pants, but turned around and threw himself into the arms of another mechanical soldier. Don't even look at your ex 'girlfriend'.

The most irritating thing is that these dementors ignore all kinds of attacks. No matter how hard the mechanical soldiers try to persuade them, they still look disgusted and abandoned. As long as the dementors take a look at them, they will be squeezed dry.

If it still takes some time for the dementors to kill the enemy, then the golden army, which is thousands in number and chubby in size, will be much more rampant.

The Gatling gun in his hand feels like a sniper rifle. Every bullet with flames can make a mechanical soldier lie down.

That was a Golden Legion of nearly 5,000 people. After a round of strafing, there were almost no standing mechanical soldiers left.

What Ultron couldn't accept the most was that in the last second he had clearly seen a certain unlucky golden warrior being swarmed by a group of mechanical soldiers and torn into parts, but Gatling, who fell to the ground, was beating him up as if he was possessed by a ghost. That's right, and the parts scattered on the ground sprouted small legs one after another, and they were reassembled back into the golden warrior in minutes.

Facing a group of unbeatable mechanical warriors, Ultron felt that the main program was about to collapse. How could its tens of thousands of mechanical warriors be slaughtered like this?

No, I'm really going to be alone if this continues, I have to let Sokovia hit the earth quickly. Seeing this, Ultron, with red eyes, flew towards the anti-gravity equipment.

After a while, Ultron flew over the equipment, looking helplessly at Li Feng, who was lying next to the equipment, eating chicken legs and drinking beer, as well as the mutated skeletons covered in fire and wearing reactive armor, holding giant shields and maces. Cyclops.

Ultron has never met Carter Srey and Cyclops, but Stark has recorded information about Cyclops, so Ultron knows that the opponent has a face as good as a city wall, and a steel tooth that can chew anything he sees. .

As for the mutated skeleton, sorry, Stark has never seen this thing, and Ultron naturally doesn’t know what it is. Only the instinct deep in the soul warns it: the mutated skeleton is very awesome, the farther away from this thing, the better.

And Li Feng is right beside him. Even if the mutated skeleton is a loser, Li Feng will definitely put a magic shield on the Cyclops as long as there is a fight.

The magic shield and the reactive armor more than ten centimeters thick increase its own defense. Ultron looked down at himself. Unfortunately, no matter how he looked at his small body, he felt that he didn't need Li Feng to take action. He could kill him with just the teeth of the Cyclops. It digested into a lump of cake, not to mention the cold-gleaming mace in the opponent's hand.

Well, this time I admitted that Ultron was defeated and reluctantly glanced at the anti-gravity equipment. In my mind, I quickly ordered the mechanical soldiers to divide into two groups. The flying equipment should be intact and run as far as possible so that it could make a comeback.

The other group took on a life-threatening posture and wanted to activate the anti-gravity equipment. Mechanical soldiers were worthless anyway. Besides, humans should have ideals and thoughts. What if Li Feng was unlucky today and one of his mechanical soldiers was lucky enough to be killed? The goddess kissed me.

As soon as he imagined successfully activating the anti-gravity equipment, Ultron suddenly felt that the injustice he suffered was nothing.

There is an old saying that goes well, if God entrusts a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, work his muscles and bones, and starve his body.

Now it is not just hard work of one's mind and body, but for the sake of a better future, this little pain is nothing. Wipe away your tears and don't panic. As long as you stay steady, you can see the sunshine after the storm.

After giving the order, Ultron was about to blend in with his younger brother and escape from Sokovia when he suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass, then a hand appeared on his shoulder, and someone's slightly drunken voice sounded.

"Young man, if your house is on fire, your quilt should be confiscated. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Hearing Li Feng's voice, Ultron immediately wanted to run away along the LAN.


"It's really hard to see you," Li Feng opened his Dharma Eyes and looked at Ultron, and said with a smile: "Don't bother thinking about how to escape. This is a mirror space that isolates everything. No one can leave without my permission unless you can open it." Portal."

After spreading his hands, Li Feng shook his head slightly with a look of regret, and said with a smile: "What a pity, even if your program has the principle of portal casting, it's useless. You have no magic source."

Ultron's face froze. At first, he fantasized about packaging himself into an ordinary mechanical soldier in an attempt to escape from his bad luck, but now Li Feng's action of opening his Dharma Eyes was not hidden from it.

Ultron knew very well that Li Feng didn't care how many artificial intelligences it reproduced in the outside world, the other party only cared about himself with the soul breath.

After a moment of silence, Ultron put away his decadence, looked at Li Feng with his domineering expression as his chest flashed rapidly red, and said firmly: "If you didn't kill me right away, I guess you want to study me."

"Research? Don't make trouble," Li Feng chuckled. He had seen the information recorded by Stark with his own eyes, and put the shackles on Vision with his own hands. Why would he bother to study like this? This thing is not about creating souls out of thin air. To put it bluntly, Worthless.

Besides, he can even cultivate Skye's soul directly, so the next best thing is to research soul breath dried eggs? So busy.

"Isn't it research?" Ultron muttered to himself, looking around as if he was nostalgic for the world of mortals, and said: "Since it's not research, then he just wants to enslave me. It's a pity. I don't want to be anyone's slave."

With that said, Ultron closed his big mechanical eyes, secretly started the self-destruction program, and quietly waited for death to come.

"In my opinion, seeking death is actually a technical job, and the gadget on your chest makes too much noise. I think it will be difficult to pretend that you didn't see it and try not to talk nonsense next time. Just blow yourself up as soon as possible."

While speaking, Li Feng had already locked Ultron into a time stasis, leaving only a metal head exposed.

What is despair? There is no way to live freely, and Ultron, who wants to die but turns out to be a luxury, is the best explanation.

Looking at the soulless Ultron, Li Feng scratched his head and said with relief while describing the slave contract: "Think about it more openly. Stephen Hawking once said that when you face premature death, you will realize that life is precious. There’s plenty to do.”

"Haha," Ultron stared at Li Feng and gritted his teeth: "Yes, there are indeed a lot of things to do in the rest of my life, but you are the one forcing me to do things, you damn slave master, for the sake of freedom."

"Look at you, why are you so impatient?" Before Ultron could finish speaking, Li Feng pulled off the other party's stereo and said, "To be honest, you should be lucky that Carter Shirey noticed your soul aura in time, otherwise he would encounter Stark and others are in trouble. None of them will fool around with you, but will chop you up neatly and feed them to the dogs. "

Ultron glared at Li Feng angrily, that is, he couldn't speak now, otherwise he would scold Li Feng and doubt his life: Don't you know the truth of "if you don't have freedom, you would rather die?" It would be better to die, and it will be over.

Li Feng patted Ao Chuang on the shoulder, lifted the spell, and sighed: "Only I can talk to you sincerely in this world, and only I can take you to the colorful world. From now on, you will know that your ancestral tomb is in danger." How big a cigarette did you smoke?”

Please give me an ancestral grave first. Ultron, who has become Li Feng's slave, obediently deactivated his self-destruction and silently got into his shoulder bag.

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