Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 415 Chapter 414 This pot is taken, it seems like hitting someone

Seeing a large number of lifeboats carrying medical equipment docked in Sokovia, Steve breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his frown, and turned to be curious about Natasha's experience.

"What did Austin do to you that angered the heavens and the people?"

"What did he do, humph," Natasha bit her back teeth and said angrily: "This guy's golden warrior actually attacked me and shot."

Attack a partner! Steve's pupils shrank. Attacking a companion on the battlefield is always a serious crime, and being shot on the spot is a light punishment.

This is a stab in the back. If it were in ancient times, it would be enough to kill nine clans.

Fury's head was also buzzing. Although Li Feng in his impression had a bad personality and liked to take advantage of others behind the scenes, he never let him down when it came to the safety of the earth.

At least from the cooperation with SHIELD several times, Li Feng handled it in a good manner.

Why did he suddenly attack Natasha? Fury rubbed his temples, becoming more and more confused. He asked tentatively, "Natasha, do you have any misunderstandings?"

"What a misunderstanding, this guy deserves to be punished."

Natasha knew that the attack was a misunderstanding. After all, she was still alive, which was evidence. Otherwise, facing the inhumane golden warrior, her body would be cold.

But she was also puzzled. Why did the golden warrior attack her for no reason? And it was an attack that started well but ended badly, as if the golden warrior was bored and just wanted to scare her for fun.

"Before, I rescued a group of refugees from the ruins. Since there were too many people, I found a school bus to take everyone to a safe area. As a result, we encountered Austin's round mechanical soldiers halfway. Guess what this 'get out of here' mechanical soldier did to us."

Natasha led the refugees to the aerospace mothership and said with a grudge: "You actually raised the Gatling gun to shoot at me. If it weren't for the amulet to block the bullet, I might have covered the national flag now."

She called herself 'old lady'. It seems that Natasha was scared. But it's true. That's a modified version of the Gatling gun. Who knows if you have a chance to go to heaven after being hit

No, the golden warrior uses magic flames. It's a question whether the soul will be there after being hit. So we have to thank Austin's amulet?

Unfortunately, only Austin can make amulets. If SHIELD agents have several amulets, how much bulletproof vests can be saved

Uh, it seems that I have gone too far. Fury quickly retracted his scattered thoughts and said expressionlessly: "What happened next? Did the golden soldiers chase you?"

"That's not the case," Natasha continued, "I stepped on the accelerator and smashed the other party into pieces, but the school bus was also scrapped."

"When I got off the car to check, the golden warrior had returned to its original state." After a pause, Natasha continued with confusion: "It was just that the other party glanced at the school bus a few times and then patted his butt and left without even looking at me."

"Why do I feel that it is attacking the school bus?" Fury made a simple judgment in an instant.

On the other side, Li Feng took back his subordinates such as Dementors and Golden Warriors, and sauntered towards the aerospace mothership while nibbling chicken legs and drinking beer.

Along the way, Li Feng carefully recorded the environment, analyzing which should be flattened to build the Colosseum, which should be dug to build a lake for fish farming, and which piece of land is suitable for growing food.

For a moment, Li Feng felt that he was worried about the people of Asgard, and even lamented that his reincarnation skills were not in place. If he was reincarnated in Asgard, Thor would have no chance of getting the throne, and public opinion would force Odin to give him the throne.

After a long time, when most of the refugees from Sokovia moved to the aerospace mothership, Natasha saw Li Feng burping.

Still in the mood to drink? ! Natasha smiled at Li Feng with anger.

Li Feng didn't understand, and simply thought Natasha was concerned about whether he was injured.

Good man, Li Feng waved at Natasha and patted his chest, indicating that he was fine.

"Haha," Natasha sneered twice, turned to face Steve, smiled with 8 teeth, and said sweetly: "Captain, can I borrow your shield?"

What a weird smile Steve was so scared that he quickly offered the shield behind him with both hands, and at the same time silently lit a candle for Li Feng in his heart, praying: May you go peacefully, Amen

After a while, Steve heard the sound of fighting from a distance, and occasionally heard Natasha's cursing, and Li Feng's cursing response.

5 minutes later

Natasha, with a bruised face, returned the shield to Steve, who looked silly, and said, "Thanks."

"Uh~ You're welcome," Steve took the shield and put it behind him. He hesitated and asked carefully, "Did Austin fight back?"

As the saying goes, you should admit your mistakes and stand at attention when you are beaten. In his opinion, the Golden Warrior shooting Natasha was a pure misunderstanding, but it was also true that Natasha was frightened by a bullet, so as the owner of the Golden Warrior, Li Feng was beaten by Natasha to vent his anger.

But Li Feng's fight back was a bit ungentlemanly, and he beat Natasha to the point where her mother could hardly recognize her.

Natasha's face froze, and she rubbed the bruises on the corners of her mouth and explained, "That guy had his shield on."

I see, Austin's shield will rebound, the harder he hits, the more unlucky he will be. Steve glanced at Natasha's injuries and said speechlessly, "So you actually hurt yourself."

In a sense, it really was Natasha nodded in frustration, and silently walked towards the medical staff, ready to ask for some ice cubes to apply.

At this time, Li Feng, who was also bruised and swollen, walked quietly to Steve and complained: "Steve, the shield is your true love. Even if you don't care about whether the shield is alive or the shield is dead, you can't do it casually. Lend your shield to someone else."

Li Feng pointed at the bruises on his face and said aggrievedly: "Look at Natasha patting me, my brains are almost coming out."

"I don't have the oath to protect the shield and the others," Steve shrugged and asked curiously, "Why did the Golden Warrior attack Natasha?"

Speaking of this matter, what else can Li Feng do besides secretly channeling bad luck? Who gave the original order to ‘cut off every living thing except the living ones’?

Is there a problem with the Golden Warrior ‘cutting’ the moving school bus? This thing is not a living person, and it belongs to the category of moving. The golden warrior carries out his instructions seriously, and there is no fault at all.

He just didn't expect the golden warrior to be so 'well-behaved' and do whatever he said.

The one who takes the blame seems to be beating someone.

"Hey~" Li Feng sighed, applied a few healing spells on himself, and said depressedly: "It's hard to explain in words. Anyway, I removed the shield to let Natasha vent her anger, and also gave her a few amulets and a prop. , this ends here.”

In order to prevent Steve from asking for details due to his overwhelming curiosity, Li Feng abruptly changed the subject and said: "Is there anyone else in Sokovia?"

Steve explained casually: "I don't know, Stark and Vision are still searching for signs of life. Their equipment can ensure that there are no refugees in the ruins, and can also detect signs of life of people who are in coma."

Speaking of this, Steve suddenly remembered something and asked in a low voice: "Uh~ Can the magic lamp make Sokovia land safely?"

"No." Li Feng spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "The anti-gravity equipment is made of vibranium. This thing is very powerful, and Jia Fang's ability is not enough."

As for the facts, haha, if Sokovia is restored, where will the Asgardians live? He also wants to maximize the benefits.

Steve continued to ask unwillingly: "If Sokovia is blown to pieces, will the magic lamp be able to restore Sokovia to its original appearance?"

"It's possible," Li Feng scratched his head and said bluntly after his brain cells were running at high speed: "But I'm attracted to this. I don't want Sokovia to restore its original appearance, and I don't allow you to blow it up."

Steve was a little puzzled. Sokovia's territory was indeed larger than the lakeside, but Li Feng himself knew space expansion technology, and the land area was of no use to him.

Secondly, there is the scenery. What is the scenery of Sokovia? It is boring to look at it except for the ruins.

As for the lakeside, there is no shortage of flowers, grass, trees, and water. The air is so good that it can reach your lungs. As long as you are a normal person, you will choose to live by the lake.

If I had to say the advantage of living in Sokovia, it might be that the city can fly and is a veritable city in the sky.

It's just that this thing requires energy to fly. Once the gravity engine fails, the humans living below Sokovia will face catastrophe.

Steve said: "The mage and the city in the sky are indeed a good match, but have you ever thought about the inner shadow of the people living below the city?"

It's none of my business. Li Feng pointed to the top of his head and said, "Don't worry, my idea is to place Sokovia in Earth orbit."

Your operation is really incomprehensible. Steve thought for a moment, pointed at the space carrier with his chin, took off the communicator and asked in a low voice: "Why did you go to space to live? Are you worried about something?"

Li Feng gave Steve a look that said, "You're not stupid." He nodded and said, "There are too many people spying on you secretly, so I don't even dare to do some magic experiments."

As soon as he finished speaking, Stark, who had been eavesdropping on the public channel before, landed next to the two of them and asked curiously: "What experiment are you going to do?"

Li Feng scratched his head and thought: Steve is very strict. Besides, talking to him can put SHIELD at ease and save me from causing trouble every day. As for Stark, he originally wanted to get him to join the gang, so tell him in advance. He has nothing

Just talking about experiments makes me angry. I'm a mage. Why did I learn nuclear physics and quantum physics? Now it's even more related to biology. If I don't get Ultron, I'm afraid I'll have to step into the field of AI in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Feng reached out and made a gesture of invitation, dragging the two of them towards an uninhabited corner.

Stark and Steve looked at each other, and they instantly understood that the experiment Li Feng wanted to do was probably not simple.

In the corner, Li Feng put his arms around their shoulders and whispered: "I got some air elves who can control time."

Holding the grass, Stark clutched his chest as if he was afraid of cardiac arrest, and breathed quickly: "Can the air elf make me the same as Strange?"

Li Feng covered his face and rolled his eyes wildly: Can the air elf compare with the Eye of Agamottu? You stick

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