Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 421 Chapter 420 Blitz Biopharmaceutical Group

At this time, Blitzcrank's heart was full of mixed feelings and ups and downs.

Originally, when Li Feng faced the energy impact, it had calculated that the energy level was slightly higher than the energy level used by Thor, and Thor used divine power, so the owner of the energy was obviously a more powerful god than Thor, and Li Feng had no reason to survive.

But seeing freedom was just around the corner, the stubborn Kreacher suddenly turned the situation around regardless of his own safety.

Blitzcrank was confused: Isn't freedom good?

Blitzcrank didn't know whether Kreacher had signed a slave contract with Li Feng, nor did he know whether Kreacher's act of saving the master was voluntary. It only knew that it wanted to strangle Kreacher to death.

The song "Professional Team" played when the black man carried the coffin was prepared, but Li Feng didn't die.

Tell me if this is annoying.

If it's just annoying, forget it, just think that Li Feng is lucky. Anyway, judging by his personality, there will be many more times of suicide in the future. If he makes a mistake once, hehe, there will be plenty of opportunities to gain freedom.

But when the three escaped from danger and determined Kreacher's injury, Li Feng took out some kind of great and thunder-like divine power and poured it into Kreacher's small body, Blitz began to envy and hate again.

That was a high-level divine power, not a cabbage on the roadside. Didn't Li Feng know how precious this thing was?

If these high-level divine powers were given to it, it would be no problem to beat Stark, not to mention Li Feng.

Don't believe it? Just look at the destroyer of Asgard and you will know that robots with divine power and robots without divine power are completely different.

Now it's good. Just look at Li Feng throwing the container storing divine power aside and you will know that all the divine power has belonged to Kreacher.

Although most of the power of divine power is used to suppress the corrosive divine power, there will still be a small amount of divine power to change Kreacher's physique, making his future path as a mage smooth.

The only disadvantage may be that it will be affected by the thunder divine power, which will be more troublesome for Kreacher to be promoted to a true god in the future.

Blitz felt a little regretful. If he had known that Li Feng would not die, would he have gained some benefits by showing off his existence? Divine power is a bit far away, but it is always okay to get some private space.

Unfortunately, he did not have regret medicine in his pocket.

In addition, what Blitz could not stand the most was Kreacher's concern for Li Feng.

He asked Li Feng if he was injured as soon as he opened his eyes. Was this a true expression of his feelings or did it mean that the master and servant had a good relationship?

In an instant, loneliness, envy, emptiness and other emotions occupied Blitz's heart: it seemed that there was a safe harbor to dock.

On the side, Li Feng was not clear about Blitz's complex inner changes. After all, he had a lot of younger brothers. There were more than 300 Dementors alone, as well as the younger brothers of S.H.I.E.L.D., Carter Slay and many other servants.

If everyone's thoughts were always in his head, Li Feng would go crazy.

Now he only knew that Kreacher survived.

"I'm fine," Li Feng sat down on the ground, took a long breath, and sighed, "Thank you, Kreacher, you saved my life again."

"Hehe," Kreacher scratched his head shyly, and said, "This is what Kreacher should do."

Looking at the two people who seemed to be "kind father and filial son", Blitz glanced at Kreacher with envy, handed the "Akamanla" plaque to Li Feng, and said, "Master, do we still have to go to the pyramid of Carmenla's parents to find the real stone door?"

"Looking for a fart," Li Feng cursed angrily. A fake stone door can provoke Anubis. If he opens the real door to the land of the dead, where will his life go?

Li Feng shuddered all over, and hurriedly shook his head to get rid of the image of himself being beaten. With the help of Kreacher, he stood up and ordered: "Blitz, get me a legal identity."

After a pause, Li Feng suddenly remembered something and added: "I want to study biology. What schools can you recommend?"

Blitz was a little embarrassed. It was an easy and pleasant job for it to make a fake student ID, but a fake one was fake and could not withstand inspection.

Take Harvard admission as an example. Grades are easy to say. Blitz can easily hack into the database and make up a transcript for Li Feng with all A+.

But how to do the interview they asked for? It would be strange if a poor student like Li Feng could pass the interview.

Could it be made to look like Li Feng to deal with the interviewer?

Analyzing with its Internet speed, it would scare the interviewers to death in minutes. Maybe after the interview, the other party would ask "Li Feng" not to be a student and just be a professor.

Then the scene of waiting for the real Li Feng to appear was too beautiful, and Blitz dared not think about it.

After thinking for a while, Blitz gave a more sincere suggestion, saying: "Master, how about I get some money to start a biological company, and you can learn from the researchers. Then you will be the big boss, and you can ask directly if you don't understand anything. Most employees will not dare to hide anything from you."

Li Feng scratched his head. It was indeed troublesome to get through school.

Things like slow learning are easy to say, but as a qualified poor student, you should have the characteristics of a poor student. For example, when the teacher is imparting knowledge on the podium, the normal operation of a poor student is that his eyelids will fight unconsciously, and the whole person will be sleepy to death.

"Okay, I'll leave the company to you," Li Feng gave Blitz a look of "I'm optimistic about you", and patted his shoulder as encouragement, and then carefully opened the portal as big as a human head.

Blitz understood Li Feng's thoughts in seconds, and volunteered: "Master, I'll go to the real world to check."

As he said, Blitz stretched his head out of the mirror space.

A minute later, Blitz retracted his head and said happily: "Boss, there is nothing outside, except snow, and I just connected to the satellite and know that we are in the Himalayas."

After a pause, Blitz glanced at Li Feng obscurely and added in a low voice: "If it was the previous world, we should have seen the palace of Kamar-Taj."

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about," Li Feng, who understood why Blitz whispered, admitted generously: "People subconsciously run to the safe zone in a crisis, which is normal behavior."

"What's wrong with me wanting to use the power of Kamar-Taj to avoid danger?"

Li Feng spread his hands and said: "Although this is an alternate dimension, there is no Kamar-Taj in this parallel universe."

You are stubborn, what you say is what you mean, and what is wrong is also right. Blitz respectfully made a gesture of invitation, indicating Li Feng to leave the mirror space.

Manhattan, New York.

In the underground laboratory of the 'Blitz Biopharmaceutical Group' building, Li Feng circled around a robot that looked like the Terminator T800. Kreacher didn't understand and followed closely behind Li Feng.

After a long time, Li Feng touched his chin and asked, "Blitz, are you copying the governor?"

You really don't understand why I changed my body shape? Blitz complained with a bit of grievance: "Master, you are a hands-off boss. You don't care about anything except staying in the laboratory and studying, but I have to manage the group."

"The problem is that maintaining the transformation will produce energy radiation, which is easy to be detected by instruments when attending certain high-end banquets, and the round body of the golden warrior is not easy to disguise. Even if I put on bionic skin, anyone with a discerning eye can guess that I am not a normal human."

"I changed my appearance just to facilitate daily management and reduce trouble." While speaking, Blitz saw Li Feng lost in thought, thinking that Li Feng was not satisfied with the new look, it thought about it and whispered: "How about I change back to my original body shape? The round golden warrior looks cute no matter how you look at it"

How should I evaluate you on this point Li Feng rolled his eyes and waved his hand, saying, "No, it's fine this way. I'm thinking about other things."

"The structure of the golden warrior is more suitable for ground combat, but the future may not only be ground combat, the air force is the general trend." As he said, Li Feng took out a handful of 'golden beans' and handed them to Blitz, saying, "Since you want to transform yourself, why not take the time to help your brothers transform as well."

Blitz took the 'golden beans' and heard Li Feng continue, "Don't worry, we will stay here for ten years. Now it's nine and a half years, I think this time is enough for you to transform them all into air forces."

"Yes, master, Blitz promises to complete the task," Blitz said, saluted respectfully, and left the laboratory holding a handful of golden beans.

Kreacher looked at Blitz's disappearing back, frowned and reminded: "Boss, although you don't mind Blitz's transformation, it will notify you after the transformation. Does Kreacher need to warn it?"

Li Feng picked up the 'Akamanla' plaque and said indifferently: "No, no matter how Blitz transforms itself, its soul is always controlled by me, and it can't make any big waves. Besides, I can feel that this guy wants to integrate into us, and privately transforming himself is nothing more than testing my bottom line."

"If I really don't give Blitz any free space, I'm afraid this guy will be a rigid artificial intelligence in the future."

Li Feng's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled while touching the 'Akamanla' plaque: "Kreacher, if Blitz is honest in the future, will you agree with it?"

Kreacher said without thinking: "As long as the boss agrees, Blitz is Kreacher's partner. If the boss doesn't agree, Blitz is Kreacher's enemy."

Your answer is too damn perfect. Li Feng shook his head, retracted his random thoughts, and immersed his mind in the 'Akamanla' plaque.

The functions of the Akamanla plaque are too extensive, and some of them are completely useless in Li Feng's eyes, such as "resurrecting" an empty shell of an airplane with full health.

It's not that he doesn't know how to transform. He can turn a chair into a lively animal. Why does he study spells to "resurrect" airplanes, stone statues, and dolls? He is so idle.

What Li Feng wants is to "resurrect" mummies and "resurrect" dead people.

Days pass by, and every time the sun rises from the horizon, the researchers of the "Blitz Biopharmaceutical Group" will follow Li Feng, and when night falls, Li Feng, who is ready to study hard, will secretly return to his own laboratory to study the "Akamanla" plaque.

Until the day when the quantum energy is about to pass, Li Feng, with a chicken coop hairstyle, finally figured out the real resurrection technique.

As long as the body is not rotten, I can resurrect you.

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