Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 429 Chapter 428 God War·Eye of Power

Li Feng had just taken out the 'Akamanra' plaque and the soul gem to resurrect the little girl, when a childish questioning sound suddenly sounded behind him.

"Hey who are you and what do you want to do to my Saya."

Oh~ So the female corpse is named Saya? The name sounds okay, but I won't comment on the appearance. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this girl's figure is both sexy and slim.

Uh~ Wait a minute, what does ‘what do I want to do’ mean? Li Feng looked behind him angrily, confirming that the childish voice came from an ordinary young man, and joked: "It's just for show, what else can I do besides whipping corpses? What, do you have a special interest in female corpses? Tell me. Let me raise my posture."

"How dare you!" The young man's temper was instantly ignited. He waved his fist and greeted Li Feng in the face. At the same time, he was not forgiving and cursed: "Boy, you came to the wrong place and provoked the wrong person. I pray for your safety." God bless you"

"Quack." Li Feng impatiently interrupted the young man's words, lightly snapped his fingers and cast a spell to turn the other person into a sheep, and said with a sinister smile: "It's been years since anyone called me kid, little brat, I'm very courageous, I don't know how it tastes when roasted. .By the way, the specific steps for roasting a whole lamb are to shave it first or to stab it first?”

"By the way, where should I start this knife to ensure that the sheepskin is intact?" As he spoke, Li Feng looked blankly at a light blue orb under the sheep's hind leg.

The Sheep Transformation Technique, as the name suggests, can turn the other party into a sheep to be slaughtered, including the other party's clothes, coins and other personal belongings becoming part of the sheep.

But now the other party turned into a sheep and actually dropped an orb, the kind of orb that exudes divine power. This is interesting.

Ordinary people have artifacts! Is this a rhythm where there are as many gods as dogs and artifacts are everywhere? Li Feng, who suddenly burst into laughter, could only think of the wonderful sound of the collision while walking in a magical costume.

Don't panic, hold on tight, in case the orb is just a Xibei product, I'd better make sure it's real or fake first. I'll be happy. Li Feng silently advised himself a few words, then took a deep breath to calm down his excitement, and stepped forward to pick up the orb and inspect it carefully.

"Baa~? Baa!!!" The young man was so frightened by Li Feng that he clamped his hind limbs together. He didn't know that Li Feng wanted to pick up the orb. He only knew that Li Feng turned himself into a sheep and enthusiastically discussed how to skin the sheep and how to use it. He looked at his tender anus with unclear eyes.

It's just that as a human being, he has long been accustomed to walking upright. It was obviously a bit uncoordinated to suddenly use all four limbs to run. In addition, it was such a difficult movement to retreat. He only took one step back and fell to the ground. He watched Li Feng pick up the orb in fear. .

It's really an artifact, but why does it look like someone's eyeball? Li Feng tipped the orb, cast a spell to remove the deformation spell, and asked with a serious face: "What is this? Where did it come from? And who are you, where are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Baker, my name is Baker." Returning to his human form, Baker knew clearly that the man in front of him belonged to the 'untouchable uncle' series, and answered honestly: "These are the eyes of the sky god 'Horus'. This is what I came here for." Save people.”

As he spoke, Baker looked at the female corpse on the carriage affectionately and explained: "This is the Tomb of Osiris and the place of exile for Horus. I want to exchange the Eye of Horus for my lover."

Horus, God of the Sky? Ancient Egyptian gods exist in this world! Li Feng's muscles tensed and he looked carefully at the temple.

Li Feng, who is familiar with myths and stories from various countries, knows that Horus is both the god of the sky and the god of revenge. At the same time, he is also the son of Osiris.

It's just his appearance. According to legend, this guy looks like a human from the neck down, but has the head of an eagle or a falcon from the neck up, making him a proper bird-headed man.

As for the strength of Horus, Li Feng said that he had never beaten him and did not know. However, judging from the minimal divine power he sensed in the temple, this guy was currently a weak scumbag who could be slapped to death.

"What did Horus commit, why was he exiled, and whether he is seriously injured now. I always feel that he is so weak that he is about to burp," Li Feng asked while thinking about the myths related to Horus.

"Uh~ It's a bit difficult to explain, but let me"

Before Baker could explain Resurrection Saya's request in detail, Li Feng showed an impatient expression and interrupted fiercely: "Then let's make the story short."

If you hadn't seen how easily you could turn me into a sheep, I would have really wanted to spit on your face. While he was cursing, Baker explained very quickly:

"For a long time, Egypt was ruled by the two sons of the god Ra. Among them, the god of life, Osiris, was in charge of all the fertile lands on the banks of the Nile, while the god of desert, Set, was in charge of the dry, barren deserts. ”

"A few years ago, the old Osiris was about to step down from the throne and announced that he would pass the throne to Horus. However, Seth, who was dissatisfied with having to hide in the desert and suffer, secretly raised an army and led his army on the day of Horus's coronation ceremony. After killing Osiris and stealing Horus's eyes in public, Seth's first order after putting on the crown was to exile Horus."

"As for me, I'm just a thief forced by life." Baker glanced at Li Feng secretly. Seeing that Li Feng didn't show any discrimination, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Set's rule is very rough and wild. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed, even if the opponent is a god, he will not escape the fate of being killed. "

"My love." Baker looked at Saya affectionately again, and after a moment of silence he said bitterly: "Saya thinks Horus is the savior, and asked me to go to Set's treasure house to steal the Eye of Horus to help. Horus rescues the overwhelmed Egyptian people."

"In the end, I stole the Eye of Horus, but Saya also died because of it."

Baker was sad for a long time, glanced at the temple, showed a smile as fake as he wanted, spread his hands and said: "As for whether Horus is seriously injured, boss, I am only a mortal, I can't see what Horus's current condition is, but after losing He is indeed much weaker with his eyes, at least it would not be easy for him to kill me."

Following Baker's explanation and Li Feng occasionally interrupting to ask for details, he roughly guessed that he had traveled to the world of 'War of Gods and Eye of Power'.

Speaking of the gods of this world, it is quite easy to recognize them, after all, they were born tall.

Of course, the so-called tall people only refer to the height of mortals. If these guys were born in the Marvel world, haha, Jubi is a relative of the dwarves. It's okay and they didn't run away.

If you insist on distinguishing the difference between the two, maybe the dwarves belong to the family who have a mine, and all of them are tall and round-waisted.

The gods in the world of "God War: Eye of Power" are thin dwarves, the kind who are so hard-working that they are "skin and bones".

In addition, the gods in the world of "God War·Eye of Power" can transform into corresponding beasts to increase their own attack, defense or auxiliary capabilities.

For example, Horus is a "thin dwarf" who looks like a human under normal circumstances. Although his strength is stronger than that of mortals, his strength is limited. At least Li Feng feels that he can beat the opponent with one hand.

But once Horus appeared with his wings extended on his back and an eagle's head on his head, his strength, speed and other statistics immediately soared by a level.

Well, Li Feng must at least use both hands and feet to compete.

The last and most enviable thing for Li Feng is that the blood flowing in the veins of the gods of this world is not bright red blood, but golden blood full of '¥', as if gold melts.

In other words, if these gods are short of money one day, they don't need to find a bank loan at all, they can just give themselves some blood to solve the financial crisis.

This made Li Feng couldn't help but want to catch a god, bring it back to the Marvel world and provide it with delicious food and drinks every day, and then drain blood into the lake on time every day.

This is a walking 'little golden man'. If there are enough blood-enhancing medicinal materials, haha, the 13,000 tons of gold from the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is nothing.

Of course, there are also things about the gods in the world of 'God War - Eye of Power' that puzzle Li Feng. For example, the lifespan of demigods is measured in units of thousands of years, but these ancient Egyptian gods only have a lifespan of 1,000 years.

A true god tries his best to live but still cannot outlast a demigod? This joke was taken too far.

Since there is a true god in this world, and he seems to be a weak one. Li Feng touched his chin. Being aware of the development of the plot, he couldn't help but fantasize about how to gain benefits and contribute to his own path to becoming a god.


Considering that Horus is also the grandson of the sun god ‘Ra’ after all, and ‘Ra’ in this world is roughly comparable to the heavenly father-level Odin, Li Feng felt that he needed to stand in line first, otherwise he would only get the benefits by making wedding clothes for others.

By the way, I also want to show off some strength in front of Horus, which will save the guy from chirping.

Thinking of this, Li Feng, who was cautious, put on his armor and cast a spell to float Saya behind him. As he walked towards the temple, he said, "Baker, you are lucky. As long as Anubis nods and promises not to trouble me, even if Horu He doesn’t know the resurrection technique.”

Li Feng patted his chest and abdomen and promised: "I, Master Austin, will help you resurrect Saya."

"Haha, thank you,"

Your name is Austin? This name is weird enough. He's not a local, right? Baker gave a fake smile, obviously he still didn't believe in Li Feng's ability. In his heart, what if Li Feng had magical means?

Looking at Li Feng, who is slightly taller than himself, he knows that he is a mortal, and mortals are always just mortals. How can he be stronger than Horus, who was born as a god?

Now that the stronger Horus has agreed to help rescue Saya, it doesn't matter whether there is Li Feng's promise or not.

Inside the temple.

Li Feng curiously looked at the blindfolded man, who wore a linen skirt around his waist and was as tall as Horus, a dwarf in the Marvel Universe.

"Who are you?" Sensing Li Feng's malicious look, Horus frowned, tightened the scepter in his hand, and asked.

"My name is Austin. I just thought the weather was nice, so I came out to make a pot of soy sauce." Li Feng made a random joke, floated Saya in front of Horus, and said with a half-smile: "But I accidentally heard a certain god He brazenly claimed to know resurrection. Resurrection. Please forgive my ignorance. I have never seen anyone perform resurrection in my life, so after hearing the news, I immediately put aside the soy sauce and shamelessly came in to gain some knowledge. "

"God of the Sky, don't mind if I witness you showing off your power." After speaking, Li Feng pulled Baker a few steps back, indicating that he had no ill intentions, and said: "Boss, please start your performance."

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