When it comes to serious battles, Seth is not bragging. He really has never been afraid of anyone. After all, in addition to being the God of the Desert, he is also known as the God of Strength and War.

All combat-related skills were maxed out hundreds of years ago, and Seth even dared to challenge Ra when he was wearing a divine outfit.

So normally, even if the magic suit is not with him, as long as he completes the transformation and appears with the head of a jackal, he can still rub Li Feng's head like eating and drinking.


Speaking of unlucky things, Seth's "left concubine" and "right concubine" were busy holding Toth's brain and pinching Saya, and had no time to help in the fight.

Therefore, Seth found out awkwardly that unless he created a leg skill similar to the 'Foshan Shadowless Kick' on the spot, he would really be unable to defeat Li Feng for a while.

Madan, you must have deliberately jumped out to cause trouble at this juncture. Seth looked at Li Feng with a gloomy face and calm eyes. While planning how to fight in his heart, he asked: "Who are you? Horus' little helper." ?”

"Uh~ I think I'm a helper, the kind who gets paid."

With that said, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal connecting to the library. While signaling Thoth, whose eyes were gradually regaining color, to quickly think of ways to rescue Horus, he continued chatting with Seth as if he were talking to Seth:

"If you can pay a higher reward, I don't mind helping you kill Horus. Really, I keep my word. If you don't believe it, I can swear on Thoth's brain."

Do you think I'm as brainless as Tot? Seth glanced at the bright portal, thought for a moment, and threw Saya, who was so pale from lack of oxygen, towards the portal: Free one hand first and say

Besides, this girl is only a mortal. It is estimated that no one except the mortal named Baker will care about her, so she might as well be used as a test subject.

Seeing that Saya passed through the portal unharmed, rolled a few times and huddled on the ground, Baker wanted to jump into the portal without even thinking about it, knelt beside Saya and called out distressedly: "Saya, Saya"

"Cough~cough~" Saya rubbed her neck with palm prints, coughed dryly for a while and happily fell into Baker's arms. She cried with joy: "I'm okay, it's okay, we are safe."

Seth didn't care whether Saya and Baker entered the 'safe zone'. In his eyes, these two were just mortal eyesores. His focus was on the portal leading to the library.

This thing is actually not an illusion. Since when did mortals actually have space treasures in their hands? Damn it, I don’t even have Seth. My eyes were straightened, and I looked at Li Feng blankly: "Boy, I admit that I underestimated you, so..."

"I will fight you with all my strength,"

By the way, he snatched the space prop and added silently in his heart. Seth reached out and touched his lower back. A scepter with a jackal's head carved on the top instantly appeared in his hand. As he slowly approached Li Feng, he asked, "I'm just curious. Where are you?" The faith that came, the fantasy of saving everyone from me.”

"Just give it a try. Anyway, I won't be the one who dies. If it happens, I'll make a fortune."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Feng, who planned to strike first, suddenly separated into four phantom bodies and surrounded the opponent along both sides of Seth, while he danced his sickle and danced high.

ha? Don't you know that the higher you jump, the faster you die? The idiot saw at a glance that Seth, who was unable to make a real attack through the phantom body, waved his scepter towards Li Feng in mid-air with a thick expression of disdain.

It looked like he was playing golf, and Li Feng was the ball that was about to be hit.

Li Feng curled his lips, and after activating the Reality Stone, he instantly switched places with the phantom body that came behind Seth. The phantom body behind him who was controlling the air continued to maintain a slashing posture, while using the time stasis spell in a sinister manner.

Seth, who was almost overflowing with combat experience, saw Li Feng in mid-air and ignored the scepter that was about to hit his head. He pretended to bite him even if he died, and he instantly judged that it was a fraud.

Seth, whose body reacted faster than his brain, flicked his wrist, and saw his swinging movement flowing smoothly in all directions.

React so quickly? Li Feng's pupils shrank, and while firing out the spell, he changed places with another phantom body again.

Just as Li Feng changed seats, a jackal-headed scepter wrapped in a ball of water suddenly appeared above his head.

"Hold the grass." Without any time to think about it, Li Feng raised his sickle horizontally to block the scepter, cursing in his heart: It's okay to use the scepter to block the time stasis spell, but you can still find me instantly. What kind of brain circuit do you have? .


After a sound of metal colliding, Seth took a step back, and the water from the scepter spilled all over the ground.

Li Feng, on the other hand, was shaken by a huge force and took several steps back. He even felt that his palms were numb and there were faint signs of cracking in the tiger's mouth.

So much power, so quick response.

Squinting his eyes and rubbing his wrist, Li Feng admitted that he still underestimated Seth, or the strength of the true god.

You know, his armor is inlaid with reality gems. Don't look at the fact that when this thing is activated, it flashes and flashes as if the energy is exhausted when Bumpman fights monsters, but it can perfectly hide the mana fluctuations when Li Feng and the phantom switch places. .

But despite this, Seth not only instantly determined where his body was, but also dared to attack boldly.

I'm going to give you a shit, do you think you have big eyes that can see through the essence, or do you have beast-like intuition?

There is also a scythe inlaid with a power gem. Although the power gem cannot exert all its power in another world, the increase in power cannot be underestimated.

As a result, people only took one step back to dissolve the power.

What made Li Feng even more unbearable was that Seth was attacking and resolving his offensive with one hand from beginning to end.

If you were to wield the scepter with both hands, you wouldn't be able to imagine that you would be holding a big straw.

"What a bad luck~" Li Feng spat and pretended to take a few glances at Thoth's brain in Seth's left hand.

Seth subconsciously put Thoth's brain behind him.

Compared with Li Feng's surprise, his heart was not much better, as if a group of alpacas were galloping: holding the grass, holding the grass, holding the grass.

He couldn't figure it out that there was someone in the world who could rival him in strength. The most embarrassing thing was that he was a mortal.

If he hadn't noticed that the energy level used by the other party was slightly lower than the divine power when the scepter and sickle collided before, he would have thought that Li Feng was some ancient god.

It's too inconvenient to fight with one hand, why not put Thoth's brain aside for the time being? Just halfway through the thought, Seth was almost amused by his childish thoughts.

He could swear that as long as Toth's brain left his hand, the cliff would appear in Li Feng's hand in the next second.

But holding Thoth's brain in one hand certainly guarantees who owns it, but it's a bit annoying during the battle, especially the way Li Feng glances at Thoth's brain, indicating that the opponent is very likely to attack him in the next battle because he is unable to participate. The left-hand gentleman:

This is too bad

"Man, stop watching the show in the cage and come out to help." Li Feng shouted to Horus without looking back while guarding Seth.

As soon as he finished speaking, Seth unconsciously glanced at Toth, who was busy opening the cage. At this time, Li Feng's eyes lit up, he suddenly turned on the stealth mode and teleported behind Seth, then raised his hand and fired a shot at Toth's brain. Time stands still.

Compared with the previous hurriedly shooting spells, Li Feng saw clearly this time. Seth almost didn't think about it. While protecting Thoth's brain on one side, he blocked the scepter in front of the water with his backhand, and then turned around to look for Li Feng. traces.

MMP, this is intuition, the cliff is intuition, otherwise how can you see behind you, unless you see the world with your eyes. Li Feng couldn't help but trembled, teleported to Thoth, raised his scythe high and closed the cage where Horus was imprisoned. Split into two pieces.

He figured out that unless the mirror space was opened and he was determined to risk his life, he would not be able to take advantage of Set: In this case, it is better to let Horus and Hathor join the battle, even if Horus and Hathor I don't have enough combat power, but harassment is no problem.

As long as the two of them hold Seth back for a moment, I guarantee that this guy will be locked up in a stasis of time.

Thinking of this, Li Feng danced the sickle in his hand with great force, as if he was not a mage, but a warrior about to engage in close combat.

You bastard, you attacked me mid-sentence before, and now you want to play a little trick to bluff people? Set had a gloomy face, looked down at Thoth's brain, and then looked at Horus, who was about to escape:

The one-eyed Horus is not scary, nor is Hathor, who can only seduce people with his eyes, but the two gods together are troublesome, and there is also a pseudo-mortal of unknown origin.

How about I make a tactical retreat first and then regain my position after putting on my divine costume?

At this thought, Seth, who was thinking of retreating, quietly activated the trap in the pyramid, and while alerting Li Feng to retreat like a surprise attack, he sneered at the ferocious-looking Horus:

"Look at you, you relied on women, friends, and the protection of mortals to come to my temple. As a result, the original water was spilled and your friends became mentally retarded, women."

Seth licked the corners of his mouth, reminiscing about something as if 'everything is unspeakable'.

Horus only felt the green light above his head lighting up the whole world like a thousand-watt light bulb. He was so angry that he opened his bulging one eye and rushed towards Set like a bull.

"Idiot nephew." Seth shook his head disdainfully, kicked Horus away, jumped to the portal, raised his scepter, used all his divine power to smash the portal to pieces, and then waved with a stern step. Farewell: "Isn't it an honor to die in my temple?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Seth's figure disappeared around the corner. At the same time, the pyramid swayed as if it had been demolished.

Li Feng scratched his head, waved his hand to open the portal, and said confusedly: "What did the uncle mean when he smashed the portal just now? This thing is a spell, isn't it? If it's gone, it's gone. I cast a spell to summon it once and it's gone."

Hathor supported Horus with one hand and pulled Thoth, who was stuck, with the other hand. He avoided the gravel above his head and rolled his eyes as he walked towards the portal. He said angrily: "You think everyone knows space magic? I guess?" Seth thought you were borrowing some kind of prop to summon the light gate."

So, it’s terrible to be uneducated? Nodding his lips, Li Feng happily ran towards the source of Seth's power.

At the other end of the portal, Hathor stared blankly at Li Feng, who was trying to extract the desert fire despite being hit by rubble.

She was a little confused: Where did this guy come from? It was eye-opening for a mortal to easily control the divine fire, but you are actually playing with the divine fire that has an owner?

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