Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 449 Chapter 448 Transformation Magic

Li Feng not only has two ways to become a god, but he is greedy and says: It doesn’t matter if there are a few more, no one will complain about too much

It’s a pity that he forgot one thing, that is, the gods in the world of ‘God War·Eye of Power’ are born, and the strength of the gods depends on the DNA passed down by the gods.

Therefore, Ra said regretfully: “There is no way.”

Of course, as the wise and kind king of gods, seeing Li Feng rolling on the ground with snot and tears, he finally gave a suggestion.

"Think about Horus who lost his eyes and Thoth who lost his brain. Why did they, who were born as gods, instantly fall into powerful mortals from the moment they lost their artifacts?"

"And the black and white demons in your hands, they were born with divinity, but they don't have the corresponding artifacts. Could this be the reason why they failed to be promoted to gods?"

Li Feng, who was rolling around, got up with a grunt and said with wide eyes: "You always say that I can start from the fact that gods must have artifacts and reversely deduce the method of becoming gods?"

This face change is really unique. Ra nodded speechlessly and said: "This is just my suggestion. Whether you can sort out specific methods depends on your own efforts."

"It seems so reasonable." Li Feng scratched his head and asked: "What about the magic of transformation? Is this thing also innate?"

"Yes, and not that although the gods are born with the magic of transformation, it is more like an advanced skill of magic in my eyes. As long as you have divine power, it only exists whether it is suitable for integration into your casting system, and there is no question of whether you can learn it."

As he said, Ra proudly gave the principle of the magic of transformation that he had sorted out.

At first, Li Feng listened very seriously, and it was no exaggeration to say that he was fascinated.

After all, the lecturer was the God of Ra, and if he didn't listen carefully, it would not be as simple as a slap on the hand.

But as he listened, he felt that the magic of transformation was very familiar. It seemed that he had played it before, and he was very good at it.

Scratching his head and recalling it, Li Feng slapped his forehead: What the hell? Animagus?

Animagus is a kind of transformation in the world of "Harry Potter" that can transform itself into a certain animal and retain its own magical power.

It cannot transform into the animal it wants to be at will, because the animal it transforms into is related to the wizard's personality, weight and other information, and each person can only transform into one animal.

In the world of "God War·Eye of Power", the magic of transformation is also related to the user's personality, and it is also not possible to transform into any animal you want.

If you want to talk about the difference between the two, one is probably a wizard who uses low-level energy to transform, and the other is a god who uses divine power to transform.

This made Li Feng feel that the transformation magic in the world of "God War·Eye of Power" was actually an upgraded version of Animagus.

Otherwise, how to explain the transformation magic, which is obviously similar in principle, that wizards using low-level energy are limited to transforming into non-magical creatures, and wizards will lose their ability to cast spells after turning into small animals, resulting in the high-end and classy Animagus basically becoming a means for wizards to escape.

In the world of "God War·Eye of Power", gods can appear in human form and beast heads, not only not turning into animals, but also retaining the ability to cast spells, and the effects of a surge in combat power.

"It seems that you understand the key points of the transformation magic" Looking at Li Feng who frowned, realized, and scratched his scalp like self-harm, Ra God had to praise him:

Damn, you have such a good understanding, you understand it after just one explanation? You let Horus, who only has half of the power and can't play the transformation game, put his face? .

"I understand, but..." Li Feng said bitterly, and a Garfield cat suddenly popped up in his mind.

Yes, that's right, Li Feng's Armanigus is Garfield, and he looks exactly like Garfield in the movie "Garfield", just as fat and with the same small belly.

My head is so square, so embarrassing. Damn, do you want me to transform into a Garfield cat walking upright? Uh~ No, it should be a human body, but I appear with a Garfield head. But is this a trick, or is it to make the opponent laugh to death on the spot with a cute cat face? .

Damn, Li Feng felt itchy all over his body, as if he would grow cat hair all over his body in the next second.

Ra looked at Li Feng, who was restless and pacing back and forth, and glanced at Set who was about to wake up.

Considering his son's irritable personality, he felt that a war might be coming on the sun ship.

Compared with Li Feng, who was proficient in time and space magic and slippery like a loach, Set, who was stripped of his divine clothes, would probably be bullied.

More importantly, the cost of repairing the solar boat is very high. Thinking of this, Ra told Li Feng directly: "Please roll the ball smoothly immediately."

"Huh?" Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and followed Ra's gaze to notice Set, who was shaking like a sieve: Well, this guy is about to wake up, so hurry up and run away.

"Well, brother, you are busy. I still have chicken soup on the stove at home. I have to go home and add salt." While speaking, Li Feng opened the portal to the obelisk, where there are Dementors, the Golden Legion, and a large number of divine creatures to be recovered.

This is really exciting.

Li Feng was about to cross the portal when he heard Ra suddenly shout: "Wait."

Li Feng paused and saw Ra throwing a blue brain to him, and at the same time, he came with an order:

"Please pass it to Thoth for me,"

"Oh," Li Feng looked at the brain and gestured "OK" to cross the portal. While curiously touching Thoth's brain, he ordered the Golden Legion to move the bodies of the divine creatures to him.

At this time, the originally dim sky was pouring warm sunshine. Li Feng, who was standing in the ruins, vaguely saw a few brave residents looking at him strangely.

Some looked at Toth's brain, and some looked at the Minotaur's body.

The Minotaur was easy to explain. After all, I was helping to clean up the "garbage" after the war. Otherwise, what if there was an epidemic? I was doing a good deed.

But so many people were watching me groping for Toth's brain. I felt embarrassed. Forget it. When you don't need your face, you have to throw it away.

Facing more and more strange looks, Li Feng, who had not been able to explore anything from his brain for a long time, sighed with resentment, opened the library portal with a gloomy face, and shouted: "Toth, I have a gift for you."

As he said, Li Feng shook his brain at Toth on the other side of the portal.

My brain is back? ! .Thoth, whose emotions were out of control, had his eyes bulged, and he walked towards Li Feng tremblingly as if he had suffered a stroke. If it weren't for Hathor's support, he would have fallen several times in just a few meters.

It's a bit exaggerated, ha, where is the reserve of God? Did he throw it into the Nile? . Rolling his eyes, Li Feng walked towards Thoth and handed the brain to him. At the same time, he pointed his chin at the nearby residents and reminded softly: "Dude, keep the demeanor of God"

Thoth didn't care about anything else. Without the brain, he was just a stronger, taller mortal, and the kind with slow reaction: so. Don't be so graceful.

With trembling hands, Thoth held the brain high and carefully and cautiously put it back in place until the brain melted into the skull, his eyes flashing with wisdom.

"Huh~" Thoth, who had regained the throne of the God of Wisdom, breathed a sigh of relief, patted Li Feng's shoulder heavily, and said with a happy expression: "Although this is a transaction, I still want to say. Thank you."

As he said, Thoth bowed slightly to Li Feng.

The bow was less than 30 degrees, not very sincere, but it was a thank you from God.

It was really cool. Li Feng showed his back teeth with pride and returned a wizard's salute: "You're welcome, it should be"

On the side, Hathor, who couldn't find Horus, was a little worried. He frowned and looked at the palace, and asked: "Austin, where is Horus? Is he injured? Is he seriously injured?"

Is it considered an injury if the skin is scratched? Li Feng said in his heart, and spread his hands: "Don't worry, I can still breathe. If I want to describe how to breathe, I think it can be compared to a bull in heat."

Hathor blushed. She heard that Horus was sad and needed someone to comfort him. She also heard that Li Feng was reminding her that the best way to comfort her was to roll in the sheets.

As expected, he is an experienced driver, and he understood it immediately. Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and looked around the ruins. He saw more and more residents gathered nearby, and many people even began to kneel down to worship Thoth and Hathor.

Seeing that the number of divine corpses sent was decreasing, Li Feng thought about it and summoned back the well-fed and pregnant Dementors, and ordered the golden warriors to pack the corpses by carrying or lifting them.

After the golden warriors lined up and stood behind him, Li Feng walked towards the portal and said to Hathor: "Remember to comfort Horus and remind him that it's time to put the promise of being a wise king on the agenda."

Thoth looked meaningfully at Hathor who was trotting towards the palace:

Graceful figure, silky skin. It seems that it's time to put the secret night together on the agenda, and it has to be quick. Well~ At least it has to be done before Hathor wears the phoenix crown, otherwise my little body can't bear the heavy responsibility of the Green King.

Thinking for half a second, he turned around and followed Li Feng back to the library without wanting to be a light bulb. As for when Horus's coronation ceremony will be held, it's better to wait until Horus is happy.

3 days later

Thoth found Li Feng who was concentrating on his training, and handed him an invitation while returning the power gem for Horus, saying: "The new king invites you to attend his coronation."

"When?" Li Feng took the invitation, put it aside, scratched his head and asked: "Can I not go?"

"You can leave now," Thoth shrugged and reminded: "If I were you, I would attend the ceremony. This is an opportunity to witness the birth of the new king and get to know many gods."

As he said, Thoth blinked his right eye, smiled mysteriously, and said: "The gods have good things that bad wizards dream of, and the strange objects in your hands are also what they want, such as those gems."

Want infinite gems? Unless you step over my body. Li Feng touched the mind gem on his neck and was about to refuse to attend the ceremony. His thoughts changed, and he had the idea that he should really get to know the gods: at least, only by knowing them can you have the opportunity to buy their blood.

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