Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 452 Chapter 451 Everyone knows the alien

Marvel Universe, Vormir.

Li Feng carefully touched the soul gem that emitted a faint light in his hand, and looked into the distance with a gloomy face.

After staying in the 'God War Eye of Power' for a hundred years, he not only consolidated his skyrocketing strength and recorded a huge amount of knowledge, but also learned the invisibility technique to avoid Heimdall's sight and the god-level clone technique.

He even completely mastered the 4 weakened Infinity Stones with the help of his clones.


Things are unpredictable, and he never expected that after returning to the Marvel world, the Soul Gem, which had regained its power, would act like a naughty kid, pulling together the three brothers of power, mind, and reality, clamoring that the world is so big and they want to see it look.

If his strength hadn't undergone earth-shaking changes, the Power, Mind, and Reality Stones might have run away from home at the instigation of the Soul Stone and started a career wandering the universe.

Ma Dan, the naughty child really deserves a beating. He had to be beaten to death before he obeyed. Li Feng finally suppressed the soul gem for the time being.

As soon as the other three infinity stones saw that the boss was defeated, they immediately entered the state of being a good baby, neither crying nor making trouble, which made Li Feng look confused and almost thought that the previous riot was an illusion.

It's a pity that I don't know where the dwarves live, otherwise the problem of the infinite gems can be solved first. Li Feng scratched his head and planned to return to the earth to contact Thor. He sealed the soul gems layer by layer and put them in the cold palace, waving his hand to open the portal to New York.

After stepping through the portal, Li Feng was about to walk down the street under the bright moon that had just appeared, breathing in the turbid air unique to the metropolis, when he saw a guy in strange clothes with a big spider embroidered on his back firing silk threads from his wrist, stumbling from It swung over his head.

Peter? He was wandering in such a hurry, he might have run into trouble. After thinking about it, Li Feng, who was curious, prepared to follow and join in the fun.

Of course, before watching the excitement, he first had to prepare beer and peanuts, otherwise the excitement would not be enjoyable.

Thinking of this, Li Feng, wearing a black cloak, swaggered into a convenience store, walked to the cashier with a dozen beers and several bags of potato chips, and asked: "Are there any peanuts? If not, salted peanuts can also be used." ”

The convenience store owner took one look at Li Feng's attire and skin color and complained in his mind, "Young people are really good at playing. They attend a costume party just after dark." He said without a trace of apology: "Sorry, most locals are addicted to peanuts, so Peanuts are not on the list of popular items in our store.”

All in all, craving peanuts? Okay, please go out and turn right and go to a large supermarket to buy.

"Okay," shrugged, Li Feng reached into his pocket and asked, "How much is it?"

Just after asking, Li Feng's expression froze. He had forgotten that he was a poor guy with a clean face. In addition, he had just returned from another world, and the time-traveling keeper had stripped away all non-magic items, resulting in nothing but air hair in his pocket. Didn't touch one.

This is embarrassing. Ha Li Feng shamelessly reached out slowly to pick up the beer and potato chips, and asked Shanshan: "Uh, what about that? Are you allowed to pay on credit?"

The boss smiled slightly, and skillfully took out a double-barreled shotgun from under the cashier. He loaded it with a click and pointed it at Li Feng. His smile quickly disappeared, and he put on an indifferent face and said, "I'm not putting it down in the almshouse." What belongs to you, get out of my shop."

Looking at the black barrel in front of him, Li Feng rolled his eyes.

Originally, buying things cost money, and since he couldn't even afford a cent, he felt he was at a loss, so he shamelessly discussed with his boss about credit.

He promised that the boss would receive satisfactory compensation afterwards.

If it didn't work, the boss would just say he wouldn't sell it. He promised to put down the beer and potato chips and leave.

But now it was better, the other party actually pointed the gun at him without saying a word.

Li Feng was so angry that he took two steps forward, pressed his forehead against the barrel of the gun, and shouted: "They say, 'Free America, shoot every day.' If you have the ability, shoot, and let me experience the joy of being shot."

What the hell is the joy of being shot? The operation boss was a little confused, looking at Li Feng blankly as if his thoughts and actions were stuck.

A few seconds later, Li Feng saw his boss staring at him with blurred eyes, but still refused to pull the trigger. After making a sound of "cut~", he picked up the beer and potato chips and walked to the door. He turned his back to the boss and said, "These are all When my spirit takes a toll."


Before he finished speaking, the boss, who had come to his senses, had already pulled the trigger.

Li Feng, who happened to push open the door of the convenience store, suddenly felt as if his back was hit by something like a balloon, and then heard gunfire from behind.

After scratching his slightly itchy back, Li Feng turned to look at the bewildered boss with a gloomy face.

When the boss saw that Li Feng had done nothing and had not even penetrated his clothes, he was so frightened that he threw away the double-barreled shotgun, raised his hands to show that he was an unarmed and vulnerable group, and said tremblingly: "Uh~ Sir, what if I said the gun just now?" There was a fire, do you believe it?”

"Haha," Li Feng sneered twice, turned back to the store and picked up two dozen beers. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the boss trying hard to smile and speaking very quickly: "This is the compensation for your mental loss. At the same time, I will also keep secrets”

Li Feng was stunned for a moment and wondered: "What secret?"

The boss blinked, with a strong envious tone, and said mysteriously: "I know that you are an Inhuman with alien blood. Although newspapers and news are publicizing that you are actually infected with an alien virus, everyone in their hearts knows that you are infected with an alien virus. Clearly, that’s the government’s excuse to fool us.”

Does everyone know about the Inhumans? When did S.H.I.E.L.D. become so unrestrained? After thinking about it, Li Feng seemed to understand something again.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded, Natasha stole a lot of confidential documents. Although most of the documents were encrypted, the locks were for picking, the girls were for soaking, and the confidential documents were for decryption. It seems reasonable that the public would know about the existence of the Inhumans.

In addition, the Skye family fell in love and killed each other, which led to the spread of Terrigen crystals, causing the number of Inhumans to grow explosively in a short period of time. People had more opportunities to come into contact with Inhumans, and it was normal for them to know something about Inhumans.

So now that the Inhumans are known to the public, and even become the object of envy, it is normal.

But the problem is that I am not a stranger.

"Thanks, you're a good person," Li Feng shrugged, not bothering to explain. He opened the beer and drank while casting a spell to become invisible, and then pushed open the door of the convenience store.

After looking at the spider silk left by Peter, Li Feng took out the black cloud and ate potato chips while "clicking, clicking" while sitting on the black cloud and flying along the spider silk to where Peter was.

Until I flew to the rooftop of the Ao Industrial Building and saw Peter who had taken off his mask and was covered in scars, a naked one-armed man crying in pain, and a police sergeant wearing a bulletproof vest with several holes in his chest, lying dead. , he realized what excitement he had missed while wasting time in the convenience store.

Unexpectedly, I didn't see 'Lizard vs. Little Spider'. It was a pity to secretly say that Li Feng exited the invisibility and jumped to Peter who was standing by the eaves secretly feeling sad. While eating potato chips, he looked at the police chief and asked He said: "Little guy, Kuo Yiha, you can soak up someone else's daughter with your front foot and kill your father-in-law with your back foot. You are like no one else."

Peter was so frightened by the sudden appearance of Li Feng that he almost jumped off the building. When he saw clearly that it was Li Feng, he ran towards the Sheriff as if he lost control, patted the other person's cheek and yelled: "Sheriff, Sheriff, wake up, are you still here?" "Help"

Unfortunately, the sergeant was already cold at this time. Let alone being awakened by a few pats on the cheek, even if Peter hit the man's hole with a hammer drill, there would be no reaction.

Halfway through the shouting, Peter, who understood that the Sheriff was dead, looked gloomy. He looked at Li Feng as if looking at the last straw, and said anxiously: "Mr. Austin, can you save Mr. Stacey."

The fresh corpse, after being 'thawed', immediately jumped to life and felt happy inwardly. Li Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?"

If he remembered correctly, the police chief named George had signs of beating up mandarin ducks with a stick in the original novel.

It's not that George doesn't like Peter, but that he doesn't approve of Spider-Man as a father.

There is no way, Spider-Man has demonstrated extraordinary abilities and embarked on the road of fighting criminals, and he is destined to make countless enemies in the future.

The criminals will not be merciful just because Gwen is a woman, they will only want to use Gwen to intimidate Spider-Man.

What George is worried about is that his daughter will be in danger because of Spider-Man.

Of course, if Peter takes off his Spider-Man coat and lives as an ordinary person from now on, maybe George will be very satisfied with Gwen's vision. After all, Peter is also considered a talent.

"Are you sure?" Peter asked in surprise without thinking much, "Can the dead be revived?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Feng raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


After a crisp sound, the lying corpse took a sharp breath and opened his eyes weakly.


After another crisp sound, the wound on George's chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

George, whose breathing became smoother for a moment, was a little confused and said, "I'm not dead?"

As he said that, George took off his body armor, looked at his chest with no scars as if he were a ghost, and asked in a confused voice, "Where are my wounds?"

"Uh~" Peter didn't know what to say for a moment, but he remembered that when he first met Li Feng, the family signed a confidentiality agreement in the presence of SHIELD.

Besides, he is not stupid. Once the news that Li Feng can resurrect the dead is leaked, anyone who has anything to do with Li Feng will definitely not have a stable life.

Unfortunately, he not only knew Li Feng, but also had an uncle in his family who could talk to Li Feng.

This is completely different from helping an old lady cross the street in New York and occasionally catching a few pickpockets.

Peter, who was somewhat blind, looked to Li Feng for help. Seeing that Li Feng didn't care about him at all, he could only shrug at George.

As a police chief, George is not stupid. When Peter looked at Li Feng, he knew that he was alive because of this mysterious guest in a black cloak.

"Thank you," George said sincerely and reminded: "Sir, a large number of police will arrive at the scene later. Will you"

"It doesn't matter." Li Feng, who instantly understood George's kindness, pointed to the top of his head and said, "The noise you made has long been captured by the satellite. It doesn't matter whether I leave or not. Anyway, people who know me will help me settle everything."

For example, SHIELD's braised eggs will definitely cover up the existence of the resurrection spell immediately. Li Feng added silently in his heart.

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