Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 455 Chapter 454 Confidentiality Agreement

After leaving the temple, George Stacey immediately took Connors to the police station.

After completing the handover work, he had experienced too many unimaginable things in a short period of time. He walked through the familiar streets like a puppet on strings, passing through the night scene with endless traffic, until he returned home.

Just as he took out his keys and opened the door, he suddenly noticed that he was not in a suitable condition to go home, otherwise he would easily cause unnecessary worries to his family.

First, he learned that a person with enhanced abilities had bewitched his own daughter, and then experienced his own resurrection from the dead. Finally, he was lucky enough to see devil monarchs, gods, and mages while alive. Anyone who experiences people or things that destroy the three views in a short period of time will be It takes time to adjust.

For someone like me who can still go home on his own, I think I should get a top grade.

After regaining some sanity through self-excitement, George went downstairs again, bought a pack of cigarettes and a few bottles of wine when passing by a convenience store, and walked to a nearby park with heavy steps.

Sitting on the bench in the common room, George subconsciously opened the beer and was about to take a sip when he suddenly realized that the smell of alcohol would also make his family notice something unusual.

Yes, I bought it for nothing. Why did my only private money leave me? While amusing himself, George took out a cigarette and held it in the corner of his mouth. When he was about to reach into his pocket, he suddenly remembered that he had quit smoking for many years and had no lighter at all.

"Okay, now my personal money is really wasted ~ I guess I didn't have any brains when I went out,"

While talking to himself, George simply held a cigarette in his mouth and leaned back on his chair, looking at the familiar but unfamiliar world in front of him with dull eyes.

Not long after, a black business car with black explosion-proof film on the windows suddenly stopped in front of him.

George didn't care at first, and even wanted to kindly remind the driver: parking illegally can easily teach children bad things.

But before he could speak, the door of the commercial vehicle opened quickly, and two women wearing black hoods whose faces could not be seen jumped out.

After years of working as a police officer, George realized something was wrong and subconsciously wanted to draw a gun to protect himself, and drew the attention of passers-by by shouting 'police'.

As a result, before he could speak, the shorter woman seemed to see through George's thoughts and stepped forward to cover his mouth. The other taller woman raised her hand and knocked away his pistol from the air.

Ability! Inhumans! .George was obviously stunned when he resisted.

The two women would not be in a daze, but took advantage of George's daze to skillfully escort him into the commercial vehicle.

With a "bang" sound, the commercial car door closed.

The short woman took off her hood, glared at the taller woman, and said in a cold tone: "You shouldn't use powers, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

"Uh~ I'm sorry, Mei, I just wanted to stop him from pulling out the gun. It was purely a subconscious act," the slightly taller woman explained slowly as she took off her hood.

When George saw the kidnapper taking off his hood in front of him without any regard for the risk of exposure, his face suddenly darkened, but he didn't panic inside.

He is a police sergeant who has been in the police world for N years, and his mental quality has been sharpened in crisis after crisis.

Moreover, there are countless criminals who have fallen into his hands, and retaliation by criminal associates or after being released from prison is as commonplace as usual.

And compared with encountering devils and gods, kidnapping is nothing. Silently comforting himself, George looked like "I am very honest and will never resist" and carefully recorded the bad environment and the appearance of the people in the car, while looking for opportunities for self-rescue. .

At this time, the man sitting in the driver's seat suddenly turned to look at George, with a gentle and reassuring smile, and said: "George Stacey, welcome to join the ranks of the resurrected."

It's only been so long, how come someone knows about my resurrection from the dead? George's pupils shrank and he heard the other party continue: "My name is Phil Coulson, and I am a SHIELD agent."

Coulson pointed at the shorter woman and introduced: "This is Agent Melinda, and the other is Agent Daisy (Skye)."

SHIELD? Now the trouble is big. George asked slightly nervously: "What do you want from me?"

He couldn't help but feel nervous, as the TV reported every day that various countries designated S.H.I.E.L.D. as the world's number one terrorist organization, and the threat level was equal to that of Hydra, which wanted to rule the world.

As a police chief, he knew that whenever police officers encountered SHIELD and Hydra, they would either arrest them or kill them on the spot. There was no third option.

Now that the terrorist organization specializes in kidnapping him, obviously nothing good will happen to him.

What's more important is that terrorist organizations do not care about humanitarianism and will only use any means to achieve their goals.

Thinking of this, George was not only glad that he did not go home and was kidnapped in front of his family, but he was also a little worried that SHIELD would kidnap his family to blackmail him into agreeing to certain demands.

Coulson saw the tension and worry in George's eyes, and suddenly felt a deep sense of helplessness in his heart: It would be fine if countries couldn't tell who was SHIELD and who was Hydra, so they designated SHIELD as a terrorist organization. Damn, you scared George.

"Uh~ don't be nervous, Chief George," Colson pulled out the car keys and threw them to George, saying, "Look, we don't want to cause you any trouble, we just want to ask you a few questions."

Do agents need keys to drive away? Who are you kidding? With a slander, George ignored the key at hand and asked expressionlessly: "What's the problem?"

On the side, Daisy took out her handheld computer and handed it to George, and said with a little excitement: "We want to know how uncle resurrected you."

Sure enough, it has something to do with resurrection, but what does uncle mean? George looked at Daisy, who was about the same age as Li Feng, with strange eyes, and turned to look at the computer screen.

Seeing the computer displaying several photos of himself lying in the rubble with his body stretched out, George was silent for a while and said firmly: "These are probably taken by satellites."

With that said, George threw the computer to Daisy and sneered: "You have misinterpreted the photos, but it's also a satellite photo. It's rare that the pixels are as high as yours. It's a pity that satellites can't let you hear how injured I am." The moaning sound when you can't move, otherwise you wouldn't have the misunderstanding that there is resurrection from the dead in the world."

Before George could finish his nonsense, Coulson suddenly interrupted: "Sorry, Chief George, we have enough evidence to prove that you had no heartbeat at the time and you were not the first person to be resurrected by Mr. Austin,"

Colson pointed to himself and said: "I am the first person to be resurrected,"

After a pause, Colson covered his face as if he couldn't bear to look back on the past, and said quietly: "Compared to your instant resurrection, my treatment is much worse. First, my soul was extracted by Austin, and then I watched him with my own eyes. Repair my body, and finally stuff me back into it roughly. Although we are all resurrected in the end, you will never want to experience the feeling of soul leaving the body.”

George looked at Coulson blankly. To be honest, he was a little confused now. Now that he knew who had the ability to resurrect, why was SHIELD looking for him?

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about," George said with a 'don't listen, don't listen, bastard, nostalgic' attitude, ignoring Colson's nagging, and said firmly: "I was just healed by a stranger, and Resurrection has nothing to do with it.”

"My uncle is not a stranger, I am," Daisy murmured in a low voice and asked: "Chief George, it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. Our purpose is to hope that you will keep the matter of resurrection from the dead a secret, including the Your family also needs to keep it a secret, after all, my uncle doesn’t like to be disturbed.”

What is your relationship with that God? George was a little confused and puzzled when he heard Daisy call Li Feng uncle again.

The gods in his impression were either born as aliens like Thor, or they rose from the ranks of mages to the altar step by step.

But from a mage to a god, you know that it will not happen overnight. It will take at least a hundred, or even a thousand years of preparation.

So no matter which way he becomes a god, he must be far older than the little girl in front of him.

Do the aliens really have alien blood? And the little girl in front of me happens to be related to that alien god?

While George was busy thinking about it, Daisy tapped on the computer, enlarged the photo of Li Feng's eyebrow with the god's mark, pointed at the mark and said enthusiastically: "Do you know what this is? It looks so cool."

I don't know if it's cool or not, I just know that Mephisto absolutely hates this thing. George silently turned his head to Coulson and asked: "If I promise to keep it a secret, can I leave now?"

"Of course," Coulson said, glancing at Melinda.

Melinda casually took out a confidentiality agreement and said: "Not only the existence of Austin is kept secret, but also everything that happens in the Austen Industrial Building is kept secret."

"Including Connors?" George frowned after receiving the confidentiality agreement.

Coulson thought for a while and smiled gently: "That's not necessary. Connors' incident happened before your resurrection, and both Connors and Spider-Man have a high exposure rate, so there is no confidentiality issue. "

George nodded slightly, picked up the pen to sign the document, and asked when handing the document to Melinda: "Can I leave?"

"Of course," Colson made a gesture of invitation, indicating that George could open the car door and leave at any time, and reminded: "Chief George, I have to remind you that if the secret is leaked, you will be brought to a military court and punished as espionage. ”

S.H.I.E.L.D. also has ties to the military! George was stunned for a moment when he opened the door, then pretended that he didn't notice anything, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked home in the other direction as if nothing was wrong.

Daisy was a little confused about George and asked, "Why didn't he go home? Also, why didn't we ask if the old man who suddenly appeared from the shadows was Mephisto?"

Colson and Melinda looked at each other helplessly.

What other reason could there be for going against my family? Is it because I am afraid that terrorist organizations will target my family?

As for not asking about Mephisto, Melinda rolled her eyes and explained: "As long as we reveal Mephisto's name, whether he knew the devil before or not, he will now know the existence of the devil."

"Okay, after wiping Austin's butt, it's time to meet him in person," Colson casually took out another car key from his pocket and started the commercial vehicle.

Daisy shrank her neck, pursed her lips, and whispered, "I apologize by the way. I hope uncle is in a good mood now and doesn't have the heart to beat me."

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