Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 473 Chapter 472 Fenris

Wangcai, a senior figure under Li Feng, has both an embarrassing name and embarrassing strength.

And as Li Feng continues to grow, this embarrassment becomes more and more obvious.

But things are different now. Wangcai, who absorbed a ray of power from the Ice Box, found that he was about to break through a certain limit and be promoted to a demigod.

Happiness came suddenly. Wangcai was so excited that he blinked and looked at Li Feng with pleading eyes.

"Master, give me some energy. Your most loyal servant is about to become your number one thug."

With that said, Wangcai rolled up his tattered sleeves and showed Li Feng the white bones covered with a layer of frost and crystal clear.

Obviously, the frost on the white bones without a hint of chill is evidence that wealth has reached its limit.


"Hit you a big watermelon," Li Feng kicked away Wangcai who had the dream of being a demigod, and cursed angrily: "Idiot, you want to die, but you still want to be a demigod. Believe it or not, your sister, the last second, gave you strength. The next second you will be frozen into ice and you will have to cool down."

With that said, Li Feng threw the Ice Box into his personal space and waved away the wealth like a fly.

Frigga glanced at Li Feng with a half-smile, her crooked eyes seemed to be asking: Before, she said she asked for the treasure for the sake of her younger brother's strength. Why, now it's in her pocket?

Li Feng scratched his head in embarrassment and made up nonsense: "Sister, you have also seen that even the leader of the dementors has such little strength. You can see how weak the other dementors are. How could they withstand the ice blast?" The destruction of the box?"

Seeing Frigga's expression of 'make it up, keep making it up', Li Feng flattened his mouth as if he was aggrieved, and continued to talk nonsense after using his brain cells at full capacity: "What I said is true. If you don't believe me, let me tell you. 'Cultivation of Dementors' program."

"First, carve a magic circle on the Ice Box, allowing it to release weak energy at all times, and slowly transform the Dementors through radiation. This can ensure that the Dementors increase their strength while avoiding being frozen into ice skeletons by the Ice Box. "

"Then we have to wait for Stark to thoroughly study the divine creatures and extract the divinity. At that time, I will pour the divinity into the Dementors and let them become divine creatures."

It's a reasonable excuse, but it sounds like it was thought up on the spur of the moment. Frigga, who couldn't find a flaw for a while, was stunned and asked in a joking tone: "There are hundreds of divine creatures who are only expected to be promoted to demigods. You have a big appetite, no, if you give up the Ice Box, you can definitely train the dementor leader to become a true god. What do you want to do with such a powerful force?"

"Being a king is so tiring and boring." Li Feng waved his hand and said with a look of disgust.

He heard Frigga's worries and temptations, shrugged his shoulders and joked back: "Hey, sister, it makes me sad just to talk about it. Do you know why I'm still a bachelor? Isn't it that the family is so poor? I can never earn the money for betrothal gifts." Not enough."

"There is no way." Li Feng spread his hands, looking embarrassed and helpless because of life, and said: "I just have to be careful and prepare to imitate the bandits. For example, um~ If I fall in love with a girl in the future, , I promise to drink three bowls of wine, hey, I will snatch her back and become Mrs. Zhai."

"You should be poor," Frigga rolled her eyes and scolded with a smile, but she also heard that Li Feng liked to be unrestrained and was timid and needed wine to strengthen his courage.

This made Frigga breathe a sigh of relief. She pointed at Brand curiously and asked, "What's going on with him? Why do I feel the half-human, half-animal soul?"

Li Feng followed what Frigga wanted, and saw Brand, who had absorbed the eternal fire, igniting black flames all over his body, with two flame tails as black as ink waving in the wind behind him.

In addition, Li Feng also noticed that a new layer of flesh and blood appeared on Brand's withered bones, but in the blink of an eye it was burned to ashes by black flames.

what's the situation? Li Feng was a little confused and said blankly: "He is a hybrid between the Ghost Rider and the two-tailed Nekomata. It is not uncommon to find half-human and half-animal souls. Sister, how come he has gained weight? My family will not need more food." Mouth?"

The god-damn half-blood Frigga was no longer too lazy to complain about Li Feng's brain circuit. She looked at Brand thoughtfully and guessed: "It is probably the power of the eternal fire that made him grow flesh and blood again. Congratulations, first place The demigod brother is about to be born.”

"Ah? Demigod!" Li Feng's eyes lit up. After looking at it for a few times, he hurriedly took out the power gem to help Brand advance.

Frigga twitched her eyes and couldn't help but sigh: He is indeed a boy beyond destiny, and he easily collected 4 Infinity Stones. How much effort did my old man put in collecting the Infinity Stones? .

Alas, we can’t compare, we can’t compare.

On the other side, Brand suddenly felt the violent power and trembled with fear. At the same time, Li Feng's excited voice sounded in his head.

"Concentrate on optimizing energy,"

After a while, Li Feng sensed that Brand had reached the limit of the violent energy he could withstand. He decisively put away the Power Gem, and circled Brand with his eyes closed and his dead bones slowly growing flesh and blood with a grin showing his back molars.

At this time, Kreacher, who was silently digesting the power of the Warlock's Eye, suddenly said in horror: "Boss, Kreacher feels like his forehead is going to split."

When Li Feng heard the sound and looked around, he saw that the Warlock's Eye disappeared without a trace, but a crack appeared between Kreacher's eyebrows. Then, the cracked eyelid slowly opened, revealing a sleepy one eye.

I wipe it! The house-elf version of Erlang Shen? Hmm~ It looks quite cute. Li Feng looked at Frigga, hoping that she would fulfill her duty as a tour guide and explain to him what the hell happened.

"Don't be nervous. The One Eye is the Warlock's Eye that controls other people's consciousness," Frigga explained calmly. As for the functions of the One Eye, she was not in the mood to elaborate.

Besides, she didn't believe that Li Feng knew nothing about the Warlock's Eye.

"Hehe, I'm glad you're fine," Li Feng giggled a few times, rubbing his hands and flattering, "My dear sister, except for the fake Infinity Gauntlet, the rest of the treasures were divided up by these bastards. Look, are you giving me a treasure?"

"Hehe," Frigga was a little amused, and after looking around the treasure house, her eyes widened, and she said, "Why, what else do you fancy? Do you have to empty your sister's treasure house before you are satisfied?"

If I can, I don't mind being a porter, not to mention that I have been coveting the Destroyer and the Spear of Eternity for a long time

Li Feng, who was so happy inside but calm on the outside, waved his hands repeatedly and said, "How is it possible? I am the kind of person who doesn't know what's good for me."

After a pause, Li Feng scratched his head with one hand to pretend to be embarrassed, pointed to the floor with one hand, and said slowly, "I like the magic wolf Fenris, and want to take him as a bodyguard, you see."

Frigga looked at Li Feng in surprise. She didn't expect Li Feng to know the magic wolf Fenris and ask for it.

Then, Frigga thought of something, nodded in agreement as if waiting to see a joke, and even politely extended her hand to signal Li Feng to go ahead.

Frigga's sudden change made Li Feng a little puzzled, but unfortunately he couldn't understand the reason after thinking for a long time.

Never mind, let's get Fenris first. Shrugging his shoulders, Li Feng cast a spell to dissolve a big hole on the floor, and then picked up a ball of eternal fire from the brazier, and jumped into the dark basement.

In the basement, Frigga saw Li Feng ignoring the neatly arranged Asgard soldiers around him and went straight to Fenris, and she couldn't help but raise a few question marks in her heart.

Is Austin too familiar with this place?

Has he explored the way before? .

With doubts, Frigga narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Feng.

At this time, Li Feng threw himself into Fenris' arms, touched the silky and smooth fur, and exclaimed: "It's so comfortable, worthy of being a demon wolf. I wonder how much it can be sold as a fur coat."

"."Frigga: I don't know if I should say something.

MMP, Fenris brand fur coat, what do you think

"You can try it, I guarantee that this fur coat has amazing defense,"

Frigga rubbed her almost broken waist and added silently in her heart: I just don't know how many seconds you can wear it, Fenris's strength is not weaker than Thor. Even if Thor activates the power of thunder in the future, Fenris can rely on his talent of getting stronger with each battle and stand shoulder to shoulder with Thor again.

In addition, Fenris has a regenerative healing factor that can instantly heal wounds in high-intensity battles, uh~ except that he can't regenerate broken limbs

In summary, be careful not to wear a wolf fur coat, but be peeled off by Fenris to make a coat.

Hearing the ridicule, Li Feng rolled his eyes implicitly.

He really didn't know Fenris's specific ability, but he was not stupid. Looking at his fur that had not decayed even after being dead for thousands of years, even a fool would know that Fenris was not easy to mess with.

Moreover, he knew that Fenris could fight with Hulk.

According to Hulk's great strength, Fenris could definitely slap him away with one slap.

So this skinning was just a joke. Li Feng slapped the eternal fire into Fenris' body and performed the resurrection spell, and then asked Frigga for help with an embarrassed face.

"Sister, where is Fenris's soul? Has he been reincarnated?"

Frigga shrugged her shoulders, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and smiled: "After the death of Asgard's creatures, the soul is under the jurisdiction of the 'Goddess of Death', and Fenris is no exception."

"So, only Hela can resurrect Fenris?" Li Feng asked stupidly, pulling his hair.

Frigga nodded slightly and said, "You want Fenris, no problem, I'll give it to you. But you didn't say whether you want a dead or a living Fenris, so. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for not making it clear."

Tsk, you still want to stump me with this? Li Feng shrugged indifferently, took out the soul gem and cast a spell for a hundred years, saying proudly: "The soul gem, a gem with the ability to create souls, you deserve it."

In Frigga's annoyed eyes, the huge Fenris slowly opened his eyes.

Before he recovered from his long sleep, Li Feng transformed into a tiger-headed human body, with the mysterious mark on his forehead shining, and stepped forward with a brisk step, pressing Fenris's big head.

After a while, Fenris, who recovered, shook his big head, and after a moment of silence, he bared his teeth and spoke in human language in disbelief.

"You and my life mark?!"

"That's right, your life and death are controlled by me," Li Feng put away his transformation, touched Fenris's soft fur, and comforted him: "Xiao Fen, hang out with me, I guarantee you'll have good food and drink, um~ What kind of wolf do you like? I'll go get a few now to enrich your harem"

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