The evolution of Nimei. Charles's heart froze when he heard this. His face turned pale as if he was having a myocardial infarction. He covered his chest and was about to kiss the ground.

"Charles?!" Moira screamed in surprise. She didn't have time to think about it, and quickly helped the street boy Charles with her quick eyes and hands.

Charles' expression suddenly changed, and while firmly holding Moira's shoulders, he activated his power to clear all memories of evolution.

"Why bother," Li Feng crossed his arms with a look of gloating on his face:

"Think you can keep it secret by deleting the relevant memories? Save it, believe it or not, Moira walked out of the school gate and was sent to a research institution the next second. She underwent MRI, craniotomy, slices, and tests one by one."

"If you really want to keep it secret, the best solution is to kill her. I can take the blame,"

Charles glared at Li Feng, his sharp eyes seeming to warn Li Feng: If you dare to touch my daughter, I will risk my life for you.

"It's rare that I take the blame. It's a waste of all my good intentions." Li Feng pointed to the floor and persuaded with sincerity:

"Wake up, buddy, this is a school for mutants where 'monsters and monsters' gather. Anyone who steps into the school will be suspected by the CIA that Moira has been brainwashed. When the time comes, your daughter will lay down on the device. What should I say? That’s all you can say.”

"Also, don't blame me for not reminding you. Since there are mutants in the world who can delete or tamper with memories, are there mutants with restored memories hidden in the government's hands?"

"Oh, by the way, the world is progressing, and technology is also developing rapidly." Li Feng touched his chin, pretended to think for a while, and asked with fake curiosity: "Do you think there is a memory restorer in the world?"

"Shut up!!!" Charles, who was full of murderous intent, simply stopped Moira and stared at Li Feng with his suffocating cold eyes.

If looks could kill, Li Feng would probably have been reincarnated a hundred and eighty times.

"Do you know that once the public knows that evolution is related to mutants, will we still have a future!!!"

By the end of his roar, Charles's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole face looked particularly ferocious.

"There is no future," Li Feng picked his ears nonchalantly: Do you still need to consider such a simple question? Think I'm stupid.

It's just that the future of mutants is none of his business. He's not a mutant father, so why should he care so much? It's so boring.

People should go their own way and leave others with nowhere to go.

"I know you're still saying that!!!" Charles was almost going crazy. Regardless of whether his small body could bear it, he mobilized his whole body and soul to suppress Li Feng.

At the same time, Charles quickly picked up the knife on the dining table and pounced on Li Feng with the same spirit of death.

"Cut~" Li Feng didn't even bother to open his shield and directly met the knife with his neck.

"Crack~" There was a sound, and the table knife broke into two sections.

Li Feng, who was seriously dissatisfied with the raid, shook his head, stretched out his hand to scratch his neck that didn't even leave a mark, and sneered, "That's it? Just tickle me."

"Why, why do you do this?" Charles covered his forehead with his hands as if he was broken, crying uncontrollably.

Nowadays, mutants are pitiful enough, treated almost the same as rats that everyone shouts about.

But once the label of 'human evolution' is attached to mutants, haha, the treatment is probably not as good as that of rats.

It is conceivable that once someone studies and understands mutants, they will be crowned heroes of the human race and pioneers of human evolution.

This is a great opportunity to gain both fame and fortune.

For capitalists, this is a cake too big to imagine.

Charles has reason to believe that under the temptations of evolution, money, fame, etc., institutions studying mutants will grow explosively.

By that time, the remaining mutants may not be enough for everyone to share.

I thought it was over, no!

What's even more tragic than this is that the existing data shows that ordinary people without the X gene have no 'evolution' potential at all.

In order to evolve, the X gene must be taken in from the outside.

The question is where does the X gene come from?

It's simple, just take it directly from the mutants.

Therefore, mutants will definitely become a popular product, and they will also be the raw materials for the ‘evolution potion’ that many biochemical and pharmaceutical factories are competing to capture.

In order to evolve the potion, the campaign to capture mutants is about to take over the world, and it will be the kind where everyone participates.

In terms of the capitalist's urine, there are only two endings for the captured mutants.

First, the 'lucky' mutants can eat and drink well every day until they die as long as they turn in the raw materials for the 'evolution potion' on time.

By the way, for the sake of sustainable development, it is estimated that mutant blind dates will be forced to be arranged, mutant babies will be forced to be bred, and rules and regulations will be formulated so that the more children are born, the better the treatment will be.

In short, apart from the lack of freedom for these 'lucky' mutants, whether they want a female or a male vote, everything is well arranged.

As for another group of unlucky mutants, the stingy company whose food and clothing expenses are included in the cost should find out.

It is estimated that the training nest is their last home, and it is the kind of place where they stay for a lifetime.

Even before death, he has to walk on the autopsy table to squeeze out the last drop of value for the great cause of human evolution.

As for sustainable development, you can refer to cloning technology.

At the end of the day, when the streets are plastered with slogans saying 'No 998, just 888, take the evolution potion home', the mutants will probably be extinct.

And the reason for all this is just because someone said: everything is for evolution.

"It's not a shame to say this," Li Feng poked Charles's forehead nonchalantly and asked: "Ask yourself, did I let Moira roll the ball? As a result, a lustful bald man forced Moira to Bring back the conversation.”

"I also want to ask, what is your motive? Why do you want to push mutants into the abyss?" Li Feng asked, squinting his neck.


"I" kept thinking for a long time, and Charles, whose thoughts were so mushy, didn't know what to say.

How did he know that what Li Feng was about to say was so important.

If he could, he really wanted to slap himself a few times and buy a bottle of 'regret medicine' to taste.

"You can find an opportunity to talk to me when no one is around," Charles said weakly, lowering his head as if decadently.

As soon as he said no dialogue, a flash of inspiration flashed in Charles's mind, and while trying his best to suppress his anger, he asked:

"You deliberately let Moira know that mutants are related to alien evolution experiments. The purpose is to force mutants to seek help. In order to obtain Jean's Phoenix Power, you will obviously trade 'help'."

After figuring out some key points, Charles felt that the anger in his chest was burning, and the power of his psychic powers was doubling.

However, even if the price rises too much, it will not be strong enough.

"Eh?" Li Feng tilted his head and thought for a moment, clapped his hands suddenly, and said happily as if he just thought of it: "Why didn't I expect that I can play like this?"

I believe you. Charles took deep breaths several times before calming down a little, and asked with a stern face: "What is your solution?"

Afraid that Li Feng would bring up the suggestion of killing female votes again, Charles added with emphasis: "You can't hurt Moira."

"You are overthinking, I am a good person," while speaking, Li Feng took out the Infinity Gauntlet and walked to Moira.

Enduring the soreness brought by the huge energy, Li Feng reached out and pressed Moira's forehead to activate the mind gem.

As the Mind Stone shimmered, all memories of the origins of the mutants were cleared from Moira's brain.

Then Li Feng activated the soul gem and performed a minimally invasive surgery on the soul level.

He didn't believe that the memory deleted from the heart to the soul could be restored.

Even if we give the earth a hundred years to develop science and technology, we can't do it.

After completing the spell, Li Feng shivered and put away the Infinity Gauntlet, rubbed his cheeks and said, "Okay. Let alone this life, Moira will not be able to recover certain memories even in the next life."

Charles was a little stunned. To be honest, he couldn't figure out Li Feng's intention.

It was said that he wanted to use the opportunity to threaten her. It was obviously unreasonable to act so swiftly. He had to wait for Qin to agree to hand over the Phoenix Power before taking action.

But if you say you have no bad intentions, how can you explain your previous behavior?

Bored and looking for fun?

That is to say, Charles didn't understand Li Feng as a talented person and couldn't figure it out. If an acquaintance like Stark was present, Juebi would pat Charles on the shoulder and tell him: Don't doubt it, this guy is just free.

His head hurt. Charles rubbed his temples and asked, "What do you want to trade for the Phoenix Power?"


Li Feng was a little confused. After talking with him for a long time, Charles was stunned and didn't grasp the point. He only focused on flirting with girls and making up his mind? Rolling his eyes, he said: "An uncontrollable force, in exchange for the power of complete control, I think Qin is making a lot of money. You must know that the mage is an expert in controlling energy. Maybe after Qin learns magic, he can also know his own abilities. Woolen cloth."

"By the way, do you have anything good? I can build a mutant ecosystem in the Antarctic or the Arctic. If you like the ocean, I can also build an ecosystem in the Mariana Trench."

"If you have no love for the earth, you can build an ecosystem on the moon. Well, moving to Mars is also an option."

"Let's talk about it again," Charles, who was exhausted physically and mentally, said that his brain was too exhausted and he didn't want to think about any problems.

Just as he was about to untie Moira's "freeze" and give Li Feng a pair of "rolling balls, don't get in the way", the restaurant door was suddenly pushed open.

"Professor, the school is surrounded by the military," Qin shouted as she rushed into the restaurant in a panic.

"Ah ha~ The one who can make the decision has finally arrived." Li Feng's eyes lit up, he stood up happily and ran towards the door with long strides.

As soon as he opened the door of the restaurant, Li Feng suddenly turned around and said to Charles: "Well, although business is about 'you do what I want', at some times, the law of the jungle where the jungle is the law of the jungle is obviously more popular."

"So." Li Feng spread his hands, gave Charles a helpless look, and said, "If there is any damage to the school during the 'transaction' period, please express my condolences."

If I wipe it, will I cause trouble again? Charles' head was buzzing like it was exploding. He looked at Li Feng's back with a confused look on his face and urged: "Quick, push my wheelchair over here."

After a pause, Charles changed his order and said: "No, Qin, just carry me out, it's faster."

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