"Based on the principle of fairness and justice, the military agreed to this transaction, but required that the first phase be completed in stages. The military provided the 'magician seeds' for the master to cultivate, and also handed over Colonel William Stryker and adamantium metal."

"In the second phase, once the magician seeds began to germinate, the military immediately handed over mutant information, Yakali Lake Dam and other resources."

"The third phase."

In the afternoon, in the small reception room.

Charles listened attentively to Blitz's report on the results of the negotiations with the military. When he heard about his confusion and satisfaction, he would ask or comment a few words beside Li Feng's ear, and deeply analyze the pros and cons.

Li Feng, who answered the questions in a haphazard manner, tried to squeeze out a smile of gratitude, but in fact he was drowsy in his heart.

As the saying goes, 'disciples should serve the labor when there is something to do', he never thought of teaching students in person from the beginning, and the energy and cost of the transaction had nothing to do with him.

Isn't it nice to be a hands-off shopkeeper, or does Blitz not know how to teach students?

The dirty and tiring work should be handled by the younger brothers, otherwise why raise so many younger brothers?

He is a big shot who has become a god. It is only in line with his supreme status that he jumps out to pick peaches and take benefits at the last moment.

On the side, Hank and Jean appear to be good students who listen carefully to the lectures and take out small notebooks to strictly record the content of the conversation.

In fact, just look at their blurred eyes and the subconscious action of stirring coffee, and you will know where their thoughts have drifted to.

Only Raven, who was thoughtful and frowning, noticed something and looked at Charles several times with hesitation.

After a long time, Blitz, who had finished reporting the negotiations, asked carefully: "Master, these are the agreements. Is there anything to add?"

"What? Oh, I'm done, so that's it." Li Feng waved his hand as if he had come to his senses, stood up and patted Blitz on the shoulder to indicate that he had done a good job, and then yawned and looked at Jean, Hank, and Raven, and asked: "Little guys, who of you is interested in magic?"

"We are all interested," Hank, who answered the question, rolled his eyes at Li Feng.

As a genius with an IQ that exploded, it was natural for him to guess Charles's good intentions.

The 'report meeting' had already shown that the delicate balance between mutants and ordinary people was about to be broken by military magicians.

If mutants do not take the opportunity to make changes, the future balance will tilt towards ordinary people, and there is even the possibility of erasing the future of mutants.

Don't think this is a waste of worry. In fact, as long as the grown-up military magicians open a magic school, the advantages of mutants with superpowers will immediately become worthless, and even the X gene in their bodies will become the best target of ridicule.

So when Li Feng asked everyone if they were interested in learning magic, Hank immediately understood that this was not only a hint that everyone at the scene had the potential to become a magician, but also forcing mutants to make a choice.

Either have a magician like the military, or the mutant school will gradually cancel the special treatment and finally disappear in front of the public.

Of course, looking at the price the military paid for training magicians, you will know that there is no free lunch in the world.

"What do we need to pay?" While asking, Hank subconsciously looked at Charles.

Charles understood Hank's inquiring eyes, nodded slightly to reassure everyone, and said in a gentle tone: "Mr. Austin, can you give me and my students some private space?"

"Of course," Li Feng took Blitz out of the reception room without caring.

In his opinion, Charles would never give up the deal. The so-called negotiation was nothing more than details, such as how to make mutants gain greater benefits, or how to avoid being suppressed by the military.

As soon as the two walked out of the reception room, Blitz asked in confusion: "Master, with our power, it seems that we don't need to care about what others think. As long as we want, we can do it."

At this point, Blitz stretched out his hand and grabbed the air, showing the momentum of robbery to the fullest.

"Robbery is not a good habit." Li Feng shook his head slightly, with a hint of evil on his lips, and said: "Besides, I don't want to ruin this world and become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats. You should know that this time we cross not by crossing the gate, but by dimensional rubble, which means that as long as we remember the coordinates, we can return at any time."

Blitz was stunned and said uncertainly: "Master wants to use this world as a secret base or supply station?"

"Not only that." Li Feng said this without thinking, and silently turned his eyes to the sky, adding in his heart: The pattern of this world is not small. There are not only mutants, but also many alien races and demons.

Mutants let him peek into the future of evolution.

Alien races represent unheard-of technology.

Only the appearance of Mephisto made him realize that there might be the evil god Cytorak (the master behind the red tank) in this world.

When he thought that Cytorak in the crimson universe was only slightly weaker than the big guys such as Lady Death, Li Feng felt sad and cold all over.

If this guy could come to Earth, haha, he finally got the position of the number one on Earth, but before he could even sit on the throne, he fell back to the second place in the blink of an eye.

How embarrassed he was by this incident.

"Okay, let's leave it to you to deal with the mutants. Remember, I only want the result, don't bother me with the trivial things that happened during the process."

"I'm going to resurrect Eric's wife and daughter," said Li Feng, and he disappeared in front of Blitz in an instant.

Time flies, and several months have passed in a flash.

In the Yakali Lake Dam, a group of rookie mages sat cross-legged in Merlin's magic ring and meditated, while Li Feng was holding a green gourd and a pile of peanuts and staring blankly not far away.

Inside the magic ring, three men and three women, about 18 years old, are from the military.

Jean, Scott, Ororo Monroe (Storm) and other six people represent the mutant wizard camp.

I won’t introduce the six military people in detail. They are carefully selected talents, and a few months is enough for them to enter the magical magic palace.

As for the mutants. To be honest, Li Feng was jealous and had the urge to strangle these losers several times.

Take Ororo, who had just entered the mutant school. It was difficult for her to control her own abilities. She was satisfied every time she used her abilities without hurting herself.

But after several months of learning and a lot of resources, she not only eliminated the hidden dangers of losing control of her abilities, but also eliminated the signs of hurting herself. She even managed to make half of New York snow in the summer and thunder and lightning in the winter.

Li Feng dared to pat his chest and abdomen to guarantee that in the near future, the New York Meteorological Bureau could be announced to be disbanded.

With such a "weather goddess" here, why do you still need to do weather forecasts? Just ask her directly.

As for Scott, let's not talk about how much he has learned in introductory magic. Anyway, he has been very proud recently. Basically, every time he sees Li Feng, he shows off his big ruby ​​red eyes and submits a note to go out and relax.

Come to think of it, he is a naughty kid in the restless period of adolescence. In addition, except for the laser eyes that he will subconsciously use to stare at anyone when he loses control of his emotions, he no longer needs glasses at other times. It is understandable that he wants to go out for a walk.

However, Li Feng, Charles, and the military have always felt that naughty kids cannot be spoiled and must continue to be trained in the dam.

As for when to open the gates for a walk, well, wait for news slowly.

However, the mutants who have changed the most are Eric and Charles, a pair of good friends.

Eric has long been enlightened after Li Feng's careful guidance. Basically, except for going out to collect mutant genes for Li Feng, he stays in the dam all the time, picking up books about magnetic fields and reading them crazily, almost to the point of madness.

It is only his wife and daughter who can soothe his "inner demon", otherwise Li Feng thinks that Eric will be finished sooner or later.

Charles is a bit sinister. He can throw his wheelchair into the locker after being treated by Blitzcrank, but he refuses to do so. He not only sits in the wheelchair all day, but also secretly asks Blitzcrank to upgrade the wheelchair, and upgrades the ordinary wheelchair to a "battle pet".

Li Feng once curiously asked, "Who are you going to trick?" Charles just smiled slightly, and when Li Feng asked anxiously, he changed to "used to sitting in a wheelchair" to perfunctorily.

In the end, Li Feng followed Charles around to see which unlucky guy was tricked.

After talking about mutants, it's Blitzcrank's turn to change.

After Blitzcrank, Hank, Stryker, and Bolivar Trask, who was secretly transferred from the prison, worked together. The four not only perfectly dissected Apocalypse, but also found a way to strengthen the mutant's abilities from Apocalypse.

This not only strengthened Raven, but also allowed the transformed Blitzcrank to successfully obtain many mutant abilities.

Now, when it comes to Blitzcrank's strength, it can be described as being able to beat ten of its former selves.

Of course, Li Feng is the biggest winner of the transaction.

First of all, the Phoenix Force that he got early. Although it was a bit difficult to digest, the digested part still allowed him to wear the Infinity Gauntlet without any injury, and his strength soared by 8 levels on the spot.

It is obviously not possible to beat Thanos and Odin who are in good condition, but it should be no problem to fight Thor who has opened the power of thunder.

Secondly, there are many guys related to space power among mutants, such as Red Devil, Blue Devil, and Flash.

It happened that Li Feng had an avatar who was in contact with the Sokovia Laboratory at the moment, so that his genetic skills made Hank, Stryker, and Trask smack their lips.

In this way, with a little help from time to time and by analogy, his understanding and application of space spells naturally rose, laying a more solid foundation for conquering the space gem.

The last and biggest gain.

Since Apocalypse was dissected clearly, and with the blessing of the Phoenix Force, he has figured out the way forward for evolution and knows what to do next.

Becoming a father-level boss is no longer a dream.

Just as Li Feng was looking forward to the future, he suddenly felt a familiar force rushing towards the earth.

Another Phoenix Force? Li Feng's eyes lit up, and he was so excited that he trembled all over. He dropped the peanuts, opened the portal and ran into space.

As soon as he stepped into space, Li Feng noticed that there was an alien warship parked in the Earth's orbit.

Ah, what day is today, and there is a buy-one-get-one-free promotion.

With a grin, Li Feng immediately became invisible and flew towards the Phoenix Force: Eat the big cake first, and then go back for dessert

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