When Li Feng blocked the battleship and shouted, everyone in Debari clenched their fists, but their faces were ashen, and they looked like they were grievances that they dared not express but dared to express.

Can a scholar be killed but not humiliated? Are you willing to be killed and dare to bring down the emperor?


Just look at the explosive value on the energy detector and you will know that if you take action, the result will only be humiliation and death, and Li Feng probably won't be able to hurt even a hair.

Besides, the only remaining Debari people in the universe are all on battleships, so death is equivalent to genocide.

Who can bear the responsibility for genocide?

Walker said he couldn't carry it and didn't dare to carry it.

After going to hell, he will be beaten to death by his eight generations of ancestors.

"Head", a Debari man who had a death wish, had red eyes, looked at Li Feng as if he was in despair, and said in a hoarse voice: "I will go negotiate with the other party, you take the opportunity to leave, the Debari people cannot all die here, you still have to shoulder the responsibility shouldering the burden of rebuilding our homes.”

run? Walker looked around at the crowd expressionlessly, lowered his head and laughed silently.

What are they going to do? It takes time to activate the battleship, and this time is enough for Li Feng to do a lot of work.

Walker even suspected that the battleship had been dismantled into parts before the propellers had finished warming up, or had been thrown directly into the scrapyard.

So it's not that I don't want to run away, but that I can't do it.

"Hey~ let's try to surrender first." Walker sighed resentfully. What else can he do now besides praying that Li Feng is not an indiscriminate murderer?

Just thinking about it makes my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys all tired.

Before Walker finished speaking, Li Feng suddenly appeared in the battleship, gave the opponent a thumbs up and praised: "Wise choice."

Li Feng's sudden appearance made the Debari people feel like they were facing a powerful enemy, and they subconsciously took out their weapons to attack them.

"Tch~ If you have the guts to shoot," Li Feng didn't take everyone seriously and sat on the battleship commander's throne, stroking the armrests like a lover:

Oh, it's real leather, it's hairy.

Ignore the barrier and directly land on the battleship? Walker's face froze, and he secretly took a deep breath to suppress the fear and anger in his heart. He stretched out his hand to hold down the weapon in his companion's hand, and asked with three points of respect and seven points of caution: "This strong man, please explain your purpose of coming."

"My name is Austin, what's your purpose?"

Li Feng looked disdainfully at the Debari man who had put down his weapon but was still ready to pull the trigger at any time. He crossed his legs and said carelessly: "We are all civilized people. It is not good to fight and kill. Now, let's destroy my warship." What should I do? Can you afford it?”

God, what about your battleship? ! Walker's face darkened, which means he couldn't resist, otherwise she really wanted to point at Li Feng's nose and ask:

The entire battleship has your fingerprints, you bastard robber

Why? robbery? ! Walker felt as if the two meridians of Ren and Du were connected instantly in his head, and he blurted out as if he was blessed:

"You want our battleship?"

During the questioning, Walker's eyes rolled.

If it was just a robbery, she felt that the tribe still had a chance to save it.

As long as you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about having no firewood. Only by living can you have a future.

As long as they can successfully blend into human society and rely on the far-sighted strategic vision they have gained from traveling through the universe for many years, it is not impossible for the Debari people to rise again.

Of course, the prerequisite for re-emergence is that Li Feng really only wants to grab battleships.

As long as Li Feng had other purposes, such as finding slaves or free labor, Walker thought everyone should just go to sleep.

Let’s settle the name first, and then talk about the future.

"Nonsense, besides battleships, what else do you have to rob?" Li Feng rolled his eyes, clapped his fingers and said, "Look at you, each one of them is so green that it makes people panic. Even a hungry ghost can't rise to the level of calamity. Bar."

"If you are interested in accepting you as your younger brother, look at your virtuous attitude. I guess you are not very good at dealing with people, but your ability to cause trouble is first-rate. I accept you as your younger brother, haha. I'm afraid I'm not helping you wipe your ass." , just on the way to wipe my butt."

In addition, Li Feng had another important reason that he was embarrassed to say.

He himself is so poor that he is almost disturbing the people. How can he have any spare money to feed a waste?

As for the relationship between poverty and nuisance to the people, it is the tinkling sound of poverty.

Walker, whose brain was running at high speed, became more and more uncomfortable the more he listened.

I was thinking of retorting a few words, but I was afraid that if I persuaded the other party to change their mind because of my outstanding eloquence, not only would the battleship be robbed, but they would also be demoted as slaves.

Who should she cry to when the time comes?

Don't refute, just listen. No matter how you listen to it, you will feel like a waste, not even qualified to be robbed.

This is a big deal

Walker didn't know whether to smile or be angry.

Forget it, for the sake of racial continuation. Walker comforted himself and said tentatively:

"The battleship can be given to you, but please allow my people to leave in the rescue capsule."

If Li Feng agreed, she would immediately take her tribe members to leave the earth in a rescue capsule.

As for secretly, hehe, it goes without saying that he quietly returns to Earth to work.

There is no other way. The rescue capsule only has so little endurance. It is enough to run out of the solar system. Why do you still want to rush to the next planet?

It's almost as good as eating shit.

Moreover, the Debari people's hidden talents have been maxed out for a long time. As long as they are allowed to integrate into human society for a period of time, even if Li Feng grows a third eye on his forehead, there will be no clues about them.

At this time, they can slowly plan and plan, and wait for the right opportunity to regain the Phoenix Power, the battleship, the face, and Li Feng's life.

It's a pity that although the idea was good, Walker forgot that Li Feng's brain circuit was different from ordinary people, and he didn't listen to her at all.

Li Feng bared his teeth and said viciously: "You are crazy. The lifeboat is also part of my warship. Why should I give it to you?"

As he said that, Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal connecting to Xavier's School for Gifted Youth, kicked and kicked the Debari people into the portal, and said: "You are so old, you should take care of yourself and find ways to support yourself. Don't say that I bully my alien friends."

Li Feng pointed his chin at Charles, who was confused on the other side of the portal, and threw a Debari person to Charles' feet like a chicken, saying: "Look, this big bald guy in a wheelchair is very interested in alien technology. You can sell some high-end knowledge in exchange for a few meals. As for whether to work to support your family or sell blood to make money in the future, that is your freedom. I, an outsider, will not interfere."

As he spoke, Li Feng picked up another Debari person by the back of his neck and threw him into the portal with ease and joy.

I have a sentence that I don't know whether to use as a paddle or not. Walker glared at Li Feng angrily, but she was helpless. 'I am the fish and he is the knife.'

There was no other way. Before Li Feng threw her into the portal like a little chicken, she quickly led the rest of the tribe to jump into the portal.

In an instant, the warship was empty. Li Feng teleported to space with a swagger, cast a spell to shrink the warship and put it into a shoulder bag, and whistled back to the Yakali Lake Dam to digest the Phoenix Power.

Don't think that he swallowed the Phoenix Power like drinking noodle soup, but this thing is really hard to digest. Don't think of putting a personal seal on the Phoenix Power without three to five months.

For this reason, Li Feng sent a special message to Charles before "digesting":

"Bald, I'm going to retreat for a few days. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. If you have something to do, don't bother me during holidays such as Chongyang Festival and Qingming Festival."

Xavier School for Gifted Youths

A three-way friendly meeting between mutants, ordinary people and aliens is underway in the principal's office.

As the representative of the Disabled Persons' Federation and mutants, Charles sat in a wheelchair in a very formal manner, playing the game of staring at Walker with a blank expression.

Walker, the alien representative, was not to be outdone, and showed the look of a woman in the boudoir and the temperament of a weak girl who was alone and helpless.

What she wanted to express was summed up as follows:

Master, come and play. Ah, Master, I am alone and helpless, please be kind enough to accept me.

On the side, Smith, as the military representative, felt a splitting headache. For a moment, he hoped that Li Feng could come to the scene as a mage representative and help translate Walker's alien bird language.

Among the three people on the scene, he and Charles were both earthlings who had never left the atmosphere, and even if they wanted to learn alien languages, they had no chance.

Although Walker had a history of running around the universe, he had never learned the earth language at all.

The languages ​​are not on the same channel, so how can he have friendly exchanges and share what he has? How can he get high-end and classy alien technology?

Could it be a primitive way of communication with dancing?

Imagine that in order to entertain the alien guests, Smith prepared a rich breakfast of steamed buns, fried dough sticks, etc. early in the morning, and danced to signal the Debari people to eat.

As a result, the Debari people pointed to the sky and the ground, indicating that they were "vegetables" who never eat and can only photosynthesize.

No matter how you ask Smith to guess, you can't guess that the other party wants organic fertilizer and sunlight.

It's good enough if he doesn't guess that "I am the only one in the world".

After a long time, Smith, who drank ten cups of coffee, said that he not only had a headache, but also a stomachache.

If the president was not waiting for a report, he really wanted to leave.

You can love whoever you want, I won't serve you anymore

But as a salt substitute, he has no choice.

There was no other way. Smith patiently searched his mind. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he hurriedly asked: "Charles, it is said that mutants have all kinds of abilities. There is nothing you can't think of. As the number one mutant, it shouldn't be difficult to find a mutant who can translate alien languages."

Charles squinted at Smith, rubbed his temple and said: "The aliens are easy to deal with. There are only so many people, and the battleship was confiscated by Austin. They can't make any big waves on Earth."

"What I worry about is why Austin sent aliens to Earth. He is not a kind person, and he will not give up the benefits he has obtained."

"The battleship is the biggest benefit," Smith said perfunctorily, and asked: "Are there any mutant translators?"

Obviously, he knew something, but didn't want to tell Charles.

Think about it, as the military's messenger buried next to Li Feng, no matter how low his IQ is, he can guess something from the gradual rise of magic.

Besides, the satellites floating in the sky are not decorations, and the people in the staff are not all there to eat.

There should be some clues from Li Feng's actions.


Smith knew very well that in this era of mutants, wizards, and aliens emerging one after another, whoever has more information will get a bigger piece of the pie.

So it would be strange if he revealed the information to Charles for the sake of national interests.

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