Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Obtaining the Magic Gem

Returning to the rooftop of the Empire State Building, David eagerly jumped off the Iron Eagle and gasped for air, trying to convince himself that the experience he had just experienced with the wolf, Hoffas, and others was all an illusion.

Li Feng didn't step off the Iron Eagle until Barstow woke him up from deep thought. He kept recalling the familiar feeling of Barstow casting a spell at the subway station to slow down the flow of time around Hoffas.

Li Feng, who was standing aside, ignored Barstow and walked down. Tie Ying and David were explaining how dangerous the matryoshka dolls were and so on. He just kept muttering: Where does the time energy in my body come from?

Just when David's storage box containing the Merlin Dragon Ring appeared in front of David with a bang, Li Feng thought about where the time energy in his body came from.

In the Marvel Universe, time is related to the quantum realm. Just like after the purple sweet potato snaps his fingers, Ant-Man, who is trapped in the quantum realm, says that his time has not passed 5 years, and the super heroes also go back to the past through the quantum realm. Collect unlimited gems.

Li Feng remembered that he was introduced in Ant-Man 2, saying that the villain Ava became a "ghost" agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. because her father Starr secretly experimented with a quantum channel and exploded somewhere in Argentina.

Li Feng covered his face and whispered to himself: "I can't be so unlucky, right? The place where I opened the door was where Starr was conducting experiments, and why did I choose the time period when the quantum channel exploded?"

Quantum is time, and the portal itself allows me to travel through various universes. It is a space ability. So with the combination of time and space, does travel happen?

Looking away at Barstow, Li Feng rubbed his forehead and muttered: "It doesn't seem so unlucky. At least I can travel to other worlds, but I don't know if I can return to the Marvel Universe. The only way is to obtain the Infinity Stones from the Marvel Universe." , I have the greatest chance of hearing my children call me daddy when I return to the original world.”

"I just want to go home, why don't you cheat like this?"

David, who didn't believe there were magicians in this world and just wanted to live a normal life, readily agreed after Barstow promised to disappear from the other world as long as David helped him find the matryoshka doll.

Taking advantage of Barstow's opportunity to use the air control spell to track the matryoshka doll, Li Feng walked up to David and whispered, "Are you really ready to waste your talent and not want to become a magician?"

Li Feng didn't believe that magic had no appeal to David. After all, magic sounded mysterious, exciting and interesting, which was very attractive to young people.

David showed a reluctant smile to Li Feng and said: "You don't understand how I feel when someone names a mental illness after me. It's useless to even transfer schools to escape all this, just like somewhere in New York now. , there are still people talking about David Stetler type psychosis, I just want to forget about the mystery house, forget about magic, forget about it all, and live a normal life.”

Li Feng, who knew what was about to happen, shrugged, patted David on the shoulder, and said mysteriously: "You will regret it, I bet 10 cents."

David looked at Li Feng, who was barefoot and empty-handed, with disdain, and whispered to himself: "I see you don't even have 1 cent."

On the other side, Barstow determined that the location of the Horcrux, the matryoshka doll, was in the city center, and said: "I can track the matryoshka doll, and so can Hoffas. We need to get the matryoshka doll before the other party does."

After saying that, Bass was ready to leave the building.

Li Feng knew that the matryoshka dolls were in Chinatown. Li Feng, who had been living in New York's Chinatown in the Marvel world for two years, said that he was quite familiar with that place. Although he didn't know if there were different places in Chinatown in different worlds, it was not important. He is now standing high enough and can vaguely see the buildings in Chinatown, which is enough.

Li Feng stretched out his hand to stop Bastow. While casting the portal, he stared at the building in the distance and said, "Maybe I can help."

As soon as he finished speaking, the portal opened in front of the three people.

Standing in front of the teleportation gate, Li Feng stood straight with his lower body, his upper body leaning forward slightly, his left hand on his belly, his right hand reaching towards the teleportation gate and said: "Is there any other means of transportation that can compare to teleportation?"

Bastow was only slightly surprised. Although he had never seen a portal, it did not mean that he had not seen it.

David was much more interesting. He pointed at the portal with a blank look on his face and looked at the top of another building in the portal.

Bastow looked at the hanging ring without magic gems and Li Feng thoughtfully, and went straight through the portal without saying anything.

David looked like he couldn't believe his eyes. He shrugged and walked towards the portal while muttering: "I must be crazy to believe that there is magic in this world."

The three of them had just passed through the portal. Barstow felt uncomfortable when he heard David talking to himself. He was going to teach David a lesson and arouse David's interest in learning magic: the Merlin heir who had finally found him suspected this. Is there magic in the world? Let’s see if you believe it or not after you learn a few simple magics. Then wait for you to step into the magical world and see whether you choose to be an ordinary person or a magician.

As Barstow walked into the elevator, he taught David the rules of the mage, the first step of wearing a ring, how to release the fire-calling spell, etc. David was deeply suspicious that magic was a currently unknown science.

Bastow was also observing Li Feng's expression when he was explaining magic. He was very curious. Li Feng clearly didn't have the necessary props to cast spells. It was just a strange ring with some magic power. How could he cast spells normally?

Could he, like Merlin, be able to cast spells without the need for magic gems?

As for Li Feng, he has no interest in listening to these boring basics. It's not like he doesn't know that molecules will burn after they vibrate. The problem is that he is different from Barstow and others.

In this world, ordinary people only use 10% of their brains, while magicians such as Barstow use all of them.

As for Li Feng, he doesn't think that his brain usage is at full power. If his brain is really used at full power, would he still be a scumbag? He must have become a top student in the original world.

But Li Feng glanced at the ring in David's hand and thought: As long as I have a magic gem, and after learning the Merlin Magic Ring, it doesn't matter if I don't have a brain that can be used at full power. It's enough if I have magic power. Can you create a fireball or an ion cannon?

After a while, the three people walked out of the building. Li Feng saw that China Street was bustling with people dancing dragons and hanging red lanterns.

It is said that during the festive season, Li Feng misses his family even more. He unconsciously recalled his wife and his children. While looking at the joyful expressions on the faces of passers-by, he muttered in a low voice: "It's the New Year, and I don't know how you are celebrating." Are you okay? I miss you~"

The lively voices covered up Li Feng's whispers. David on the side pulled Li Feng and said, "Austin, what's wrong with you?"

Li Feng rubbed his face, wiped away the tears of lovesickness from the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, where is Bastow?"

David pointed to the health center with the word "Acupuncture" written on the side and said: "Barstow went up to find the matryoshka dolls. Let's pay attention to Hoffas here."

Li Feng looked at the stairs leading to the second floor and thought to himself: This time, Hoffas must have rushed to disguise himself as an old lady and ambush Barstow before he arrived, right?

Before he could finish thinking about it, Li Feng covered his face and watched as a magician with braids, a naked upper body, and a five-clawed golden dragon around his waist fell in front of him.

Li Feng knew this man, his name was Sun Long, and he was one of the magicians sealed by Barstow in the matryoshka doll. In the movie, it was Hoffas who released him from the matryoshka doll.

Needless to say, since Sun Long appeared in front of him, Hoffas, who was in love with Barstow, must have been ambushing the acupuncture parlor.

Before Sun Long could get up, Li Feng directly raised his foot and kicked Sun Long on the head, and ripped off the magic gem Sun Long was wearing on his right hand.

He has been coveting magic gems for a long time. Since he can grab one now, why should he be polite? With this magic gem, the process of learning spells will be much simpler in the future.

And Li Feng didn't believe it. Sun Long without the magic gem was no different from ordinary people. For him who had practiced fighting skills, as long as the opponent couldn't release the spell, he really wasn't afraid of Sun Long. After all, he was From the very beginning, he took the lead and hit Sun Long on the head with kicks and kicks. If this allowed his opponent to come back, he, Li Feng, would still put his face there.

And in order for the people around him not to meddle in Li Feng's business, Li Feng kicked him and shouted: "You know how to gamble. I even lost my clothes and still gamble here. I don't care about my wife and children at home. How did my sister do it back then?" If you like me, I won’t teach you a lesson today and let you know the consequences of bullying my sister.”

Needless to say, the Chinese people around me really didn't know whether they should step forward to take care of him. After all, the brother-in-law was teaching his brother-in-law a lesson about gambling and they couldn't say much.

From the window on the second floor of the acupuncture hall, Barstow looked at Sun Long, who was already unconscious, and swallowed back the words that reminded David and Li Feng that they should run away. Sun Long was almost concussed by Li Feng, and he reminded him Damn it, reminding Li Feng not to kill anyone in front of the public is normal operation.

Barstow, who turned back to the house, had already noticed where Hoffas was hiding. He controlled Hoffas three times, five times five times two, and jumped out of the window after getting the matryoshka doll. He said to David and Li Feng, "Let's go."

Li Feng spat at Sun Long, who had a bruised nose and face and was still in a coma. He turned around and pulled the stunned David away and said: "Scum, if you gamble once in the future, I will let my sister and you divorce."

The people around looked at Sun Long, whose chest was still heaving, and then at Li Feng, who left gracefully, and said silently in their hearts: You loser loser and you don't even have any clothes on your gambler, you haven't even let him and your sister divorce now, what's your heart Big enough

David now only felt that his impression of the magician had been kicked into the trash can by Li Feng's punches and kicks. He stared at Li Feng in disbelief and silently cursed in his heart: My David Stetler type. The mental illness must have escalated. Not to mention the hallucinations, it has also escalated. This guy is definitely not the elegant magician in me. Or is this guy's main profession a barbarian, and he occasionally appears as a magician? Yes, he occasionally guest-starred, just like when Austin needed to use the portal to travel, he guest-starred as the Magician.

Li Feng glanced at the second floor of the acupuncture hall, turned to look at Barstow, and said silently in his heart: "This is the second time you have let Hoffas go. To this day, to this place, I swear, you There is definitely adultery, please forgive me for being curious, but I really want to know what role Fronika is between you two? "

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