A private bounty, the kind that is enough to bury dozens of people alive.

An officially recognized amnesty, the kind that allows people to escape legal punishment even if they commit heinous crimes.

With two bounties added together, the Trident of Aquaman is not only the scepter that controls the sea, but also a ticket to enter the upper class.

I am afraid that when the news spreads, those pirates who are half buried in the ground, even those who are only left with their heads, will jump out of their coffins and return to the sea to make a fortune.

Find it, get it, and then become a winner in life

Just like the bartender in front of me who seems to have difficulty peeing while standing, at this moment, I feel that my heart has ushered in a second spring and suddenly becomes strong and powerful.

As if it can beat for 500 years.

"Huff~Huff~Huff~Huff~" After a burst of rapid breathing, the bartender finally calmed down a little. With a little caution in his greedy eyes, he asked: "Are you sure you want to add more bounties?"

"Isn't that nonsense? If you don't want to add more, why would I come?" Li Feng picked up a piece of gold jewelry and shook it, saying: "Could it be that I am bored and came to 'Dou Ni Wan' to make fun of you? Hurry up and put the bounty on it."

"Okay, sir," the bartender narrowed his eyes full of desire, dug up the huge amount of treasure buried in himself, and then picked and chose among the treasures.

Finally, he picked up a gold cup, put it in his mouth and bit it.

Confirming that the taste is indeed 999 barefoot gold, he put it in his arms with a smile.

According to the rules of pirates, Li Feng came here to issue tasks and is the employer.

The bartender helps to distribute tasks to pirates and is a middleman.

As it should be, the middleman will charge corresponding remuneration.

The gold cup is obviously the agency fee.


Li Feng is not a pirate, not even a "local", how can he get the twists and turns between pirates and middlemen?

He only knows that his treasures were embezzled, and it was embezzled in front of him.

If he could endure this, Li Feng would not have to be named "Li", and change his surname to "Ninja", the "Ninja" of Ninja Turtles.

Li Feng, who felt that there was a rage in his chest that would not be comfortable if it was not vented, immediately rolled up his sleeves and grabbed the collar of the bartender.

From the posture, it is clear that someone has trampled on the fine tradition of respecting the elderly and loving the young.

Seeing the loud slaps ringing throughout the tavern, Sparrow's eyelids twitched in fear, and the feeling of being unlucky for eighteen generations instantly surged into his heart.

Barboza, who also saw that the lonely old man was about to be beaten, hurriedly grabbed Li Feng, and whispered in his ear with a bitter face: "Mage, this guy can't be beaten."

"Why? He is your father?" Li Feng asked with confusion.

"Uh~ How is it possible? My father died a long time ago," Barbosa cursed inwardly in silence, but with a flattering expression, he explained the reason.

Tortuga Island is no different from other small places. It is a pirate paradise as famous as Turtle Island and Shipwreck Bay.

And the guys who can be middlemen in the pirate paradise are not simple. They are basically supported by big guys behind them. Ordinary pirates can't afford to offend them, and even run away when they see the other party's flag.

For example, the famous East India Company, or ships flying the flags of maritime hegemons such as the Netherlands, Spain, France, and Britain.

Simply put, although Li Feng just slapped the bartender, it was actually the face of the East India Company, Spain, France and other empires that was slapped.

The consequences of offending the empire can be imagined, basically saying goodbye to the colony of the empire.

If you are wanted and the bounty is high. Don't even think about going ashore in this life, just drift on the sea for the rest of your life.

No matter how much you like the sea, you can't drift around on the sea for the rest of your life, you will go crazy.

What's even more terrible is that anyone can claim this bounty, such as a companion (pirate) who was drinking and talking happily one second and then turned his face and refused to acknowledge the debt the next second.

As for how friends claim the bounty, isn't there a middleman?

Secondly, the bartender was favored by the big boss and secured the position of the middleman on Tortuga Island. His social circle must be wild enough.

The bartender's words may make nearly half of the middlemen refuse to serve him.

You should know that pirates don't just go out and rob gold, silver and jewelry. Instead, they often rob "worthless" goods every time.

For example, spices are extremely expensive at the moment, and they are sold by grams.

But what's the use of this stuff for pirates who drift on the sea all day?

It can't be eaten as food, nor can it be drunk as clean water, and it can't even be preserved for a long time.

Want to sell it through formal channels, haha, pirates go ashore to do formal business? I'm afraid it's more unbelievable than salt will breed maggots and sows will climb trees.

Keep it for yourself, a whole ship of spices, even if you eat it as a meal, you will have to wait for a long time to eat it.

At this time, the middlemen with strong backgrounds should come out to show their value.

For example, they can easily exchange "worthless" garbage for beautiful and charming gold and silver jewelry.

Therefore, the middlemen of "Pirate Paradise" have long become an indispensable part of the daily life of pirates, and they are also a group that should not be offended unless necessary.

Finally, the most important point.

"There is only one person breathing in the whole Tortuga Island. If you kill him..."

At this point, Barbossa shrugged his shoulders with an innocent expression, and said: "What about the bounty order? Killing people is a small matter, but it will delay your search for the Trident of Aquaman."

"Hiss~ It makes sense."

Li Feng scratched his head, let go of the bartender, and muttered: "After all, it's just that you can't afford to offend him, so much nonsense."

While speaking, a flash of inspiration flashed through Li Feng's mind. He pretended to be disdainful, stepped forward and slapped the bartender away, grinning: "You didn't expect me to do it, old man. Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Others dare not offend you, but I dare. Others dare not offend the bastard behind you, but I dare."

The bartender was stunned, and then his anger instantly burned his internal organs.

In all these years of working, when have I encountered such an arrogant pirate?

It's really outrageous.

Do you really think that dealing with pirates for many years can cultivate a good temper?


Thinking about it, the bartender instantly turned off the fire and put away the idea of ​​flipping the table.

There is no way, the bar is buried with a lot of gold and silver, and the muskets used for self-defense have long disappeared.

With his old arms and legs, he is no match for the young and strong Li Feng.

Besides, Li Feng can pour out a lot of gold and silver from an ordinary shoulder bag. Even a fool knows that this guy is not simple.

If he is not a superhuman, there must be a superhuman behind him.

He is not to be trifled with.

The bartender squinted his eyes and looked at Li Feng seriously, as if he wanted to remember Li Feng's appearance: whether to kill, cut or win him over, so that the people above would have a headache.

"Why, you can't swallow this breath, thinking about how to take revenge?" The bartender's expression of anger but not words made Li Feng happy. He pointed at his cheek and continued to add fuel to the fire: "Come on, remember my face, and tell the big~power behind you that if you want revenge, just come. If you can get multiple countries to form an alliance to seek revenge on me. Well, I sincerely thank you first."

The ceiling of the military power in the world of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is him, Li Feng, he is afraid of revenge.

Besides, if a person is not arrogant, he is not a young man. When he should be arrogant, he should be arrogant.

Besides, he is eager for a blind country to take revenge.

At that time, I will suppress them with my backhand, then show my identity as a wizard in a high-profile manner, and finally sit down and talk in a calm manner.

I believe that after a set of combined punches, more people will participate in the craze of "National Search for the Trident of the Sea King".

The bartender covered his red and swollen face, lowered his head and kept saying "I dare not, I dare not", but his eyes glanced at the shoulder bag in Li Feng's hand.

Li Feng didn't care about the bartender's little thoughts.

Whether it is issuing a wanted notice or passing information to superiors, the more detailed the better.

"Do you know these two?" Li Feng asked, putting his hands on the shoulders of Barbossa and Sparrow.

The bartender didn't understand what Li Feng wanted to do, and nodded blankly, saying: "The famous Black Pearl Captain Hector Barbossa, and... the unlucky Jack Sparrow?"

"Yes, Captain, I am Captain Sparrow, and in addition, whether it was before, now, or in the future, the Black Pearl is my ship"

Sparrow corrected seriously.

Tsk. The bartender looked at Sparrow with contempt.

"It's good to know him," Li Feng patted Barbosa's shoulder vigorously and said, "As a well-informed person, you should know a thing or two about the rumors about this person. I have good news for you. The curse on Barbosa has been lifted by me."

The bartender looked at Barbosa in surprise. The rumored curse of immortality was broken? When did it happen?

How come I didn't know!

Li Feng then patted Sparrow's shoulder and continued, "As for this person. I put an interesting curse on him. Do you want to try it?"

Curse with a taste? The bartender twitched his mouth and shook his head like a rattle.

No matter whether the curse is true or not, he doesn't have the courage to try it anyway.

Just kidding, curse this thing, who cares.

At the same time, the bartender vaguely understood what Li Feng wanted to express, and asked: "Are you a superhuman?"

Li Feng nodded and said: "By the way, I also indicated the bounty of Ruolinton, but... the bounty proposed at that time was magic props, but Ruolinton changed it to gold coins and amnesty orders. I didn't expect this kid to do this, it's quite interesting."

On the side, Sparrow pursed his lips.

As a witness who watched the transaction between Li Feng and Ruolinton throughout the whole process, how could he not know the real situation?

Damn "unexpected", you are obviously adding fuel to the fire, wanting to make the matter known to everyone, it would be best if everyone who breathes helps you find the Trident of the Sea King.

Spyro muttered indignantly in his heart.

The bartender's mood at this moment is different, and he kept saying "trouble" in his heart.

As an old man who dares to "enjoy his old age" in the pirate's nest, in addition to being ruthless, his brain must be flexible, otherwise he will die without knowing how.

At this time, how could he not see that Ruolinton was embezzling magic props.

And judging from Li Feng's expression, he didn't seem to care who got the magic props.

The bartender narrowed his eyes and thought: Well, this matter is probably going to get out of hand, let's report it together

As for whether the big boss behind the scenes is going to encircle or win over the Ruolinton family, who cares.

Li Feng looked deeply at the thoughtful bartender, waved his hand to put away the gold and silver treasures, and put the shoulder bag on the bar.

Without saying anything, he took Barbossa and Sparrow to the port and said: "Is the beautiful island far away?"

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