"What? There's a lot to say."

Nebula looked around, and while trying to figure out whether the strength of the Avengers could help him fulfill his little wish, he asked, "I want to kill Thanos. Who of you is in favor and who is against?"

As the saying goes, one word can stir up a thousand waves.

Who here doesn't want to kill Thanos?

It's a good thing to be able to take revenge and have your thoughts understood.


Thinking about the previous record, everyone felt sad.

Stark is awesome, what anti-Hulk and anti-Thor armor, he can fight anyone he catches.

As a result, when he fought against Thanos, he was easily pressed to the ground and rubbed back and forth. He was rubbed so hard that even his mother couldn't recognize him.

Vision, who has the Mind Stone, is awesome, and the transformation between reality and illusion is like playing.

He really fights casually, and he loses if he loses a hair.

As a result, when he heard that Thanos was coming, he directly played the Mind Stone into slag, and crushed himself into powder by the way. It was the kind of crushing bones and ash.

Who would have thought that Thanos, this shameless man, would flip the table just because he was not called at the beginning of the meal.

He used the Time Stone to pry open the coffin lid and forced Vision to get up and work overtime.

After signing the "Mind Stone Transfer Contract", he beat Vision so hard that he didn't even have time to say a last word, and he got his lunch box and left.

There are also Steve who is good at 50-50, Black Panther who is covered in vibranium, and others, so I won't say much.

Either he was beaten into a dog head, or he was shocked by a punch.

Do you think this is the end?

No, no, no.

Learn about the killer weapon "snap".

No matter whether you are a brick or a kitchen knife, it is nothing in front of the snap.

It was Thor's last axe that broke through Thanos' defense and saved some face for everyone, otherwise everyone would be ashamed to the point of autism.

In short, the voice of the Avengers can be summed up as follows: it's all tears if you say too much.

So it's not that they don't want to eat Thanos' flesh and drink Thanos' blood, but they really can't do it.

This is a hell-level mission.

After a short silence, Natasha vaguely realized that Nebula had something to say, and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Yes," Nebula nodded without hiding it, looked at Stark and asked, "Think back, what was your physical condition before you met Austin, and what was your physical condition after you met him."

"???" Stark muttered with a dazed face, "We were talking about Thanos, why did the topic suddenly jump to Austin? My thinking is a bit behind. Besides, Austin and I are not that familiar, right?!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly recalled the miserable state of infection, hunger, thirst, and slight hypoxia during his wandering in the universe.

At that time, he was so desperate that he even wrote a will and waited for the angel to greet him.

Just as he heard the "black man carrying the coffin" in his ears and stepped into heaven, Li Feng appeared, and then the reality was reversed in two levels.

Not only did the negative states such as infection and hunger disappear immediately, but even the difficulty in breathing was instantly eliminated.

And he didn't seem to do anything, just ate a cheeseburger.

If you say that food can make you 'hungry', he believes it.

Food, by nature, likes to go against 'hunger'.

But who the hell believes that food can make you 'infected' or 'difficult to breathe'?

Even if it's a medicinal diet, it can only kill the 'infection' at most.


"Did that cheeseburger strengthen my physique?" Stark was frightened by his own speculation, and his brain almost crashed.

He could figure out a few potions that could strengthen the physique, which could make people adapt to the low oxygen environment after swallowing. Is this a potion made by humans?


Anyway, he couldn't do it.

"Not only that." Nebula smacked his lips like he was savoring a cheeseburger, and said faintly: "The lettuce and meat in the burger are okay, just high-quality ingredients, even if they can help the host strengthen, they are limited, but I tasted that the wheat used to make the bread is extraordinary, and that thing is very likely to make people continue to strengthen until they break through the limit of their body."

Good guy, Stark is just good guy.

Among the known enhanced people, Steve is the only one who stands on the top of the mountain and looks down on everyone.

But his path to enhancement is unique.

The potion cannot be replicated, the gamma rays can kill people at any time, and no matter what goes wrong, he will die.

It means that he is lucky and can bear everything, otherwise how can he be the "Captain America".

How come Li Feng has a risk factor of 0.00 except for the risk of overeating?

It's not fair, too unfair.

Stark feels sorry for Steve's suffering, and for the forces that privately research super serum, and feels aggrieved that he can only eat a cheeseburger.

Damn it, such a good opportunity for enhancement, just ran away like this?

The feeling of making a mistake.

When Stark was regretting, Nebula continued: "In addition to helping everyone strengthen their physique and improve their chances of winning against Thanos, Austin's own strength should not be underestimated. At least I haven't heard of anyone who can rely on their own energy to open the portal between Titan and Earth."

"Also, although Kreacher is respectful to you and me, my intuition tells me that if I fight him, I will definitely die."

After a pause, Nebula's mind flashed with Kreacher with a 'crack' between his eyebrows. He shuddered as if he was still frightened, and added: "It's still a way to die without even resisting."

"In addition, did you notice the layout of Austin's spaceship? There are more than two sets of daily necessities such as cups, towels, and tableware. Does this mean that there are other people on Austin's ship besides Kreacher?"

"Even Kreacher, who is suspected to be a servant, is stronger than everyone present. How strong are the crew members who have never met before?"

Nebula looked at Stark, Steve, Natasha and others one by one, and concluded: "If we can find a way to bring Austin and his group into the team, I think the chances of destroying Thanos will be greater."

So Stark pinched the tip of his nose and said in a low voice:

"I will have a chance to let you see the Hulk and Thor get angry, and then let you enjoy the video of me beating Hulk to tears, and see who is the weak chicken."

"Tony," Natasha glared at Stark unhappily, and said weakly: "Now is not the time to act like a child."

"In addition, my alien friend, let me remind you a few points," Natasha looked at Nebula helplessly and said:

"It's not that we don't want to die young Thanos, but first, the technology on Earth is not as advanced as you think. We don't even have the ability to break out of the solar system, let alone travel long distances to more distant planets."

"Second, where is Thanos? The vast universe is vaster than the ocean. If we just look around aimlessly, we might die in a foreign land before we find him, and die of old age."

Nebula was prepared for Natasha's question and answered without thinking: "Just because you can't do it doesn't mean Austin can't do it. He is a man with a spaceship. Besides, if it doesn't work, ask him to help open a portal and take us to the planet that sells spaceships."

"As for where Thanos is, unfortunately, I actually know it."

Wow, it's very thoughtful. Natasha was happy in her heart. Just when she was about to "make things difficult" to get some information, she suddenly heard the alarm in the base ring again.

Natasha, Steve and others were stunned and turned their heads to look at the computer.

"Is today a good day? How come all these bad things happen at the same time?"

While complaining, Stark signaled Friday to report the cause of the alarm.

"Sir, the space satellite detected that a woman was approaching the base quickly from space. And a motorhome suddenly appeared in the Earth's orbit. According to calculations, the motorhome will land in the suburbs of New York in 10 minutes."

As Friday's cold voice rang out in the room, two projections were projected in front of Stark.

On one screen, a blonde girl with a glowing body, especially her eyes as bright as a 500-watt light bulb, was passing through the atmosphere, rushing towards the base with an unstoppable momentum.

On the other screen, there was an ordinary motorhome.


Stark looked at the driving seat of the motorhome stupidly, slapped himself, and asked after he was really not dreaming: "Nebula, help me see if the guy holding the steering wheel in the screen is Kreacher"

When he talked about Kreacher, his voice was almost distorted, which shows how shocked he was.

Nebula was also a little confused.

It was obviously a very luxurious spaceship before, how did it become an inconspicuous motorhome in the blink of an eye?

The difference between the two is so big that anyone would be confused.

Natasha looked at Nebula and Stark, and instantly deduced that the two knew something about the RV, and judging from their expressions, the RV was probably harmless to the earth.

Well, let's deal with the other visitor first.

"Ahem~" Natasha coughed dryly, wiped her gun and walked out of the room, jokingly saying: "Everyone, I hope you like the etiquette of handshakes, not the welcome of guns and cannons."

Steve smiled bitterly.

Is the earth a check-in point for Internet celebrities or something, and there are waves of foreign population every few days.

Is the earth really a visa-free planet?

On the other side, the RV landed on the lake with lightning and sparks.

Blitz jumped out of the car, took out Star-Lord's spaceship from his personal space and placed it aside, saying: "Boss, the spaceship data is recorded. With just one order, I can build ten or eight of them at any time for fun."

"Shh~ Don't tell anyone about this, especially in front of Nebula. It would be bad if another Nebula knew about it."

Li Feng rolled his eyes and said meanly: "Well, you have nothing to do anyway, so you can quietly build a few to practice your skills. Then we can form a fleet and give Thanos a gift of thousands of cannons."

Boss, you are a cunning old bastard for giving me this gift. Blitzcrank twitched his mouth, gave Li Feng a thumbs up, and said exaggeratedly: "In terms of realm, the boss is still higher."

"Hehe," Li Feng raised his eyebrows, changed the subject, and said: "Before beating Thanos, I have to prepare armor, otherwise the mage and the warrior will be at a disadvantage in melee."

"You guys stay at home, I'm going on a long trip," said Li Feng, splitting several clones and ordering the clones to open the portals one by one, and wait until they find a skilled craftsman who can forge artifacts to pull him into the other world.

There is no way, the world on the other side of the portal is not under his control, and if he doesn't rely on the method of finding a needle in a haystack, he may not be able to put on armor for a while.

"Oh my god. Brother, guess who I saw"

After a while, a thief's voice of a clone sounded in Li Feng's mind.

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