"Finished? That's it? Where's your detailed address?"

Li Feng was a little confused.

After arguing for a long time, Zeus didn't know anything except the name of 'Kyle Island'?

Are you kidding me?

Li Feng, whose blood pressure was skyrocketing, couldn't control his temper. He rolled up his sleeves, poked Zeus in the head like a lecturing grandson, and said:

"Is it fun to go to the grave and burn newspapers? The majestic King of Gods has no idea. Who will believe it?. By the way, even if you don't know my little brother's home address, why don't you ask me? What's the use of having a long mouth, other than bragging? 13 It has no other function than licking big white steamed buns?"

As spittle flew everywhere, Li Feng's whole body felt refreshed, and a sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.

Thinking back to those days, not to mention having the courage to confront Zeus, even when facing Poseidon, he had to be submissive and respectful.

Even if Poseidon simply said, "I'm worried that my son is in danger," he would have to rush to work as a bodyguard for his son. And he would always serve with a smile.

Now, as heaven and earth reincarnate and feng shui take turns, he actually has the day to stab Zeus in the head unscrupulously.

This is such a great occasion that a banquet must be held to celebrate.

On the side, Zeus, whose forehead was poked red, couldn't express his pain, and his heart was filled with grievances.

The conscience of heaven and earth, she is not the female agent of Hephaestus, how can she check the post when she is asked to check the post, and give the position when she is asked to do so.

As for finding someone to inquire about the whereabouts of Hephaestus, don't make a fuss.

Anyone who can breathe knows that Hephaestus and Hephaestus don't have a good relationship. They usually pinch each other unilaterally when they meet. Hephaestus is the victim.

It is estimated that once Hephaestus learned that Zeus was inquiring about his whereabouts, he had to pack his bags and run away from home overnight.

"How about." Adhering to the great principle of "a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist", Zeus prepared to divert the disaster eastward, and said: "Ask Poseidon, he manages the ocean, and he will definitely know the specific location of Kyle Island."

This was the truth, but Li Feng always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly came to his senses.

Judging from Poseidon's defiant nature, it is unlikely that his visit to negotiate will go smoothly, and he will inevitably show off his fists.

Nowadays, Zeus, the most powerful among the Greek gods, has been beaten into a pig's head. One can imagine the fate of Poseidon.

It's definitely a pig's head.

Therefore, Zeus is by no means forced to act as a good guy out of necessity, but because he wants to make everyone happy so that no one can have special privileges.

Understanding the cause and effect, Li Feng rolled his eyes and gave a thumbs up: Even brothers dare to play tricks on you, you are not a bamboo, you are really a loser. You can't afford to offend, you can't afford to offend.

"Well, I suddenly remembered something urgent, so I won't let you have breakfast."

After saying that, Li Feng quickly ran towards the camp.

Zeus was stunned for a moment, and looked after Li Feng with a worried face. Until the figure disappeared from his eyes, his expression gradually converged, and then with a cold light in his eyes, he whispered: "What a domineering invisibility technique, we must find a way to break it, otherwise the next one will be killed." This is the first time I encounter you and I will suffer a loss."

"Fortunately, this guy is going for the Witch of Styx, otherwise Perseus would be afraid"

"Speaking of which, are all mages so arrogant these days?"

Zeus looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, rubbed his forehead and sighed, "I'm afraid the sky is going to change."

Return to the deserted camp.

Li Feng looked at the mess, with only a few wisps of smoke blowing in the wind, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

He just went out for a walk to stretch his muscles, which lasted for more than ten minutes at most. How could he be abandoned in the blink of an eye?

How did Drake become a tour guide? No one even knows, bad review.

Complain, must complain.

In anger, Li Feng vaguely heard the sound of fighting in the distance:

Why? There’s a lot of fun to see!

Without saying a word, he took out the watermelon and ate it while following the sound and running wildly.

Are they people who eat melons? How can they be considered qualified people if they don’t eat melons?

After a while, Li Feng arrived at the scene and squatted happily on a hill not far away, peeping at the drama of Perseus, Drake and others besieging a man who was full of beastly aura.

After taking a few glances, Li Feng felt that Beast Man was particularly partial to Perseus, and he wondered if it was an illusion.

For example, Draco, who was obviously participating in the siege, even if the offensive was sharp and deadly, Beast Man would just parry it as long as it didn't lead to death.

It's like a joke, if you can block it, block it, if you can't block it, resist it.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to use a cold knife, Beast Man will not let it go.

But when Beast Boy faced Perseus, he immediately turned his face, showing a ferocious look of disgust.

In terms of operation, even if he was stabbed a few times, Perseus would still spit on his face.

It was as if Perseus not only cheated on him, but also robbed him of half of his life savings, and also killed his entire family.

What hatred or grievances are there, so irreconcilable? Li Feng was a little curious.

Just as he was mourning for Perseus, Beast Boy suddenly entered a violent state. He quickly seized the opportunity with quick eyes and hands, opened his bloody mouth, and aimed at Perseus' wrist.

I'll go, aren't you afraid of teeth pimples? Your teeth are really good.

Li Feng was so frightened that he quickly ate watermelon to calm down.

"Bah~" Beast Boy spat out the flesh and blood with satisfaction, firmly grasped Perseus' head, and raised his sword high while staring at him with death.

Seeing that Perseus was about to fall to the ground, Draco didn't have time to think too much. He took a deep breath and swung his sword with all his strength to cut off the palm holding Perseus' head.

Beast Man seemed to be unable to accept the reality for a moment, staring blankly at his palm that fell to the ground, and then glanced at everyone like a harem: If you don't respect martial ethics, I won't play anymore.


The beast boy roared in protest, smearing Drake and the others in the face, and then ran away.

"Who is that?" Drake asked Perseus.

Even a blind man could see that the beast boy was too obsessed with Perseus, and he thought the two knew each other.

Who would have thought that Perseus himself was also confused.

After trying to recall for a long time, he answered breathlessly: "I don't know, let's go ask"

After that, Perseus adjusted his breathing, picked up the shield and sword, and chased after the beast boy.

Drake looked at his companions speechlessly.

The group fight didn't get any good from the beast boy, and Perseus dared to chase him alone?

This is no longer a question of recklessness, but a question of forgetting his brain at home.

"Ah~" Drake held his forehead and sighed. As the captain, he couldn't just watch Perseus die.

There was no choice but to order everyone to follow.

On the hill, Li Feng saw that the excitement was over, cast a spell to burn the watermelon rind into ashes, then whistled and ran to the palm of the beast man, picked it up and poked it with a branch.

"Little unique, it looks pretty good"

"." The palm did not move, ready to continue to study on the road of pretending to be dead.

"Yo, ignoring me, quite unique." Li Feng increased the strength and continued to poke, saying: "Isn't it just a monster disguised as a palm, what is there to be shy about, get up quickly, brother will take you to have fun."

"Wait, why is there the breath of Hades?"

Li Feng was surprised as if he had discovered a new world. While casting a spell to summon black flames, he threatened viciously: "Tell me, what the hell are you? If you are pretending to be dumb, I will roast you like chicken feet and feed you to the dog."

What do you mean by pretending to be dumb? I am really dumb. Fortunately, the palm has no mouth, otherwise I would have cursed.

It was really infuriating.

The hand that had been exposed could only change its shape with a crackle, becoming a mutant scorpion suspected of being contaminated by radiation, and then ran away.

"Want to run? Don't you know the door is welded shut?"

Li Feng pouted disdainfully, showing off his speed in front of him, really didn't know how high the sky was and how deep the earth was.

"Space" is very good at playing.

He cast a spell to grab the disgusting palm of Bala back in front of him, and he looked at it carefully, wondering: "Why is it immortal again? Is this thing so rampant now?"

In a vague way, he understood why the beast man had a special liking for Perseus.

It is likely that the beast man once angered a certain god and suffered the curse of immortality.

It is obvious that the beast man hates the gods because of this.

However, his strength does not allow him to challenge the gods, so he can only vent his anger on Perseus, who has the blood of a demigod.

As for Hades' breath

Li Feng thought about the purpose of Perseus and others' trip, and had a rough guess in his mind.

It is estimated that Hades was worried that Perseus would ruin his rebellion plan, so he gave the beast man a little bit of his own extraordinary power to help him get Perseus out in advance.

After all, Zeus's cub must be different. No one knows how powerful this guy will burst out. It is right to clear the mines in advance.

Well, that should be the case.

Satisfied with curiosity, Li Feng kicked his palm away with one foot, slowly followed the main force, and continued to be a spectator.

On the other side.

Perseus followed the blood dripping from the beast man and persevered in chasing him to a deserted temple.

Just as everyone quietly formed an encirclement and prepared to knock down the beast man, the ground suddenly shook, and then a desert giant scorpion more than one person tall sprang out from under the ruins.

The beast man took the opportunity to run away.

Perseus and others were unlucky and were targeted by the giant scorpion as food.

"You feel good now, don't you?" Draco said to Perseus in a sarcastic way, provoking the giant scorpion with a spear, and signaled his companions to find an opportunity to kill the giant scorpion with one blow.

Perseus seemed to be unable to hear the lazy words, and roared "attack" and started a savage collision, with a posture of steeling the giant scorpion.

Damn it. Draco was so angry that his liver trembled.

For a moment, he really wanted to split Perseus's head to see what was inside.

Didn't you see that he had already made a battle plan?

As a result, Perseus was brainless and disrupted the steps.

Now it's good, everyone is on the bayonet, life or death depends on who the goddess of luck likes.

At this time, Li Feng, who came late, saw the giant scorpion, his eyes glowed green, and there was only one thought in his mind: breakfast, my breakfast.

"Get out of the way, don't grab it."

With a roar, Li Feng ran to the giant scorpion with bare hands, grabbed the opponent's huge pincers, twisted his waist muscles and threw it sideways.

The giant scorpion was thrown to the ground and spit out a little white foam from the corner of its mouth.

What happened just now? Drake suspected that he was still dreaming and pinched his arm hard: Hiss~ It really hurts, it’s not a dream? ! .

He looked at the giant scorpion with an absurd face, and looked at Li Feng with a little awe.

Good man, this guy is pretending to be a pig! ! .

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